By Brad Friedman on 6/8/2007, 7:05am PT  

We'd offer a BRAD BLOG T-Shirt to the first person who can name the two folks voicing the characters in the following "Net Neutrality" video posted this week by as a farewell gift to AT&T's now-former CEO Ed Whitacre. But as the company who made our shirts recently moved, and are in the process of putting together a new version of the shirt, we can't do that yet.

Instead, our "congratulations for a job well done" will have to do for whoever can identify the voices and post them in comments here. (Anybody who knows beforehand is disqualified!) Suffice it to say, both the man and the woman's voice should be very well known to readers of The BRAD BLOG.

Enjoy, and please spread the word!

UPDATE 1:11pm PT: What? Nobody's got a single guess??? Say it ain't so...
UPDATE 4:24pm PT: Comments were broken! No wonder nobody left a guess! Now fixed! If you tried to leave a comment previously, please try again!
UPDATE 6/13/07: One cat now out of the bag. The guy playing "Big Ed Whitacre" is me. The female voice remains elusive apparently. :-)

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