With Brad Friedman & Desi Doyen...
By Desi Doyen on 8/11/2009, 12:44pm PT  

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IN TODAY'S AUDIO REPORT: Climate change a threat to national security; Heat wave in the Arctic leads to accelerated melting; Former Governor Sarah Palin, denied; EPA comes clean ... PLUS: 230 miles per gallon? It's on the way... All that and more in today's Green News Report!

Got comments, tips, love letters, hate mail? Drop us a line at GreenNews@BradBlog.com or right here at the comments link below. All GNRs are always archived at GreenNews.BradBlog.com.

Download MP3 (6 mins), or listen online here...


IN 'GREEN NEWS EXTRA' (links below): Arizona's economic future threatened by unabated groundwater use; Cement that Eats Carbon Dioxide; Dry cleaners leave a toxic legacy in Illinois, despite cleanup efforts; the Food, Energy and Environment ‘Trilemma’... PLUS: First U.S. "Power Tower" Lights Up California...

Info/links on those stories and all the ones we talked about on today's episode follow below...

'GREEN NEWS EXTRA': More green news not covered in today's audio report... See below!

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