AG Nominee Now Locked in to Prosecuting Bush Crimes, Says Swanson...
By Brad Friedman on 1/15/2009, 1:06pm PT  

Okay. Holder gets our vote. Courtesy of David Swanson:

Eric Holder just told the Senate Judiciary Committee that the behavior of president Bush has been illegal, and that he, Eric Holder, will uphold the rule of law. It will be very hard to maintain those positions and not prosecute or appoint a Special Counsel to prosecute Bush's crimes.

Here's roughly what was said:

10:29 a.m. Leahy: is "waterboarding" torture and illegal?

Holder: yes, it is torture.

Leahy: Can other nations legally torture Americans?

Holder: No.

Leahy: Can President of the United States immunize acts of torture?

Holder: Nobody is above the law. President has Constitutional obligation to enforce the laws. We have laws and treaties. The president acts most forcefully and has the greatest power when consistent with Congressional intent and directives. The president does NOT have the power that you have indicated.

Leahy: Washington Post yesterday reported that the top Bush Admin. official on military commissions says we tortured a detainee.

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