If American politics and political discourse is going to devolve into little more than a bad Disney cartoon --- and it has, as this election season demonstrates in spades --- why not just cut out the middle man and cut straight to the cartoon chase?
Our thanks to Stephen C. Webster at RAW STORY for drawing our attention to the latest escalation in the Glen Beck Toon Wars (so far, a one-sided war, in truth).
The first volley was the "duckin' brilliant" remix of Donald Duck cartoons by Jonathan McIntosh of Rebellious Pixels --- wherein our hero is driven daffy by the paranoid tea bagger rantings of the Fox "News" superstar.
In response, Fox' finest fantasist has seemingly become convinced the whole thing is a Big Government conspiracy out to get him. "Some of these remix videos, I believe, get federal funding," declared Beck on his radio show last week. "We're looking into the funding of this gentleman, and the incredible propaganda against me," he said. "We'll find out if it's been federally funded, ya know, as part of the stimulus package."
Well, apparently Mickey Mouse isn't taking Beck's latest goofy conspiracy theory lying down, as YouTube poster "ikat381" helped us to learn over the weekend...
Keep it comin', Glenn! We're lovin' these toons! So, we'd be outraged if we were you!
If you missed McIntosh's brilliant original, here it is again. It's as smart a take on (and reflection of) today's political environment as anything else we're likely to see, at least until the elections are far behind us. So sit back and enjoy it...