"Alaska Is At Again: Refuses to Release 2006 Election Database Despite Court Order"
(22 Responses so far...)
COMMENT #1 [Permalink]
said on 11/28/2006 @ 3:51 pm PT...
subpoena the information and that's the end of it.
COMMENT #2 [Permalink]
said on 11/28/2006 @ 3:52 pm PT...
Investigate corrupt Diebold (Stillwell in Ohio, too)....bring on the indictments for collusion, corruption of our right to vote, etc. and put Diebold out of business. They've brought in on themselves and no one will have any pity for them. They intentionally created thise vulnerable machines so the hackers could enjoy a heyday "stealing elections"....It was done in 2000 and 20004...the whistleblowers are singing and the evidence is forthcoming.
COMMENT #3 [Permalink]
said on 11/28/2006 @ 4:29 pm PT...
Isn't contempt against the law. What are they afraid of? Is the truth that bad!!!
COMMENT #4 [Permalink]
said on 11/28/2006 @ 4:35 pm PT...
Now that the 2006 midterm elections are over and done and Alberto abu/gitmo/Gonzales has no reason to hold up the civil lawsuit against the electronic voting machine vendors (#1-Diebold). Can we expect the Papantonio/Kennedy qui tam lawsuit to soon proceed into the courts.
If the depositions are started soon maybe the EVM vendors can be bankrupted and their equipment be removed from use during the 2008 election. A tamper free election for 2008 may keep a Rethug out of the White House so we can make some serious headway in cleaning up this bu$$hco mess. If another fascist administration lands in the oval office, back to back with bu$$hco - like Newt Gingrich, it will take a few decades to put this country back on track.
The Democratic Party control of both houses of congress will only lead to a paper trail/receipt from the EVM machines. We need these EVM machines gone, litigation/breach of contract/fraudulent conduct of business/bankruptcy - maybe our only course of action to remove these private sector computer vote counting vendors from the election process altogether.
COMMENT #5 [Permalink]
Sandy D.
said on 11/28/2006 @ 5:05 pm PT...
# 1 Allie: A court order is better than a subpoena. Did the court order include a date for compliance? Even if it did not, the Dems should head back to court with the pleadings for an Order to Show Cause why the Governor and elections officials should not be held in contempt for failure to comply with the court's order.
Without a doubt the Repubs are post-election editing the databases once again.
COMMENT #6 [Permalink]
John Dowd
said on 11/28/2006 @ 5:38 pm PT...
I smell the stench of Watergate here. Of course they don't comply and of course they are altering the database, because they have to, in order to hide actual, real, hard evidence that these machines can and HAVE been used to hack elections.
I just have a real strong feeling that this one is going to be the story that finally breaks open the whole ugly mess for what it is.
COMMENT #7 [Permalink]
said on 11/28/2006 @ 6:20 pm PT...
You guys deserve a medal for keeping this stuff in the public eye.
COMMENT #8 [Permalink]
Carol Davidek-Waller
said on 11/28/2006 @ 10:09 pm PT...
This isn't surprising. Rigging the election and hiding the evidence worked once so of course they'd do it again.
The stakes are high and the consequences negligible. Why not?
Americans and their representatives in congress need to take a more serious view of rigged elections.
Unless voters and their representatives refuse to accept the results of such obvious vote tampering and demand clean elections, this will go on and on.
Even if the perps are caught, the penalties are so modest that it's worth the risk.
Unless we put real teeth into election law, there is no incentive not to cheat.
COMMENT #9 [Permalink]
Larry Bergan
said on 11/28/2006 @ 10:19 pm PT...
Kennedy is going to be speaking in Salt Lake this Sunday. I'm hoping he takes questions so I can ask about the lawsuit. I'm salivating over the prospect of our Diebold machines being rendered useless and all of the people fighting them here being completely and utterly VINDICATED FOR ALL TIME!
COMMENT #10 [Permalink]
Larry Bergan
said on 11/28/2006 @ 10:22 pm PT...
This Alaska thing is very maddening. Can't someone just walk in and "legally and peacefully" bitch-slap these guys
COMMENT #11 [Permalink]
Pat A. Vesely
said on 11/28/2006 @ 10:45 pm PT...
Vote counting belongs in the hands of the people. Any time you allow a mechanical or electronic device to count votes you are placing the mechanism of the count in the hands of the government. Bad idea, unless you like dictatorships.
It should be up to 'we, the people' to decide who represents us, starting at the local level, and then reporting our consensus up the chain of government election agencies. It should never have come to the point where we have the government counting our votes and reporting the winners are back to us.
You may ask, 'How can we fix this?' The answer is to put the government on notice that 'we, the people' are not going to be content to have our role in our elections limited to merely casting a ballot. We must also fight to take back our right to conduct the canvass of the votes.
You can start by contacting your representatives and demand a return to paper ballots, hand counted at the precinct where they were cast. Then sign up for the National Hand Count Registry to show your willingness to count the votes.
If not you, who? If not now, when?
Pat A. Vesely
COMMENT #12 [Permalink]
Pat A. Vesely
said on 11/28/2006 @ 10:53 pm PT...
COMMENT #13 [Permalink]
Carl Street
said on 11/28/2006 @ 11:24 pm PT...
I can't believe that ANYONE is still stupid enough to think that voting is or has EVER BEEN honest. Get a clue folks --- how dumb do you have to believe that politicians that will lie, cheat, steal, murder, vaporize cities and even nations, will somehow become honest at the voting booth. If ANY of you believe that, I have some great Golden Gate Bridge and Brooklyn Bridge stock I can let you have at a good price! Sheesh, I guess old P.T. Barnum was right --- there IS a sucker born every minute!!
