"Mr. Bush, Specialist Young Would Also Like to Speak With You... {UPDATED!}"
(117 Responses so far...)
COMMENT #1 [Permalink]
said on 8/29/2005 @ 7:54 am PT...
Absolutely fantastic !!! The Pro-War people need to see the results of their support. Death is terrible, but sometimes living can be harder.
I want to start demanding answers from the supporters of Bush's war...are your kids serving?
Why not?
Found a fax number for Milt Romney, Gov of Massachuesetts 617-727-9725 write to him and ask since he is a strong Bush supporter why are his 3 sons ages 23-35 not enlisting?
Accountability starts NOW.
COMMENT #2 [Permalink]
said on 8/29/2005 @ 8:37 am PT...
Brad, I just have to say that this is the most riveting radio I've ever heard. Tomas exemplifies the fine young men and women duhbaya tricked into this extraordinarily filthy war, the fine lives destroyed or damaged beyond the comprehension of the coarse little solipsist ensconced just a few miles away from the sacred ground of Camp Casey. Keep pouring it on! I hope to join you in Washington. Love and Peace, brothers and sisters!
COMMENT #3 [Permalink]
Doug Eldritch
said on 8/29/2005 @ 8:37 am PT...
Texas Lady, Im noticing most people at the pro bush war rallies are Free Republicans and are like kids.
What in the hell is that about? Most of these free republicans are barely out of high school, or at most age 30 and never gone to college!
Why are these folks so undereducated and oblivious to the facts, that they stage pep rallies but won't enlist or even help promote the war?
COMMENT #4 [Permalink]
said on 8/29/2005 @ 8:52 am PT...
Oh Boy! Only a little over an hour to feeding time
COMMENT #5 [Permalink]
said on 8/29/2005 @ 9:10 am PT...
I think you should check your facts on stem cell research. You will find that during your hero's administration, that being "Slick Willy" ,there was little or no support. Bush has promoted the research. He just doesn't think that the taxpayers should pay for it.
COMMENT #6 [Permalink]
Winter Patriot
said on 8/29/2005 @ 9:17 am PT...
LJS you are the one who should check your facts. Nobody around here has ever called "Slick WIlly" our "hero". And that's just for starters.
COMMENT #7 [Permalink]
Rove is a Traitor
said on 8/29/2005 @ 9:20 am PT...
Hey, LJS. Stem cell research is new science. Perhaps if Dear Leader allowed stelm cell research to progress, it could be used to grow a brain for you. :hehe:
COMMENT #8 [Permalink]
said on 8/29/2005 @ 9:26 am PT...
I didn't mean feeding time for the trolls - I meant feeding time for all us BraqdShow devotees, natch!
COMMENT #9 [Permalink]
said on 8/29/2005 @ 9:31 am PT...
# 3 The Young Republicans held a convention in Las Vegas a month ago...when asked why they aren't enlisting..they said they were supporting in "other ways here at home." No one pushed for a better answer.
Oh and they left Las Vegas leaving unpaid bills, quite a flap for a short while.
The very least the supporters could do is volunteer at a VA hospital, or find a family in the area caring for a vet and offer any kind of support. But oh, it so much easier to slap a ribbon on your car and feel you did your share.
COMMENT #10 [Permalink]
Steve J.
said on 8/29/2005 @ 9:32 am PT...
Here's a way to send this great article to the media:
COMMENT #11 [Permalink]
said on 8/29/2005 @ 9:41 am PT...
To all of you at the Brad Blog, keep up the pressure
your efforts are unprecidented. We can hope that others will take notice and notes, as to how you have enlightened and ignited others to action. The lack of overt action by other progressive organizations saddens me. But all of us must continue to open the eyes of others and if it has to be one or two at a time, so be it.
OT........any news concerning W.Madsen besides the article by Szymanski?
COMMENT #12 [Permalink]
said on 8/29/2005 @ 9:41 am PT...
Steve J. thank you, you have saved me time trying to locate this information for my questions to the national media. Thanks again
Sure hope Winter Patriot sends Specialist Young's article.
COMMENT #13 [Permalink]
Winter Patriot
said on 8/29/2005 @ 9:48 am PT...
re #12 please don't rely on ME to send articles... that's a job for ALL of us!!
COMMENT #14 [Permalink]
said on 8/29/2005 @ 9:56 am PT...
Hope your feeling better, good to have you back.
COMMENT #15 [Permalink]
said on 8/29/2005 @ 9:56 am PT...
Ok - will do...also sending it to our local paper.
COMMENT #16 [Permalink]
Blitz Wolfer
said on 8/29/2005 @ 10:03 am PT...
The only things smaller and less-significant
than the brains of Bushites
are their microscopic morals.
But their hatred of America and its freedoms is vast and boundless.
COMMENT #17 [Permalink]
said on 8/29/2005 @ 10:05 am PT...
Winter Patriot:
Please ask Brad to share a copy of both the Ten Characteristics (over at the Whispering Campaign) and the Dedication to the US Armed Forces with Specialist Young, as well as all the others at Camp Casey.
Both, I think, help reinforce their efforts.
We have also posted an essay entitled "The Right to Dissent and to Demand Accountability" that folks at Camp Casey might find uplifting.
For anyone interested: all of our essays and papers are open-copyright to the Citizens of the United States; please feel free to print and distribute as you see fit.
Here's the Dedication to the US Armed Forces (I think GreyHawk posted it in an earlier thread under a different Camp Casey topic, so hope the repetition is not offensive):
Dedication to the US Armed Forces
from the People of the United States*
Two hundred and twenty-nine years ago our Founding Fathers brought forth on this continent a new nation, conceived in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all people are created equal. Now we are engaged in foreign battles, initiated upon false premises, testing whether this nation or any nation so conceived and so dedicated can long endure.
The brave souls, living and dead, who have struggled in this time of war remind us of the costs of such folly far above our poor power to add or detract. The world will note and long remember what has been done and the damage we have wrought, and neither it nor we will ever forget.
It is for us, the living, to be re-dedicated to the unfinished work which those who have fought and died believed they nobly pursued.
It is for us, the survivors, to be dedicated to the great task remaining before us--that from these honored dead we take increased devotion to that cause for which they gave the last full measure of devotion--that we highly resolve that these dead shall not have died in vain, that this nation shall enjoy the re-birth of freedom, and that this government of the People, by the People, for the People shall not perish from this earth.
*Based upon the Gettysburg Address
COMMENT #18 [Permalink]
said on 8/29/2005 @ 10:08 am PT...
Hop on over to the new OPEN THREAD! Show's ON!
COMMENT #19 [Permalink]
said on 8/29/2005 @ 10:15 am PT...
COMMENT #20 [Permalink]
Winter Patriot
said on 8/29/2005 @ 10:24 am PT...
re #17 True Patriot: please feel free to contact Brad directly with anything you'd like to share. You can reach him here:
COMMENT #21 [Permalink]
Winter Patriot
said on 8/29/2005 @ 10:45 am PT...
COMMENT #22 [Permalink]
said on 8/29/2005 @ 10:54 am PT...
In Comment #5, LJS said under Clinton "there was little or no support" for stem cell research.
Quit listening to Rush. Your statement is like saying Abraham Lincoln showed "little or no support" for space exploration.
My source says "human embryonic stem cells were first isolated in 1997"
In January 1999 "once the cells are obtained, they are no longer organisms or even precursors to organisms...NIH director Harold Varmus hopes to begin funding such projects by March"
Then Bush was elected.
COMMENT #23 [Permalink]
Roger Drowne EC
said on 8/29/2005 @ 11:01 am PT...
Milt Romney, Gov of Massachuesetts
I just called... this # woirks
Give him, Bu$h and other Repugs... & Dems
A call...
ask em...
Since he is a strong Bush-WAR
Why O why are his
Kids not enlisting ?
from... 1 Pissed off Vet
COMMENT #24 [Permalink]
said on 8/29/2005 @ 11:02 am PT...
COMMENT #25 [Permalink]
said on 8/29/2005 @ 11:15 am PT...
Excellent, Fracas Futile #22! Thanks for the information. Amazing what one can learn when one is interested (or knows how to study,) eh?
COMMENT #26 [Permalink]
said on 8/29/2005 @ 11:22 am PT...
#20 & #21 Winter Patriot:
Many thanks to The Whispering Campaing for publishing the Dedication. I noticed that it was up there as I sent Brad and the other Patriots at Camp Casey an email just now; all the folks as USPatriotsUnited will be glad to see it up there.
Keep up the good work!
COMMENT #27 [Permalink]
said on 8/29/2005 @ 11:23 am PT...
COMMENT #8 [link]
...czaragorn said on 8/29/2005 @ 9:26am PT...
"I didn't mean feeding time for the trolls - I meant feeding time for all us BraqdShow devotees, natch! "
Feeding tube time for trolls. They demand the right to feeding tubes on all threads. (/frist)
COMMENT #28 [Permalink]
said on 8/29/2005 @ 11:29 am PT...
Specialist Young is a Profile in Courage. The media ignores the voices of the wounded who return home and question the underlying premise of war, the support for all current and past military, and the fact that science affordss us a chance to help people in new ways. Yet Bush starts stumbling blocks with underfunded mandates and claims this to be groundbreaking leadership.
The Bush legacy continues in its brazen trampling of the public's good faith under a guise of humility.
COMMENT #29 [Permalink]
said on 8/29/2005 @ 11:30 am PT...
I phoned Romney's office just now. They were very polite and efficient. (See #23 for number.) Explained that I had a teenage son who would end up in Iraq soon, by draft, if that war is not put to an end--so could Romney's children please go over there now and fight, if it's so important?
They will pass my comments on to the gov. So, I'm waiting by the phone now for his call-back...
COMMENT #30 [Permalink]
seriously ill
said on 8/29/2005 @ 11:31 am PT...
