"EXCLUSIVE: Whistleblower Stephen Heller Says 'Diebold Cannot be Trusted to Run Elections in America'"
(34 Responses so far...)
COMMENT #1 [Permalink]
M G Raftery
said on 11/21/2006 @ 5:19 pm PT...
The president or Governor should pardon Heller, who is a hero, not a criminal!
COMMENT #2 [Permalink]
said on 11/21/2006 @ 5:32 pm PT...
Yep, hero is right. Sec. State Bowen will hopefully right this wrong and restore this man his good name and expunge his record. And while she's at it, send Liebold down in flames.
Really. We've had enough of this shit.
Mr. Heller, you ever think about running for office?
COMMENT #3 [Permalink]
said on 11/21/2006 @ 6:11 pm PT...
No private entity should ever be trusted to run elections, in any nation, anywhere, anytime. Ever.
COMMENT #4 [Permalink]
Bruce Funk
said on 11/21/2006 @ 6:26 pm PT...
Thank you so very much Mr. Heller for doing what is right for this Country! I fully appreciate what you have gone through and the pressure brought on by or through Diebold. You are a true patriot and you need to continue in your efforts to expose the truth.
Bruce Funk
Emery County, Utah
COMMENT #5 [Permalink]
Mark S
said on 11/21/2006 @ 6:48 pm PT...
We don' need no steenkin' machines!
I've got a new petition up here:
Please read, sign, and spread the word. It isn't just Diebold that can't be trusted to run elections in America. Elections officials can't be trusted to run elections in America. The only democratic system is one that is fully observable and supervisable in real time by the general public. By the time the open source people discover that an election had been tampered with, and people with standing had litigated the matter, the wrong candidate would not only have been sworn in, they'd be running for a second term.
Elections officials should be responsible for nothing more than making sure that sufficient numbers of ballots are printed, that they are printed properly, that enough pencils are distributed to the precincts, that the results are publicly posted and announced, and that the paper ballots are maintained through a strict chain of custody in case historians ever want to view them.
COMMENT #6 [Permalink]
said on 11/21/2006 @ 6:53 pm PT...
Diebold's been in bed with the GOP for years! Was it sheer coincidence that Ohio was the pivotal state in the 04 election? NOT! Diebold IS in Ohio and the State Sup. of Elections (Ken Blackwell) had a conflict of interest between his position and being Chair of the Bush/Cheney campaign in Ohio. A great place to begin looking under stones would be to begin with Ken Blackwell....he's probably in collusion with Diebold & the GOP right up to the top.
COMMENT #7 [Permalink]
Bev Harris
said on 11/21/2006 @ 7:21 pm PT...
For Bruce Funk, above
Takes one to know one. For those who don't know who Bruce Funk is, he is the courageous ELECTED OFFICIAL who was scapegoated and LOCKED OUT OF HIS OFFICE, who lost his job after allowing an independent examination of Diebold voting machines --- which resulted in, as the New York Times reported, the discovery of "the nuclear bomb" in voting machine security flaws.
Diebold attorneys flew into Funk's Utah election jurisdiction in the governor's jet, participated in a private meeting and Funk --- an elected official --- was out on his ear.
This is a corporation that abuses its power and engages in cover-ups. As does ES&S.
We cannot allow this to continue.
COMMENT #8 [Permalink]
said on 11/21/2006 @ 10:22 pm PT...
Since his plea agreement does not include jail time he will not lose his voting rights. In California voting rights are revoked for felons while incarcerated and continues through parole. Probation is different than parole.
CA voting FAQ
COMMENT #9 [Permalink]
said on 11/21/2006 @ 10:38 pm PT...
Is there any attempt to initiate a recall of the prosecutor who is apparently working to prevent honest elections? If not, there should be!
COMMENT #10 [Permalink]
Glen Etzkorn
said on 11/21/2006 @ 10:51 pm PT...
Bravo for Stephen Heller and his family.
May Diebold's, Bushit, Cheney and the Rovian corporate fascists rot in hell for debasing the american experience.
COMMENT #11 [Permalink]
said on 11/21/2006 @ 11:17 pm PT...
