Running Down the Most Notable BRAD BLOG Stories From the Last Week
By Desi Doyen on 5/5/2007, 4:08pm PT  

Guest blogged by DES

It was a quiet week in Lake Wobegon last week.... but not in the District of Columbia, where scandals and revelations erupted by the hour.

Bush's War in Iraq dominated the week - the fourth anniversary of "Mission Accomplished" --- as former CIA Director George Tenet attempted to defend himself, shamefully, with his just-released tell-all book, as closer to home a storm of BRAD BLOG comment controversies erupted in the wake of disturbing video of riot police beating and kicking demonstrators and reporters in the L.A. May Day Melee, and guest blogger Stephen Heller call to re-institute a draft...

The Abramoff Lobbying Scandal spotlight has re-focused on BRAD BLOG's favorite corrupt congressman, Florida Republican Tom Feeney. A free golf junket to faraway Scotland to escape the Washington "heat" probably sounds like a great idea right about now...

We saw major developments on the Election Integrity front: in Florida, the Governor and tireless activists were able to overcome all obstructions and finally restore paper ballots to the Sunshine state. And Missouri was 'ground zero' for the GOP's "suppress the Democratic vote" campaign --- a web of corruption that The BRAD BLOG has been following for years now --- along with the welcome addition of McClatchy News Service (even if the Kansas City Star has attempted to undermine them) in connecting the Republican Myth of "Voter Fraud" to the U.S. Attorney Firings Scandal via the Show-Me State. Click on our ACVR Special Coverage page to get the whole sordid story so far...

And be sure to check out last Sunday's peace-lovin' music video for inspiration, as we pause for a breath before finding out what the cat will drag in next week. Links to High and/or Lowlights from what the cat dragged in last week are conveniently summarized and linked below...

SUNDAY, APRIL 29th....

'Balance' on the Iraq Spending Bill, as Delivered by the 'Liberal' Los Angeles Times
From the 'Heads I Win, Tails You Lose' School of Journalism...

Open Letter: Six Former Intelligence Officers Blast George Tenet for Silence, Complicity During Build Up to War
Call on Former CIA Director to Return Medal of Freedom, Refer to Him as 'the Alberto Gonzales of the Intelligence Community'...

Action on Policy, In Which Congress Had No Say, First Signs of Possible 'Quid Pro Quo' by Corrupt Florida Congressman
ALSO: Feeney's Golf Trip to Scotland Paid for Out of Lobbyist's 'Slush Fund,' Senate Documents Find...

Sunday Music Video of the Moment...
Happy Springtime (Bush is Over)


BILL MAHER VIDEO: David Iglesias Interviewed on US Attorney Scandal, Says 'They Wanted Bogus Prosecutions, I Couldn't Do That'
Conservative Bush Apologist Steals Spotlight with Jaw-Dropping Analysis: Politics Comes Before Duty for Political Appointees
Guest Blogged by Alan Breslauer

Florida Paper Charges Feeney 'Owes Public Answers, Now' Concerning Abramoff Dealings
St. Petersberg Times Editorializes That Corrupt Congressman 'Looks Complicit', Has 'Cloud Over His Head'
Orlando Sentinel Columnist Says 'Smart, Thorough, Careful' People Like Feeney Not Easily 'Duped'...

A Great New 50 Second E-Voting Video
For Florida and Everybody Else...


Ann Coulter Speeches Scrubbed by Conservative Groups
Recently Released Conference Video Collections Omit Addresses by Rightwing Controversialist
Has the Republican Superstar Finally Become a Pariah for the Right?
Guest Blogged by Daniel Borchers of Citizens for Principled Conservatism

Tom Feeney Writes Op/Ed on Scotland Golf Junket with Jack Abramoff, Fails to Include Words 'Golf' or 'Jack Abramoff'
The BRAD BLOG Kindly Corrects the Congressman's Omissions...

VIDEO: Christopher Hitchens Summons Security, Repeatedly Calls Questioner 'Fascist Crackpot' During Bizarre L.A. Book Event Discussion
American Citizenship Seems Not to Have Changed British Author, Contrarian...
Guest Blogged by Alan Breslauer

BREAKING: Police Fire Rubber Bullets, Tear Gas into Crowd at Los Angeles Immigration Rally
LAPD Chief Claims 'Elements of the Crowd' Threw Projectiles at Police in Riot Gear, News Reports Say the Rally Had Been Peaceful
National Coordinators Call for Independent Investigation, Further Information from Those at MacArthur Park Rally...


High-Level White House/DoJ Operative Thor Hearne Hired a High-Level White House/DoJ Operative to Put out Fire in Missouri Investigation Leading to Dismissal of U.S. Attorney
Powerful GOP Missouri Lawyer at Powerful GOP Missouri Law Firm Admits Bringing Powerful GOP Attorney William Mateja in to Manage DoJ Investigaton of Lathrop & Gage, Missouri Governor Matt Blunt
Firm Also Recently Hired Governor's Sister Amy... More is Still to Come...

McClatchy: 'Missouri Was Ground Zero' For GOP 'Voter Fraud' Scam, Thor Hearne and ACVR at Center of Scheme
National Mainstream Media FINALLY Picks up on, Exposes the 'Non-Partisan' 'American Center for Voting Rights' Fraud...

Breathtaking, Terrifying Video Coverage of 'May Day Melee' in Los Angeles
First Hand Citizen Journalist Footage as Police Started Firing; Panic, Confusion Interrupt MacArthur Park Immigration Rally...


Former Deputy Attorney General Comey Testifies Before House Judiciary Committee
Yet Another Former DoJ Official Revealed to Have Nothing to Do with the U.S. Attorney Firings
RELATED? The Murder of Seattle Prosecutor Thomas Wales Was Barely Discussed in DOJ, Comey Testimony Suggests
*** Special to The BRAD BLOG by DC Correspondent Margie Burns

A Huge Victory (Finally!) for Voters in the Sunshine State!
ALSO: Congress Asks GAO to Investigate Contested FL-13 Election...

FRIDAY, MAY 4th...

Do You Feel a Draft?
It's Time for America to Institute One...
Guest blogged by Stephen Heller...

SATURDAY, MAY 5th... Cinco de Mayo!

Kansas City Paper Hatchets McClatchy Story on Missouri GOP 'Voter Fraud' Scam to Make it GOP Friendly
Removes References to Republican Missouri Politicians, Karl Rove, Thor Hearne, ACVR, Lack of 'Voter Fraud' Evidence and More
Yet Another Mind-Blowing Mainstream Media Embarrassment...

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