"American Gangsters"
(52 Responses so far...)
COMMENT #1 [Permalink]
said on 2/22/2008 @ 3:05 pm PT...
Free Don Seigleman & Start Nuremberg II ... Enough of this gop shit.
COMMENT #2 [Permalink]
said on 2/22/2008 @ 3:17 pm PT...
Hallelujah and amen..!!
Could the media FINALLY be awakening from their slumber..? Too bad 60 Minutes has to compete with the annual Hollywood tripe hype. The writers strike SHOULD have gone on jusssssst a little bit longer..!!
COMMENT #3 [Permalink]
Shannon Williford
said on 2/22/2008 @ 4:01 pm PT...
Well done Brad!
I haven't had the stomach for looking very far into the Seigleman story, but I intend to watch it Sunday. And talk about it for a loooong time.
COMMENT #4 [Permalink]
said on 2/22/2008 @ 4:53 pm PT...
COMMENT #5 [Permalink]
Agent 99
said on 2/22/2008 @ 4:59 pm PT...
I just got done watching "American Gangsters" last night. The movie version is much better....
COMMENT #6 [Permalink]
John Caylor
said on 2/22/2008 @ 5:05 pm PT...
{Ed Note: Comment deleted because it was entirely too long, and please read the Rules for Commenting before trying again. --99}
{2nd Ed Note: That's okay, 99, I'm going to restore the first part of his comment, but with a link to the story from his website that he posted in full here. Along with an additional comment of my own at the bottom of his comment below... --- BF}
As usual Brad tries to steal and take credit for everyone else's investigative work which was done by them at a terrible cost in the trenches and battle fields of the real world.
When he stole my story and crime scene photos of the Ray Lemme case ( was a little upset because Brad is another disinformation agent of the CIA, although he did give me a micro-font byline credit embedded deep within that story, I don't like people who manage the news for the Bush Administration.
In their handling of that story the CIA wanted everyone to believe Ray's murder was about vote fraud, hell no it was about espionage and treason. So Brad took you down the blind alley and clobbered the real story with Clint Curtis.
Now he is stealing the U.S. Attorney firings case and Siegelman prosecution out from under me and those who really did the work, had their asses beat, were jailed and had their family members murdered, houses burned down over the great cover-up of treason in the court and two Governor's mansions.
This is precisely why CBS had serious doubts about airing Jill's story to begin with. It is because careers have been killed, advertising canceled and any investigative journalist who gets close to the truth has his story ripped from under him and replaced with horse shit by a powerful media manipulation organization (CIA) front men who seek to guide the nation down the path to drink their twisted account of the facts.
Check into Brad and 3/4th of the big-gun bloggers out there and see what you dig up about then and their personal backers. It will be interesting to see CBS get the balls to do the right thing once again. Maybe the Russian Raw Story Mafia and the Brad Blog CIA won't be able to control and manipulate this into the shit can.
John Caylor
The Dixie Mafia’s
Contract On America
By: John Caylor
{Final Ed Note: John Caylor's report mentioned above on "The Dixie's Mafia" can be found here at his website, so the entire reposting of it here in comments has been removed. Mr. Caylor, please review our rules for posting before doing that again, since we do not allow the reposting of entire articles in comments at BRAD BLOG.
As to your other comments, and your clever outing of me as a CIA agent (along with RAW STORY as a member of the "Russian Mafia"), golly gee-willickers, I wish you hadn't blown my cover! Now what will I do?! By all means, please let me know who BRAD BLOG's "personal backers" are, because apparently they've been rather tardy with their payments of late, as in the last four years.
And, of course, as you know, "your" "story and crime scene photos of the Ray Lemme case" was never stolen by anybody. At least not by me or by The BRAD BLOG. You were given full and appropriate credit when I reported on those photos here, for the good work you did in uncovering them.
As to having "take[n] credit for everyone else's investigative work" in regard to the Seigelman piece, I have no clue what you're talking about. But if you consider the original article above, and the rest of them here at The BRAD BLOG to be "manag[ing] the news for the Bush Administration" I suspect they'd disagree with you. I know I certainly do. But I would, of course, since I'm one of those "powerful media manipulation organization (CIA) front men" I guess. Sigh... - BF}
COMMENT #7 [Permalink]
said on 2/22/2008 @ 5:16 pm PT...
RE #6
Somebody give John Caylor a lesson on posting rules. And give him a link to the Curtis threads that were very about espionage.
Back to the thread ...