Good post. I linked your ad on my site and on Daily Kos. I don't know what the trackbacks are all about so I didn't do that. What excuses will the Bushistas use for Tomas? He didn't die and only dead soldiers get to meet with Bush? Also please make it easier to stream your show directly from your site. If it is there somewhere I can't find it. I has to be more obvious, and rise above the clutter :satisfied:
COMMENT #31 [Permalink]
Ditter Ditter
said on 8/29/2005 @ 11:42 am PT...
We have a great country, but even in a great country corrupt leaders can take hold and that is what we have now. Repubs like to say we should support our President, but when the President has lied to get us into a war all bets are off. Not only is Bush inept, he is a proven coward that is only willing to have others do the fighting. George Bush was a prep school cheerleader and he joined the national guard to avoid Viet Nam. On top of this he tries to act like a tough leader when in fact his past smacks of being a coward. He lied to get us in a war and because of this brave American men and women have died, and many others were seriouly wounded like Specialist Young. The protests are only beginning.
COMMENT #32 [Permalink]
said on 8/29/2005 @ 12:09 pm PT...
Uni 29 - You should definitely board up your house - after all, victims are fair game
COMMENT #33 [Permalink]
said on 8/29/2005 @ 12:10 pm PT...
#23 & 29 - Sent my letter by fax to Gov Romny
Asking him to be an EXAMPLE of a good politician and explain to taxpayers why he wasn't encouraging his sons to enlist.
Said it would look great on his resume as he wants to get to the White House.
COMMENT #34 [Permalink]
said on 8/29/2005 @ 12:51 pm PT...
I was just listening to NPR. In the middle of the interview, Cindy Sheehan says' Thanks, got to go" and she hangs up. I guess she could have needed to go to the bathroom, but it sounded more like her handlers cut the interview off. The questions she was being asked did not seem to warrant that behaviour. Anyone know about this and has some more insight. Because if her handlers did put a stop to the interview, they did her more harm than good. If thisw is the case, i have toi ask why the left always sabotages itself when victory is immenent?? NPR had the anti cindy protest leader. This guy spouted of a bunch of right wing talking points and said he learned about Cindy and her support groups in church... No wonder he spouted such garbage.
COMMENT #35 [Permalink]
said on 8/29/2005 @ 1:23 pm PT...
When they interviewed Johnson yesterday the one who has the bush stuff he sells ,, sure looked very stupid
He was bad mouthing Cindy and he is dumb as a box of rocks
He says that she is a threat to the troops but really isnt clear on anything but fox news mumble jumble
He didnt mention that we are letting a terrorist stay in Usa that should be deported back to Venuzeula for blowin up a plane and killing people ,, He worked for the Cia in ,,Usa ,,
So if Cindy is so bad as the repukes say ,,, how come we are keeping a well known terrorist in USA that needs to stand trial for his crimes ,,, ,and Bush is letting him stay here ,,go figure
So Cindy ,, God bless you and keep up the good fight ,,
When interviewing the repukes ask them why bush is harboring a terrorist in usa as we speak
COMMENT #36 [Permalink]
said on 8/29/2005 @ 1:33 pm PT...
no soldiers should ever have to be on food stanps to feed theirs
lower ranks always have to scrub by, there should be a standard of living above that for anyone who ever served or is doing so now
the media does not address this, it takes someone who has paid the price(the Young family, the Sheehan family) to even be listened to if they voice such concerns
COMMENT #37 [Permalink]
said on 8/29/2005 @ 1:39 pm PT...
Whatta Guy! I'm sure good fortune will follow you, my friend! Old Rush is fading! Great job as always!
COMMENT #38 [Permalink]
said on 8/29/2005 @ 1:42 pm PT...
Tomas, don't forget ask him why his twin daughters aren't serving over in Iraq... and Cheney's daughter Mary too.
These scoundrels pose as superpatriots, but you don't see their kids going over to Iraq any more than you saw George or Dick going over to Vietnam.
COMMENT #39 [Permalink]
said on 8/29/2005 @ 1:56 pm PT...
bush needs to be impeached for lying and misleading the country. There is a blog on DU about a zogby poll and just maybe we are not alone. He needs to be impeached!!!!!
COMMENT #40 [Permalink]
said on 8/29/2005 @ 1:58 pm PT...
#35 well Bush let the mother of all terrorists, Osama, slide by, only had 20,000 troops at the border to catch this guy, when the Generals told him we needed 5 times that. - maybe because he is a Saudi national?
If Bush had any loyalty to the American public, why would you kiss the cheek of the Saudi Prince visiting your ranch? Even Barbara Walters thought that was a slap in our face.
COMMENT #41 [Permalink]
said on 8/29/2005 @ 2:03 pm PT...
#39 - you will be pleased to know that Pat Buchanan is calling for Bush's impeachment, but not for killing and wounding our troops.
But for not providing proper border I totally agree that we need border patrol and impeaching Bush. But lets get the priorities straight.
A good note - Ann Coulter lost her column in the Arizona Star newspaper - Editor said conservatives were writting and saying she was nasty and mean spirited. Imagine that ! Could it also be she couldn't tell the truth if it hit her in the face.
Well thats one down, maybe O'Reilly and Limbaugh will follow.
COMMENT #42 [Permalink]
Mr. Infidel
said on 8/29/2005 @ 2:03 pm PT...
{Ed note: Inappropriate, hateful propoganda removed.}
COMMENT #43 [Permalink]
said on 8/29/2005 @ 2:16 pm PT...
Cindy Sheehan just wants the killing and wounding to stop. IT WASN'T A NOBLE CAUSE IT WAS POLITICAL GREED !
COMMENT #44 [Permalink]
Mr. Infidel
said on 8/29/2005 @ 2:20 pm PT...
In 1993, the first World Trade Center bombing killed six people.
In 1998, the bombing of two U.S. embassies in Africa killed 224.
Both were the work of al-Qaida and bin Laden, who in 1998 declared holy war on America, making him arguably the most wanted man in the world.
In 1998, President Clinton announced, “We will use all the means at our disposal to bring those responsible to justice, no matter what or how long it takes.”
NBC News has obtained, exclusively, extraordinary secret video, shot by the U.S. government. It illustrates an enormous opportunity the Clinton administration had to kill or capture bin Laden. Critics call it a missed opportunity.
:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
COMMENT #45 [Permalink]
said on 8/29/2005 @ 2:26 pm PT...
August 6, 2001 DPB
"Bin Laden determined to attack inside the United States"
COMMENT #46 [Permalink]
said on 8/29/2005 @ 2:28 pm PT...
Who missed that opportunity?
Clinton told the Bush people Bin Laden/Terrorism should be a top priority.
They weren't that interested.
COMMENT #47 [Permalink]
said on 8/29/2005 @ 2:29 pm PT...
And the troops in Afganistan when they had Osama pinned down...the Generals asked for more troops and NONE were given? Why? because Bush wanted to send the troops into Iraq instead of Afganistan.
And the way for that is many reasons, Osama can tell what Poppy Bush gave him, Osama is a Saudi and Poppy and Cheney just got back from Saudi two weeks ago.
COMMENT #48 [Permalink]
said on 8/29/2005 @ 2:34 pm PT...
Iraq had no connection to 9-11. People using 9-11 references talking about Iraq are deceptive and misleading.
COMMENT #49 [Permalink]
said on 8/29/2005 @ 2:49 pm PT...
Article one, Section 8 "Congress is to promotethe progress of science..." this no longer should apply only to patents. Clearly the Consititution has made a model of increased liberty, by limitng the original scope of Freedom to all races and both gender.
Then easily one could conclude the same purpose of promoting sciences extends beyond the bounds of patent law and should move forward, in an age of development, into the realm of endorsing new scientific advance.
The Chief Executive should uphold the same obligation towards determining the truth and using it to promote the common good for individuals and commerce.
COMMENT #50 [Permalink]
said on 8/29/2005 @ 2:50 pm PT...
COMMENT #51 [Permalink]
Valley Girl
said on 8/29/2005 @ 3:06 pm PT...
I would like to add to the information about stem cell research from #22.
The GWBushco. era has been the darkest time for science and scientists in our country, ever. I’ll address only the stem cell issue here.
A federal bill that Bush has promised to veto
Research using embryo stem cells had been authorized in Britain, but was initially halted in the U.S. by President George W. Bush. He decided on 2001-AUG-9 to allow research to resume in government labs, but restricted researchers to use only 72 existing lines of stem cells. By 2003-MAY, most of these lines had become useless; some of the lines are genetically identical to others; only 11 remained available for research. By mid-2005, all are believed to be useless for research.
A federal bill passed the House on 2005-MAY-24 to allow government funded research on embryonic stem cells extracted from surplus embryos in fertility clinics. It will be voted upon by the Senate in the fall of 2005. President Bush has promised to veto it.
---more at link---
The Christopher Reeve Paralysis Foundation
The Christopher Reeve Paralysis Foundation (CRPF), the non-profit organization founded by the late actor Christopher Reeve and his wife Dana Reeve to fund research for cures and treatments for spinal cord injuries and provide resources for people living with disabilities, applauds the House of Representatives for voting in favor of H.R. 810, the Stem Cell Research Enhancement Act.
The CRPF will continue to support the bill to ensure its passage in the Senate and enactment into law. [ed. note- CRPF actively supported passage of H.R. 810]
---more at link---
IVF embryos
Many human fertility clinics perform In-vitro Fertilization (IVF) procedures. Their goal is to impregnate women who otherwise would not be able to have a child. The procedure involves (first steps omitted):
Then--Selecting two to four healthy-looking embryos and implanting them in the woman's uterus.
Then--Disposing of the remaining 20 or so surplus embryos in some manner
The disposal of almost all of the embryos results, or will result, in their death. Yet, even though the pro-life movement regards all embryos as human persons, pro-lifer leaders seem to be mainly concerned about the few dozen embryos which have been killed by having their stem cells extracted. There seems to be little or no concern over the many hundreds of thousands of embryos which have been killed or which will eventually die in IVF clinics.
