Guest: Author, researcher, journalist David Neiwert; Also: More good news for voters in Georgia and Nebraska...
By Brad Friedman on 10/16/2024, 6:15pm PT  

Apparently it's Fascism Week on The BradCast, as the former President's rhetoric and threats become increasingly dark, and as all warning signs continue to blink brighter and brighter red, no matter how few seem to notice. [Audio link to full show follows this summary.]

BUT FIRST... before we get to our guest to discuss that today, a bit of mostly encouraging voting news out of two critical states...

  • The first day of early voting on Tuesday in battleground Georgia smashed the state's record by more than doubling it, with at least than 328,000 ballots cast yesterday. Of course, that doesn't necessarily tell us who those voters were voting for. But the best news may be that lines were reportedly moving very quickly thanks to the state's new check-in procedure which is said to take seconds rather than minutes.
  • More good news out of Georgia: After a state judge declared certification of results by County officials to be mandatory, as opposed to discretionary, in a ruling [PDF] released yesterday (they must do so by the deadline specified in state law, which is 5pm Monday following the Tuesday election), the same judge went on to temporarily block, at least for this election, a new rule instituted at the last minute by GA's MAGA-controlled State Elections Board mandating a hand-count of the number of ballots cast at the polling place at the end of the Election Day, before they are shipped off to the County. It's a smart rule, if poorly written. It's already done in many states. But the lateness of the adoption of that rule, according to the judge, threatens to result in chaos and confusion in an election that is already under way. (Late today, after airtime, a separate state judge blocked at least seven new SEB rules permanently, including the hand-count rule, declaring them "illegal, unconstitutional and void.")
  • The Nebraska Supreme Court today spanked the state's Republican Sec. of State and Attorney General for their attempt to block a law adopted by the Legislature earlier this year mandating the immediate restoration of voting rights for people who have completed the terms of their felony sentences. That means hundreds or thousands of additional residents may now be able to vote this year in a state which could determine who wins the White House and which party wins control of both chambers of Congress.

THEN... we're joined by longtime domestic extremism expert, journalist and author, DAVID NEIWERT to discuss the increasingly fascistic and alarming rhetoric and threats by Donald Trump --- and his supporters --- as Election Day nears.

The disgraced former President and convicted felon has, in recent days, added "the enemy within" to his ongoing threats of mass deportation of millions of migrants, citing his perceived domestic political enemies as "more dangerous" than foreign threats and suggesting he might use the National Guard or active duty U.S. military to take them on, if elected to another term in the White House.

Retired top military officials are now warning about the threat that Trump poses to the nation, its people and its Constitution, with Trump's own Chair of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, General Mark Milley, recently describing him as "a total fascist" and "the most dangerous person to this country."

"The road to fascism is lined with people telling you to stop overreacting," Niewert, who has been warning about Trump's fascist tendencies for at least 9 years (read this, for example, from his blog back in 2015), quips today. "But I think in the past year, the mask has really come off. Especially in the last few months --- the explicit eliminationism" and his suggestion of directing the military against "the enemies within."

And, yet, the race, according to pre-election polling averages, is said to be a tie. Does half of the voting public not take Trump's threats seriously? Do they not know about them? Or do they know and take him at his word, but don't care and actually want such a ruler for the U.S.?

"I would say about two-thirds of the population is in basic denial about it," Neiwert tells me. "The vast majority, both Democrats and Republicans, they don't acknowledge that this stuff is happening, that this stuff is being said, and is building force." But, in particular, he notes, "The Republican Party is now really wholly owned by this element of the right," after having "utterly failed to redeem itself from that horrific moment [on January 6th, 2021] and instead has just doubled down."

The prolific Neiwert, whose most recent book is The Age of Insurrection: The Radical Right's Assault on American Democracy, has penned three books during the Trump-era, including 2018's Alt-America: The Rise of the Radical Right in the Age of Trump and Red Pill, Blue Pill: How to Counteract the Conspiracy Theories That Are Killing Us in 2020. After years of contributing to both major media outlets and smaller blogs alike, he also now writes on similar topics at his Substack page.

Today, he discusses how and when what was once describes as the "alt-Right" movement, eventually came to take complete hold of the GOP. "What we're really talking about here is authoritarianism," he argues. "It began really gathering steam in the early 2000s. Ultimately, the origins of that had to do with 9/11. The sheer flood-tide of fearmongering that erupted across the country and was sustained for years in the wake of 9/11. It had a really profound effect on the national psyche."

"You can actually jack up the levels of authoritarian personalities, the authoritarian response within the country, by fearmongering. That's why Trump's whole appeal all along has been fearmongering. He's fearmongering about the immigrants, the crime, Black people, whatever it is he can fearmonger on. That's how you get people to get into what I call an 'authoritarian crouch.'"

And that's where we now are, he explains, with Trump's first term "a practice run," Neiwert suggests we ain't seen nothing yet if Trump wins this year.

"I don't think Americans have any idea what that's going to look like, to have mass police raids, rounding up Latino families, taking people away and breaking up families and frequently deporting actual citizens. If Trump wins and he goes about doing the mass deportation, it's going to make America into a police state. And I don't think Americans are prepared for what that's going to look like."

Before we get there, of course, we've got to get past the election, which Neiwert predicts, if Trump loses, could look like "the Brooks Brothers riot times ten. Which, in a way, is what January 6 was about, too." But, aside from voting, what can be done to change the course this nation seems to be on? For that, tune in. Members of the mainstream corporate media may not like Neiwert's answer, given his argument that "the media plays a central role in all of this because they're the ones constantly telling us to stop overreacting" as they've spent years effectively working to "normalize Trump's behavior...normalize fascism."


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