Good story Brad, and if I might add, like gangrene the damage continues to be done so long as the disease is in us.
Shumer and Feinstein will live in infamy for voting against Leahy and the others on the Senate Judicial committee who had rejected Muckassy.
COMMENT #8 [Permalink]
said on 2/22/2008 @ 6:39 pm PT...
American flag waived, Amurkan flag waved ...
COMMENT #9 [Permalink]
said on 2/22/2008 @ 7:38 pm PT...
John Caylor #9
Being way too shrill is not helping your case.
Perhaps if you tone it down you will reach a wider audience.
I doubt seriously that Brad is a CIA operative ... he is too conservative
COMMENT #10 [Permalink]
said on 2/22/2008 @ 7:51 pm PT...
COMMENT #11 [Permalink]
said on 2/22/2008 @ 8:16 pm PT...
This Renzi guy was Saint McCain's campaign co-chair in Arizona. McCain evidently campaigned for him:
Renzi also is a co-chairman of Republican presidential candidate John McCain's Arizona leadership team. And the Arizona Senator aided Renzi's re-election bid.
(Raw Story). This does not make sense because McCain, who has placed telecom lobbyists as his closest advisors, says "they are honorable" lobbyists.
So I guess the way to tell a good lobbyist from a bad is whether or not they work for Saint McCain?
More elitist holier than thou republican bullshit!
I guess, since they will try to take Obama out, we get a 100 years more war and a 100 more years of this criminal enterprise?
COMMENT #12 [Permalink]
said on 2/22/2008 @ 8:22 pm PT...
You've got that damn right Brad!
Can't wait to see how kkkarl looks in that orange jumpsuit...that is when congress realize how pissed their constiuents are for allowing the shitpile administation to lie, blackmail, and break law after law, after law, after law. The 2/3s of the senate that refused to uphold a perfectly good FISA system and wasted precious time with the torturous mess that ensued, and then forgot that the quaint Constitution says that no law passed will excuse a crime after the fact, will be very surprized their next election cycle. No American should ever forget their treason and the multiple treasonous acts of this administration!
COMMENT #13 [Permalink]
said on 2/22/2008 @ 8:33 pm PT...
COMMENT #14 [Permalink]
said on 2/22/2008 @ 8:39 pm PT...
This is a great blogpost with important info. Thanks BradBlog.
{off-topic This John Caylor couldn't have hurt his reputation any worse by calling Brad Friedman a CIA agent. He compounded that with the Raw Story is the Russian mafia nonsense. A quick engine search will show how this dude has ties to {ex-NSA?} Wayne Madsen. Madsen is used as a strawman for DailyKos types who call out people as "tinfoil nutters." Also, Madsen has been a supporter for the Progressive Independent run by a Tinoire. Tinoire is buddies with a tinfoiler named Jeff Wells. Michael Rivero of the WhatReallyHappened domain is buddies with Tinoire's Progressive Independent. ???????
Soul cannot be faked, and people like this are jumping the shark a lot lately.}
COMMENT #15 [Permalink]
said on 2/22/2008 @ 9:55 pm PT...
The Clinton wing of the democratic party have got to go. Chuck Schummer and Rahm Emmanuel have gone all over the country supporting repubs. who will say they are dems to keep the bushes going strong. Defeat Rahm,Jay, Chuck and Nancy in the next election. We are showing the Clintons what we think of them. Notice when the votes are close how many of their favs. cross over and vote party Why Hillary thought she could go all over this country and face the people her husband put out of work and get their votes is beyond me.
COMMENT #16 [Permalink]
said on 2/22/2008 @ 11:49 pm PT...
Thank you for the great article. I clicked through to all your sources, and was surprised at the CBS 60 Minutes piece. They have been so cowardly for the past 8 years. This actually had some spine --- not a enough, but with exercise they will become stronger.
Would you please expand on your comment:
Instead, career criminals such as Karl Rove --- whose crimes were decidedly not bloodless ---
Re #6: John Caylor
You were far too kind. I read his blather, and not only did he make little sense, he confirmed for me what I have thought of that endeavour, it truly is poorly thought out. You could have just put the link in. On second reading, I found it funny. BTW, I don't care if you are or are not a CIA operative. I know a couple and they were great people and true patriots (not fake patriots like Rove, Bush, Cheney,, and their propagandists, Murdock's gang, particularly.)
Thanks for being a patriot, yourself.
COMMENT #17 [Permalink]
said on 2/22/2008 @ 11:54 pm PT...
