"'State of the Union' Open Thread..."
(47 Responses so far...)
COMMENT #1 [Permalink]
said on 1/23/2007 @ 6:05 pm PT...
The one cabinet member not there tonight --- should "something horrible happen", as Hume just said --- is Alberto "No Constitutional right to habeas corpus" Gonzalez.
COMMENT #2 [Permalink]
drew olanoff
said on 1/23/2007 @ 6:09 pm PT...
COMMENT #3 [Permalink]
said on 1/23/2007 @ 6:18 pm PT...
From the prepared text:
"I congratulate the Democratic majority."
From the words Bush just used:
"I congratulate the Democrat majority."
What an unrepentant creep.
COMMENT #4 [Permalink]
said on 1/23/2007 @ 6:21 pm PT...
Bush on earmarks:
They are dropped into Committee reports that are not even part of the bill that arrives on my desk. You did not vote them into law. I did not sign them into law. Yet they are treated as if they have the force of law.
Uh...kinda like your signing statements, boss?
COMMENT #5 [Permalink]
said on 1/23/2007 @ 6:28 pm PT...
For any folks With a bad heart or weak stomach and must bare to listen to this SOTU...
Mike Malloy's comentary help make listening a little bit more palatable.
COMMENT #6 [Permalink]
said on 1/23/2007 @ 6:39 pm PT...
Listening to bush sober is nothing less than cruel and unusual punishment . . .
COMMENT #7 [Permalink]
said on 1/23/2007 @ 7:03 pm PT...
COMMENT #8 [Permalink]
said on 1/23/2007 @ 7:07 pm PT...
Frankly, I was disappointed. What I was hoping for was, "I am not a king" and "America will no longer terrorize the world to feed its insatiable gullet and destroy all the living systems of the earth."
COMMENT #9 [Permalink]
said on 1/23/2007 @ 7:41 pm PT...
Cheney - Grrrrrrr At Least Pelosi smells better than Hastert. . .
COMMENT #10 [Permalink]
Chris Hooten
said on 1/23/2007 @ 8:01 pm PT...
I liked Webb's response. It sure deflated a lot of Bush's bullshit balloons.
COMMENT #11 [Permalink]
said on 1/23/2007 @ 8:02 pm PT...
I was also hoping he would get through introducing the heroes, then pause significantly, and say, "But my fellow Americans, there is another side to America..." then introduce maybe a child rapist, an elder abuser, a CEO who has ripped off pensions of the employees...
I can't get no satisfaction.
COMMENT #12 [Permalink]
Chris Hooten
said on 1/23/2007 @ 8:06 pm PT...
You know, I really have lost all patience for people that still stand behind that man, and what he (apparently) stands for, and the crap that comes out of his mouth. Fucking embarassing President.
COMMENT #13 [Permalink]
Jean M. Beebe
said on 1/23/2007 @ 8:16 pm PT...
I liked the camera shots of Hilary's and Obama's reactions. That wry smile from Ms. Clinton was priceless.
COMMENT #14 [Permalink]
said on 1/23/2007 @ 8:20 pm PT...
Fox "News'" Hannity & Colmes asking you to text message how Bush did to 55333.
A = Excellent
B = Fair
C = Poor
COMMENT #15 [Permalink]
said on 1/23/2007 @ 8:21 pm PT...
what a bunch of lies 911 was an inside job afganistan was planned and being set up before 911 and iraq was built on lies all lies!
COMMENT #16 [Permalink]
said on 1/23/2007 @ 8:32 pm PT...
Why did Webb only get 8 minutes? Did I miss that somewhere? I thought he did a fairly good job, but 8 minutes?
Brad --- I wish I knew what you were saying "text message to 55333".
If I appear punchy, it's because I am. I actually subjected myself to the whole speech..It was excruciating.
COMMENT #17 [Permalink]
said on 1/23/2007 @ 8:36 pm PT...
...and I don't mean the 8 minute Webb speech!
COMMENT #18 [Permalink]
said on 1/23/2007 @ 8:44 pm PT...
Po' Arry.
If ya got a cell phone and know how to send a text message, send the letter of your choice (A, B or C as mentioned above) to the phone number "55333"
But if you're reading this after Midnight ET don't bother because Hannity & Colmes will be off the air and done with their poll by then.
COMMENT #19 [Permalink]
said on 1/23/2007 @ 9:01 pm PT...
