White House Spins Scandal With Paper That Was Withheld from Investigation
By David Edwards on 3/1/2006, 6:37pm PT  

Guest blogged by David Edwards of Veredictum.com

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MSNBC Countdown reports on the tapes of FEMA/Bush teleconferences held the day before Katrina hit New Orleans. Bush was on the call when the experts said they were concerned about the levees and a "disaster within a disaster" at the Superdome.

Just hours after AP released the tapes, the White House responded with a transcript where Brownie says that Bush was "engaged." A very weak rebuttal, indeed. What's more is that the White House had earlier refused to turn over this same document to the Congressional investigation on Katrina.

Crooks and Liars has a high-quality video of AP's report.

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