Re Don Siegelman:
Please find a place to continue reporting on this story. Faking charges against a man because people will vote for him is just another form of voter fraud.
COMMENT #18 [Permalink]
said on 2/23/2008 @ 12:10 am PT...
One more: I jumped over to to see what the more conservative bloggers were saying, and wow, I found this that complements your American Gangsters:
Washington DCs Nest of Thieves and Hypocrisy
February 20th, 2008 • Related • Filed Under
Filed Under: Bad Behavior • Business • Featured • Politics • Richard W. Cochrane
Rob the rich, or rob the poor?Former Washington DC tax office manager Harriette Walters is accused of being the ring leader of a band that embezzled $50,000,000 over some 20 years from the district. Walters was arrested in November and since then the scope of the crimes have grown geometrically.
According to a Washington Post report the scheme may have started as early as 1989 when property tax bills started disappearing. Amazingly the office spend $100 million on a new computer system and a $1 million a year on external audits over the last decade that failed to turn up the thefts. So far only one other DC tax office employee has been changed. There is anough HYPOCRISY to go around on this one.\">
COMMENT #19 [Permalink]
said on 2/23/2008 @ 3:53 am PT...
I'm glad to see you going after Rove, who seems to have almost magically disappeared from the news since "retiring to write a book". I think the CIA does figure into all of this, since it must be that they have so deeply entrenched themseves in the corporate media structure that no real information ever gets through in a sustained way. THAT is the biggest story, how the hell can they control so many people? Any other explanation? Consensus reality self-brainwashing? I don't think so.
Read up on Operation Mockingbird. The lead story in the Times today about cheap cocaine finds a way to blast Evo Morales in the second paragraph, making him the culprit for destroyed lives in Argentina. The cheap cocaine was probably supplied by the CIA. They make the story happen, then they write about it! Not that you all didn't already know this. It was just so blatant in todays article, and 99.9% of Americans will think badly of Morales. Schumer/Pelosi/Feinstein/Clinton will probably make a speech about how he's got to go or something.
COMMENT #20 [Permalink]
said on 2/23/2008 @ 5:09 am PT...
Off topic (but on the wider topic of something stinks in the repug crime world): macpain was reported to have gone to florida with his 'honorable' lobbyist and wife look-alike. They visited the owner (?) of a cruise line. I was wondering if that was the same cruise line that featured in 9/11 (lead hijaker was seen there right before 9/11, etc.) and in the abramoff scandals (with someone bumped off, and congressmen involved, etc.). Memory a bit hazy on the details, but would be interesting for someone to check it out. Macaine and Abramoff, wouldn't that be funny?
COMMENT #21 [Permalink]
said on 2/23/2008 @ 5:19 am PT...
Just noticed on buzzflash has some info about that trip:
"John McCain may also be involved in Vicki Iseman's lobbying efforts for the Carnival Corporation, a Miami cruise company. Carnival was under scrutiny for a decision by FEMA in 2005 to charter three cruise ships to be used as temporary housing for Katrina victims. The contracts awarded to Carnival were exorbitant and were under investigation by Henry Waxman. Jeb Bush pulled the strings to obtain these FEMA contracts for Carnival. Iseman's lobbying firm contributed heavily to Jeb Bush and other Florida Republicans."
COMMENT #22 [Permalink]
said on 2/23/2008 @ 7:57 am PT...
When you listen to Republicans who commit crimes all in the name of "winning" (i.e. that guy who wrote "How to Rig an Election"), they seem to disconnect from reality the consequences of their actions on real people's lives. They treat real life as a game or sporting event. Unless they themselves personally experience it (i.e. Glenn Beck's experience in a hospital), then it doesn't register with them. Perhaps it's a combination of sociopathy and narcissism.
Well, keep up the great work Agent Friedman. And say "hi" to Valerie and the covert ops gang for me.
- Tom
COMMENT #23 [Permalink]
said on 2/23/2008 @ 9:27 am PT...
TomR #22
"a combination of sociopathy and narcissism"
That hits the damn nail on the head!
COMMENT #24 [Permalink]
said on 2/23/2008 @ 10:10 am PT...
#19 Middleworld sent us to the NYT story (June 07) of Mockingbird. It is worth looking at, esp. the Timeline for Mockingbird. Rumsfeld, Cheney, Bush 41 are all there. Look at the pictures as well as the timeline. (To the right in a sidebar, all the stories are gathered into a PDF file --- this is over 700 pages long --- with the timeline separate.)