Gotcha. Got a cell phone. Got a bunch of features I never used. Can't use it out here anyway.
COMMENT #20 [Permalink]
said on 1/23/2007 @ 9:02 pm PT...
I sent a couple dozen automated text messages in, but it wasn't enough to overcome the legions of idiotic fox noise viewers (I didn't know 80 year olds stayed up this late). Okay, thats enough fox for me this year.
COMMENT #21 [Permalink]
said on 1/23/2007 @ 9:11 pm PT...
Who was that woman in the front row who, after Bush
left the podium, turned away and would not shake his hand?
COMMENT #22 [Permalink]
Blue in deep Red
said on 1/23/2007 @ 9:23 pm PT...
Did anyone catch that part near the end when he said the following... "A second task we can take on together is to design and establish a volunteer Civilian Reserve Corps. Such a corps would function much like our military reserve. It would ease the burden on the Armed Forces by allowing us to hire civilians with critical skills to serve on missions abroad when America needs them. It would give people across America who do not wear the uniform a chance to serve in the defining struggle of our time."
I don't know why, but this REALLY freaked me out. Perhaps it's because of stories of FEMA and Haliburton involvement in the construction of detention camps on U.S. soil. What the #$%! do these Neo-Cons have in mind for us non-believers ?
COMMENT #23 [Permalink]
said on 1/23/2007 @ 10:16 pm PT...
My response rebuttal?
COMMENT #24 [Permalink]
said on 1/23/2007 @ 10:19 pm PT...
First anti-american Hugo Chavez supporter Cindy Sheehan was removed and not arrested. Jim Webb is a moron who should remove his lousy hair piece and stop lying. Blue in Deep they are building this imaginary sites to put people like you in before Bush leaves office. Keep looking over your shoulder and believing all the BS that those here at this site keep feeding you. Can I sell you a bridge???
COMMENT #25 [Permalink]
said on 1/23/2007 @ 10:21 pm PT...
Blue #22-- I noticed that, too. Wasn't sure what was meant. Are we talking mercenaries, private enterprise taking over military functions --- selling it as some sort of militarized Peace Corps?
They are really trying to set up private/corporate starship troopers kind of thing for the long run. ("Defining struggle", "it will last beyond out time", etc.) Reorganizing society on a corporate/fascist model to keep the oil flowing. Not in my country.
COMMENT #26 [Permalink]
said on 1/23/2007 @ 10:28 pm PT...
For those of you not familiar with AlanS, he's a grade Z troll with nothing whatever to say. Really, Brad, I think you should complain to the troll agency.
See ya, Junior.
COMMENT #27 [Permalink]
Agent 99
said on 1/23/2007 @ 10:32 pm PT...
Hi, everybody. I'm drunk tonight, and pleased to note it. Pfeh! Whut prezudunce?
COMMENT #28 [Permalink]
said on 1/23/2007 @ 10:36 pm PT...
COMMENT #29 [Permalink]
said on 1/23/2007 @ 10:38 pm PT...
COMMENT #30 [Permalink]
said on 1/23/2007 @ 10:40 pm PT...
COMMENT #31 [Permalink]
Agent 99
said on 1/23/2007 @ 10:43 pm PT...
No. I'm the top Democrat in the world and you will not touch me, but if you deserve to survive you should crush this flea before we have to have another SOTU that was more of a farce than the video above. Thank you very much indeed.
COMMENT #32 [Permalink]
said on 1/23/2007 @ 11:18 pm PT...
99 --- Love that picture of the mountain and the meteor. I bit of awesome is what I need tonight. A few deep breaths and the starry realms. Glad I stayed online and caught your post. Now for oblivion.
COMMENT #33 [Permalink]
said on 1/23/2007 @ 11:25 pm PT...
AlanS -
I'd respond to ya, but Arry did a splendid job
Speaking of hating America, did you notice that Bush hates our vets? Not one word about the 1.6 million new American vets and the continued horrors they face. IAVA's press release.
But I'll try to cover that tomorrow to give it the coverage it deserves. More than we can say for America Haters Bush and AlanS, I'm afraid.
COMMENT #34 [Permalink]
said on 1/23/2007 @ 11:28 pm PT...
A lot of comments come to mind but none of them printable. On the Democrat thing, from now on the other party is going to be referred to as Repiglicans by me. Just my little contribution.
