A letter writer cuts through the clutter, in this weekend's LA Times:
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A letter writer cuts through the clutter, in this weekend's LA Times:
"Bush Logic"
(2 Responses so far...)
COMMENT #1 [Permalink]
said on 5/10/2004 @ 2:21 pm PT...
If you have so much concern for Muslims why don't you convert to Islam and enjoy their culture in one of the many Islamic countires. :angry:
COMMENT #2 [Permalink]
said on 5/10/2004 @ 3:12 pm PT...
Jim, let's play a game. I'll give you an unreasonable statement, and you tell me if, in fact, it is unreasonable. If you answer yes, then perhaps you are not unreasonable after all. The prize is the ability to examine deeper, sans judgment or hostility, bettering humanity by questioning the untold laws of morality and hypothesizing the after effects of our actions within such multi-faceted context.
Ready? Go.
Statement: "If you have so much concern for Muslims why don't you convert to Islam and enjoy their culture in one of the many Islamic countires (sic)." --- Jim
Answer: Yes, your comment is unreasonable, and worse, immature. I hope you were a big winner today.
Yet more important than winning or losing Jim, is the consolation prize: in acknowledging facts over expressing emotion or judgment, you start to speak of things that are true, and verifiable. There are many people in Iraq and Saudi Arabia - that you label them all 'Muslims' and define their countries (as a group, no less) by religion is inaccurate, too. They are no more Nations of Islam than America is a Nation of Christians.
That you have no concern for Muslims, or perhaps have rationed just enough to not have 'so much,' is also noteworthy. Good luck as you continue to play.