In Case You Missed 'Em... Our Most Important Stories from the Last Week
By Desi Doyen on 7/28/2007, 2:43pm PT  

Guest blogged by DES

It was the second week of Brad's guest hosting stint for the Peter B. Collins Show from the studios of KPFT in Houston, and what a week it was! (Audio archives now available after the jump!) BRAD BLOG DC Correspondent Margie Burns dug up the genesis of the catchphrase "compassionate conservative," Guest Blogger John Washburn uncovered apparent election fraud in Minnesota's 2004 Presidential election, and Video Master Alan Breslauer tore up the airwaves to bring you the latest and funniest video on the 'tubes! It's all here, including new revelations from CA Sec. of State Debra Bowen's "top-to-bottom" review of all of the Golden State's voting systems (all were easily hacked --- no surprise there) and the stunning reaction from some CA election officials... the quiet revisions to the Dept. of Justice manual on "voter fraud" indictments...and the reaction of a PA election director upon discovering voting machine company ES&S's "unsavory business practices" (also no surprise there)!

Catch up on all that you may have missed in the last week, and more, after the jump....

SUNDAY, JULY 22nd...

Feingold Says Admin Has 'Assaulted the Constitution'; Vows to Introduce Censure Resolution Against Bush This Week
Cheney, Gonzales May Also Be Included, According to the Wisconsin Senator on This Morning's 'Meet the Press'...
Guest blogged from DC by Margie Burns

VIDEO: The Human Face Of War
Army Specialist Michael Vassell Challenges Bush To Ride Alongside Him In Iraq
Guest Blogged by Alan Breslauer

Guest Hosting on KPFT Today, Interviewing Diebold Document Whistleblower Stephen Heller
Audio now available

'Daily Voting News' For July 21 and 22, 2007
Guest Blogged by John Gideon of

The New Jersey Institute of Technology has just released the results of testing done by their Center for Information Age Technology on voter verified paper audit trail printers provided by Sequoia and Avante International.....

(T)the printers accounted for 33 flaws. All three printers ran out of paper too fast, lacked concealed printer cables, and had problems alerting poll workers to malfunctions. It is important to state again that these printers were provided by the vendors so there is no reason to expect that these were not the best of the printers the vendors could find.

MONDAY, JULY 23rd...

Monday, July 23: The Peter B. Collins Show as Guest Hosted by Brad...
Listen to the show!
Featuring: Eric Boehlert on the attempted Rupert Murdoch buyout of Wall Street Journal and Matthew Rothschild on Bush's troubling new Executive Orders...Bob Fertik of updates us with the latest on the 1,000,000 impeachment signatures dropped off today at John Conyers office....And, in the first half of our Election Integrity Hour today (which started early), John Washburn gives us inside details on his Exclusive story on apparent ballot box stuffing and forgeries in Milwaukee's 2004 Presidential Election, John Gideon on the failure of Sequoia Printers in New Jersey, and Tom Courbat checks in from Riverside County, CA ...followed by journalist David Enders LIVE from Iraq...and not from the Green Zone!

EXCLUSIVE: Milwaukee Election Records Indicate Apparent Forgery, Ballot Box Stuffing in 2004 Presidential Election
After being hidden from the public for more than two years, records reveal apparent forgeries in the first city ward examined
How is it US Attorney Steven Biskupic missed this? Could he have been looking for voter fraud instead of election fraud?
Guest Blogged by John Washburn

VIDEO: YouTube Democratic Debate Question on Voting Systems
Richardson Answers, Wants 'Verified Paper Trails on Optical Scanners,' No More 'Touch Stones,' and an End to Republican Voter Suppression
Guest Blogged by Alan Breslauer and Brad Friedman


Tuesday, July 24: The Peter B. Collins Show as Guest Hosted by Brad...
Listen to the show!
Featuring: KPFT's General Manager Duane Bradley on the history of the station and Pacifica, and Pacifica legend Otie Maclay to discuss the Fairness Doctrine (which he's against)...Mary Mapes on George W. Bush and his brutal record of using the death penalty in TX, Truthout's Jason Liepold on Dick Cheney's coverup of his energy task force and the phony California power "crisis"... and your Election Integrity Hour, with John Gideon's Daily Voting News update, PA Election Director Leonard Piazza on the strong-arming of his county by the ES&S voting machine company...

PA County Election Director Decries 'Unsavory Business Practices, Deception' of ES&S and Other Voting System Vendors
Luzerne County's Leonard Piazza Furious at Attempt to Charge $300,000 for Extended Warranty on Touch-Screen Voting Systems...


