Scientists warn of nukes, climate change and Trump. So do we.
Also: Bannon tells press to 'keep its mouth shut' and still more dangerous 'voter fraud' bufoonery from the Liar-in-Chief...
By Brad Friedman on 1/26/2017, 6:23pm PT  

On today's BradCast, the board members of the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists announced that their Doomsday Clock has been moved 30 seconds closer to midnight in the wake of Trump's nuclear pronouncements and the increasingly alarming threat of climate change. We're now two and half minutes to midnight. Sounds about right. [Audio link to show posted below.]

Those worries are unlikely to ease anytime soon, as the Administration trashed 150 years of institutional memory at the State Department yesterday with a purge of its leadership, while taking an increasingly aggressive stance against the media, science, facts and other institutional establishments on which the nation and its citizenry have long relied.

Among the related stories also covered on today's program:

  • Trump's top political appointee and voter registration fraudster Steve Bannon lashes out at the free press, telling them to "keep its mouth shut";
  • Four top State Department officials were forced out of their leadership positions, as world tensions are ratcheted up (in no small part by Trump.)
  • Mexico's President cancels his planned visit to the White House after the U.S. President orders a wall between the two countries.
  • More pipeline spills in the wake of Trump orders to complete the KeystoneXL and Dakota Access pipelines;
  • The sources of Trump's false "voter fraud" claims, reiterated again in a remarkable ABC News interview last night, are revealed and debunked. (Here's the 2012 Pew study that he claims is about "voter fraud". It isn't. Here's his fourth-hand story about non-citizens voting, which he didn't actually hear from the pro golfer he claims told him about it. Here's some of the evidence showing that the illegal votes we know of, to date, from 2016 were cast for Trump, not Hillary Clinton. Here's the story of his daughter Tiffany being registered in two different states at once.)
  • Advocate for discriminatory Photo ID voting restrictions is placed in charge of DoJ's Civil Rights Division as the administration prepares to go "all in" on such restrictions nationally.
  • Desi Doyen joins us for the latest Green News Report, recapping the new Administration's chilling assault on the environment and its protectors since taking office less than a week ago.

MSNBC's Chris Hayes tweeted yesterday that "Every day feels like 10 days." I couldn't agree more...


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