As Broadcast LIVE on The BRAD SHOW via RAW RADIO!
By Brad Friedman on 8/31/2005, 2:24pm PT  

"I came here bitter and angry, but this is a place where the anger turns to hope. And you know why it turns to hope? Because of Camp Casey, we remembered something we forgot. We own this country. This is our country."
-- Cindy Sheehan, in closing remarks to supporters and volunteers on the final night at Camp Casey II
Crawford, TX, Aug. 30th, 2005

The BRAD SHOW via RAW RADIO's "Operation Noble Cause" carried Sheehan's final remarks to volunteers at Camp Casey II in Crawford, Texas. Exclusive audio here [MP3]...

(Many more highlights from The BRAD SHOW's "Operation Noble Cause" coverage in Crawford can be heard here with more to be made available soon!)

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