Unlike Jan Brewer, who was elevated from Arizona's Sec. of State to Governor by Obama's ill-considered selection of Janet Napolitano from AZ Governor to Director of the U.S. Dept. of Homeland Security, the state's newly appointed Republican SoS, Ken Bennett seems to have the ability to tell the truth every now and again --- even in the days just prior to a hotly-contested election...
In related previous coverage, we outlined this year's 'GOP War on Democracy' here a few weeks ago, reporting on the various fraudulent "voter fraud" campaigns of Rightwing groups who were busy gearing and ginning them up at the time, by noting, among many other things...
Nonetheless, the Fox/Drudge/Rush/Breitbart/Malkin-fueled GOP "voter fraud" fraudsters are at it again, baselessly shouting "VOTER FRAUD!" in a crowded polling place out of either disinformed cluelessness or, more insidiously, as a knowing tool to suppress the legal votes of minority, elderly and student (read: Democratic-leaning) voters.
As we have explained many times (here's one such recent explanation) in discussing our non-partisan coverage of these issues, where anyone of any party (or of no party at all) has legitimate concerns about far more threatening and actually evidence-based election fraud concerns, such as Direct Recording Electronic (DRE, usually touch-screen) machines that are 100% impossible to verify as accurately reflecting the will of the voters, concealed and unverified vote counting, or where a single person can flip the results of an entire election in just seconds via an electronic central tabulator, we're happy to support their efforts.
In addition to AZ's Republican SoS, as noted above, we're happy to support any legitimate GOP effort to ensure Election Integrity so that every voter gets to vote if they wish and that their votes are counted accurately and transparently, as reflected recently in our recent coverage of Republican allegations of touch-screen vote-flipping reported in North Carolina, in Texas and even in Nevada.