"Guest Hosting 'Malloy Show' Friday!"
(22 Responses so far...)
COMMENT #1 [Permalink]
Brad Friedman
said on 12/17/2010 @ 3:41 pm PT...
COMMENT #2 [Permalink]
said on 12/18/2010 @ 5:37 am PT...
Assange is not to be trusted after he threw Manning under the bus. Also, it worked to the advantage of the government to have the drone incident exposed as a psyop warning to journalists not to go too far with the truth about the corrupt wars/colonialism. All the Wiki infor was already vetted by MSM.....
COMMENT #3 [Permalink]
said on 12/18/2010 @ 9:05 am PT...
You might have asked Coleen how a memo would stop the nanothermite from blowing up the THREE towers on 9/11. She is clearly a gatekeeper spook.
COMMENT #4 [Permalink]
said on 12/18/2010 @ 9:11 am PT...
Marzi your right on, Assange doesn't pass the 9/11 acid test, he looks to be a CIA asset to be used to shut down the internet.
COMMENT #5 [Permalink]
said on 12/18/2010 @ 9:51 am PT...
Marzi, You are wrong on this, Assange did not throw Manning under the bus. It was a clown who like the average yellow belly that is on line today, was afraid that he might be drug into the fray, fingered Manning and the rest is history....
COMMENT #6 [Permalink]
Ernest A. Canning
said on 12/18/2010 @ 10:11 am PT...
Interesting comment in second segment, Brad: "Criminalize everything." It seems that what the authoritarians going after Assange really want is to criminalize the truth.
COMMENT #7 [Permalink]
said on 12/19/2010 @ 5:37 am PT...
100% agree Coleen fools people - she's a gatekeeper spook. She's keeping people focused on the planes and not on the real issue of explosives and the stand down. Not sure what was said on the radio, Brad, but we don't think much of her as you can guess.
COMMENT #8 [Permalink]
Jeannie Dean
said on 12/19/2010 @ 11:05 am PT...
Marzi and Glenn(et al) need to listen to the audio, THEN comment.
Until they do (and it's always clear who has and hasn't) I don't give a flying crapping rat what they "think" of a hero like Coleen Rowley.
I'm getting rreallllly impatient with the tossing around of so much baseless, emotional, misguided intangible accusations re: Mossad / CIA agents hurled around within these (usually fact based) threads.
What a hot, ghetto mess is your backassward logic, here on full display:
"I'm know I'm not Mossad. But someone here has got to be Mossad. Therefore YOU must be Mossad...especially if you disagree w/ me. That makes you really really really Mossad-y."
Clearly, if whistleblowers don't make your pet agenda their own, if they don't advance YOUR (Alex Jonesian / Gordon Duffesque) specifically pre-dispositioned theorums, then the source in question is an infiltrating spook? Cuz that is, essentially, the boiled down argument that you all keep presenting here, in flaming thread after flaming thread, AS IF it's a real debate point.
I'm telling you it's not. And I'm not alone.
So if your gonna hurl up on a hero like you do? Better post a link supporting. And better make sure that link is *well sourced* enough to fly when kicked out of it's nest, or it ain't gonna live long around here. But hey, feel free to write whatever you want, here. It's your rep, not ours...
I guess Alex Jones is feeling a little bit threatened by Assange. Someone else doing his "angry internet outsider with a mission to expose the corruption at the top" routine. And doing it with better hair.
How dare Assange re-brand the term 'INFOWARs' (let alone the action of it) after Jones spent years building up the name recognition at great personal risk? Reason enough to go 100% ego-freak and feed your followers the same kind of garbage you accuse everyone else of being held hostage to...
...'prison planet' my fat ass.
Sad. So much of your (assumed on my part)smarts is being subverted by hot air balderdash, just like the assclowns you are (legitimately) trying to subvert.
Hoping you all can grow your critical thinking skills back like a tail-less iguana, or an overwatered chia pet. You can start by actually reading the cables. Mebbe actually listening to this audio. It shouldn't hurt. Consider it a self-intervention / auto correcting.
Cuz next time I read this unfounded garbage that takes a cheap pot shot shit on an American Hero without any evidence? Well, I'm going to just start openly mocking you relentlessly and without shame.