---more at link---
Bush administration distorts scientific knowledge on stem cell research
The new cases released by the Union of Concerned Scientists detail incidents of suppression and distortion of scientific knowledge on issues ranging from mountaintop removal strip mining to endangered species. Included in these additional cases are numerous new accounts of political interference with independent scientific advisory panels, most notably at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) under the Department of Health and Human Services.
Dr. Janet Rowley, recipient of the National Medal of Science, the Lasker Prize—the most distinguished American honor for clinical medical research—and a current member of the President’s Advisory Council on Bioethics (said) “Our government has a responsibility to consider accurate scientific evidence when it makes decisions that affect human health. I have seen first hand through the President’s Council that this administration distorts scientific knowledge on stem cell research, which makes it increasingly difficult to have an honest debate in a field that holds promise for treatment of many serious diseases like Parkinson’s and juvenile diabetes.”
---more at link---
politics trumps science-- destructive practices of the Bush administration
In another clear case of political interference in the science advisory appointment process, on February 27, 2004, the Bush administration dismissed Dr. Elizabeth Blackburn, a leading cell biologist, and Dr. William May, a prominent medical ethicist, from the President's Council on Bioethics… which is charged with advising the president on the ethical implications of advancements in biomedical research. Dr. Blackburn is best known as the co-discoverer of telomerase, an enzyme linked to cancer cell growth. This discovery launched a burgeoning cancer research field. Dr. Blackburn "is …one of the top biomedical researchers in the world." Dr. Blackburn believes she was dismissed because she disapproved of the Bush administration's restrictive position on stem cell research. …the dissenting opinion she submitted, which she believes reflects the scientific consensus in America [ed. note- it does], was not included in the council's reports even though she had been told the reports would represent the views of all the council's members.
The removal of Drs. Blackburn and May—and the subsequent appointment of new panel members who are supportive of the administration's stated positions, significantly limits the range of views now available to the president on bioethical issues. Dr. Blackburn …was one of only three full-time biomedical scientists on the panel, which, even prior to her dismissal, was weighted heavily to nonscientists with strong ideological views.
The administration has claimed that politics played no role in Dr. Blackburn’s dismissal, but some 170 researchers signed an open letter to President Bush protesting the decision. Dr. Janet Rowley, Distinguished Service Professor of Medicine and Molecular Genetics at the University of Chicago and current member of the Bioethics Council, has characterized Dr. Blackburn's dismissal as "an important example of the absolutely destructive practices of the Bush administration."
Among those expressing concerns about Dr. Blackburn's dismissal was the American Society for Cell Biology (ASCB), which represents 11,000 scientists worldwide. ASCB issued a public statement contending that Dr. Blackburn's dismissal reflected a pattern in the Bush administration in which politics trumps science.
---more at link---
COMMENT #52 [Permalink]
said on 8/29/2005 @ 3:26 pm PT...
You know heart surgery was experiemental in 1930, opinions were we should not touch the heart. Blue babies just had to die, it was God's will.
Well, doctors, Denton Cooley and others prevailed and our babies now live and how many others are walking around after heart surgery instead of buying the dirt farm.
Doesn't God or whatever you want to believe in want humans to use their knowledge for the betterment of all mankind? Stem cells are not people yet, and if the ones being discarded can benefit alzheimer victims and paralyzed people and parkinson victims, etc. Why would anyone be against that?
Do we really want to go backward ?
COMMENT #53 [Permalink]
said on 8/29/2005 @ 4:15 pm PT...
WOW! This is amazing. The Revolution Has Begun! We have to stop the maddness. If the young republicans want to WIN this war they should ShutUp and SignUp NOW!
COMMENT #54 [Permalink]
said on 8/29/2005 @ 5:37 pm PT...
You guy will exploit anyones hardship for personal gain I see. Keep up the good work getting your message out.
COMMENT #55 [Permalink]
said on 8/29/2005 @ 5:59 pm PT...
#48 - Mr. Murder says re: Mr. Infidel - "Iraq had no connection to 9-11. People using 9-11 references talking about Iraq are deceptive and misleading."
Yes, and lots of other things, too, requiring colorful language. (Accessory to murder, to begin.) It can't be anything other than propaganda, can it? I mean doesn't everyone know that there is no connection? And that we didn't "smoke him out"? In fact, put our resources elsewhere?
It's propaganda of the worst kind. Nobody could be so dumb as to really believe it as an "argument" and still be able to type on a keyboard.
COMMENT #56 [Permalink]
Valley Girl
said on 8/29/2005 @ 6:07 pm PT...
COMMENT #57 [Permalink]
said on 8/29/2005 @ 7:29 pm PT...
Actually check your facts LJS Clinton permitted research on discarded fetal tissue from abortion clinics.
President Clinton also signed the Federal Stem Cell Research Bill before he left office.
Remember George W. Bush was for Stem Cell Research before he was against it.
COMMENT #58 [Permalink]
said on 8/29/2005 @ 10:00 pm PT...
Ask why the contractors are not funding vets to get back on their feet. After all it's them thats behind the war in the first place. Hope you recover sometime in the future
COMMENT #59 [Permalink]
said on 8/30/2005 @ 4:03 am PT...
Let's see the Bush minions smear U.S. Army Specialist Tomas Young like they have everyone else who has stood up lately.
COMMENT #60 [Permalink]
said on 8/30/2005 @ 5:12 am PT...
You have to understand the mentality of a silver spooner who was born in the lap of luxury and loved his whole life with 100s of millions in wealth and was given everything he ever wanted including the best private education at Yale and Harvard yet he tries to act like a commoner good ole boy Texan to con those who put him in office including daddys pals.
You also have to understand Bush also abused drugs and alcohol for 25 yrs so his brain damage may be kicking in and this the real problem as he obviously bought and used only the premium quality cocaine alcohol and pot and went AWOL as a deserter in the Texas Guard " in noble cause" fashion as daddy had his records fixed.
Think about it. Would you want Cheech or Chong as president even though they probably did less drigs and have less brain damage since they dint have the millions to buy the best stuff?
Bush truly looks retarded from the brain damage and alfred Newman is actually better looking.
COMMENT #61 [Permalink]
said on 8/30/2005 @ 5:17 am PT...
As Tomas Young's mom I couldn't be prouder of him and his new bride for making the long trek to Crawford to speak up for what they believe in. As hard as this trip has been on everyone else you have no idea how it has been for them...
As my younger son prepares to deploy to Iraq in October I can't help but notice while watching the pro-war protests all of the young men standing holding banners about the "noble cause" that this war is. My sole question to all of them and to the 17 Bush grandchildren - Why are you not there??
I wish that I could have been with Tomas, Brie and
Cindy in Crawford but am looking forward to being with them in Washington when we take the fight to them!!!
COMMENT #62 [Permalink]
said on 8/30/2005 @ 5:57 am PT...
Excellent!. Mr Bush cannot defend his position on stem cell research, and like EVERYTHING else he talks about, he this case about the facts of this medical breakthrough ...for his own, narrow and sick political cause.
This soldier and hero, is absolutelyu right to ask the quesition to Bush .....and deserves an answer from our "coward in chief"...who either hates science, is scared of it, doesnt understand it...and then uses it for his "political agenda to divide this nation..shame on you Mr. are not a leader.
This issue is one that Bush should be hounded on.
Thank you Thomas Young for having the courage to ask a simple question of the president.
COMMENT #63 [Permalink]
Valley Girl
said on 8/30/2005 @ 6:17 am PT...
#61 Cathy- Tomas' mom
Thank you for joining us. I am so glad that we got to hear from Tomas via Brad. I hope you won't mind if I say we are proud of him too for speaking up.
Bush is willfully ignorant about so many things. His stance on stem cell research is a piece of pure villainy. Let's hope that saner minds prevail when this issue comes before the Senate.
And, thanks for keeping on about the question "why aren't your children serving in Iraq?" It's an important one.
COMMENT #64 [Permalink]
said on 8/30/2005 @ 6:17 am PT...
Too bad we can't put Bush in the same wheel chair.
COMMENT #65 [Permalink]
said on 8/30/2005 @ 6:36 am PT...
#61 To Cathy,
My heart goes out to you, Tomas and Bree. Your courage is without bounds. Thank you for standing up for the rest of the young men and women who are still in harms way.
We have a similiar situation in our family and wish the Pro-War supporters could spend one day with someone living in a wheelchair.
How very, very easy it is to send someone elses child to war.
COMMENT #66 [Permalink]
said on 8/30/2005 @ 7:03 am PT...
Hey everyone - there is a petition on naming the adult Bush children and asking why they aren't enlisting.
I have been long wondering how the Bush bunch could not be banging on the recruiter's door to sign up. For the "Noble Cause" you know.
COMMENT #67 [Permalink]
said on 8/30/2005 @ 7:46 am PT...
Godspeed, Tomas Young
i've run it through my network.
an old conscript doc
COMMENT #68 [Permalink]
Doug Eldritch
said on 8/30/2005 @ 7:59 am PT...
What a great display!!
It's Peter, Paul and Mary!!! Or should I say "Infidel" and Paul plus Mary.
Paul, I have a wonderful message for you. It is JUST for you and all the other kids who won't simply sign up for this war RIGHT NOW since they believe in it so strongly.
"Upon the listening spirit of God the Father fell also the unspoken part of the prayer. He commandeth me to put it into words. Listen!
"O Lord our Father, our young patriots, idols of our hearts, go forth to battle – be Thou near them! With them, in spirit, we also go forth from the sweet peace of our beloved firesides to smite the foe. O Lord our God, help us to tear their soldiers to bloody shreds with our shells; help us to cover their smiling fields with the pale forms of their patriot dead; help us to drown the thunder of the guns with the shrieks of their wounded, writhing in pain; help us to lay waste their humble homes with a hurricane of fire; help us to wring the hearts of their unoffending widows with unavailing grief; help us to turn them out roofless with their little children to wander unfriended the wastes of their desolated land in rags and hunger and thirst, sports of the sun flames of summer and the icy winds of winter, broken in spirit, worn with travail, imploring Thee for the refuge of the grave and denied it – for our sakes who adore Thee, Lord, blast their hopes, blight their lives, protract their bitter pilgrimage, make heavy their steps, water their way with their tears, stain the white snow with the blood of their wounded feet! We ask it, in the spirit of love, of Him Who is the Source of Love, and Who is ever-faithful refuge and friend of all that are sore beset and seek His aid with humble and contrite hearts. Amen.