The thing is... his misdemeanor helped stop a much larger crime.. and a crime against democracy at that! --- Hero is about right.
COMMENT #12 [Permalink]
said on 11/21/2006 @ 11:28 pm PT...
DieBold is like a burgler who threatens to sue the homeowner he robbed due to being caught by the alarm system. The homeowner is told by his lawyer to remove the alarm or face being sued by the burgler for lost income. Is this how are legal system works for DieBold?
COMMENT #13 [Permalink]
John Dean
said on 11/22/2006 @ 12:03 am PT...
Thanks Brad, Bev, Steve, Bruce, and all the other good folks involved in this fight.
COMMENT #14 [Permalink]
Larry Bergan
said on 11/22/2006 @ 1:00 am PT...
I'm actually jealous!
All this "conviction" does, in my eyes, is certify Mr. Heller's patriotism and love for his country!
And he's also a lot better looking then I am.
COMMENT #15 [Permalink]
said on 11/22/2006 @ 1:12 am PT...
Thanks to Steve, Bev and Bruce from New Zealander’s. What you all have done will help democracies worldwide fend off the threat of Big Corp’s electronic voting dictatorship plan.
We have a sneaky right wing here whom I fear would really like some electronic voting machines. I have no evidence just a gut feeling.
Local investigative Jouranlist,” Nicky Hager” has written an book called “The Hollow Men” which he says exposes the complete lies and deceptions they (right wing National Party)have campaigned on and details their true intention if elected which nearly happened. Its based around leaked emails and information from members the NZ National Party. According to Hager it reveals the extent of the ties between the NZ National Party Leadership and the exclusive Brethren sect. There is also information about how the US right wing are guiding the NZ National Party with election strategy. (You can bet deception is part of the advice.)
Can’t read the book yet as the National Party have won a temporary injunction against the leaked emails detailed in the book. If this doesn’t go on sale here I will have serious doubts about the neutrality of our Judiciary. I already have suspicions. Its a Whistle Blowers book so lets hope we hear that whistle.
COMMENT #16 [Permalink]
C Mason
said on 11/22/2006 @ 5:14 am PT...
Felons on parole or incarcerated according to Calif. state law may not vote. Otherwise felons who have served their time and been released from parole are once again eligable to vote. Felons on probation have not lost their voting rights. There exists a popular misconception that they have, perpetrated no doubt by overzelous probation officers. Stephen, you are a true patriot, I salute you for your princaples and your courage.
COMMENT #17 [Permalink]
said on 11/22/2006 @ 6:15 am PT...
COMMENT #18 [Permalink]
said on 11/22/2006 @ 7:08 am PT...
I'm pretty sure that, according to Diebold, that a good muslim could be determined with a stethoscope. (Good = dead, bad = living.)
COMMENT #19 [Permalink]
said on 11/22/2006 @ 7:18 am PT...
Brad, your blog had to have contributed to the Heller case...without this Blog Heller would have had a much harder time...we have two heros...Thanks to both of you
COMMENT #20 [Permalink]
charles belenchia
said on 11/22/2006 @ 7:53 am PT...
When you go to any service station to make a credit card purchase,,,every detail is right there,,,you end up with a receipt that you can use later to verify your purchase ,if the need arises........these DIEBOLD machines are overly complicated and loaded with excess electronics (I happen to be an electronics enginneer)to charge outrageous prices to voting officials ,,,,this company should not only be barred from any more selling of voting machines,,but should be sued for excess profits..They have violated the PUBLIC TRUST and can no longer be trusted. Incidently you can put 4 of these service station machines in a typical shoe box...ATM,S----DIEBOLD,,,,HMmmmmmmmm. Charles Belenchia Plymouth, Mich. CC,,John Congressman Conyers represents parts of Detroit and Dearborn Mich and has been relentless in exposing the corrupted vote in the Ohio 2004 election,,,incidently he will be the CHAIRMAN OF THE JUDICIARY COMMITTEE COME NEXT JANUARY.. Please contact his office
COMMENT #21 [Permalink]
said on 11/22/2006 @ 8:21 am PT...
