Please help support BRAD BLOG with a donation...
By Brad Friedman on 3/25/2005, 12:30pm PT  

Yes, I hate to ask as always, but as my work continues to build exponentially here, the money does not. Your DONATIONS are just about the only thing that keeps this place rolling. Please feel free to DONATE if you haven't in a while.

No, I still do not have a PO Box set up (for those who don't like PayPal). I do intend to do so, but frankly, it's been the work here that has left me with little time to do anything but investigate, report, take action and talk about it on the radio! Virtually 24/7 these days! (Which also makes it next to impossible to accept unrelated paying gigs as well. But it seems to me this is the most important thing I can do right now.)

So thanking you in advance for any help you can offer.

UPDATE: Due to popular harranging, I've now finally gotten a PO Box set up to allow for snail mail donations by check/money order. Address:

Brad Friedman
7095 Hollywood Blvd., #594
Los Angeles, CA 90028

...Thanks to those of you who've been both patient, and on me about this for a long time. I just hope the new box will be large enough to accept all those checks pouring in at once! ;-)

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