(After a pause)
"Ye have prayed it; if ye still desire it, speak! The messenger of the Most High waits."
It was believed afterward that the man was a lunatic, because there was no sense in what he said. "
The War Prayer
As you can see, its called the WAR PRAYER obviously. And the message is very simple, wars are un-neccesary vile things which should only be used as a last resort since they bring destruction and death.
But when that war, or wars are based on lies and illegal acts of agression you aren't smiting down the enemy anymore, Paul, because you have BECOME the enemy. And thus you got exactly what you paid for, thousands of dead, blood, and your friends gone forever perished at the hands of greed.
Mark Twain had a brilliant message, but you only understand what that message was once you've felt the pain. So why don't you go ship off to Bagdhad, which is where they hate everyone for our freedom I take it, and prove you can wave your patriot party in public?
What's the matter? Is the fear of loss too great? War is about loss, and death. You should embrace it...that is unless you really aren't pro-war.
Cathy, I feel for you and it takes tremendous courage to do this too. Thomas is the most brave guy I know to do this, please send his picture and story everywhere you possibly can. Let them know 9/11 is over, that Iraq has no bearing on 9/11 and that the war was a lie and its time for it to end. Lets hope all the chickenhawks wake up before countless others are killed, and lets take that message straight to Washington and beyond and impeach the dictators and end their oil wars.
Doug E.
COMMENT #69 [Permalink]
Doug Eldritch
said on 8/30/2005 @ 8:26 am PT...
Infidel, I remind you its worse than you thought!
If you think you are going to be able to blame 9/11 on Clinton, you and the right-wing hacks might as well think again.
"Weldon is now saying that the Pentagon cover up of able danger “will shake the country to its roots."
If the claims made by the Able Danger participants and Rep. Weldon are confirmed, former National Security Adviser Rice and other Bush Administration officials will face a barrage of questions. First would likely be an inquiry into why the administration unceremoniously axed the Able Danger project in May of 2001.
During an August 20th interview on C-Span’s Washington Journal, Able Danger member Lt. Col. Schaffer posed a question of his own:
"The American public should ask themselves: Why would the leadership of DoD shut down, terminate, a project which was aimed at targeting al-Qaeda offensively? ...
"Why would they shut that down, four months before 9/11? That’s the big question right now, we have to ask that. I don’t know the answer to that question because I know my side of the story, I know that when a 2 star general got in my face and said, “I’m a 2 star general and you are not. You are to stop your support of Able Danger.” That’s what I know personally. But the question has to be: Who told him to do that? ...
"And why did the rest of the project, I’m talking about Special Operations Command and the Army portion of this, why was that terminated?
"Those are the questions that need to be asked."
By all means dig, dig dig and get that Clinton!!!! Hahahaha, because as the truth comes out, its the Bush Admins fault for letting them do it.....
Doug E.
COMMENT #70 [Permalink]
said on 8/30/2005 @ 8:29 am PT...
I guess young should have thought about the possibility of being injured before he joined bushes military kids club.
How can a solider whine about his wounds when he's the one who signed up for the adventure, how come he didn't have a sign for bush before he joined ? Why only after he's been to war got injured now he feels the need.
Bush didn't make him join the military and as far as the war, bush didn't send him to war, congress did.
If he still has enough strength to hold a sign then he's not completely paralized, get a life loser..
thats all i got to say about that....
forest gump
COMMENT #71 [Permalink]
said on 8/30/2005 @ 8:36 am PT...
Yep, Forrest gump you are exactly the type of spineless scum just like your commander in chief. You also would avoid the war like Bush and go AWOL while brave good men Thomas young tried to defend their country. It turned out to be a lie by these facist criminal gang that occupies the White House. Hitler would have been proud of citizens like you! (Where is the puke smiley here?)
COMMENT #72 [Permalink]
said on 8/30/2005 @ 9:08 am PT...
#70 For the record - In Sadr City two very powerful Iraqi leaders were urging followers to work with the US when Paul Bremer closed their newspaper, stopped them from supplying food and water to the people.
Then tried to arrest the leaders who were trying to keep peace.
Thats when all hell broke loose and our guys were killed and Tomas was severely injured.
And you contend that it is Tomas fault he is injured.
I guess it was his decision to leave a heavily armoured humvee and choose that canvess cover instead. Or maybe he decided NOT to wear his ceramic plated vest that day -
COMMENT #73 [Permalink]
Doug Eldritch
said on 8/30/2005 @ 9:09 am PT...
More like Forrest Dump!!
You stupid dumb kid, you don't realize what kind of pain it is to have your leg practically blown off for NOTHING!!!
Why in the hell do you speak this way about soldiers in uniform?!?? Why don't you go serve over there, see what its like and then talk. Yeah you heard me didn't you?
Get over there and try it out yourself. You know the patriots have to walk the walk. Once you get over there, you'll find out what its really like. And me who's had a busted arm and several horrifying life/death experiences already knows what its like, that's why this war must END RIGHT NOW.
COMMENT #74 [Permalink]
said on 8/30/2005 @ 9:33 am PT...
Hey eldritch the idiot;
They will never call a public hearing on Able Danger. You are an drooling tool or a knowing prevaricator. It's a lot like the chickenhaws sqawk bawk and balk on the Rather Investigation, when they ran away quaking in fear at the thought of a Texas Grannie stomping their butts across the floor ala Gallager upon Coleman. They didn't want Carr, the former TANG secretary speaking her mind, anywhere near the hearing floor's mike
Here are you two clues; two more than you possessed when you posted this tripe:
Warren P. Strobel, "Lawmakers met with Iranian exile scrutinized over intelligence", Knight Ridder Washington Bureau, July 20, 2005
Describing a secret ménage à trois, In Paris, between your hero Weldon the woodenhead, Selective Intelligence Chairman, Petey Hoekstra, and none other than Manucher Ghorbanifar and/or his agents.
Ghorbanifar v Weldon? Bring it On! These repug clowns aren't just out of their league here, try continuums. Ghorbanifar could juggle three shady arms deals using third country proxies, while conducting multiple financial transactions through offshore laundries, carrying on a telephone conversation with crown prince Abdullah, and still easily keep these two sub humans entertained with a small piece of yarn waved in fron of their faces. No way the repug power will allow this crap to hit the broadcast fan. Are all Republicans suckers for the sweeping curve ball low and away and in the dirt?
Shaun Waterman, "Colonel got permission to disclose pre-9/11 data", UPI-Washington Times, August 22, 2005
Ooh says the moronic elf, it's not fair attacking with moonie cites...This one exposes the extortionist of Turks, Denny Hastert, and Petey Hoekstra as the guys that greenlighted Schaffer to go public.
Bring it on Repugs. Dog and Pony shows on the Hill are bunches of fun...
something else you ought to be warned about, it isn't the left against the right or liberals against conservatives. New Rules. It is antiwar/war honour/scum, so don't expect to be defending against the liberal nicey nice, and better start watching your back, neocon flack. better start handing out new credentials at those FREEPing circle jerks too or you might come up for air minus your wee willie winky.
COMMENT #75 [Permalink]
said on 8/30/2005 @ 9:35 am PT...
COMMENT #76 [Permalink]
said on 8/30/2005 @ 9:37 am PT...
"brave good men Thomas young tried to defend their country."
got news for you, young wasn't defending his country he was invading another country killing women and children for a cause not his own, how sick and twisted is that ?
don't give me that soliders defending their country bullshit, I was in the military and ask most ex military guys and they will tell you how pathetic the military false patriotism really is.
Any citizen who can avoid war is first class in my book, it's only the idiot youngs who sign up for the adventure, if you join the military you join the war whos the fool one who makes war or one who avoids it.
"Thats when all hell broke loose and our guys were killed and Tomas was severely injured. And you contend that it is Tomas fault he is injured."
sad story let me get my violin and tear bucket, oh wait, I can just watch it on tv on useless military soapopera propganda shows like "overthere"
Thomas VOLUNTEERED to go to war therefore by default, it was all his own doing, now do i feel bad that one of our own was injured sure but i feel more sad for all the innocent women and children he slaughtered defending his country.
You can say he didn't do any slaughtering personally however, by default he is part of a collective that did therefore he's guilty as well. There are no individuals in the military.
"You stupid dumb kid, you don't realize what kind of pain it is to have your leg practically blown off for NOTHING!!! Get over there and try it out yourself."
Your right about that only a fool knows the pain of having his leg blown off while intentionally participating in war to kill other human beings,
Been there done that poor solider war is tough on you eh? i'll show you things that are far more tougher then you'll ever face in war. You expect people to feel sorry for you, you can forget that uncle same doesn't show you any compassion so why should I ?
In conclusion, i agree the war must end but how can people argue that it must end when in the beginning they supported it ? It's alittle late in the game all bets are off. You (the people) started this war and the war will end when enough has been lost that's the way it all works.
Holding up signs, protesting, media campaigns none of that will have any affect on the war. Military guys whining how bad war is after they volunteered to do it is pathetic. From one military solider to another get out while you can. If every solider just dropped what they were doing and took the first bus home, the war would be over.
Whats the matter, not up for the challenge ? Where's your brave courage now ?
COMMENT #77 [Permalink]
said on 8/30/2005 @ 9:57 am PT...
To Cathy -
If only we could encourage the young idealists to spend an hour with a soldier who has come back or an hour in a VA hospital before they make a life changing decision.
Tomas's courage each day must make the cowards cringe in their soul. Or speak such ignorance just to justify breathing the same air.
COMMENT #78 [Permalink]
said on 8/30/2005 @ 9:59 am PT...