Thank you Stephen Heller, thank you Bruce Funk, thank you Bev Harris, thank you Brad Friedman...heroes all.
I hope somebody's making all y'all a grand Thanksgiving dinner tomorrow!
Happy Thanksgiving, Bradbloggers
COMMENT #22 [Permalink]
Stephen Pitt
said on 11/22/2006 @ 10:33 am PT...
Steve Cooley should be charged with negligence. Cooley prosecuted the wrong entity, and should have immediately begun not an investigation of Heller after the complaint was filed, but of Diebold's principals.
He is not acting in the interest of the People of the State of California and should be stopped from doing any more favors for right wing interests using state tax money.
This attack on our Constitutionally-guranteed right to vote and the Whistle Blower Law will not be forgotten. Cooley's allegiance is now well established.
COMMENT #23 [Permalink]
said on 11/22/2006 @ 10:42 am PT...
Please be sure to let us know what can be done to help Mr. Heller. There are many things we can't change, but there is one thing we can: letting those who sacrifice for the national good know that we care.
COMMENT #24 [Permalink]
said on 11/22/2006 @ 11:38 am PT...
COMMENT #25 [Permalink]
Shannon Williford
said on 11/22/2006 @ 12:42 pm PT...
Stephen Heller, Brad, Bev, Bruce F., Ian S., Clint Curtis, Bob Fritrakis, Avi Rubin and all the others of us who have given up much of our time and energy to try to save democracy; Congrats all around! I have no doubt that without the light shined from all of y'all, as well as from us local troublemakers that get our knowledge and inspiration from such leaders; the Pubs would've been able to hack their way forward towards becoming a one party system; and eventually a failed nation.
As we've seen elsewhere on this blog, they did try to rig (or hack), but something made them less blatent and forced them to do it early - do you think it was the brightness of truth that we blasted them with, absent the help of the MSM? You're damn right it was!
And, it allowed Dems to do what all good football coaches know has to be done; beat 'em so bad that a bad call didn't beat us. Lawd knows we weren't gonna get any calls!
With Dems in control of Congress, at least the country will again have the opportunity to debate the outragious things that have been happening since 2000, including, most importantly, election problems.
I think we'll all be celebrating till January, while never giving up the fight till we've followed it all the way thru to completely free and fair elections.
Last night our little Nashville-based group, Gathering to Save our Democracy, met for the first time since the election. It was a decidedly festive situation; and much joviality was apparant as we made plans to move forward.
Our plans include passing VVPB in the TN legislature, despite being fought every step of the way by the Sec. of State and his appointed Elections Coordinator. Our immediate plan involves having a "town meeting" in a school where voters had to stand in line till past midnight to vote; with the point being that the machines (ES&S) failed to allow for easy, efficient voting. However, we are working with our local election commission to try to improve the situation. We're working on doing a little mock election on their machines, and they've agreed to let us do it. We'll keep y'all posted on that.
The first thing to be done nationally is, of course, getting the Congress to pass Holt's HB550 or some similar measure that guarantees a VVPBallot. We must then be able to use that ballot; so we'll need mandatory random recounts and procedures to make sure that all of this is transparant and fair. Then we'll have to tackle all the registration and intimidation issues that the bad guys will be throwing at us. Still much to do, but I revel in our collective victory of Nov. 7th, 2006; the day that we began to take our elections back!
I celebrate as an American, since the Dems mostly ignored us after their '04 "loss." I removed myself from active party involvement until such time as I see them pay attention to our most important issue. I hope the Dems will see fit to support free, fair elections, and not just themselves. If they don't, we'll have to throw them out, too.
Again, America thanks all y'all! I'll try to stop doing my victory dance soon and get back to work. But first, a li'l mo dancin'!
COMMENT #26 [Permalink]
said on 11/22/2006 @ 1:05 pm PT...
great piece brad, and thanks for keeping the vigil, without your site I am positive their would have been more brazen attempts to change the resulys of our elections
anyway, I am on a personal campaign to get the expression "whislteblower" changed to 'watchdog"
"whistleblower" has a little bit of negative baggage that goes with it, sort of like rat fink, wathcdog has no baggage and better represents the service patriots provide when they expose this kind of subversive activity agains our government
COMMENT #27 [Permalink]
Carol Davidek-Waller
said on 11/22/2006 @ 3:18 pm PT...
