"Guest Hosting 'Malloy Show' Thursday!"
(8 Responses so far...)
COMMENT #1 [Permalink]
said on 2/10/2011 @ 6:57 pm PT...
I think Brad & Malloy are what the LEFT should listen to. The others don't have what it takes. Let me explain with this:
email TO Stephanie Miller 1-30-11
Civility, does anyone actually believe that 11 to 18% of hardcore right-wing, Sarah Palin/Glenn Beck groupies is all of the sudden become sane? The Conservative wackos have went too far and it’s time to use any means necessary to stop them. For all you cowards out here who need a good reason to get in the fight, how about this… These Republican degenerates want to scale back child labor laws… do you see where we’re headed, suckers. Maybe the disturbing trend has sunk in by now
Out of respect for the Martin Luther King I didn’t call you right away. I listen to Progressive talk every day and wanted to see where the debate was going after that horrible shooting in Tucson. All this gun control talk is distracting us from the real issue. I think the well-financed Conservative propaganda machine is more of a danger to us than guns. The LEFT needs to DEMAND equal time especially on the Federally Regulated AM radio airwaves.
Like I tell my Republican friends “this ain’t no Tea Party this is a full scale Class War” and PROGRESSIVES NEED TO GET IN THE FIGHT! We’re not killing each other, it’s always some right wing maniac that kills someone on our side. I haven’t forgot all the threats, abuse, surveillance, etc during the Summer of Hate 2009 or that abomination of a Presidential election in 2000.
LISTEN! I like your show BUT I’d don’t think you (or the people who follow your Progressive talk network) are willing to do what it takes to effect real CHANGE. You think these Republicans are suddenly going to change their evil ways if there isn’t at least the THREAT of retaliation. For GOD sake it’s textbook… any experienced organizer knows this. Our plans get set back every time you Liberal spokespersons preach that non-confrontational, stuck in the chi-chi 60’s rhetoric.
What’s YOUR plan? We supposed to just LAUGH about the huge problems the USA is facing with you and Jon Steward, Bill Maher, Jeanine Garafalo, etc… while the Conservative wackos do something crazy like elect Sarah Palin President? And don’t say it won’t happen because in 1999 I didn’t believe Republicans could elect that loser George W. Bush not once but TWO times! Bush/Cheney was the last straw, the Conservative had gone too far.
Did Liberal spokespersons do anything during those 8 miserable years besides feather their own nests?
The stars can go to your fancy silver spoon, Ivory Tower cocktail parties and play kissy kissy with the enemy like that scumbag Andrew Breitbart and tomorrow you still are walking on sunshine. This while all of us nobodies are harassed, abused, gassed, wrongfully prosecuted and thrown in County jail for going to a protest march. Where were Liberal spokespersons while I was being tortured in lock-up?
I want to see/hear from some spokespersons in the trenches fighting the good fight? All those wonderful volunteers doing the serious activist legwork while the Progressive stars greedily hang on to the microphone like it was a f***’n sex toy. Do you have any idea what it’s like down here where 48 MILLION Americans are busy struggling below the poverty level?
So don’t mess up our plans with all that crazy talk about working with the Republicans or not fighting back. There’s lots of tough Progressives out there who are just itching to make these Heritage Foundation, Koch Bros, Rupert Murdoch, Dick Armey political Ho’s ACCOUNTABLE for getting the right-wing dumbasses all worked up.
For all the trouble these evil rich guys have caused Concerned Citizens, at the very least we should tar and feather them and run them out of town on a rail…
Lol, sorry, didn’t mean to hurt anyone’s tender sensibilities.
COMMENT #2 [Permalink]
we the people
said on 2/10/2011 @ 10:02 pm PT...
you moron. i will be donating to the chamber of commerce. just like cancer it takes a lot of money to cure the disease(progressive idiots). you need to think outside the box you moron your only going to destroy yourselves because we the people will win. every word you said was the exact opposite of the truth. fox news is the only credible news outlet left. better get on the bandwagon or you will be left behind you morons. you are what we call the new dumb downs. your few followers are either young idiots that have been indocrinated or a bunch of dumb niggers either way its the minority. your a coward and a traitor to the nation. instead of freedom and capitolism you would rather live in some hitler, stalin type world and that wont fly here. why dont you move to europe you pussy. your progressive clan is going down like chey and mow who murdered millions of people your a loser!!!!!
COMMENT #3 [Permalink]
Carl Howard
said on 2/10/2011 @ 10:41 pm PT...
Stay klassy, "We the People." Stay klassy.
"Chey"? "Mow"?
COMMENT #4 [Permalink]
Carl Howard
said on 2/11/2011 @ 5:39 pm PT...
8:38 pm ET - WELCOME BACK, !!!!
COMMENT #5 [Permalink]
said on 2/11/2011 @ 10:42 pm PT...
hahhahahahahahah. you people are a joke. {Personal insult to other commenter removed. - BF} If you think that the right is the problem you really need to not listen to our public education system or so called "progressive" talk. Every left wing crazy wants that "fairness doctrine" to make things fair. It sounds like a little kid that really just wants some attention. If people liked your ideas our crazy thoughts, they would ask. So do not cry, be a big boy/girl, and get over it. Also, Brad, no one feels sorry that the chamber is coming after you. If you tell enough lies, they will know who you are.
[ED NOTE: As per our few rules for commenting here, do not use personal insults against other commenters or you will not be allowed to comment here. This is your warning. Thank you. - BF]
COMMENT #6 [Permalink]
said on 2/11/2011 @ 10:48 pm PT...
Also, SPO, didn't the crazy guy at the Discovery Channel office threaten to kill people over "global warming" I mean "climate change" because Al Gore had that great movie? Keep trying big guy.
COMMENT #7 [Permalink]
John Evans
said on 2/12/2011 @ 10:19 am PT...
You're hitting them where it hurts Brad. The comments here show that the right wing heads are exploding. The sound is muffled because their heads are stuck up their butts. Seems like these conspirators could be sued if not prosecuted. Keep up the good work. I am waiting for the Americans to get fed up with these Oligarchs and drag them out into the streets. Then we will have freedom at last.
COMMENT #8 [Permalink]
Jeannie Dean
said on 2/12/2011 @ 12:47 pm PT...
"...the sound is muffled because their heads are stuck up their butts."