Jeannie Dean / Janine Winter
NY STATE SENATE WTC Emergency Task Force
Lower Manhattan Supply Coordinator
Sept 17, 2001 - Jan. 1 - 2002
FYI - 9/11 Truth supporter and NOT MOSSAD, but claiming I'm not will probably only make YOU all think that I am, so maybe I am, after all (*grins devilishly).
COMMENT #9 [Permalink]
Jeannie Dean
said on 12/19/2010 @ 11:20 am PT...
Oh, almost forgot: SUPERB radio, Brad and Des! One of your best shows, IMHO.
COMMENT #10 [Permalink]
Brad Friedman
said on 12/19/2010 @ 12:17 pm PT...
Jeannie Dean stole some of my planned thunder in her response (thanks, JD!). But on one or two direct points...
Marzi said @ 2 & 7:
Assange is not to be trusted after he threw Manning under the bus.
Your evidence for Assange having thrown "Manning under the bus"? I'm aware of none. Quite the opposite in fact. Feel free to share yours, however, if you wish to be taken seriously here.
Also, it worked to the advantage of the government to have the drone incident exposed as a psyop warning to journalists not to go too far with the truth about the corrupt wars/colonialism.
What "drone incident"? And what "psyop warning"? Or is just saying stuff enough? No evidence necessary?
All the Wiki infor was already vetted by MSM.....
And what do you mean by that as well? Or, again, just saying stuff is enough??
100% agree Coleen fools people - she's a gatekeeper spook.
Really? Odd that "gatekeeper spooks" challenge the government, call for an end to government wars and lies, call for support of the government's Enemy #1 right now (Bradley Manning) and go all the way to the White House to do it by getting arrested for it after a 22 hour drive. What gate is she keeping exactly?
Seems you and Glenn are far better at gatekeeping, at least if your comments here are any indication.
She's keeping people focused on the planes and not on the real issue of explosives and the stand down. Not sure what was said on the radio, Brad, but we don't think much of her as you can guess.
Given that you didn't even listen to it ("Not sure what was said on the radio"), as you can imagine, I don't think much of your criticism of it. But thanks anyway.
If you have anything actually substantive to offer on any of the points you wish to make, of course, feel free. Until then, you may look forward to a video I'll be posting later today which speaks to some of my thoughts on folks who seem to share your no-evidence-or-substance-necessary viewpoints.
COMMENT #11 [Permalink]
Jeannie Dean
said on 12/19/2010 @ 1:04 pm PT... Prison Planet Game Show coming soon: Alex Jones' "MOSSAD, OR NOT?" ™
Contestants are shown a seemingly random series of celebrity / public personality profiles and are asked while their nuts are hooked up to electrodes that deliver just enough of a shock to hurt so good, if they are...
(audience collectively monotones:)
There's also a sub-category for
"Anannauki Agent" and "any-damn-word + bot" for bonus round points. I hear Alex has already successfully marketed the board game to Parker Brothers ™and is colluding with Giraldo Rivera to plant a 12 foot advert for it on Assange's dick.
I hear that. Don't know for sure if it's true, but I hear it. So it must be worth reporting and repeating here no matter what evidence exists to the contrary.
You heard it here first. You're welcome.
COMMENT #12 [Permalink]
David Howard
said on 12/19/2010 @ 1:21 pm PT...
Everyone needs to learn that 9/11 was the American regime nuking its own largest city, and it created the China Syndrome which then poisoned thousands of responders and millions of NY residents.
Google "9/11 Cancers"
COMMENT #13 [Permalink]
said on 12/20/2010 @ 6:55 am PT...
I've heard Coleen in person and have not changed my opinion. Until she actively campaigns for an investigation into Building 7, and discusses the fact that the "terrorists" were of little consequence because they couldn't have handled the jets they were supposed to fly (if they got into the cockpits at all), then I'll be a supporter.
How about inviting Manny Badillo on your show next time?
COMMENT #14 [Permalink]
said on 12/20/2010 @ 7:59 am PT...
COMMENT #15 [Permalink]
Jeannie Dean
said on 12/20/2010 @ 10:01 am PT...