Feb. 21, 1975 President Ford enlists Donald H. Rumsfeld,
the White House chief of staff, to create a "damage-limiting operation for the president."
Next to this section is a picture of
Dick Cheney and Donald H. Rumsfeld
in November 1975.
I am not a conspiracy theorist (I do read some and know of what I speak). I have to say conspiracy, hell no, this is just a business these boys have been running for years. They are gangsters, not unlike Renzi, who have personally profited.
Take ideology out the consideration of Cheney, Rumsfeld, both Bushes, Rove,, substitute graft and a picture begins to form. Brad's article highlights some of the facts emerging about Renzi, and these are filling in some of the blank spaces in this 35 to 50 year old fraud.
Years ago, a Southern Baptist south Kansas retiree, WWII veteran, and farmer told me that he would vote for a third term for Clinton because every day he was in office it thwarted those who were ransacking the treasury. He didn't live to the election (cancer and age) and it would have broken his heart.
COMMENT #25 [Permalink]
said on 2/23/2008 @ 10:17 am PT...
This piece:
Did Vicki Iseman “Steal Honor” in THREE Presidential Elections?
...really begins to make some interesting connections. Quite an intelligent discussion on the blog afterwards.
I don't know anything about the site, by the way. But the author does begin to tie some more threads into the McCain lobbyist issue.
Very interesting indeed.
COMMENT #26 [Permalink]
said on 2/23/2008 @ 10:35 am PT...
Vicki Iseman looks more like Vicki Icewoman... These are Ice People...
COMMENT #27 [Permalink]
said on 2/23/2008 @ 12:05 pm PT...
American flag waived, Amurkan flag waved ...
Dear Bushies,
America is what happens to you when you are making other plans.
COMMENT #28 [Permalink]
said on 2/23/2008 @ 12:18 pm PT...
John C #6
Do AK 47's have orgasms?
COMMENT #29 [Permalink]
Cpl. Cadaver
said on 2/23/2008 @ 12:33 pm PT...
Let's get something straight:
Nothing in politics is random. Everything is planned.
The media doesn't publish anything unless it is approved first. If it isn't approved and gets aired, any reference to it disappears and people forget because they can't remember anything other than the bumper sticker on the car in front of them.
The war with Iran is planned and the War with Russia and China is planned.
The invasion of Afghanistan was planned, the chickenhawks just needed a pretext.
I remember sweet little Katie Couric (sic?) dropping Osama's name in the first couple of hours after the second tower was attacked/bombed/whatever.
Only in the aftermath of this will we know. That is if anyone can remember the broadcast.
COMMENT #30 [Permalink]
said on 2/23/2008 @ 12:50 pm PT...
Rick Renzi was a key 'eyewitness' on 9/11/01 who claims to have seen Flight 77 hit the Pentagon.
Small world.
COMMENT #31 [Permalink]
said on 2/23/2008 @ 12:58 pm PT...
heh. Can anyone visualize Brad dressed in the black 1,2,3 frogsuit with his ol lady and 125lb backpacks, wired up on energy drinks, hanging off climbing wires, cracking into high security vaults gathering high-level bush administration crime photo evidence for Fox News PBS.
(Somewhere deep....Inside the Ventilation Shaft)
(Brad) Pass me 250 feet of RG-50 bay-bee. I need to re-route the security feeds.
(Ol Lady) Okay honey, it's there! With the new signal feed. Oh shit honey, I think we've been detected by the infra-red scanners!
(Brad) quick, bypass it if you can bay-bee.
(laptop with weird unix shells appears. Klikyt klick.)
(Ol Lady) I think I got em honey.
OMFG...It should be a mini-series.
W00f! and I thought I was bad when I learned about delegates and electoral votes. Somebody (but not me) gonna be sucking down the rum and vodka tonight.
NOTE: The crash sux.
NOTE#2: we need a better character name for Ol Lady --- just sayin..
Yeah Brad works for the CIA aye, wink wink, nudge nudge. Maybe this story will break on the cover of the "Incredible Times Magazine."
COMMENT #32 [Permalink]
said on 2/23/2008 @ 1:07 pm PT...
I've always thought there must be someone holding a lot of dirt to blackmail senators, congresspeople, etc. No other way to explain their reticence to move against the rampant illegalities in govt. Maybe more than one pile of dirt involved. At least, here is one (MUST READ STORY!): has very detailed story about mccain and abramoff, norquist, and reed. His take is that abramoff stopped mccain against w bush, and during maccain's payback time he got 750,000 pages of abramoff's emails, letters, phone records, etc. He has only released 8000 pages (3%). The rest are what explains mccain's power in govt now. Very interesting stuff, it should become very widely known before the fall election!