I hear people wanting the war to end, bring our soliders home you say.
Here's a quick solution:
Want the war to end ? do you really ?
Here's How:
send a letter to your soliders, tell them to take the first bus home, the military can't court martial all of them and even if they did so what, a court martial means nothing in the civilian world. You can still find a good job, perhaps not a gov job but who would would want one.
If you want the war to end then get the soliders in on it, the soliders over there have the only real power to end the war by simply not engaging in it.
Too tough an assignment ? Not too dificult for brave soliders defending their country if you ask me. Who do they think they are protecting over there anyway, iraq ? the USA ? me ? I don't need any protection, i'll take my life into my own hands thank you and i'm sure most americans feel the same so once again who really are you fighting for ? It all started when you signed the contract. ok enough said
Back to young thomas, this was not intended to bash young, he's got his reasons for wanting answers, I respect that but we can not go into the future without acknowledging the past.
Young will do better to educate kids on the consequences of war then try to get answers from bush, he's wasting MY TIME, yes I say my time because i want Young to do something FOR ME, i want me to do something worthy and earn what he has learned.
Don't wast my time and every american's time by holding up signs protesting and wanting answers, there are no answers, only questions, questions which you should have asked yourself prior to enlisting.
My thoughts go to young thomas and his family, as for the rest of you goofbag wantabes get a life and STOP WASTING MY TIME!!
COMMENT #79 [Permalink]
said on 8/30/2005 @ 10:00 am PT...
Went to school in Boston 1969-71 and participated among 100,000+ activists in 'moratorium' against the Vietnam War. The song "War" was most welcome and great backup for our efforts. The song still works, but it's in desperate need of listeners. Just like your brilliant live news from Crawford that is now playing through my Real Player while I type these words. Seems to be the most realistic of all broadcasts I've heard. Am not even American, but Canada's problems look miniscule in comparison to the blind conditioned redneck protests against Camp Casey. Thankfully for Canadians, Jean Cretien, when PM, refused to allow Canada to be dragged into the Bush, Cheney, Rumsfeld, Rove, Libby. (etc.) lies; the most admirable decision in his three terms of office. Sure wish the rightwing theocorporatists would submit to the same realization and help put a stop to the started by lies, now seemingly endless debauckle, in Iraq. Broadcast on Brad, I'm listening.
Please pass on my best wishes to Cindy for finally getting Americans to wake up and listen to facts, and yes, thanks for being a facilitator in this struggle. Bravo from Canada Brad!
COMMENT #80 [Permalink]
said on 8/30/2005 @ 10:08 am PT...
Maybe he you are right that Young was not defending his country, and I even agree strongly with you that he was invading a country. But maybe he was thinking he is doing his country a favor by fighting the "war on terror". Only idiots sign up? Maybe? But how many idiots in the good old USA let young children sign up and profit on the war like Cheney, Bush and gang: Haliburton (constantly defrauding the US government) Carlyle Group (Ol G.H.W Bush made a killing) and even ol Bremer does not know where the 9 billion US$ went. Forget it, don't try to blame some poor soldier or a mother of dead soldier: THE ONLY ONE TO BLAME IS THE CRIMINAL GANG IN THE WHITE HOUSE: G.Bush, Cheney, Wolfowitz, Rumsfeld, Rice, Mueller, General Eberhardt (you remember the guy who ordered the US Air Force Stand down on 9/11), General Myers, Tenet, Mayor Giuliani, Alberto Gonzales, Peter Goss, Richard Perle and all those sorry SOB's who were responsible for 9/11, the Afghan war and the IRAQ disaster. I hope we can not only impeach them but actually but them to prison for TREASON and WAR CRIMES!
COMMENT #81 [Permalink]
said on 8/30/2005 @ 10:12 am PT...
#76 - One thing I agree with you and its been said before, "what if they held a war and nobody came?"
Itch - been there, done that too - there are alot of us that wrote, called, begged our representatives NOT to enter into this illegal war. We voted, got others to vote against the war monger, but didn't count on the hackers to steal our vote. Both Times !
Tomas was not surfing and got hurt, he was believing he was doing the right thing. Now with all the information we ALL have...realizes he was lied to. As all soldiers have been during each politician's war.
Cindy Sheehan can be attacked by the Republican talking heads but how in good conscious can they attack Tomas ?
So I don't think our opinions are as far apart as you think.
COMMENT #82 [Permalink]
said on 8/30/2005 @ 10:19 am PT...
And one more thing ITCH: These protests will change things. Soldiers won't. Remember Vietnam. Finally these criminal generals had to leave Vietnam admitting their war crimes. Unfortunatly they did not get indicted. And for your info, there were protesters around the world before the Iraq war, millions of them. But true , they could not avoid the bloodthirsty war that Bush and gang (including Phony Blair) planned. And the US MAINSTREAM Media helped: CNN. FOX; CBS, ABC; NBC. Enbedded journalist! Crap (puke!) WAR PROPAGANDA at its best moments in World History! Goebbels would really be proud of you streamlined, grease hair do media whores! SUPPORT CAMP CASEY!
COMMENT #83 [Permalink]
said on 8/30/2005 @ 10:22 am PT...
ok, one more, and then i am gone. it is a submission of a flyer for College Republicans.
Mr. Brad Friedman, thanks, and i arrived here via Raimondo, in case you didn't know. Also, if more liberals started citing Paine, I might find myself more inclined to their POV:
cheers mate.
"He that would make his own liberty secure must guard even his enemy from oppression; for if he violates this duty he establishes a precedent that will reach to himself." Thomas Paine
To The College Republican Student Membership,
Engorged with Bellicose Partisan Ecumenicalism:
Prepare yourselves for a rhetorical battle you cannot win.
Radicalization is coming soon to your school.
Your vociferous veneration of vileness is the cause of your targeting.The inherent cowardice within your blathering warmongery is self-evident.
You, who are Grade A Prime Monkey-Boy Military Fodder,think you can shield within Ivory Walls Aping Bushido Imperialism,while other people's children risk their lives upon the field of battle;without your Chicken-Hawkish Hypocrisy being pointed out;without your inadequacies becoming the subject of derision?
So sorry, young sir,,
The American's with Disabilities Act
does not yet consider
Your Acute Testicular Dwarfism
as an Official Disability.
Not a Snowball's Chance in the Earth's Climatic Future.
Better to go out and enlist forthwith.
Little Elitist Twit,do you believe your Lily-Liver will escape insult;do you believe GQ Outer-Wear obscures your Yellow-Belly;do you believe your Luxury SUV thickens your spine of jelly;do you believe yourself to be Too Good to Die for America?
Go out and
Join The Army,
Join The Navy,
Join The Air Force,
or better yet,
Join The Marines.
And do not fret about your home's condition
Fighting Faraway Upon Alien Foreign Soil,
Waging War of Empire for The Son of Bush.
We will offer comfort and aid to your women while you are gone.
COMMENT #84 [Permalink]
said on 8/30/2005 @ 10:26 am PT...
Sure, we all know the whole gov gang is guilty
What is sad is that the american public knows it yet they continue to vote these individuals into office. America has always followed blindly and only after terrible things happen do they try to make a stand, only to be shot down by the rules and regulations. ie its ok to protest as long as you do it behind this nice cage we had built especially for you.
oh ok (not)
America has been divided states, cities, towns, people since its founders created it. It's been corporationalized since the beginning so whats new ?
In a real free country, the presidents house would be a small farm house and any citizen could walk right in to have a chat. Why on earth are we supporting our president in a million dollar mansion estate ?
Here's another thing they should do away with, why are we listening to officials who read from prescripted speeches ?
i'm sorry, but i can not vote for any president who reads from a piece of paper. I want to know what they are really saying and thinking. America followers a president who promises them things via written well reheased speech, how pathetic is that ?
The people have failed America, if you ask me. We allowed our country to get to where it is, now there's no stoping the ameriBORG.
COMMENT #85 [Permalink]
said on 8/30/2005 @ 10:28 am PT...
August 29, 2005 - Captain Daniel Green, battlefield surgeon in Baghdad's green zone writes,
"Reports from the commanders to the higher up are sugar coated and biased. Corruption is underplayed, achievements exaggerated. "It will take years to train the Iraqi police.
COMMENT #86 [Permalink]
said on 8/30/2005 @ 10:36 am PT...
Not only the President was an alcoholic, went AWOL, had a DWI and choked on a Pretzel, reading Goat stories when America was under Attack. Imagine this:
Can you imagine working at the following company? It
has a little over 500 employees with the following
29 have been accused of spousal abuse
7 have been arrested for fraud
19 have been accused of writing bad checks
117 have bankrupted at least two businesses
3 have been arrested for assault
71 cannot get a credit card due to bad credit
14 have been arrested on drug related charges
8 have been arrested for shoplifting
21 are current defendants in lawsuits
In 1998 alone:
217 traffic violations
Over 100 were stopped for drunk driving
3,000 unpaid parking tickets were issued
Can you guess which organization this is? Give up?
Scroll down for the answer...
It's the 535 members of your United States Congress.
The same group that perpetually cranks out hundreds
upon hundreds of new laws designed to keep the rest of
us in line. By claiming "Constitutional immunity" our
political overseers avoid criminal prosecution for all
traffic crimes. These are only statistics for
Washington DC, Virginia and Maryland police files, and
do not reflect traffic crimes committed in other
jurisdictions. [court records]
COMMENT #87 [Permalink]
said on 8/30/2005 @ 10:40 am PT...
ITCH - many of us, were disbelieving and sick at heart after the 2004 election..I mean I saw staunch Republicans vote for Kerry and send money !
We became even sicker that Kerry welched on not asking for a recount.
But got to say, when I saw Cindy Sheehan speaking out, and after two weeks the Bush crowd putting her down...I felt maybe just maybe the sleepers were waking up...You have to admit 1000 protesters in Utah is amazing.
It took years for this corrupt crowd to get into place so we can't expect a clean house overnight.