Richard (Truth is All), Marzi, Camusrebel, Mick, ALL 9/11 TRUTHERS:
With all due respect, no one is disputing 9/11 Truth in this thread. And yet, none of you can stop honking on about it like it's the only story there is. You're preaching to the choir, here, WHILE maligning the heroes that are ON OUR SIDE just because you have a personal axe to grind.
Especially gross, from Truthers, when I tell them that I'm a 9/11 recovery worker - not only does my opinion count for NADA to you all even tho' I was there for most of the recovery, but not a one of you...not a ONE of you has asked about my health, or my experience, or my insider knowledge...
No, instead you steamroll every thread with your unsupported bullshit, and continue to rip Brad and Ernest, COLEEN ROWLEY (and next ME, no doubt)for all you think we HAVEN'T done.
Shame on all of you! Your lack of intellectual curiosity re: the thing you can't stop preaching to us all about (especially those of us who still have the ashes of neighbors on our boots and lumps of tumors in our lungs) is appalling by any standards. It tells me you don't mean a word of your rhetoric...just looking to vomit all over me with whatever knee-jerk bullshit you *think* you know cuz it FEELS good to you.
This makes you no different than a TEABAGGER.
You are all behaving just like them at their worst. I don't often get disgusted with Bradblog readers, but you all are doing me a dandy; not to mention a serious disservice to your (OUR) own pet cause.
On behalf of my 9/11 WTC Emergency Task Force,
please stop it. Consider us.
Thank you in advance for not being such a constant pill.
COMMENT #16 [Permalink]
Jeannie Dean
said on 12/20/2010 @ 10:57 am PT...
I'm having my bubble bath now with a bloody mary and laughing now at Marzi's ridiculous comment @ #13:
"...Until she (Coleen Rowley) actively campaigns for an investigation into Building 7, and discusses the fact that the "terrorists" were of little consequence because they couldn't have handled the jets they were supposed to fly (if they got into the cockpits at all)
It's not the content above that's laughable;(most) everyone knows (most) of what you all post & repeat ad nauseum. (Hell, I could lip sync along to you as you type it out in real time, by now) no, that's not what's giving me the giggle-runs...
It's Marzi's assertion that this Hero F.B.I. whistleblower / Time Person of the Year who gave up *everything* - career, reputation; risked real, potential backlash from powerful forces that could have (and probably did) result in losses we can't begin to imagine...
...still hasn't done quite enough for Marzi.
That's rich! (Pass the caviar over, be a dear.)
COMMENT #17 [Permalink]
said on 12/20/2010 @ 2:14 pm PT...
We all appreciate what you and Coleen have done. She is truly an American hero. No one is questioning that.
But the "9/11 Truthers" are mystified as to why there is an eternal silence about the proven FACTS of 9/11 so clearly presented in the videos I posted.
Coleen could not get the FBI to act on the information she came across in 2001.
We have learned a helluva lot since then. Missouai is old news. We need influential people like Rowley, Ellsberg, Chomsky KO and Maddow, Rather et al to step up and voice support for a new 9/11 investigation, just like thousands of other architectual, engineering, military and other professional have.
Why is it that Geraldo on FOX can do a piece on WTC 7 but the MSM still would have us believe that 9/11 was done by Al Qaeda? And why does Coleen let the media get away with it?
These are the heroes we should be celebrating:
Jesse Ventura, Richard Gage and David Ray Griffin. They are out there right NOW.
We are not preaching to the choir when we call on Rowley and the lefty bloggers to take the next step.
COMMENT #18 [Permalink]
said on 12/20/2010 @ 2:42 pm PT...
I agree with truthisall - until Coleen and others call for a new 9/11 investigation, I'll hold my praise. How about Coleen signing the ae9/11truth petition for an investigation for Building 7? The demolition of the WTC is the basis of the wars of aggression and the patriot act and the silencing of those very whistle blowers who are now complaining.
COMMENT #19 [Permalink]
Jeannie Dean
said on 12/20/2010 @ 2:49 pm PT...
"We all appreciate what you and Coleen have done. She is truly an American hero. No one is questioning that."