VIDEO: Marion Wright Edelman Slams Bush For Opposition To Providing Health Insurance To 9 Million Uninsured Children
91% Of Country Supports Legislation That Bush Has Threatened To Veto
Guest Blogged by Alan Breslauer

Where That 'Compassionate Conservative' Label Came From
A Tribute to a Late Pope - a Genuine Compassionate Conservative - Ripped Off for a Campaign Slogan...
Guest blogged from DC by Margie Burns

Wednesday, July 25: The Peter B. Collins Show as Guest Hosted by Brad...
Listen to the show!
Featuring: Latest on Contempt of Congress in the House, Mike Lux on "Legislation 2.0" and Max Blumenthal on "Generation Chickenhawk" at a College Republicans convention...Audio from Gonzales hearings in the Senate, Margie Burns on where Team Bush came up with "Compassionate Conservative", and Larisa Alexandrovna on the questions about the ties to Iran in the latest National Intelligence Estimate... plus Election Integrity Hour! With John Gideon on the latest ES&S mess in San Francisco and the horrible idea to sell poll worker sponsorship to corporations in one Ohio County, a Brad rant on the California Election Clerks' Dick Cheney-like attempt to undermine Debra Bowen's "Top-to-Bottom Review" of voting systems in the state, Ellen Theissen on the Senate hearings for Diane Feinstein's S.1487 Election Reform Bill, and a quick in-studio special appearance by 9-year old George W. Bush expert, Alister...

DoJ Policies Re-Written to Remove Restrictions on 'Voter Fraud' Indictments Just Before an Election
'Most if not all prosecutions and investigations should await the end of the election' Has Been Removed from Guidelines, According to Senate Questioning of Gonzales Yesterday...

California Election Clerks May Choose to 'Ignore' Upcoming Findings of CA Sos Bowen's 'Top-to-Bottom' Review
Results of Unprecedented Testing to Be Released Next Week, While Voting Machine Companies Continue in Denial, and CA Clerks Association Says They May Do What They Want Anyway...


New Details on the Release of CA's Landmark 'Top-to-Bottom Review' of E-Voting Systems
Independent Reports to Be Released Friday, Public Comment Hearing in Sacramento on Monday, SoS Bowen's Final Certification Decisions on Aug. 3...

TOVA WANG UNGAGGED! - Thursday, July 26: The Peter B. Collins Show as Guest Hosted by Brad...
Listen to the show!
Featuring: Faiz Shakir on the Democratic requests for a special prosecutor to investigate Gonzales for perjury. Kristina Johnson and Tracy Fleischman on the campaign against Fox "News" (and their advertiser Home Depot) and their anti-environmental propoganda...Scott Dick on all matters military, Iraq, and the meltdown of America...The latest on CA SoS Debra Bowen's release of her "Top-to-Bottom" study of electronic voting systems and the rest of the hour with Tova Andrea Wang on her extraordinary experience with the EAC and the political gaming of her voter fraud report...

VIDEO: Daily Show Exposes AG Gonzales's Stunning Admission
Shows Gonzales Apparently Admitting That Some US Attorney Firings Improper
Guest Blogged by Alan Breslauer

FRIDAY, JULY 27th...

BREAKING: Newly Obtained Emails Reveal GOP '04 Vote Supression Scheme
Vote Caging Schemes, Plans to Challenge Voters Part of High-Level Bush/Cheney 'Voter Fraud Strategy'...

Friday, July 27: The Peter B. Collins Show as Guest Hosted by Brad...
Listen to the show!
Featuring: Open lines, news from Bush World, breaking news on Bowen's "Top-to-Bottom Review" of voting systems, and Greg Palast on vote-caging et al...Open lines, more news from Bush World, and Bryan Myers on details from PBS's NOW report on vote-caging, airing this evening...Election Integrity Hour - Details from Bowen's "Top-to-Bottom Review" with John Gideon (report was released while we were on the air), a hand-off to Christine Craft of 1240am Talk City in Sacramento, who will be taking over as Guest Host of the PBC show beginning next week, and also leading a group to Bowen's public hearing next Monday, and tons of last minute callers!...Thank you, PBC and Houston! And everybody in between! We're "outta here"!

VIDEO: Mitt Romney Slams YouTube Debate Format
Believes A Degree Of Respectfulness Needed To Choose A President
Also Says He Did Not Watch Democratic YouTube Debate
Guest Blogged by Alan Breslauer

CA SoS Bowen: 'Analysts Able to Bypass Both Physical and Software Security for Every System They Reviewed'in Landmark Independent 'Top-to-Bottom Review' of CA Voting Systems
Now Updated with Audio


VIDEO: NOW Exposes Republican Conspiracy To Steal 2004 Presidential Election
News Program Links Illegal Voter Caging To Top Republican Operatives
Guest Blogged by Alan Breslauer

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