But, with blogs like these, information is flowing like never before. People are seeking truth more than I have ever seen. National media be damned, the Internet has the truth.
So don't turn away, read everything you can, make your own decision...people do care about saving America from the ones selling us out.
COMMENT #88 [Permalink]
said on 8/30/2005 @ 11:00 am PT...
You are right: "National media be damned, the Internet has the truth." That is the only place of truth. damn FOX, CNN, ABC, CBS, NBC, Pills Limbaugh, this disgusting O'Reilly, Hannity, Coulter scum! Liars all of them! How can a sane person atch FOX News. I recommend everyone the FOX Blocker: "SHUT THE FOX UP"
I care about America, I served the Army, I believe in citizen service for defense. But I cannot accept our soldiers being killed in a senseless war of greed and deception. BUSH LIED and your children die. Fire the liars and CHICKENHAWKS!
COMMENT #89 [Permalink]
said on 8/30/2005 @ 11:14 am PT...
#88 I wonder if there were a way to boycott television for a week. Just turn it off until we get respectable reporting. Or maybe just watch PBS and the shows that are honest, Lou Dobbs seems to tell it like it is.
Some of us are old enough to remember when boycotting would get attention...maybe again?
COMMENT #90 [Permalink]
said on 8/30/2005 @ 11:15 am PT...
@Texaslady Yes it was sickening with Kerry, but do not worry one second about this fool, he was the programmed lame duck Democratic "alternative" to the Bush Regime, also "skull&bones", cousin, PRO WAR. Not a real choice as President. I would not waste a tear about this hopeless looser. I really hope we will receive some real Americans, the type of Cindy Sheehan for the next elections!
COMMENT #91 [Permalink]
said on 8/30/2005 @ 11:35 am PT...
#90 You know, we thought from the get go in Iowa Kerry was the most reluctant candidate we had ever seen. Theresa was more into it than John.
But we would have voted for Donald Duck...we in Texas had lived through the wreckage of a Bush in power. We had a surplus before he stole the governors office and a deficit before his term was up. Couldn't believe Bush would get elected outside of Texas.
But of course, he didn't get elected, he was "appointed by Judges" and the hackers got the second term for him. Oh, what money can buy.
Interesting enough some journalists were probing the Florida count until 9/11. Law enforcement always look at who might benefit from a crime first.
COMMENT #92 [Permalink]
said on 8/30/2005 @ 11:38 am PT...
Good advice: Turn the whole crap off, especially FOX, CNN etc. Turn the Talk Radio off, Pills Limbaugh, that crazy Michael Savage (don't know what crap this guy is on) or This dangerous phony Gordon Liddy (Convicted felon and criminal)!
COMMENT #93 [Permalink]
Doug Eldritch
said on 8/30/2005 @ 11:39 am PT...
Itch/Forrest Gump,
It's good you have finally seen the light. But damn it, why don't you tell all your bush supporter friends too?
Why blame thomas for what happened in this war based on lies? He ENLISTED in the military believing he would defend FREEDOM.
He did NOT know the war was based on lies, and so it is not his fault!
It is the leaders fault for lying to them all and leading them into the slaughter, who we must blame is the THUGS in Congress and Bush Admin!
And by the way, the people did NOT vote the whiny brats into office. They stole their way into the government yet again!!!!
Read the truth:
Yeah and if you believed the election was fair I have a bridge to sell you and my name is Ricky Martin!
No literally, they are CROOKS, and only the PEOPLE can remove crooks, as we've seen with Richard Nixon Roosevelt countless others.
Oh and the ABLE DANGER HEARINGS will become reality!!! Because many thought Ohio would never get resolved or turn out convictions, but now the governor has been convicted, and so has several workers who accepted BRIBES.
And now the Board of Elections is under criminal investigation.
Criminal Conspiracy in Ohio GOP
Plus, if Blackwell's lawyer messes up Blackwell goes to jail. That would be a PURE victory to see Blackwell/Fraudwell be removed before he can even run for governor. The ONLY way we get rid of crooks is through the pressure, so listen to me America, we must keep up the pressure! And yes Able Danger is coming, it WILL come!
Doug E.
COMMENT #94 [Permalink]
said on 8/30/2005 @ 12:02 pm PT...
A comment from Australia: Please accept my apologies for Australia joining the "coalition of the killing", but millions of us Aussies protested this illegal and immoral war from the very start:
As Australian prime minister John Howard is being especially honoured with the Woodrow Wilson award
for public service and being praised by George Bush,
let's not forget the BLATANT BALD-FACED LIES these cowards told.
And let's not forget the Iraqi civilian casualties their illegal, "preventitive" war of aggression is continuing to cause:
An Iraqi humanitarian organization is reporting that 128,000 Iraqis have been killed since the U.S. invasion began in March 2003. Mafkarat al-Islam reported that chairman of the 'Iraqiyun humanitarian organization in Baghdad, Dr. Hatim al-'Alwani, said that the toll includes everyone who has been killed since that time, adding that
55 percent of those killed have been women and children aged 12 and under.
55 percent of those killed have been women and children aged 12 and under.
55 percent of those killed have been women and children aged 12 and under.
55 percent of those killed have been women and children aged 12 and under.
Why? There were no "Weapons of Mass Destruction". There was no link with the government coupe of 9/11. There was no "just cause" for this bloodshed.
Why? Were their lives worth any less than Casey Sheehan's or Tomas Young's?
Why? Just so our countries can set up a police station in the oil-producing capital of the world so we can keep our SUVs and air-conditioners running.
Here's Iraq's Unseen War: The Photos Washington Doesn't Want You To See
- International - SPIEGEL ONLINE - News,1518,371411,00.html
Warning: The photos in the photo gallery are graphic and heart rending.
Please do not open unless you can stomach the barbarity of it all.
REPAY NO-ONE EVIL FOR EVIL, but instead ALWAYS seek after that which is
GOOD FOR ALL MEN; for you were called for this very purpose that you might
receive a blessing. (1Peter 3:8-12) (1 Thessalonians 5:15) (Romans 12:17)
(Luke 6:27-36)
COMMENT #95 [Permalink]
Doug Eldritch
said on 8/30/2005 @ 12:26 pm PT...
What about Iraq,
That was just revolting and further proof of why this war must end right NOW. Civilians my ass!!!! Those people are trying to protect themselves from getting occupied, before good old Rumsfeld and his 'boyz' come and rip up all their plantation to steal all of their oil!!!!
What fucking bullshit!!!! THIS WHOLE WAR ON TERROR=WAR OF LIES!!!!!
I hope that pandering War Criminal stands before tribunal AND is forced to submit.....And then finally held on trial!!! WHAT A FUCKING HACK!
The REAL terrorists most of them are already gone, in another country somewhere plotting blowing up most of our U.S ships while america collapses.
COMMENT #96 [Permalink]
Doug Eldritch
said on 8/30/2005 @ 12:28 pm PT...
Correction: I meant INSURGENTS my ass.
COMMENT #97 [Permalink]
A. Droog
said on 8/30/2005 @ 12:51 pm PT...
The intellectual quality of the comments on this site is outstanding. Itch is probably in a class of his own but strong emotions have an almost equal value.
Paul Schroeder was reported in our press as saying his dead son was " an all round decent kid" whose " sacrifice" etc. These, I believe, are typical bereaved parents' thoughts. The truth is far too hurtful: that their offspring were gullible fools who invaded a sovereign country, murdering tens of thousands of innocents, in their nation's greed for oil. Sacrifice is something else entirely. So is being decent.
Facing the truth must be unbearable. However, at least the mourning families can hold on to the consolation that the Hell where their dead will spend eternity might not be quite so bad as Abu Ghraib
COMMENT #98 [Permalink]
Valley Girl
said on 8/30/2005 @ 1:20 pm PT...
The Case of Pablo Paredes
[ On December 6, 2004, Pablo Paredes refused to board his Navy ship. He faced courts-martial on Wednesday, May 11, 2005. ]
The conviction rate for Courts Martial is something over 97%. That being the case, preparing for a Court Martial has more to do with what will be presented at the sentencing phase as mitigating circumstances than an actual defense of the charges.
Add to that the fact that Pablo did, indisputably, miss movement; in plain English, Pablo did, in fact, fail to deploy on the morning of December 6th; and that Pablo made the extremely difficult (and honorable) decision to plead 'not guilty', thereby forsaking any pre-trial deals that might have been made for a light sentence; and one can see why there was a general feeling amongst us that Pablo was going to jail.
----excerpt from an essay by Pablo Paredes---
"The moment we first sentenced German service members for not disobeying orders that they “should have known were illegal” we accepted that the responsibility to determine which orders are legal and which illegal rests in the conscience of the service member.
It also, therefore, holds true that to punish service members who acted on their conscience-with plausible backing from documents and prominent figures in international law-is not only unjustifiable and an injustice to those individuals, but sends a dangerous message to our military: that when given an order they believe to be illegal they are in a catch-22- they can be prosecuted if they obey; and they can be prosecuted if they don’t .
Do we really mean to have the armed foot soldier obey orders blindly in our name…..and be the fall-guy too?
Do we really trust our government more than the moral compass of our sons and daughters in uniform?"
----more at link---
COMMENT #99 [Permalink]
said on 8/30/2005 @ 2:05 pm PT...
#94 What about Iraq ?
Please tell me why or how Austrailia got involved?
When everyone in America was having a fit because France was saying, waiiiiit a minute, I was hoping more countries would say waiiiit a minute.
I was totally surprised and then more so when your President was voting in again, when the news I heard was Aussies didn't approve of Bush's war.
I was hoping it would be like Spain and the people demanded to get out.
Appreciate your thoughts.
COMMENT #100 [Permalink]
Doug Eldritch
said on 8/30/2005 @ 3:03 pm PT...
Witness brothers and sisters, the cracking of Bush!!!!
Here he is at the veterans center in sandiego admitting why we are in Iraq, finally, after all the bullshit!