Um. Yes, they are. Are you not reading the same thread, Richard? Scroll up. Coleen is being called a gatekeeper spook. Without any evidence, just slamming her because she hasn't taken up your favorite mantle.
I object to that. And I object to you objecting to me objecting to that. And I most sincerely object to everyone not reading the whole thread before commenting, or shooting off their mouths without listening to the original audio we're discussing, accusing heroes of malevolence without evidence / support / links...
And for the record, thanks for being "grateful to me for what I did" but you don't know *what* I did, Richard, or how I feel about it, or how I got through it - because again - YOU HAVE (nor has any other Truther here) EVER ASKED... how interested are you, really?
COMMENT #20 [Permalink]
Jeannie Dean
said on 12/20/2010 @ 3:19 pm PT...
Congrats on winning over Giraldo, btw. Quite a victory, considering his journo prowess. Completely legitimizing.
Just proves that your sourcing is just as sour as FOX's, Richard; you have no care to discern or vet the source in question, no matter how questionable, as long as he / she agrees with you. How convenient.
The Truth Movement has been remarkably successful - it's huge; now splitting and fracturing along systematic, tribal, fissures stoked by it's increasingly paranoid leaders and
blindly dogmatic factions. Easy to see why when you read these comments.
I work with several 9/11 Truth groups, (even some of the ones you link above, Richard) and I don't know that any of them have gone out of their way to excoriate the heroes and whistle blowers that came before; the ones that were the first to stand up / open the door to the very re-newed investigations we all are now calling for...
..not to mention the ones that actively need your support NOW, like Wikileaks - which, while "MOSSAD OR NOT", may be the very straw that breaks open wide the camel-humped lies we *all* know we were told about that day...with one single document in it's vast treasure trove of secrets. A trove of secret you've already dismissed as void, based on hearsay.
God, you're all hilarious.
COMMENT #21 [Permalink]
Jeannie Dean
said on 12/20/2010 @ 3:34 pm PT...
Laughing really hard at you all now - I notice Wikileaks isn't mentioned ONCE by any of you Truthers in this ridiculously long, non-substantive roundy-roundy that you all can't see beyond...
How not one of you has picked up on the most substanitive (imho) 9/11 point that Coleen Rowley makes in the audio of Brad's interview...
(...the one I'm guessing most of you still haven't listened to cuz you know so much about everything you read on the internet so you get a pass cuz of you're expert 'bullshit detectors?')
(paraphrasing Rowley)
"If we'd had WIKILEAKS on or after 9/11 then never would could have avoided the Iraq war..."
That is such a salient point and so worthy of discussion. Or what about:
...if I'd (or other recovery workers) had Twitter when I / we needed respirators and couldn't get them?
So many things worth discussing in relation to the myth of the official story of 9/11 - but no one can say anything at all here anymore/ get anything through your think fog self-righteous yelling / posting the SAME POINTS AND LINKS AT ME OVER AND OVER AGAIN.
If you all really cared about this cause that you clearly don't? Then you would be paying very close attention to the release of these secret docs from WIKILEAKS. That is, you would be finding info that corrolates to 9/11.
But instead, you'd all rather be all ego stubborn, distracting and counterproductive when we (the last of the salient, rational, critical thinkers) need you the most.
Not laughing, now.
That's very very very sad to me.
COMMENT #22 [Permalink]
Jeannie Dean
said on 12/20/2010 @ 3:42 pm PT...
"I agree with truthisall - until Coleen and others call for a new 9/11 investigation, I'll hold my praise."
No! You don't say! You mean you're intractable on this point? What a shocker. Marzi, you are free to hold your praise or not hold your praise for hero / whistleblower Coleen Rowly. And I am free to not give a shit.
Beauty of the internet.
At least we have substantially moved the goalposts away from her being an infiltrating gatekeeping spook, to just the 'withholding of praise' for her here at my favorite blog that champions whistle-blowers and speaks Truth to Power.
Efin' christ. I hope we don't have to do this again. I'm frazzled from fixing this thread on your behalf.'re welcome. Be more careful next time.
Leaving the estate now to go water the little Guatemalan children I keep on the landing.