Blog Along With Us
We're Being The Media --- Because Somebody Has To!!
By Winter Patriot on 6/18/2005, 3:56pm PT  

Guest blogged by Winter Patriot

This week's Brad Show is almost ready to hit the airwaves. Once again we have a fine lineup and the prospect of a great show.

Listen LIVE via the Web! Saturday from 7p-11p ET (4p-8p PT)!
Repeating Sunday 12noon-4p ET (9a-1p PT)
Quick and easy access to LIVE listening links, archives, upcoming guests,
donation links and ad info (it's not to late to advertise!)
and more via!

Direct streaming links via RAW STORY!
Donate here to help defray costs!

This week's guests:

  • RICK PILTZ, Bush Administration Global Warming whistleblower!
  • CHRIS BOWERS of on being the media and the Progressive takeover of the blogosphere!
  • CINDY SHEEHAN of Gold Star Families for Peace on her son Casey, KIA in Iraq on 04/04/04 and her testimony at John Conyers' Downing Street Hearings this week.
  • JOAN KRAWITZ & WARREN STEWART of on Election Reform Coalition lobbying this week in DC and their meeting with Dr. Robert Pastor and more!
  • MATT RAICHE & PETER GINTER, American contractors (and ex-marines) held captive and allegedly abused by U.S. Marines in Iraq!
  • URGENT REMINDER: The BRAD SHOW is supported (for now) by listener donations! So get on the phone, or send some e-mail, and tell a few friends about The BRAD SHOW. You (and they) will be glad you did.

    LIVE OPEN THREAD BLOGGING below: click on the "comments" link at the bottom-right corner of this item to join in!

    The phone-in number is 323-650-1286. You're all invited to call Brad and ask a question!

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