By David Edwards on 1/20/2006, 8:41am PT  

Guest blogged by David Edwards

Over 70 million searches are done each day on Google. The Bush Administration want access to Google's search data as well as the pages contained in the Google database.

The government says that it wants the private records to help fight kiddie porn on the internet. Privacy experts are concerned and Google vows to fight the request. A court date has been scheduled for October 2005.

Yahoo, MSN and AOL have already cooperated with the government's request by turning over private search records. Google conducts more searches than Yahoo, MSN and AOL combined.

In the following report from CNN, legal analyst Jeffrey Toobin suspects that the Bush Administration considers the Google search records too important to be left to the decision of a court. He concludes that Google and the government will reach an agreement for sharing Google's records before the court is allowed to create a precedent on the conflict.

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