I notice he did not say ONE WORD about either veterans or Katrina victims. !@#$%
COMMENT #35 [Permalink]
big dan
said on 1/23/2007 @ 11:42 pm PT...
AlanS: Are you as outraged at Hannity and Limbaugh's lies? Or the King liar: George Bush? Where's the WMD's, Alan?
COMMENT #36 [Permalink]
Blue in Deep Red
said on 1/24/2007 @ 1:18 am PT...
ARRY #25... there is sufficient vagueness in the statement to allow many interpretations... volunteers who are paid !?!
Considering the Bush administration's "gift" for working around the confines of law, it might be an attempt to overcome the limitations of "Posse Comitatus"... another test to see how far they can expand executive power.
There are a lot half-wit-half-nuts NRA and supremist types who would gladly volunteer if one of the duties were to herd liberals or whomever.
After the garbage that came out of Gonzales' mouth the other day, it is clear that they are not overly burdened with a concern for protecting the rights of U.S. citizens.
COMMENT #37 [Permalink]
Pablo de Albuquerque
said on 1/24/2007 @ 5:36 am PT...
Did anyone catch the post-game coverage on ABC? I have kids, and I could not catch the SOTU, but was very struck by the FOX-like post-SOTU coverage by ABC. They had this incredibly cheesy, beaming woman (african american ala Condi) "describing" his health care initiative. It was like bad propoganda man! A used-car-salesmanship if I ever saw one. The whole coverage was grossly skewed towards Bush's policies. The Dems they had on were thrown Limbaugh-like questions ("Don't you dems want it both ways with Iraq?"). ABC found the one general that agrees with escalation as representing the military's view. What the fu*&? How can we get on ABC for the bullsh*&?
COMMENT #38 [Permalink]
said on 1/24/2007 @ 6:11 am PT...
COMMENT #39 [Permalink]
said on 1/24/2007 @ 7:21 am PT...
I liked Webb's closing phrase "then we will show you the way".
COMMENT #40 [Permalink]
said on 1/24/2007 @ 7:21 am PT...
I am writing the following day. Regarding comment #22--civil corps of volunteers.
This was already offered in legislation by Charles Rangel---in 2003 I believe.
COMMENT #41 [Permalink]
said on 1/24/2007 @ 7:28 am PT...
COMMENT #42 [Permalink]
said on 1/24/2007 @ 7:48 am PT...
If you poured Nair on the Great Bush...all that should be left is a few stray pubes ?
COMMENT #43 [Permalink]
said on 1/24/2007 @ 11:19 am PT...
Last night I started to watch it, but only made it for about 5 minutes before I had to do go out and do this!
Perhaps you heard it!
COMMENT #44 [Permalink]
said on 1/24/2007 @ 2:27 pm PT...
Back at the Sacxtra studio, we went with the Mike Malloy version.
I could have gone on a drunken rant last night, but I drank coffee instead. I've also had the benefit of waiting a day before responding. It seems that's all the citizens of the United States are currently reduced to, is a pile of drunken ranters. This is the corporate media's fault 100%.
I can't help but think about all those who are clapping in the audience half of which are the reason of the destruction of our constitution, theft of our country's wealth, deaths, and all this secrecy and spy crap.
Why would you clap for someone who has broken their oath of office? (Specifically to protect the constitution.)
It's time for our whole govenment to take a drug test if you ask me. Manditory for everyone.
We need a crack team to uphold the constitution, and take action, remove all the oath breakers right now, clean up this secret parallel, black, dark government crap, and make our government OUR GOVERNMENT! I want to see a team that has security clearance to GO in the pentagon, go in the whitehouse, go in the cia, nsa and drug test, and audit for OATH OF OFFICE, if need be use deadly force. I want this tactic of outsourcing everything STOPPED.
I want them to have the power to restore the constitution NOW!
Start weeding these rotten people out.
The state of the union, is that there IS NO UNION! It's a state of CHAOS. There is no Constitution, there only a Dictator. And this is unacceptable.
God damn it, NO more electronic voting machines!
COMMENT #45 [Permalink]
said on 1/24/2007 @ 2:30 pm PT...
Where's the Office of National Drug Control Policy?
COMMENT #46 [Permalink]
said on 1/24/2007 @ 6:45 pm PT...
#43 --- Bluebear --- That was you, huh? My cattle stampeded; but, hey, what else could you do?
COMMENT #47 [Permalink]
said on 1/24/2007 @ 7:01 pm PT...