We've been working hard to get things in order to help put much of your discussion here, into action over at Velvet Revolution!
We've still got much work to do over there, but now we need you on board to help!
Grab your pitchfork and light your torches! We are officially open for business!
Stop on by, sign-up as a founding Velvet Revolutionary, jump into the Discussion forums, and let's take all of the energy, patriotism, civic-mindedness and hope for a better America and turn it into action and mobilization for the cause!
It was Velvet Revolutions that so effectively overturned despotic regimes through peaceful civil disobedience in places like the former Soviet Union, East Germany, Czchekoslovakia, Poland, South Africa, and of course...most recently...Ukraine.
In all of those places, the citizenry rose up to take matters into their own hands to demand that their governments be held responsible. Now it is our turn to learn from those countries what it really means to have a government of the people, by the people, and for the people!
I've posted more information over there about why we feel that Velvet Revolution has become necessary in the United States. And there will be more information and mobilization of a hopefully great citizen's brigade in the days, weeks, months and even years ahead!
Join us! It's your Velvet Revolution! We've just made it possible for everyone to come together in one place! But without you...we're nothing! Please lend a hand, volunteer, organize, share your ideas and thoughts, and come on board in every way possible!
For a start, we need you to spread the word high and low about VR and take it upon yourself to make things happen there! We have several more affilliate groups coming on board shortly, and our hope is to bring all such groups together for our common goals.
Velvet Revolution is Issue Based not Party Based and we hope to focus like a laser on a few issues of great importance to our democracy while lending our support and strengths to smaller groups who are working on aspects of those same issues. See the "ABOUT" link at VR for more details...
And as an added plus...If you guys help take this ball and run with it, perhaps I'll soon be freed up a bit more here so that I'll have more time again on The BRAD BLOG to keep causing trouble for the bad guys...I can't do all the heavy-lifting you know!
I expect there to be many bumps in the road ahead. We'll do our best to smooth them out as we move forward. Revolutions can be messy.
Let the Velvet Revolution begin...