Also: Trump flip-flops on voting rules in NC; GOP vote suppression group targets voters with 'Hispanic-sounding' names...
By Brad Friedman on 10/22/2024, 6:47pm PT  

On today's BradCast: Finally! Some real and tangible justice for two of the 2020 election heroes who were grievously harmed by the disgraced former President's insidious lies, and other important news just weeks before your final chance to vote in arguably the most critical election in U.S. history. [Audio link to full show follows this summary.]

Among our coverage on today's program...

  • We're now less than two weeks out from Election Day, your last chance to vote --- and help others to do the same --- in the 2024 election. Have you voted yet? Are you doing all you can to help and encourage others do so? Will you feel good ten years from now about however you decide to vote this year?
  • In New York on Tuesday, a federal judge ordered [PDF] former Donald Trump lawyer and disgraced federal prosecutor Rudy Giuliani to turn over, within seven days, his NYC penthouse apartment (valued at around $5 million) and most of his valuable luxury items to Shaye Moss and her mother Ruby Freeman, the Atlanta, Georgia election workers who the disgraced former NYC Mayor (along with Trump himself) repeatedly defamed following the 2020 election. Late last year Giuliani was found liable for defaming the mother and daughter by using racist attacks to falsely claim they had tampered with ballots during tabulation in Fulton County, GA. A jury awarded them $150 million. They are about to collect a sizeable portion of that award. It's a small price to pay by Rudy, who ruined his own life while endangering and ruining the lives of others, all in service to Trump's Big Lie that the 2020 election was stolen from him. These are just a few of the countless lives ruined by the man who is running again for President for the sole reason that he needs stay out of prison.
  • A strong signal was sent to all 2024 election officials in Arizona and around the nation on Monday, with the guilty plea [PDF] from an elected Republican Supervisor and MAGA election denier in rural Cochise County who had attempted to block the certification of results in the state's 2022 midterms. Peggy Judd pleaded her felony charge down to a misdemeanor after she and a fellow Republican Supervisor, who still faces trial in January, raised doubts about the accuracy of the county's computerized vote tabulators. The plea agreement, announced by AZ's Democratic Attorney General Kris Mayes, comes just days after a state judge in Georgia made clear that certification of election results is a mandatory, not optional, duty, even if officials may have questions about fraud or the accuracy of results. But, wait! Haven't we questioned the accuracy of computerized voting and tabulating systems in the past? Yes, we have! But there is a right --- and lawful --- way to do it, as discussed on today's show. And the way for candidates, elected officials and other voters to legally challenge results is in open court after the certification of results. That is particularly true in a County like Cochise where all voters are allowed to vote on verifiable hand-marked paper ballots.
  • The Georgia Supreme Court on Tuesday upheld last week's lower court rulings that blocked new, last-minute polling place rules instituted by the MAGA-majority on the State Election Board. Opponents of the new rules argued they could be used as a pretext to bollocks up and/or delay certification [PDF] of this year's election results in the critical battleground state.
  • In another critical battleground state, North Carolina, Donald Trump has apparently decided that changes made in 2020 to help voters safely cast their ballot in the middle of a pandemic were great after all! Well, Trump has decided they are great this year, anyway. At least for voters in the western, heavily Republican-leaning part of the state following devastation from Hurricane Helene just weeks ago. New procedures instituted to make voting easier for those affected by the deadly storm are just fine, apparently, according to the disingenuous, hypocritical, flip-flopping Trump. That, after he'd previously declared many of the very same or similar voting accommodations in 2020, after more than 230,000 Americans had died on his watch before the election, to be a "big scam" because he thought it might help Democratic voters.
  • But, before we give Republicans in North Carolina too many plaudits for doing the right thing, CBS News finds that an 1,800-member strong group of self-proclaimed "election protection" activists in the state (read: Republican election deniers, in this case) are targeting those with "Hispanic-sounding last names" in a campaign to challenge certain voters on the rolls. Lee County, NC Republican Party Chair and head of the so-called North Carolina Election Integrity Team, James Womack was caught on video tape explaining how such voters may be "suspicious", as part of an eight-state effort to suppress the vote, headed up by longtime GOP "voter fraud" fraudster and Trump attorney Cleta Mitchell.
  • Finally, Desi Doyen joins us today for our latest Green News Report, after Cuba is hit by an island wide power outage followed by a hurricane; Deadly deluges strike New Mexico, France and Bangladesh; Scientists declare the largest, longest coral bleaching event on record; And oil industry lobbyists prepare to reverse Joe Biden's landmark regulations if Donald Trump wins or steals the Presidency this year...


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