The verifiable paper trail is proving to unsatisifactory. There is no guarantee that what the ballot states is what the machine is counting.
Voters misread them or misunderstand them.
Elelctions can be auditied but will they be? At $300,000 a state are conceding rather than demanding a recount. Corrupt Secretary's of State can and do rig recounts.
Bruce O'Dell who designed the secure system for American Express, among others, thinks we must "pull the plug on e-voting".
I concur.
COMMENT #28 [Permalink]
brad fulk
said on 11/22/2006 @ 4:05 pm PT...
Obviously, diebold is anxious to get this case out of the public eye. Why don't we start a legal defense fund here on this site? We should be able to raise enough money to protect stephen from a civil lawsuit while holding some corporate feet to the fire? Where are the billionaire philanthropists when we need them?
COMMENT #29 [Permalink]
said on 11/22/2006 @ 4:09 pm PT...
I think we need not only the reciept, we need double reciept
one for us personally, and one to physically deposit before we leave the building
that will be used if the electronic vote count doesn't jive with the exit polliing
COMMENT #30 [Permalink]
said on 11/23/2006 @ 12:32 pm PT...
COMMENT #31 [Permalink]
said on 11/23/2006 @ 12:55 pm PT...
PLEASE tell everyone how to retire Steven Heller's $10,000 "restitution" fine. Can you post a DONATION button for him?
No patriot should be made to pay for being a hero.
COMMENT #32 [Permalink]
Kumar Patel
said on 11/24/2006 @ 7:26 am PT...
COMMENT #33 [Permalink]
said on 11/25/2006 @ 6:38 pm PT...
It's a sad day indeed when someone with Stephen's courage has to face ANY kind of punishment for doing the right thing.
Your justice system needs a MAJOR overhauling, as does ours, north of your border.
It seems that anymore, the more crooked you are, the better you get treated, and it's probably because the more money you have stolen, the better defence you can buy..!!
Something isn't right with that equation....and it's about time the system was changed.
COMMENT #34 [Permalink]
Dawn Wilson
said on 11/28/2006 @ 12:34 am PT...
To Al Franken
Hi Al,
I'm a huge fan, have donated to Air America & the MVP, thanks for the letters. In the future, can you possibly not send out letters & waste money & resources just to say thank you?
I've emailed this out to the DNC & my friends & family, its my beef, I hope you take it seriously.
Brent Wilson
Horizon Custom Homes
When the Democratic party was making & deciding their agenda for the next two years, did you demand as a constituent to you representative that there be a Congressional investigation of the huge amount of voting fraud in this country?
Did you demand that the software in all electronic voting machines be allowed to be analyzed by an independent congressional expert committee?
Have you demanded that Congress investigates all types of voter intimidation?
Demand these things of your representatives! They are happening in elections NOW! Copy & paste the following information in emails to them to prove your point.
If you don’t, you will to be to blame if/when the 2008 election is stolen!
List of the members of the 110th Congress, email your rep!
We need a Congressional investigation into the voting system!!!
We need cameras allowed everywhere & all polling stations need a basic camera security system!
The E-Voting machines need to print a receipt, the voter confirms their vote, then places it in a vote box for recounting purposes. This is what the experts say. Its simple & easy.
If the above things happened it would eliminate most of the problems.
Here are my recent links to vote problems (80 recent articles), please copy & paste them in your emails.
Clear Evidence 2006 Congressional Elections Hacked
Sarasota County failed to register fully one of every seven votes
Election Integrity Groups Call for Re-Vote in FL-13 U.S. House Race!
Rumsfeld replacement (Robert Gates) was director of voting company
Bush Appointed Chair of U.S. Election Assistance Commission Says ‘No Standards’ for E-Voting Devices, System Ripe For Stealing Elections
Denver Election Clerk Resigns in Wake of Election Day E-Voting Meltdown
Denver Voting Chaos
Harris Dist. 13 voting analysis shows broad problem
Primary and early e-voting problems point to gathering storm
Landslide Denied! Major Miscount in 2006 Election!