COMMENT #14 [Permalink]
Carl Street
said on 11/28/2006 @ 11:27 pm PT...
"All politicians are liars, murderers, and thieves --- only the dishonest ones deny that"... Historian, Flavius Josephus circa 62 A.D. --- gives you some idea how little has changed in 2,000 years!
COMMENT #15 [Permalink]
said on 11/28/2006 @ 11:57 pm PT...
What's the deal here? As an Alaska resident, I recall that even Diebold agreed to public disclosure of their elections software. If the Division of Elections doesn't have anything to hide, - why are they hiding everything? When you go against the laws of the state to produce documents and software questioning an election you are already in violation of the law before the evidence is even in! Diebold just opened the door for you Ms. Brewster and Mr. Leman! What are YOU hiding if Diebold says they have nothing to hide? Alaskans want to know who was, and who was not elected with their votes in 2004 and 2006 and how those votes were counted!
COMMENT #16 [Permalink]
said on 11/29/2006 @ 5:22 am PT...
Yet another violation of our rights by the gov't (rigging elections). Let's review the list of the gov't rountinely violating our Constitutional rights.
They violate the 1st Amendment by caging demonstrators and banning books like "America Deceived" from Amazon. America Deceived (book)
They violate the 2nd Amendment by confiscating guns during Katrina.
They violate the 4th Amendment by conducting warrant-less wiretaps.
They violate the 5th and 6th Amendment by suspending habeas corpus.
They violate the 8th Amendment by torturing.
They violate the entire Constitution by starting 2 illegal wars based on lies and on behalf of a foriegn gov't.
Impeach everyone.
COMMENT #17 [Permalink]
M. Millespieds
said on 11/29/2006 @ 6:25 am PT...
You FLAUNT your political beliefs but FLOUT a law!!! Why is it so hard for people to grasp the difference between these two words?
At any rate, the federal governments needs to address the glaring problems with the release of the tampered 2004 data as well as these most recent ones. What options would citizens have under the law to bring a lawsuit about both situations?
COMMENT #18 [Permalink]
UK Democrat
said on 11/29/2006 @ 8:43 am PT...
As a Brit, I would like to suggest that your ultimate weapon would be a voting boycott until these machines are withdrawn and hand counting of votes reinstituted. Yes, in the short term, you could very well end up with a 100% Republican Congress, Senate and Presidency, but their moral authority would be zero, and they would be the laughing stock of the world. Who would, or could, do business with them?
COMMENT #19 [Permalink]
said on 11/29/2006 @ 9:31 am PT...
Sitting on your laurels to make a point makes a very small point.
Burning down the Capitol building, now THAT'S making a point!
The corrupt powers in charge of the masses do NOT care if you like them or not, they do NOT care if they have the support of the people or not, they do NOT give a shit about people's perceptions of them.. they just want their power, which translates to money and ability to abuse others with impunity.
Saying "who would do business with them" is to pretend that 90% of the planet isn't run by greedy thieving bastards that would sell their mothers for a buck! Guess what!? There are plenty of "bad leaders" out there making plenty of "business deals" .. Those in power are saught because they have power, not because they have some kind of moral highground to stand on.. duh?
If there are no riots in the streets, nothing will change. The judge can talk all day, then order the cops in.. and the cops will stand there, "respecting authority" like good little fascists, and do NOTHING as the Govenor says "I'm your boss, not that judge". Then what? When the police won't arrest their boss (for a myriad of reasons) we're done. Bet your ass that they will arrest (and beat and gas and otherwise violate) citizens who protest too loudly, but go after REAL criminals who are usurping the Constitution and destroying Democracy? Na.. those guys are paying the bills...
The Midterms went "well", in general, but there are still MANY races that had/have problems. Put all those in the Democrat's hands where they likely belong and you DRASTICALLY change the landscape in Washington. A simple majority can't override the Pres, but a 2/3s majority CAN. The Repukes have a REASON to keep stealing elections where they can, and that reason is to disrupt the "liberal agenda" no matter how they have to do it.
Up in arms.. that's all we can do about things like Alaska. Until those that would steal elections and abuse our Constitution see that we won't stand for it anymore, we'll be subjected to their whims and abuses. If we don't physically shed their cloak of fear, they will continue to scare us into compliance.
COMMENT #20 [Permalink]
said on 11/29/2006 @ 10:44 am PT...
Upthread...I'm interested in the Kennedy lawsuit as well. I understood he was under a gag order and that he had to wait 60 days to bring his suit to court. The time was up Sept. 15. That info was from a comment on brad blog. Very puzzling.
COMMENT #21 [Permalink]
said on 11/29/2006 @ 5:38 pm PT...
Sounds to me, like it's time for a swarming, door-kicking raid. Drag a few politicos off in handcuffs, ransack a few offices, and pile up the evidence for their trial.
They're violating the law. That makes them criminals.
Go get em'...
COMMENT #22 [Permalink]
said on 11/30/2006 @ 11:29 am PT...
Hopefully our new majority leader on the Judicial Committee will look into this, and also how the former Speaker of the House, Dennis Hastert, managed to "swear in" Bilbray, before California certified the vote...I seem to remember a book written by John Conyers about how the 2004 election was stolen...will he do more than just write about it...or does it not matter, now?