[Now updated with audio archives at bottom of article.]
I'll be guest hosting the The Mike Malloy Show LIVE from Los Angeles tonight as Mike is doing a personal appearance in San Francisco.
Once again, I'll be 'Bradcasting' from L.A.'s KTLK am1150 from 9pm-Midnight ET (6p-9p PT) and hope you'll tune in! We'll have our swell new, handy-dandy chat room up and operating during the show, so jump into the conversation there as well! (It'll be open just before show time, see down below.)
Tonight's guests...
- PHILIP GIRALDI, former CIA officer and author of American Conservative's explosive new cover story interview with FBI translator turned whistleblower Sibel Edmonds, detailing allegations of bribery, blackmail, theft of nuclear weapons technology by high-ranking U.S. officials and the Turkish and Israeli governments.
- LORRAINE MINNITE, Barnard College asst. professor and author the landmark report, "The Politics of Voter Fraud," soon to be expanded into a book from Cornell University Press early next year, on the latest GOP/media ACORN smears, lies and madness. (See Brad at the UK Guardian and/or Rachel Maddow's recent smashing reports here, here and here, for an idea.)
- EMILY LEVY of VelvetRevolution.us' on their new "DIEBOLD: RETURN OUR MONEY!" campaign, demanding the return of some $100 million dollars from the company that knowingly sold e-voting systems to the state of CA (and many other states) even though they failed to comply with federal voting system standards.
- PETER PHILLIPS & MICKEY HUFF, co-editors of Project Censored's new Censored 2010: The Top 25 Censored Stories of 2008-09
on the most important stories you haven't heard or read about in the corporate media.
- Plus: Brad rants (no doubt), your calls at 877-520-1150, and whatever else may come up along the way...
Malloy's show is nationally syndicated on a number of air affiliates around the country, also on Sirius Ch. 146 & XM Ch. 167. You may also listen online to the free LIVE audio streams here or here!
Click here to jump into our LIVE Chat Room during the show, hosted by "Agent 99"! Or just see below!...
POST-SHOW UPDATE AND AUDIO ARCHIVES: Three "hours" (actually, about 38 minutes without commercials) that flew by. Give the archives below a listen, and see if you don't agree. My thanks to Ben Burch from WhiteRose Society! The archive of tonight's Chat Room discussion from during the show, is also posted below. Enjoy 'em all and then do someting about it!...