Guest blogged by DES
On the road this weekend, so little time to offer a summary or ad graphics, but below you'll find the most notable of notable stories posted last week to The BRAD BLOG. From more news of Ann Coulter's felony voter fraud, to exclusives on the U.S. Attorney purge from Greg Palast and another from Brad on the worm which took down Early Voting in Sarasota's 13th district last year, to the continuing unravelling of the GOP 'Voter Fraud' scam and the crooks and liars of the ACVR and the legal firm, Lathrop & Gage, behind it all. A quick review of the following will get you all caught up for whatever tumult is undoubtedly set to follow this week as the wheels continue to come off at a breakneck pace...
MONDAY, MAY 14th...
VIDEO: Greg Palast Finds 'Lost E-Mails' Revealing Karl Rove and New US Attorney Griffin Integrally Involved
Says New Information Exposes Criminal Intent Behind US Attorney Scandal...
Guest Blogged by Alan BreslauerEXCLUSIVE: Palm Beach County Supervisor Questions Coulter's 'Stalker' Explanation as Reason for Felonious Voter Fraud
Election Chief Arthur Anderson, Who Filed Complaint with Palm Beach Sheriff, Says Office Never Contacted Him After Closing Case Following Questionable FBI Intervention in Matter
Continues to Mull Decision on Whether to Further Pursue Charges in Light of Recent GOP 'Voter Fraud' Claims in the News...
TUESDAY, MAY 15th...
Fox 'News': Warning! Warning! Black Voters Voting While Black! Twice!
Mainstream Media Still Playing Catch-up on GOP 'Voter Fraud' Scam
While White House Connections and Other Key Elements Central to the U.S. Attorney Scandal --- Many Long Ago Reported by The BRAD BLOG --- Still Being Overlooked, Ignored
Investigative Endgame Remains Unclear, Even as the ACVR's Thor Hearne and Other Unindicted Co-Conspirators Continue to Erase Their Tracks...
Palast Exclusive: AN ARMY OF ROVE-BOTS
Captain Iglesias, Obstruction of Justice, and the Theft of 2008...
*** Special to The BRAD BLOG by Greg PalastEXCLUSIVE: Sarasota's FL-13 Election 'Slammed' by Viral Worm Attack on First Day of Early Voting
SQL Slammer Worm Breached Firewall, Took Down County Database System, Halted Voting, Rewrote Admin Passwords According to Previously Unreleased Document
Further Damagage Unknown; Disclosure to Plaintiffs, Scientists in Election Contest Unclear...
MO Gov. Blunt Wasted Over $600k on High-Tech Computers for Unconstitutional Voter ID Boondoggle
Machines Now Go Unused, But the Gov Stands by His Use of Tax-Payer Dollars, According to Local TV Report...CEO RESIGNS FROM MISSOURI LEGAL FIRM EMBROILED IN U.S. ATTORNEY PURGE, GOP 'VOTER FRAUD' SCAMIs the Noose Tightening Around Lathrop & Gage, Thor Hearne, Gov. Matt Blunt and the American Center for Voting Rights Corrupt Law Firm?
FL-13: Our Sarasota Worm Virus Attack Story Followed Up by MSM
Election Supervisor Refuses to Comment; Jennings Camp Says Documents Were Turned Over; Why the Hell Are We Running Our Elections This Way?Diebold Voting Machine Kills Another Election, This Time in Texas
City Election Goes to Paper Ballots After Votes Disappeared on Malfunctioning Touch-Screen System, Memory Card
Aurora City Election May Have to Be Run Again...U.S. Attorney Purge: It's About the
'Voter Fraud'2008 Election, Stupid
McClatchy: Prosecutors in 9 Battleground States Targeted, 7 Related to 'Voter Fraud' Prosecution
WaPo: 26 Attorneys Targetted in All (So Far)
FRIDAY, MAY 18th...
BRAD BLOG PREMIUM: Signed New Edition of Mark Crispin Miller's 'FOOLED AGAIN'!
Newly Updated Paperback Version Includes Details of the 2006 Election Meltdown as Reported in Part by The BRAD BLOG!Finally: The ACVR's 'Voter Fraud' Scam Outed in All Their Ignominious Shame in New Slate Article!
Rick Hasen's: 'The Fraudulent Fraud Squad - The Incredible, Disappearing American Center for Voting Rights'
BILL MAHER VIDEO - John Fund is an Evil, Unrepentant Liar Who Hates Both America and Democracy
Clear Enough?