COMMENT #33 [Permalink]
Patrick Sullivan
said on 2/23/2008 @ 2:09 pm PT...
Bush, Cheney, Rove and their controllers know exactly what crimes they have committed. They also have no plans of being taken into custody to answer for their egregious crimes against humanity.
This is why Bush and Cheney have both attempted to get a general nuclear war underway.
Our nuclear war fighting elite are at the end of their rope; if they fail to exterminate us with nuclear weapons they may have to answer for some or all of their criminal activities.
Today this story was published: B-2 Stealth Bomber Crashes at Guam Air Base; Pilots Are Safe
{Ed Note: Comment edited. Really cute, Patrick. Trying to make it look like Bloomberg is publishing stories about space aliens controlling our nukes, but not funny. --99}
COMMENT #34 [Permalink]
said on 2/23/2008 @ 3:15 pm PT...
When FOB James was governor of Alabama my son died in Baldwin County, Alabama where Siegelman's election was rigged.
Siegelman took the governor's office less than a month later. I've known for years, and have written documentation they were not telling the truth in Baldwin County regarding my son, and I strongly suspect organized crime, not only in Alabama but infiltrated throughout politics and business, in general.
Siegelman probably has some answers, and it could be one of the reasons he's silenced in prison. They did the same to another Baldwin County man, named Patrick Swiney who has been in prison since the 1980's after uncovering police/drug corruption.
I was being arrested and harassed by police in Georgia during my son's kidnap and death in Alabama, and was unable to attend his funeral, burial or identify his body. One of the counties of my harassment in Georgia (Houston) is the home of then, soon to be elected, Republican Governor Sonny Perdue.
To escape Georgia corruption, I ran to Kentucky to find another soon elected Republican Governor, Ernie Fletcher, who is said to have investments in the Destin area near Alabama and Rove's condo. Fletcher's Lt. Governor, Steve Pence, moved to that position from having been a Bush appointed US Attorney, Louisville, just around 9/11 probably the same time of Leura Canary's appointment.
Fletcher's entire staff was caught in corruption, and he pardoned them all.
There is a TON of information involved in all of this and I've been documenting it at my blog site trying to keep my emotions in tact, and it's difficult because I have reason still to fear as long as the truth stays suppressed. They ran Jill Simpson off the road and burned down her house.
They murdered my son and killed my animals.
In the case of John Caylor, I've read his information and find it quite believable. VanPac information he has provided is fascinating, and helps to realize Freeh and the FBI have not and were not doing their jobs, unaware of the Stephen Brannan involvement in both, VanPac and the Charles Hayes case in Kentucky.
Mr. Caylor suffered an incredible loss with his mother. The people he's been dealing with are capable of worse than what was done to his mother. They actually brag about "skinning people alive." And they cut up "rats" in body parts, and bury the butchered bodies in barrels.
I would testify to it in any court. The "Dixie Mafia" exists, and cooperates with other mafias, covers all bases, interacts with all political parties, and can get you any drug you'd like to distribute and will take care of problems. In Kentucky, I was warned by an attorney that some of the lawyers there will get you killed. That's how it works.
I am not fighting for credit for the story, but would love to have assistance in unraveling it- for anyone who has the courage. Two years of documentation are at
I am a freelance political cartoonist, and realize that I angered politicians with my cartoons ( but, they were so insignificant, I don't believe the cartooning prompted the persecutions.
This is a huge, old, established, structured criminal network. And I believe the recent Paulding County politicians and businessmen killed in the NC/Mt. Airy plane crash, the helicopter crash last December in Alaska, and very possibly the sugar explosion, are connected and also "hit" jobs.
When they caught the 70 Gambinos in New York a few weeks ago, it was only the tip of this established, business connected iceberg.
I've been gathering information trying to unravel and expose it, and you have questions, please feel free to contact me at or I would be glad to type my answers here in public.
(I hope this isn't too long, but writing is quite a challenge, because I'm an artist. None of us involved in honest journalism should be persecuted for being honest about opinion or true, well-documented situations.)
COMMENT #35 [Permalink]
sick of IT
said on 2/23/2008 @ 4:06 pm PT...
If there are so any PATRIOTIC Americans in this Governmet?
Why aren't all these crimials in prison already?
Because if was average everyday people who were doing illegitmate things as people in this Government do these Days.
