"Note when you have no spirit anymore, it's what happens when you deceive people and drive them away too long."
You might not like me but I will just say it.
Clinton MUST be arrested and indicted.
And while we are on bad officials.. with snap judgement problem, reaction, solution crowd.
Here's another traitor in California! (you don't even need to CLICK the link just READ the link --- outrageous. Instead of demanding this Nevada City gal with a .8% black pop (Census) step the hell down, But you will take just it instead cause she got the Mafia "D" after the name
So if your clueless Bradbloggers why it's all going to hell
"There is no rule of law."
I am surprised you as Journalist have not exposed it. DO Read, Understand, Repeat until you have it down. We truly can not continue until you get this straight. All these problems have ONE ROOT.
TREASON has destroyed the RULE OF LAW
IT's why Drug Dealers SHOOT each other.
IF you don't solve this NOTHING ELSE MATTERS, might as well bide your time before this mafia EATS YOU.
I already almost died from their lies, They do not scare me anymore.
I have FAMILY in St Louis and I see a TERROR WARNING for the 15th.. This Friday.
It is being said George Soros Bankrolled this TERRORISM
By the way this post is being video taped to watch to SEE and AUDIT if you CENSOR the TRUTH.
Good luck.
Dear Delegates, Save Our Democracy:
Cliff Arnebeck Open Letter To Bernie Sanders: Election Lawsuit to be Filed by End of Week
Posted on July 12, 2016 by truthfirst12013
Clifford O. Arnebeck, Jr.
1021 East Broad Street
Columbus, Ohio 43205
July 12, 2016
Senator Bernie Sanders
Via electronic mail
Dear President-Elect Sanders,
Congratulations on winning the overwhelming support of the American people for your candidacy to be President - not for you, but for them.
If the pressures of these past two weeks compel you to say that you give up, it is understandable. As our expert researcher and your fellow whistleblower, Dana Jill Simpson, said at the Columbus, Ohio Broad Street Presbyterian Church last Sunday, “We crucify whistleblowers in this country.”
However, whatever you may say in the face of the ordeal you now suffer, you have been elected to serve us. No one --- especially not the king of Saudi Arabia or the highest lord of finance and media in the world --- can coronate someone to reign over us.
Exit polls are the international gold standard for measuring the integrity of election results. However, in the United States such exit polls have to be adjusted not once, but twice --- before and after being taken --- to compensate for the fraudulent manipulation of votes that regularly takes place. In the 2016 Democratic primary in Ohio, the end of day exit poll result showed you winning 10% more than the result recorded on our vulnerable voting machines. However, one must add back the 6% of your vote that was deducted in anticipation of fraud before the poll was taken. Thus, our experts will testify that you won, not only 10% more delegates than recorded, but the majority of the actual votes of Ohioans. And, as Ohio goes, so goes the nation.
We will be filing suit later this week to prove in court the extent of Karl Rove’s skillful manipulation of our votes. But, more importantly in relation to the fast approaching Democratic Convention, we will be presenting to delegates and to all the people the evidence of your victory. We will be doing so over the Website “Justice Served. org,” ( http://justiceserved.org/ ) coordinated by Summer Rose who also grew up in Brooklyn.
Because of the importance of your election to all the people of the United States and the world, I am publishing this as an open letter. I hope that all of your supporters --- Democrats, Republicans and Independents will let their voices be heard over the propaganda of the multi-millionaires and billionaires.
Very truly yours,
/s/ Clifford O. Arnebeck, Jr.
Clifford O. Arnebeck, Jr.
The Institute for American Democracy & Election Integrity
Updated July 13, 2016
Breaking News: First Ohio Election Integrity Lawsuit filed…
Bob Fitrakis Interview: Lawsuit Filed in Ohio Against Exit Polling Company Edison Research
Dear Delegates, Save Our Democracy:
Fraction Magic – Part 1: Votes are being counted as fractions instead of as whole numbers
By Bev Harris May 12, 2016
1 – Summary –
This report summarizes the results of our review of the GEMS election management system, which counts approximately 25 percent of all votes in the United States. The results of this study demonstrate that a fractional vote feature is embedded in each GEMS application which can be used to invisibly, yet radically, alter election outcomes by pre-setting desired vote percentages to redistribute votes. This tampering is not visible to election observers, even if they are standing in the room and watching the computer. Use of the decimalized vote feature is unlikely to be detected by auditing or canvass procedures, and can be applied across large jurisdictions in less than 60 seconds.
GEMS vote-counting systems are and have been operated under five trade names: Global Election Systems, Diebold Election Systems, Premier Election Systems, Dominion Voting Systems, and Election Systems & Software, in addition to a number of private regional subcontractors. At the time of this writing, this system is used statewide in Alaska, Connecticut, Georgia, Mississippi, New Hampshire, Utah and Vermont, and for counties in Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida, Illinois, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Massachusetts, Michigan, Missouri, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, Texas, Virginia, Washington, Wisconsin and Wyoming. It is also used in Canada.
Fractionalized vote:
Instead of “1” the vote is allowed to be 1/2, or 1+7/8, or any other value that is not a whole number.
What fractionalized votes can do:
They allow “weighting” of races. Weighting a race removes the principle of “one person-one vote” to allow some votes to be counted as less than one or more than one. Regardless of what the real votes are, candidates can receive a set percentage of votes. Results can be controlled. For example, Candidate A can be assigned 44% of the votes, Candidate B 51%, and Candidate C the rest.
GEMS fractionalizes votes in three places:
The “Summary” vote tally, which provides overall election totals for each race on Election Night
The “Statement of Votes Cast”, which provides detailed results by precinct and voting method (ie. Polling, absentee, early, provisional)
The “undervote” count
Fractions in results reports are not visible. Votes containing decimals are reported as whole numbers unless specifically instructed to reveal decimals (which is not the default setting). All evidence that fractional values ever existed can be removed instantly even from the underlying database using a setting in the GEMS data tables, in which case even instructing GEMS to show the decimals will fail to reveal they were used.
Source code: Instructions to treat votes as decimal values instead of whole numbers are inserted multiple times in the GEMS source code itself; thus, this feature cannot have been created by accident.
Fractionalizing the votes which create the Summary Results allows alteration of Election Night Web results and results sent to the Secretary of State, as well as results available at and local election officials.
Fractionalizing the “Statement of Votes Cast” allows an extraordinary amount of precision, enabling alteration of results by specific voting machine, absentee batch, or precinct. Vote results can be altered for polling places in predominantly Black neighborhoods, and can parse out precincts within a mixed batch of early or absentee votes.
Fractionalizing the undervote category allows reallocation of valid votes into undervotes.
Voting rights abomination
According to programmer notes, a weighted race feature was designed which not only gives some votes more weight than others, but does so based on the voter’s identity. Ballots are connected to voters, weights are assigned to each voter per race, stored in an external table not visible in GEMS. Our testing shows that one vote can be counted 25 times, another only one one-thousandth of a time, effectively converting some votes to zero.