""If Zarqawi and bin Laden gain control of Iraq, they would create a new training ground for future terrorist attacks," Bush said. "They'd seize oil fields to fund their ambitions. They could recruit more terrorists by claiming a historic victory over the United States and our coalition."
Oh of course Bush, and if you believe all that bullshit I have a bridge to sell you too!!!! Ya dumb hack, you just want to KEEP those oil fields, because you damn well know how much money its making for Cheney......and the rest of them be damned!
Zaraqwhi? Oh please idiot!!! You admitted the guy left the country or was dead, and Bin Laden? Where is he, he ain't anywhere near Iraq! Could he be DEAD already!???
Doug :laugh:
COMMENT #101 [Permalink]
Doug Eldritch
said on 8/30/2005 @ 3:34 pm PT...
Too Shazzy and all true christians:
This is the true nature of the fundies, these vile people can not be christian, I can't even believe they are american sometimes.
"FIRST-PERSON: The goodness of God and the reality of evil
Aug 30, 2005
By R. Albert Mohler Jr.
Baptist Press
LOUISVILLE, Ky. (BP)--Every thoughtful person must deal with the problem of evil. Evil acts and tragic events come to us all in this vale of tears known as human life. The problem of evil and suffering is undoubtedly the greatest theological challenge we face.
Most persons face this issue only in a time of crisis. A senseless accident, a wasting disease or an awful crime demands some explanation. On Aug. 29, evil showed its face again as Hurricane Katrina came ashore on the Gulf Coast.
For the atheist, this is no great problem. Life is a cosmic accident, morality is an arbitrary game by which we order our lives, and meaning is non-existent. As Oxford University Professor Richard Dawkins explains, human life is nothing more than a way for selfish genes to multiply and reproduce. There is no meaning or dignity to humanity.
For the Christian Scientist, the material world and the experience of suffering and death are illusory. In other religions suffering is part of a great circle of life or recurring incarnations of spirit.
Some Christians simply explain suffering as the consequence of sins, known or unknown. Some suffering can be directly traced to sin. What we sow, so shall we reap, and multiple millions of persons can testify to this reality. Some persons suffer innocently by the sinful acts of others."
Wait, so does this mean that according to the fundies own definition, George Bush, and his evil masters Dick Cheney and company are facing the wrath of god?
Does this mean for their greed and failure, GLOBAL WARMING is happening?!???
Hmmm....I think it does! The funides got one right, we should all thank them helpfully. They really know evil and death when they see it!!!
Doug Eldritch
COMMENT #102 [Permalink]
Valley Girl
said on 8/30/2005 @ 4:53 pm PT...
Brad's interview with Tomas Young has been picked up by several bloggers. Here are two of the more interesting blogs:
Why Aren't the Twins Fighting This War? (includes pix of twins falling down drunk)
The Straight Story
Suddenly all those cheap bromides about how Sheehan has been undermining troop morale and all sort of pale a bit more, don't they? Look, that argument was always a non-starter anyway --- if morale is so fragile that a grieving mother could ruin it, what got them to that tenuous point in the first place?
I would think that a great deal of morale loss might be contingent on having a so-called commander-in-chief who can't keep his spin straight from one day to the next:
Bush on Saturday : "What is important is that Iraqis are now addressing these issues through debate and discussion --- not at the barrel of a gun."
Bush on Sunday : "The negotiators and drafters of this document braved the intimidation of terrorists and they mourn the cowardly assassination of friends and colleagues involved in the process of drafting the constitution."
COMMENT #103 [Permalink]
said on 8/30/2005 @ 7:49 pm PT...
Excellent point Valley Girl, how could one womans crusade to spek with the President as he takes a 5 WEEL vacation while his bloody war rages on so undermine the morale of our troops? And why are the most vociferous proponents of this shooting gallery in Iraq never those who themselves served?
We can break through this facade and smokescreen soon enough, but it will be the people, not the media, who ask the hard questions that need answered.
COMMENT #104 [Permalink]
said on 8/30/2005 @ 9:43 pm PT...
Hi TexasLady
To understand why the ruling Australian class were so eager to sign up for Bush's misadventure in Iraq, you first have to understand a little of Australia's history.
Please bear with me...
When Britain lost the newly independent United States as a colony in 1787, it needed a new dumping ground for its convicts and other undesirables. British explorers had discovered a "new south land", Australis (well, it was actually the Dutch who came here first, but never mind that now), which would serve the purpose. So in 1788 the first penal colony was founded in New South Wales, Australia.
Unfortunately for them there were hundreds of thousands of Indigineous peoples who had been living on the continent for many thousands of years. To overcome this the British declared the land "Terra Nullius" (a Latin phrase meaning "no people's land"). This fiction of British law proved very convenient for the first settlers as because no-one lived in Australia, wherever they raised the Union Jack, they claimed it for the British crown and just took it! (Of course the Aboriginals resisted the invasion, but they were outnumbered and outgunned).
And so was Australia born. Interestingly Australia didn't even officially recognise the Aboriginals as Australian citizens until 1967 (they were counted as part of the flora and fauna!), and had a "white only" Australia policy in place until the early 1970s, although now we're becoming a much more multi-cultural society. (Whether we're becoming a more tolerant society is another question again!)
Australia, being an outpost of the British Empire, was involved in every British military adventure, including the Boer war in South Africa and WWI and the Malay peninsular police action and more wars than I can remember!!
It seems the Australian colonists even volunteered to send forces to British wars where they weren't even wanted! Australia was always serving "King and Country".
In 1901 Australia had Federation, in which the independent states of Australia were officially federated with one Federal government. Also, please note Australia is a constitutional monarchy (similar to Canada). The Queen of England, Elizabeth the II, is our titular head. We don't have a President - Australia has a prime minister who heads the ruling party (the prime minister is NOT directly elected - our system of government is similar to yours in some ways but quite different in others). Unfortunately we currently have a conservative, Bush loving liberal/national coaltion in power, worse luck
. And our Labor opposition, which once upon a time was Socialist, seems to have moved about as far to the right as your Democrats - although they did oppose this illegal war unless it was officially sanctioned by the U.N.
But to move on, in 1942 Australia was being bombed by the Japanese during World War II (yes, the Japanese bombed Darwin shortly after Pearl Harbour and bombed as far south as Broome and Exmouth). Singapore had fallen and the Japanese were also in Asia and New Guinea, which is just to the north of Queensland, and Australians were genuinely fearful of being invaded.
Australia's population was very small - only about 7 millions - but our vital interests were scattered over a large land mass. Australia wasn't strong enough to defend herself without help.
The Americans came to Australia's aide in the South Pacific, and so was the ANZUS (Australia New Zealand United States) treaty born, in which the signatories said they would come to one another's aid in time of need.
Please note - our prime minister John Howard invoked the ANZUS treaty to "justify" sending Australian troops into Iraq. John Howard also dutifully parroted all the LIES of the Bush/Blair governments, which the rich man's mainstream media propaganda-machine dutifully latched on to.
With ANZUS treaty, the switch had been made! - Australia was no longer a servant of British Empire, it was now a servant of American Empire. (Although of course we still recognise the Queen of England as our titular head - the Republican movement still hasn't taken hold here.)
So Australia was in Vietnam and Korea and Gulf War I and Afghanistan and Gulf War II and wherever else our American masters told us to be. It's a sad fact that some in the Australian government have been even more bellicose than those in Washington!! (Witness the "all the way with LBJ" Vietnam policy, for example.)
In 1985 New Zealand (God bless them!) refused to have American warships enter their harbours unless they guaranteed they were totally non-nuclear, which the Americans refused to do. New Zealand now refuses to accept American warships in their ports, which effectively ruptured the ANZUS treaty. GO GO NEW ZEALAND!!
However, my home city of Perth, Western Australia, regularly entertains U.S. warships and we have U.S. troops on "R&R" wandering our streets and visiting our brothels from time to time. The U.S. also has a bombing range at a sweet little coastal town just north of Perth called Lancelin, much to the chagrin of some of the local residents.
There is particular concern about the use of chemically and radioactively toxic "depleted uranium" weapons, although the Americans officially deny they are using them there. (But then, these people routinely LIE!!)
You see, Perth, W.A., is much closer sailing distance from the middle-east for American warships than San Diego or other "friendly" ports, and our government wants the American soldiers spending all those precious American dollars!!
A bunch of us have formed STOP THE SWAP to try and stop this SeaSwap policy forged between Australia and the U.S., but so far with little success. It seems, as usual, money (the root of all kinds of evil) rules the day.
See for more details.
What, are you still reading!?
Australia is a geographically large, first-world industrialised nation of a mere 20 million souls, with 250 million mostly poor Muslims living directly to our north (Indonesia). Many Australians want to keep our close economic and military ties with the U.S., and don't want to do anything to upset this relationship, no matter what the cost. Like the U.S., Australia also refused to sign the Kyoto protocol on Greenhouse global warming.
I can't say for sure, but perhaps deep-down many Australians are still fearful that our "lucky country" will lose "its place in the sun" if it is invaded by the teeming hordes, and we want the security of American protection in time of need?
Currently our country is in the grip of a conservative, Bush loving Liberal government (and NO, Liberal here does NOT mean the same as Liberal there!) that has proven to be shrewd economic managers, so many people vote for them because they know on what side their economic bread is buttered. But many people also bitterly oppose them!! They have their critics in the opposition and other parties, you can be sure of that!!
Also keep in mind, Australia's commitment to the "coalition of the killing" was relatively small - of the 300,000 troops, about 255,000 were U.S., 45,000 British, but only 2,000 were Australian, so in relative terms we are a "minor actor" on Empire's stage. As far as I know, we didn't suffer any casualties, so we don't have a stream of body bags coming home to get people upset.
Also, our Mainstream media here is largely capitalist propaganda, just like yours in America. Our media is pretty much ruled by the rich folks who only care about money and keeping the sheeple in line.