Just with the circumstantial evidence Brad has presented to Us. Average Joe would be in Prison
COMMENT #36 [Permalink]
said on 2/23/2008 @ 4:32 pm PT...
I also believe 911 was an "inside" job, and have believed it for years since in 2001 I attempted to give the FBI information regarding Muslims and foreigners in Kentucky and Georgia, and they could not have cared less.
Then they enacted the Patriot Act, 2002, and in 2004 there were illegals operating openly in my county, compliments of very wealthy farm owners, and some were rumored to be tending marijuana crops. The very wealthy people have a different set of rules, and most Americans do not realize it.
The Patriot Act was just another fallacy created to fool the public into believing terror was coming from elsewhere, when it's all being carried out by the mafias and mob businesses in this country.
I have good reason to believe the "Dixie Mafia" which is comprised of several varying mafias are the "Terrorists" who shot the stock brokers in Atlanta in 1999, just before the JFK Jr. plane crash.
I was in Warner Robins, Georgia, (huge Air Force base town) 1999 and witnessed what appeared to be a helicopter crash in the distance. Later that week, in the newspaper it was explained the "exercise drill" was involving the helicopter "crashing into a bus." The "victims" in the bus were live actors, and even painted with fake blood. It appeared at that time, to be a Hollywood set instead of an "emergency drill."
That same year the CNN building in Atlanta received a letter with "Anthrax" written on the outside and the entire building was evacuated.
The man who came to Georgia and beckoned me to go to Kentucky bragged about having "C-4" in his vehicle. He bragged at how he'd been trained by the US Army to use explosives. We were escorted out of town by Warner Robins, Georgia police (Sonny Perdue's and Sam Nunn's home county.)
And I'd continue to run into these "US ARMY" people who had an underlying network, bragging about the time they spent in Germany, and was surprised later to find Ky. Lt. Governor Steve Pence was also US Army, JAG and with German experience.
I was living in Atlanta when the bomb went off at the Olympics. And for years they couldn't get the truth about that. Our law enforcement wrestles to get the truth about these explosions and explosive devices, apparently.
I was living in Kentucky when they caught the unibomber, Eric Rudolph in the mountains of North Carolina.
And there's more to the Republican Strategum Group double-murder-suicide story than they're telling. Drake, the killer of Gonzalez and Abrami was from NC, possibly connected with Congressman McHenry from the mountain side of western NC, and a young man named Aaron Lay who was from the base of Jellico Mountain, just north of Knoxville, TN.
There are some Gastonia connections in my Kentucky neighborhood, and those appear to be: drugs.
Strategum's clients spanned three states plus: Nevada, (Las Vegas.) They were in Florida, Alabama, and Georgia.
The random school shootings around this country started in 1999 with Columbine, and were domestic. While some of the shooters may be authentic "nuts," I believe some are arranged, and planned to warn certain areas to keep quiet or to understand "we mean business, keep your mouth shut." This is particularly how I feel about the Virginia Tech shootings.
I also believe the Ocean Isle Beach, NC fire which killed seven college kids last year was not an accident.
I also believe the politicians would take all of the guns away, and put them in the hands of their mafia, blackwater, and "law enforcement" friends, if they could, which could be another motive for the shootings, besides creating terror.
I believe the WTC was an inside job, and that mafia connected engineering firms did the dirty work. And I believe they're still doing dirty work, and will continue until the MSM media decides to stop playing the game.
But the TERROR is generating so much profit, if you didn't think to invest in time, or create a security company, then you lost out.
COMMENT #37 [Permalink]
Brad Friedman
said on 2/23/2008 @ 7:06 pm PT...
72Dawg #24 wrote:
I am not a conspiracy theorist (I do read some and know of what I speak). I have to say conspiracy, hell no, this is just a business these boys have been running for years. They are gangsters, not unlike Renzi, who have personally profited.
In the documentary film Uncounted, there is a comment from someone (I believe it's Theresa Hommel, but forgive me if I've misattributed) who says: "So far, nobody has adequately explained the difference to me between a conspiracy and a long-term business plan."
Seems apt here.
COMMENT #38 [Permalink]
said on 2/23/2008 @ 8:00 pm PT...
Yes and business has been good for them, forty years and more for some of these greeders.
Problem this time they're snagged by the net.
Their business plans are going to eventually piece together and unfold before the world visibly soon, and not one of them will be able to slither away to escape payback time.
