"'Bush League Justice' on MSNBC"
(12 Responses so far...)
COMMENT #1 [Permalink]
said on 12/11/2007 @ 3:28 am PT...
It's still going to take me a hell of a long time to forgive any of these shills like Abrams for what they've done over the past few years though.
Flipping their ideals for a buck ?, for ratings ?
Which way are you going to go tomorrow Dan ?
He has no credibility to me.
COMMENT #2 [Permalink]
said on 12/11/2007 @ 4:20 am PT...
...has that fluffer Abrams ever mentioned the Don Siegelman case ? Link
I doubt it
COMMENT #3 [Permalink]
said on 12/11/2007 @ 7:51 am PT...
Lame Duck president... Heheeheheheehe Watch This...
reid heel... pelosi heel ... Heheeheheheehe
reid sit ... pelosi sit ... Heheeheheheehe
reid roll over ... pelosi roll over ... Heheeheheheehe
Works ever time ... Heheeheheheehe ...
COMMENT #4 [Permalink]
Off the Grid
said on 12/11/2007 @ 8:20 am PT...
COMMENT #5 [Permalink]
said on 12/11/2007 @ 8:41 am PT...
The CMSM now has the audacity with forlorn expressions to ask where has or Democracy gone and how did we become a Fascist State.
How about for seven years the CMSM gave the idiot Prezidunce fascist dictator wannabee an uncontested free pass to dismantle America into a third world police state military junta - haven for war profiteers. And the media propaganda machine for bu$$hCo drank champaign to toast the monkey child boy king's every move.
COMMENT #6 [Permalink]
said on 12/11/2007 @ 8:44 am PT...
COMMENT #7 [Permalink]
Brad Friedman
said on 12/11/2007 @ 10:18 am PT...
Floridiot -
Abrams mentions Siegelman, as I recall, in his blog item linked from the original post above.
COMMENT #8 [Permalink]
said on 12/11/2007 @ 10:57 am PT...
I read it this morning and now reading it again, he does mention him...not by name though (?)
Maybe he will on his show ?
IMO the Siegelman case should be the 'end all' of these criminals
COMMENT #9 [Permalink]
said on 12/11/2007 @ 11:23 am PT...
So Abrams wants to be the new Greg Palast? Too late, dude. You're still recycling yesterday's news. How about telling us something we don't know?
COMMENT #10 [Permalink]
said on 12/11/2007 @ 11:51 am PT...
Brad, I was just listening to Big Eddie Schultz Show what's this deal about
independent media whith some guy Asner, Friedman, Phillips I just cot the end of it ?
COMMENT #11 [Permalink]
said on 12/11/2007 @ 12:58 pm PT...
Has bu$$hCo politicized the prosecution of the Gitmo cases much the same as bu$$h politicized the U.S. Department of Justice ? The head JAG lawyer who was in charge of prosecuting these cases but recently quit says yes. Now bu$$hCo is trying to muzzle him.
This military JAG lawyer - Col. Morris Davis says the secret cases being heard down in Gitmo are a travesty to/mockery of justice. America should be ashamed. He was so disgusted he quit his job presenting these cases for the military - because "loyal bu$$hies" are now running the show and calling the shots for these Gitmo enemy combatant prosecutions.
The bu$$h administration sent a "loyal bushie" William Haynes, the Pentagon's general counsel, down to Gitmo to be the head coordinator for the prosecution of these cases. William Haynes chosen as the "loyal bu$$hie" was the lawyer who worked hand in hand with John Yoo to ascertain that water-boarding was just an intensive form of questioning - but not illegal torture.
Col. Morris Davis is interviewed by Canadian media about the "loyal bu$$hies" politicizing the prosecution of the Gitmo cases.
The Current: Part 2
Gitmo Prosecutor
When Colonel Morris Davis laid charges against Omar Khadr last February, he was a true believer. As the chief prosecutor at the U.S. military commissions, he was a vocal supporter of what his government was doing at Guantanamo Bay. In fact, when he wasn't prosecuting cases there, Colonel Morris traveled across the United States, preaching about the humane living conditions detainees enjoyed and the strong legal foundation of the commissions that would prosecute them.
But today, Colonel Morris is telling a different story. He is now the former chief prosecutor at Guantanamo Bay. He resigned to protest the undue political pressure he says he was feeling from the Pentagon. And he isn't alone. Colonel Morris is the latest in a growing line of military officials who have stepped down over concerns about how the United States is interrogating and prosecuting its so-called enemy combatants.
Colonel Morris Davis spoke to us from Washington.
(There is an audio link at CBC Radio from a telephone interview Col. Davis gave today - if you can figure how to get it opened. Scroll down until you see it listed as above.)
Col. Davis speaks out and writes an OpEd.
More details of Col. Davis' concerns
COMMENT #12 [Permalink]
said on 12/11/2007 @ 6:38 pm PT...
The "loyal bushies" running the show for politically inspired inmate prosecutions down at Gitmo,..
***** William J. Haynes II, the Pentagon's general counsel, is a protégé of David Addington, who was involved in the development of the administration’s torture policies (aka “enhanced interrogation techniques”) in 2002 .
**** Susan Crawford is a former chief Judge of the U.S. Court of Appeals of the Armed Forces, says various Google finds. Has worked as Inspector General for the Defense Dept....( interesting )
New England School of Law, 1977. Undergraduate degree in history 1969.