In an apparent attempt to shore up the discredited American Center for Voting Rights (ACVR) (see BRAD BLOG's Special Coverage on ACVR for more info) --- the phony "Voting Rights" group set up by Bush/Cheney/RNC operatives to provide a smoke-screen from what really went wrong in the 2004 general election --- GOPUSA, the phony "news" service created by Republican operative and shadowy money-meister, Bobby Eberle, most famous for creating the phony Talon News group, headlined by professional hooker cum phony journalist James Guckert (better known for his phony White House Correspondent name Jeff Gannon) is re-running the story published yesterday by their sister-phony-"news" group, Cybercast News Service (CNS) on the phony ACVR operation.
Got all that?
And just to advance the story another peg on the desperate attempt apparently being made by the "patriotic" hucksters of the GOP Spin-Machine to pull the wool over American eyes in an effort to help save ACVR's wholly discredited reputation (as if they ever had one --- calling oneself a "non-partisan" organization when you're actually paid staff members of Bush/Cheney 04 Inc. and the Communications Director for the RNC certainly doesn't lend much credibility to the scammers who invented the ACVR with baseless self-proclamations of being simply "longtime voting rights advocates") there is the Scott Hogenson connection to both CNS and ACVR.
We did find it curious when the far-rightwing propoganda service CNS contacted us early on about doing a story on ACVR. The resulting biased, misleading and un-balanced article, written by Kathleen Rhodes, was little surprise. But the genesis of the article in the first place and its purpose was always of interest to us.
As it turns out, Hogenson --- the Founding and Executive Editor of CNS and also (no conflict at all here) the Radio Services Manager at the RNC Press Office! --- is the longtime compadre to one of the two known lead scheisters at ACVR, Jim Dyke.
Dyke, who has worked hand-in-hand for years in his position at the RNC with Hogenson, was the 2004 RNC Communications Director. (For example, here's a press release where Hogenson and Dyke are listed together just last year.)
Down the rabbit hole, into the Bizzarro GOP World of baseless Rightwing claims of "Liberal" bias in the media, we suppose it's only natural for no conflict or bias to exist when the Executive Editor of a "News" Service claiming to offer "unbiased news" happens to concurrently be the Republican National Committee's spokesman and talk radio coordinator. Saddam was also just 45 minutes from launching a nuclear attack on the United States when George W. Bush single-handled wrestled him to the ground and grappled the uranium right out of hands.
So the gears of the GOP braintrust must really be turning at this point for such a panicked and coordinated effort to be launched by the Rightwing Echo Chamber in order to find a way to give credibility to the Bush/Cheney/RNC hoaxsters behind this ill-conceived ACVR scam.
The fact that GOPUSA would re-run the silly and deceptive CNS story to try and shore up the group --- who appeared GOPUSA/Talon News-like out of nowhere on March 17th, only to be given a coveted slot testifying as a "witness" before a U.S. Congressional Committee claiming to be investigating Election Problems in Ohio just three days later --- is an irony so rich that you'd think even GOPUSA wouldn't want to call attention to it or themselves in the bargain.
Either they just don't get it (unlikely) or they strongly believe that nobody in the Mainstream Media or elsewhere will actually call them on the continuing scam they are perpetuating on the American people (very very likely).
Well, we've called them on it. For whatever that's worth. Now we continue to wait for the MSM'ers in the once-great 4th Estate to realize their responsibility to the American People to do the same. It's only democracy at stake after all. We fear, however, we may be waiting a while.
In the meantime, the ACVR/RNC/GOPUSA/CNS axis-of-evil-acronyms sends their undying gratitude to the MSM! Keep up the bad work, guys!