'It's Simply Not Possible for the State to Hold Another Election, Even If the Party Were to Pay for It' - Florida Dem Chair
By Jon Ponder on 3/17/2008, 5:46pm PT  

Guest blogged by Jon Ponder, Pensito Review.

So now what?

The Florida Democratic Party said this afternoon it won't pursue a do-over of its contested primary, putting the dispute squarely in the lap of the Democratic National Committee's rules committee next month.

Florida officials had floated the idea last week of a mail-in vote, but questions quickly arose about its logistics and fairness. The consensus from thousands of Democrats is against a revote, Representative Karen L. Thurman, the state party's chairwoman, says in a letter to Democrats.

"A party-run primary or caucus has been ruled out, and it's simply not possible for the state to hold another election, even if the Party were to pay for it," Thurman writes.

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