100 New Pages in the Upcoming Paperback Update Version Include Details of the 2006 Election Meltdown as Reported in Part by The BRAD BLOG!
PLUS: For the First Time in Print, Clint Curtis/Tom Feeney, Busby/Bilbray's Diebold 'Sleepovers', ACVR, Holt Bill and Much More!
By Brad Friedman on 5/18/2007, 11:20am PT  

UPDATE: We have now sold out of copies of signed FOOLED AGAIN books, but hope to offer more such premiums to BRAD BLOG readers in the near future! Of course, we still welcome your donations to help us continue our work here. Thanks to all for your support!

Congratulations to Mark Crispin Miller, whose FOOLED AGAIN: The Real Case for Electoral Reform will be released in an all-new, updated paperback edition next week!

Mark's added a monster 100 page update to bring things up to date since the 2006 election and tells me that he's drawn heavily from The BRAD BLOG's reporting in the new chapter. Haven't seen it yet, but I'm told one is on the way and I'm looking forward to it.

(UPDATE: My copy just arrived, and a quick thumbing through the new chapter, "Afterword: State of Denial" reveals all manner of cool stuff, like the Clint Curtis/Tom Feeney story, San Diego's Busby/Bilbray voting machine "sleepover" debacle, the ACVR, the Holt Bill, RFK Jr. entering the issue, and more, much of which has never made it into print until now! More thoughts on it all after I get to read the new stuff in full.)

To help launch next week's new release, he and his publishers have made a number of personally signed copies available as premiums for BRAD BLOG contributors! As usual, it's first come, first served, so please act now to get your own signed, updated copy of this landmark book while helping out one of your favorite blogs (that would be us!) at the same time!

To get your own signed copy as soon as they're available, choose one of the options below...

1) All new Monthly Subscribers of $20 or more (use the blue form at right to sign up quickly), or;
2) A One-Time $50 or more Online Donation (click here), or;
3) A One-Time $50 or more Snail Mail donation (send to: Brad Friedman, 7095 Hollywood Blvd., #594, Los Angeles, CA 90028 - Please specify "Fooled Again" on check or note)

Thanks in advance! As well, a huge thanks to Mark and his publishers for their generous support of The BRAD BLOG!

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