Election Certified Today Despite Irregularities!
NAACP Holds Hearing on Voter Suppression in Cleveland!
Watch Videos of Voting Problems from Video the Vote!
Voting Problems All Over the Nation
Alert: Dirty Tricks in New Mexico!
New Vulnerability Discovered on Touch-Screen Systems Made by One of Country’s Largest Voting Machine Companies
Voters in Texas Sue for Emergency Paper Ballots!
San Diego Co. Voter Sues for Emergency Paper Ballots, Counted in a Timely Manner
WaPo Reveals Hidden Work by Diebold in Maryland as Thousands of System Boards Were Replaced in Secret!
Ken Blackwell Outsources Ohio Election Results to GOP Internet Operatives, Again
Faults and dirty tricks hit results
How They Stole The Mid-Term Election: Greg Palast
ES&S VOTING MACHINES FAIL AGAIN: More Votes than Voters in Arkansas, Thousands of Votes Missing in Florida and Zero Votes Recorded for One Mayoral Candidate
Men With Guns Harass Latino Voters
Election chief concerned about voter confusion
Democrats Allege That Calls to Latino Voters Have Threatened Arrest
S.D. runs short of absentee ballots
What The Experts Say About Electronic Voting
FBI looks into voter intimidation
Laura Ingraham Tells Listeners To Jam Voter Protection Hotline
Congressman takes incriminating documents away from reporter
CNN on Hackable E-Voting Machines
RNC chairman denies GOP engages in voter intimidation
Republican national ‘robo-calling’ scam on eve of election
‘Meltdown 2006’: Voting problems across US
State Rep Reports ES&S Touch-Screens Dropping Candidate Names, Flipping Straight Ticket Ballots from Democratic to Republican in San Antonio!
Pennsylvania Tops List of Complaints So Far Coming in to Election Incident Hotline
Orange County CA Candidate Says Machines Down, No Paper Ballots Available
Missouri Election Integrity Org Says More Reports of Touch-Screen Vote Flipping
Diebold Voting Machines Failing to Start Up in Utah, Voters Being Turned Away
AP – ‘Polling places turn to paper ballots after glitches’
Problems crop up early as poll workers tangle with new voting machines, databases, ID rules
Poll worker charged with assaulting voter
Democratic Campaign Office “Skunked”
Voters Experiencing Difficulty With New Machines
Voting machine ‘Smartcards’ missing, GOP says
Campbell says voters told him he wasn’t on ballot
E-Voting Glitches Abound: Five States with the Biggest Problems
‘Just Push the Yellow Button and Vote as Many Times as You Want’ on Sequoia Touch-Screen Voting Machines!
CA Registrar Orders Voters be Turned Away at Polls Rather Than be Given Paper Ballots
Votes Counted Three Times Each on ES&S E-Voting Machines in Williamson County, TX!
San Diego County Registrar’s Brother Encourages Online ‘Voters’ to ‘Vote Three Times’ in Poll
Utah ‘fixing charges’
Problems in PA
Problems in Ind, Ohio, Fla
Schmidt, Congressman have problems voting in Ohio
MD gov. has homeless pass out misleading fliers
Poll worker charged with choking, pushing voter outside
autocalling fiasco
State elections chief kept from voting
Election 2006 Was a Disaster for E-Voting Systems Across the Nation
Santorum, GOP Calls for Impounding of Touch-Screen Machines in PA
HURSTI REPORT II (touchscreens)
HURSTI REPORT II (supplement)
HURSTI REPORT I (op scans)
Arizona manual audit a farce
Small-town candidate votes for himself but gets zero votes
(WA) One-fifth of Snohomish County ballots may be disqualified
(WI) Ballots for the disabled missing candidate names
(CA) Orange County Registrar failed to follow election laws
MSNBC Reporting Problems with EVM
Cuyahoga County Ohio Possibly Exposed Election System to Computer Virus
Analysis suggests undervote caused by ballot design
(MD) Democrats Are Fuming Over A Republican Manual