And the MSM will finally have to swallow, digest, and regurgitate the truth, like it or not; instead of excreting tired, old, mediocre, fascist, repetitive, cost-effective: two-minute terds.
It's the dream of a lifetime.
COMMENT #39 [Permalink]
said on 2/23/2008 @ 10:39 pm PT...
COMMENT #40 [Permalink]
said on 2/23/2008 @ 11:35 pm PT...
"So far, nobody has adequately explained the difference to me between a conspiracy and a long-term business plan."
Too true, Brad.
I have been watching the horrible incompetencies of the Bush 41 and 43 administrations, and none of it makes any sense at all, until you add in corruption. Criminologists always say "follow the money." As far as I can learn, Cheney has yet to put his holdings into a trust as is required. Yet nobody has called him on it. He is a huge stockholder in the government's favorite contractor, Halliburton**. There are so many other examples of this. For their profits they have pretty much destroyed Iraq; killed well over 3,000 of our brave and truly patriot men and women; and they destroyed New Orleans and surrounding environs. There is more and more.
If their business plan is to steal as much as they can, regardless of the effects, they are on target, and hitting their long-term goals.
** Halliburton Energy Services (NYSE: HAL) is an United States based multinational corporation with operations in over 120 countries. It has been at the forefront of several media and political controversies in relation to its work for the U.S. Government, its political ties, and its corporate ethics. --- Wikipedia (I know, I know)
COMMENT #41 [Permalink]
said on 2/24/2008 @ 7:27 am PT...
I remember reading long time ago that LBJ stole five million dollars from the American People to clean up his Texas ranch. Maybe there's a common understanding that when these people take public office, besides waging wars and killing children, they're also given a license to steal.
As far as military officers climb the money ladder, for their global policing causes, look at Alexander Haig now. He's on the Board of MGM Mirage, just lovin' it, I'm sure.
Several military officers were on the Board of Directors of AOL. And surely they're seated on all the Military Industrial Boards planning new war strategies for the future that will make money for the investors, and friends.
So after they steal and kill in public office, industries who put them there with campaign money run in and say, "Oh thank you for stealing and killing our children in holding public office, now here's a place of honor at our company and all the money and benefits you ever need will be arranged for you!
"Just, if we need a favor, we know you can handle it."
Is that how it works? Just another "buddy favor mafia?"
(Being facetious..... it was time to clean up New Orleans, anyway, wasn't it? Look at how many jobs it created. I know some drug dealers right now down there, back and forth, working construction. Without the Katrina tragedy, they'd still be in our neighborhoods back home, without any work at all.)
COMMENT #42 [Permalink]
said on 2/24/2008 @ 10:49 am PT...
Badger #25, yeah I started reading the piece the other night. BTW, empty wheel is Marcie Wheeler who wrote the book Anatomy of Deceit: How the Bush Administration Used the Media to Sell the Iraq War and Out A Spy. I highly recommend it if you want to understand the full extent of how low these fascist pigs have gone and how deep it goes in the commercial media! I swear Fitzgerald kept tabbs on her website during the Plame trial, IMO. They have some very well informed minds over there in their commentors too!
COMMENT #43 [Permalink]
Knife in the back
said on 2/24/2008 @ 11:37 am PT...
Thanks for the recommendation #42, I might have to check that book out. It is sad that the average idiot doesn't even know this is going on.
COMMENT #44 [Permalink]
said on 2/24/2008 @ 12:28 pm PT...
Any time Knife In The Back. It really puts the spot light on the worst abuse of executive power this country has ever seen, but not envisioned. Its EXACTLY why the Founding Fathers put IMPEACHMENT IN THE CONSTITUION. The only reason, IMO, impeachment was taken off the table is the corrupt political machine is part of BOTH parties! But you know, if you saw it on tv or read it in the paper it must be true, right? I mean, God forbid we have a media that is part of the corrupt political machine. Gee willikers what would we do?
COMMENT #45 [Permalink]
said on 2/24/2008 @ 12:38 pm PT...
Hey Phil, got a BIG kick out of your post! Thanks.
COMMENT #46 [Permalink]
said on 2/24/2008 @ 1:37 pm PT...
Impeachment is a waste of time and money, because they or their fascist friends will just keep showing up like rotten potatoes. Revolution is the only answer, and that's impossible because dumbed down America has no way of discovering CNN's Ted Turner happily receives six figure government subsidies for his corporate farm, democracy is obsolete or never existed at all, and monopoly is the national trend for a handful of people who span and monopolize corporate-conglomerate boards. And if you cause too much trouble without bowing your head to Jesus, the orkin mafia might load up some terra fertilizer and blow up your house.