So, as I said earlier, hundreds of thousands of Australians (myself included) did take to the streets to protest this illegal, immoral war on Iraq that we very well knew was based on a tissue of lies. But unfortunately our rulers decided to close their ears to democracy and signed us up and sent our contribution to join the "coalition of the billing" anyway.
Unfortunately Australia isn't like Spain. GO GO THE SPANIARDS!! (I really liked Spain, by the way - great country
And these warmongers are still in power, more's the pity. And Bush is praising them and giving Australian prime minister Howard awards and thanking the Australian people for their support in the "war on terror". (Well, they don't have my support, nor the support of hundreds of thousands of other Aussies - that's for sure!!!)
Australian Democrats Senator Andrew Bartlett, just as one example, is a major critic of the Bush/Howard cartel. GO GO THE DEMOCRATS!!
You'll be pleased to know that there have been protests and candle-lit vigils here in Australia in support of Cindy Sheehan! GO GO THE PROTESTERS!!
Well, I hope this piece has helped to inform you a little more about your cousins down under in Australia.
Best regards and I wish you all success in impeaching Bush and his minions,
Examine everything carefully. Hold fast to that which is good, and abstain from every appearance of evil. (1 Thessalonians 5:21-22)
Love your neighbour as yourself; and always remember that love does no wrong to a neighbour. Love therefore is the fulfilment of the law.
(Romans 13:10) (Luke 10:27)
PS - I caught a bus across Texas and visited Dallas and Fort Worth. Texas is pretty small, though, compared to Western Australia, which is about 5 times as big!!
...texaslady said on 8/30/2005 @ 2:05pm PT...
#94 What about Iraq ?
Please tell me why or how Austrailia got involved?
When everyone in America was having a fit because France was saying, waiiiiit a minute, I was hoping more countries would say waiiiit a minute.
I was totally surprised and then more so when your President was voting in again, when the news I heard was Aussies didn't approve of Bush's war.
I was hoping it would be like Spain and the people demanded to get out.
Appreciate your thoughts.
COMMENT #105 [Permalink]
Winter Patriot
said on 8/30/2005 @ 10:02 pm PT...
great post #104 and thanks very much for that, WhatAboutTheIraqiCivilians
COMMENT #106 [Permalink]
Pearl C. Kochan
said on 8/31/2005 @ 3:38 am PT...
COMMENT #107 [Permalink]
said on 8/31/2005 @ 6:15 am PT...
To What about Iraq - An Aussie friend
I have said it before this better than a college education. Where else can one hear, fact based, intelligent, caring information?
Started reading when I was housebound with a severe case of poisen ivy and now totally addicted.
In fact I think Brad should put at the beginning of the blog CAREFUL, INFORMATION CAN BE ADDICTIVE. YOU WILL WANT TO LEARN MORE.
COMMENT #108 [Permalink]
Doug Eldritch
said on 8/31/2005 @ 6:16 am PT...
Pearl, its time to prosecute these bastards and totally fucking throw them out!!!!!
Congress will hear us NOW or PAY!!!!!
Doug E.
COMMENT #109 [Permalink]
said on 8/31/2005 @ 6:56 am PT...
Pearl - Winter Patriot said it best - we need to bombarge our media- our representatives to start getting answers and accountability. Steve in a post earlier said to go into FAIR # 3 OR 4 it gives you names, e-mails and addresses. Takes just a quick moment and you can contact many.
Truly, by letting them know we are out here, we are mad, and we are not going to take it anymore.
That is the only way things will change.
These fat cats think we are sheep. WELL NO MORE !
COMMENT #110 [Permalink]
said on 8/31/2005 @ 7:31 am PT...
Yes it is time to finally FIRE THE LIARS. And not only impeachment of Bush-Cheney and his whole corrupt gang, also punishment for TREASON, WAR CRIMES, CORRUPTION, VOTE FRAUD, 9/11. These bastards not only started an illegal war, they also destroyed the American economy and destroyed the image of America worldwide with their torture camps and illegal arrests. It is a shame that the USA has such scum in high government. (Still missing the puke smiley here!)
COMMENT #111 [Permalink]
said on 8/31/2005 @ 9:54 am PT...
I really wish the Tillman family would join Cindy Sheehan in this.
COMMENT #112 [Permalink]
said on 8/31/2005 @ 10:05 am PT...
Thank you very much for the encouraging feedback!
I found Howard Zinn's "A People's History of America: 1492 to the Present" to be a very informative primer that taught me a lot about American history (history from a left-of-centre perspective, and not just from the plutocracy's point-of-view, that is!)
In solidarity, an Aussie friend.
As much as lies within you, be at peace with everyone. (Romans 12:18)
COMMENT #113 [Permalink]
ned harper
said on 8/31/2005 @ 7:44 pm PT...
Your courage and that of your new wife give me great hope.
Thank you,
Ned Harper
34100 hwy 184
Mancos, CO
COMMENT #114 [Permalink]
specialist young
said on 9/1/2005 @ 7:39 pm PT...
First of all itch the word is paralyzed with a y not an i and second, I am not whining as you so eloquently put it I am simply asking for an explanation as to why I can volunteer to go to another country to fight in a war predicated on lie after lie and subsequently lose not only my ablility to walk but normal bowel and bladder control, I became more susceptable to urinary tract infections among other problems and come home and find out that the same president I fought for won't authorize the funding for research that might help me regain my former quality of life so next time you want to accuse someone like me of whining talk about your obviously distinguished military career as well.
COMMENT #115 [Permalink]
Valley Girl
said on 9/2/2005 @ 6:18 pm PT...
Hello Specialist Young #114
Thanks again for the wonderful interview. I daresay it took a great deal of personal bravery to come to terms with the truth of the war (lies, and more lies). Sadly, there are people who try to make themselves appear better and stronger than they are, by criticizing others. Sorry them.
All the best,
COMMENT #116 [Permalink]
Paul Wilson
said on 1/16/2006 @ 6:40 pm PT...
If the War is such a good Deal. Don't Gorge have 2 drunk Kids? Hell they will do just fine. He was garding Al.bars. I guess they are doing there part of being Yellow also. USMC 1966-1969 Vet Nam 68-69
COMMENT #117 [Permalink]
Mike J.
said on 2/13/2006 @ 2:10 pm PT...
Sorry Young, I too served in the military. I knew that when I signed the contracts, that my life and limb was going to be controlled by the US Government for 3 years of active duty and 3 years of monthly reserve duty as I enlisted. I attended college as a reservist and at any time I could have been called up for active duty during Desert Shield/Storm. Two men were called up from my reserve unit during Desert Shield because their job speciality was needed. But the higher ups decided not to call up the entire unit. It very easly could have been the entire unit.
The same with Pres.Bush who was a pilot in the Texas Air National Guard. His unit could have been called up for active duty during Vietnam. The unit was an asset that was decided not to be sent to Vietnam. You can have all the wacko conspiracy theories you want. There was nobody famous in my reserve unit, as far as I know. It's been said that Al Gore, Jr.'s cushy job in Vietnam was the result of his father influence, Senator Albert Gore, Sr. Only 2 of John Kerry's 29 swift boat squadron officers supported him in the election and thought that his Purple Heart awards were correct. The other 27 officers and several commanders and admirals thought otherwise. One of the elisted men on his boat did not support him while the others did.
Young, to use your way of thinking, as you and liberals here say "Bush's War" and such, then the Veterans injured in Kosovo and families of the 19 Army Rangers killed in Somolia would call those "Clinton's war" and the veterans injured in Vietnam would call that the "Kennedy-Johnson-Nixon War" and the veterans injured in Grenada would call that "Reagan's war" and the veterans injured in Korea would call that "Truman's war" and WW2 in Europe as "FDR's War" (Germany didn't attack the US directly but Japan did) .... shall I go on? Or do you get it?
You think you were lied to? Were all these other veterans lied to also? Do you think I was lied to when I joined the militarty? I made sure that I read everything and understood everything before I signed the contract. Apparently I understood more than you did. I knew that I could be sent to any hotspot around the would where my country needed me.
Young, I do not, repeat DO NOT, question your patriotism. You have proven that. I thank you for your service to our country. Most Americans are grateful to you for having fought our nation's battles against the forces of evil around the world just like those of other wars. The people posting here belong to the "Hate America 1st" club.
It is a cold hard fact that if our country does not help defeat the new terrorist enemy, where ever they are, that they will find a way to come here again as what happened in Spain and Indoneasia. The attacks in Bali and the USS Cole happened before 9-11. Would you rather fight them in Kabul or Kentucky? Would you rather fight them in Baghdad or Boston? The best defense is a good offense. Countries that help terrorists, like Saddam Hussein's Iraq, have to know that the same fate will fall them. That is why Libya changed their tune and turned over weapons after the USA got tough with Afganistan and Iraq.
I do wonder why so many Iraq war veterans are out of the military and running for Congress against the war. Are they like you and think that Pres.Bush lied? Or are they part of a bigger picture and their slogans are just the symptom of the problem.
I can only think that United States citizens are not strong anymore as a people. We have lost the perserverence, the strength of character, the sense of duty and honor to do what is right no matter what the cost and no matter how loud the voices of dissent are. This is why the WW2 generation was the greatest generation and we are not. You would be England's Neville Chamberlin during WW2 and appease the enemy to avoid war. We can't do that.
We have also lost our civility, as most of you posting here prove when you use foul language and call people childish names like "moron", "idiot", etc. When you call names, then that proves that you have lost the intellectual argument and you can't think of anything reasonable to say. Can't you state why you disagree with someone instead of using childish names? I did not use childish names when arguing against Pres.Clinton, even though there was plenty of opportunity to do so.
You had your chance to elect Sen.Kerry at the ballot box and you lost by 3.5 MILLION votes. I understand the conspiracy theories on the 2000 election because Al Gore, Jr. won the popular vote but lost closely in the electoral college. However, in 2004 Pres.Bush won by too large of a margin for any reasonable person to claim conspiracy. The only conclusion that I can think of is that most of you are not reasonable..... and probably never will be. Your hate drives you too far away from reason.
Have a "nice" day!