Will this 'president of faith' come out to pray with his neighbors?
By David Edwards on 8/15/2005, 6:34pm PT  

Guest blogged by David Edwards

Cindy Sheehan is hoping that a less confrontational strategy will be more effective. Will President Bush, as a man of faith, join her and others on Friday at noon to pray for the troops? The president is reported to have nothing on his official schedule for this week.

A candlelight prayer vigil is planned for Wednesday night. Cindy asks that mothers around the nation join together on Wednesday night in solidarity to pray for our troops.

Here is the latest video of Cindy speaking about the prayer vigil on MCNBC's Countdown. (Windows Media format).

CrooksandLiars has an earlier MSNBC report from this morning.

UPDATE: Wednesday Candlelight Vigils...
Join with MoveOn, True Majority, and Democracy for America in organizing or attending a Vigil for Cindy Sheehan in your town on Wednesday, August 17, 2005, at 7:30 p.m.

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