( tirds?)
COMMENT #47 [Permalink]
said on 2/24/2008 @ 4:15 pm PT...
Ears Up . . . . . Tail down . . .
I wonder If pelosi is watching "60" or is she still writing her memoirs. . .
COMMENT #48 [Permalink]
said on 2/24/2008 @ 7:31 pm PT...
What is it about political truth that brings out political fabrication.
Maybe opposites like to fuck over each other?
Stay unpolitical ... it is the path to more enlightenment than not.
COMMENT #49 [Permalink]
said on 2/24/2008 @ 7:54 pm PT...
Dredd ~ It's just not that simple. As long as there is right and wrong there will be left and right. Enlightenment has nothing to do with it.
COMMENT #50 [Permalink]
said on 2/24/2008 @ 8:49 pm PT...
For the best of reporters, there isn't a left or right, there are no political parties, no loyalties, and no friends; no social outings or cocktail parties, or conventions; no bonuses, or pay raises, no using and no taking.
There's just the naked, lonely, unadulterated, non-compromised truth.
Problem is, it doesn't pay too well. And it could get you in big trouble ifn' you ain't careful.
(If Don Siegelman is innocent as a dove, he was not a successful politician. Oil and water don't mix.)
Alabama has two Mark Fullers listed as owning Doss Aviation, Mark J. and Mark E. Fuller. Also he was selling clothing of some sort at one time. The incorporation state is Texas, (Shepherd.) It appears the state of Alabama made the name error. The Doss name popped up with a Colorado Springs tag to it, and I can't remember where I saw that.
Looked up the Georgia record: Sugar factory explosion in Savannah and .......... is it connected to Texas and Colorado Springs, or have we overly imbibed in hallucinogens?
SAVANNAH FOOD & INDUSTRIES, INC, Sugarland Texas, officers Robert Peiser, with various folks, had several businesses, included is, Western Pacific Airlines, Peiser, Leonard, Rorke, 1995-1999
Why so many Georgia businesses dissolved 7/9/2005 is a mystery, and two of these are included, with the same officers as above, mainly Robert A. Peiser: Pasco Beverage, Tampa, FL, and Pasco Transport, Richland, FL.
Well, well a sugar factory, truckin' company, an airline and a beverage company connected to Florida and Texas.....
Feelin' diabetic, snort, snort.
signed, - The Chitstir
COMMENT #51 [Permalink]
S. Bob
said on 2/25/2008 @ 12:47 am PT...
"60 Minutes Done A Great Job"
The Bush’s elete group of corrupt GOP’ers are scared to death that Don Siegelman may be on the streets before the election. Especially with Slick Bob so nervous that he is combing his hair and spraying his mouth and under arms every Five minutes for two reasons: He's hoping that the next president will be John McCain a republican and that he will asked to be his running mate. If a Democrat wins as the next president he/she will probally appoint new U.S. Attorneys in Alabama. Riley along with most of the top GOP operatives could get Federal charges filed against them for taking millions of dollars from Michael Scanlon and Jack Abramoff to defeat Siegelmans lottery campaign and for Riley's election campaigns.
COMMENT #52 [Permalink]
said on 2/25/2008 @ 6:30 am PT...
Interesting about the manacles. This particular crowd of Republicans and colluding politicians are pretty nasty. They fixed former Senator Charles Walker of Georgia for life. They seem to particularly enjoy the human degradation elements, coupled with humiliation and ridicule. Politics is no longer a "sport" with respectable rules. It's down and out inhumane. Thirty nine days of my life in 1998, was spent fighting my way out of three Georgia jails, shackled, handcuffed, and court ordered to a state hospital. - while my son was arranged for in Baldwin County, Alabama.
The Magistrate Georgia judge said, "Sign your (executive husband's) divorce papers and your problems will go away."
If you refuse the medicine in those places they threaten to inject you. (Just so you know, you have the right to refuse the medications. Mind your p's and q's and you might get out without a chemical lobotomy, if you make enough noise to the outside - via telephone.)
Georgia's Senator Paul Coverdell tried to help. Too bad. A year later he was dead. But he was taking a stance against cocaine.
So you suppose Bush or Clinton will explain to the children and families of America how they were able to overcome addiction?
Hopefully Charles Walker's case will follow this one. It's not about being crooked, it's about fairness vs. framejobs, and
..... "Equal Justice Under the Law."
It's all here: