"It's Hard Out Here for a Pimp..."
(54 Responses so far...)
COMMENT #1 [Permalink]
said on 3/6/2006 @ 3:34 am PT...
{ed note: Comment deleted. Spam.}
COMMENT #2 [Permalink]
said on 3/6/2006 @ 4:17 am PT...
Many of the regular posters here have noticed that over the years, when you hit a sore spot of the fascists or the stealth voting technology folks like Diebold, the trolls show up.
In the past the trolls have been extremely low of facts and high on kool aid.
Wally at first was quite rank, way off the facts, and not up to par.
He got better after he was able to get digs into folk who would respond in kind, after he posed as a nice guy and got the flow going.
He is the best troll that has shown up so far, but his facts are not good at all because, as the lawyers say, "you have to use what you have".
And all Wally has is bad technology to defend. Technology that is so very, very against the american public's will.
So, congratulations Brad, we shook a golden apple from the diebold tree, and Lucy Fur showed up to try and sell it to us. I think this guy is as trolly as "The Editor" of the Oviedo Voice rag (a.k.a. "newspaper"), the mouthpiece of the fascists there.
COMMENT #3 [Permalink]
said on 3/6/2006 @ 5:21 am PT...
Is it Diebold or Diehard?
COMMENT #4 [Permalink]
big dan
said on 3/6/2006 @ 5:36 am PT...
I hope Wally O'Diebold isn't being paid by Diebold in Diebold stock. It' plummetting!!!
COMMENT #5 [Permalink]
big dan
said on 3/6/2006 @ 5:38 am PT...
I vote for calling Wally ODIEBOLD, "DEEP VOTE" (instead of "Deep Throat"...nothing?.....sorry.....)
COMMENT #6 [Permalink]
said on 3/6/2006 @ 6:18 am PT...
Wally might have a few points here and there if he wasn't defending such crappy machines by such a horribly run company! Diebold makes big bulky ugly error-prone over-priced pieces of crap! My grandmother could engineer a better piece of hardware than the Accuvote-TS! If I ripped one open I bet I could find out how to cut the production cost in half... except I might not be able to promise to deliver Ohio to Bush! Lots of exclamation points!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
COMMENT #7 [Permalink]
said on 3/6/2006 @ 6:34 am PT...
Looked to me like "Wally" went out of his way to respond in-depth to a vast number of questions addressed to him. Not only that, but he made sincere concessions if ever there were points of agreement. I think it's unusual that instead of continuing to engage him in logical arguments, you campaigned to have him run off. What more did you want from him?
He used a pseudonym. So what? You tolerate anonymity from some people such as "Dieb Throat," but demand full disclosure from "Wally." Full disclosure is preferable, but I can't blame anyone from choosing anonymity on a public forum --- especially a hostile one.
He's gone now and you have no one to direct your questions to. I fail to comprehend how that outcome benefits you at all.
COMMENT #8 [Permalink]
big dan
said on 3/6/2006 @ 6:41 am PT...
Mitch: What questions? You say, "He's gone now, and you have no one to direct your questions to."
COMMENT #9 [Permalink]
big dan
said on 3/6/2006 @ 6:42 am PT...
I thought we were directing our questions to Bev Harris, Brad, and vote organizations, not Wally O'Diebold...
COMMENT #10 [Permalink]
big dan
said on 3/6/2006 @ 6:49 am PT...
Mitch, I guess I don't understand your point. It seems he's still welcome to post here, what makes you think he's gone? He's allowed to post anonymously, he's been doing that. I've seen nothing to tell me he's gone, how do you know that?
COMMENT #11 [Permalink]
said on 3/6/2006 @ 6:53 am PT...
1) Wally said "Brad's facts in his original post are all wrong" ... "Warmest regards, Wally" (link here, emphasis added).
a) Brad had said "California State Senator Debra Bowen, chairwoman of the State Elections, Reapproprionment & Constitutional Amendments Committee has just released a statement of condemnation for Sec. of State Bruce McPherson's recent re-certification of Diebold voting machines in the state".
That is true, so Wally lied. And Wally, since he was falsely accusing Brad of lying, was also lying when he said "Warmest regards" because his warmest regards are for a junk machine that puts democracy at risk. He favors junk over the will of the American voting public. He is a fake at honesty and he is a sociopath with inordinate affection.
b) Brad said "A press release just issued by her office includes a letter she has sent to McPherson (posted in full below) calling on him to reverse his recent decision to re-certify based on a number of apparent violations of California's state laws and regulations which seem to have been disregarded in his decision making process".
That too was true and a copy of the letter was attached to Brad's post to show it was true (link here)
2) Wally said "None of Diebold's machines counts anything in secret. Lots of people have reviewed everything it does." (link here)
a) Courts in California that "have reviewed everything it does" have issued injunctions against the machine, ordered Diebold to pay millions of dollars and attorney fees (link here).
b) Software experts who "have reviewed everything it does" have issued reports against the machine, and have pointed out the fundamental Programming 101 flaws in the software.
For example the Berkeley Report says that:
"Interpreter bugs lead to another, more dangerous family of vulnerabilities: However, there is another category of more serious vulnerabilities we discovered that go well beyond what Mr. Hursti demonstrated, and yet require no more access to the voting system than he had. These vulnerabilities are consequences of bugs - 16 in all - in the implementation of the AccuBasic interpreter for the AV-OS. These bugs would have no effect at all in the absence of deliberate tampering, and would not be discovered by any amount of functionality testing; but they could allow an attacker to completely control the behavior of the AV-OS. An attacker could change vote totals, modify reports, change the names of candidates, change the races being voted on, or insert his own code into the running firmware of the machine."
"The bugs are classic [rookie], and can only be found by source code review: Finding these bugs was only possible through close study of the source code. All of them are classic security flaws, including buffer overruns, array bounds violations, double-free errors, format string vulnerabilities, and several others. There may, of course, be additional bugs, or kinds of bugs, that we did not find."
For those who do not know:
i) a buffer overrun is the mistake of sloppy practices. One makes a buffer of say 1000 bytes then writes to that buffer with 1200 bytes of data without first checking the size. The results can be catastrophic and the behavior as a result is unpredictable.
ii) an array bounds violation is similar to a buffer overrun, in the sense it is sloppy programming. One makes an array that contains 50 elements, then puts the 51st item into the array, which is more than it can handle. The results are similar to the buffer overrun and are usually catastrophic and unpredictable.
Wally's misrepresentations and outright lies go on and on and are easy to disprove. I am having fun taking hide out of Wally as he tries to hide the truth in a Dr. Hyde manner.
Dr. Hyde the pimp can't hide the bugs his prostitute has, neither can he run.
John Dean located him near Vancouver thru the "dot quad" ( where he is probably working for Diebold there (link here).
COMMENT #12 [Permalink]
said on 3/6/2006 @ 7:06 am PT...
Mitch #7
We do not like liars here. Whether they use their name or not.
Your comparison of the troll to "Dieb Throat" is a non sequiter ... comparing apples to oranges.
Dieb Throat is a Diebold insider who is telling us the negative reality of the Diebold electronic voting machines and the troll is doing the opposite. The troll is covering up the whistleblower's revelations about bad Diebold software practices.
You could not be more disingenuous in your appeal to be nice to the lying troll, yet wanting to out the whistleblower so a firing can take place.
Your attempt to bring mercy to the discussion is very, very misplaced.
COMMENT #13 [Permalink]
big dan
said on 3/6/2006 @ 7:17 am PT...
My take on it, is if Wally O'Diebold disappears, it's because he was "outed" by a great blog and great regulars who expose things like WO, and who are trained to immediately detect a misinformer, unlike other blogs.
Who on earth would argue FOR DIEBOLD? And go out of their way to do it? That was a paid shill by DIEBOLD. If he disappears, it's becuase we called him on his bullshit. Plain & simple.
A DIEBOLD sympathizer happened to come upon Brad Blog? Come on! It's ridiculous. We're not stupid here.
COMMENT #14 [Permalink]
big dan
said on 3/6/2006 @ 7:29 am PT...
Getting the first post in on any DIEBOLD Brad article tells me he was either being paid (no one in their right mind would sit by their computer and wait for DIEBOLD posts on BradBlog, to get the first post to "set the tone" of misinformation FIRST, unless they were being paid or had a vested interest in DIEBOLD).
It also tells me that Brad's articles hit a sore spot with them, or they wouldn't be hiring Wally O'Diebold. Maybe he even works for DIEBOLD, he's just some guy who works there and isn't getting paid special to do it. A high-up guy, though. Probably in DIEBOLD's "Ministry of Propoganda", a division of Bush's "Ministry of Propoganda."
Do we think there's citizens who are on a crusade FOR DIEBOLD electronic voting machines? Yeah, right...
COMMENT #15 [Permalink]
said on 3/6/2006 @ 8:20 am PT...
So we not only have freepers now but also diepers. Got to love the brut force tactics of the neo-con agenda. They think they can muscle us on the internet. Sorry but they are so wrong.
COMMENT #16 [Permalink]
Soul Rebel
said on 3/6/2006 @ 8:33 am PT...
Well, Mitch....what do you say now?
COMMENT #17 [Permalink]
said on 3/6/2006 @ 10:19 am PT...
Hey guys. Want a good one? I just spent 15 minutes talking to the office of the Governor of Maryland about the Diebold machines. Great conversation. Polite and informative. I then called my governor's office (George Pataki, the nit that thinks he's going to run for president) about the lawsuit that New York hasn't complied with HAVA and I was told to put something in writing and SHE HUNG UP ON ME!!! How responsive to the constituancy. Guess I should have started off with "I gave $2000 and and voted for the governor. I'd like to speak with someone who knows something."
COMMENT #18 [Permalink]
said on 3/6/2006 @ 10:22 am PT...
I have a question---all be it stupid.
What is the meaning and origin of "freepers"?
'trolls' I understand. 'freepers' means what?
COMMENT #19 [Permalink]
said on 3/6/2006 @ 10:32 am PT...
Georgie's Song
You know it's hard out here for a chimp (it's hard work!)
Good thing from all your stupid laws I am exempt
Now that controllin' all my shit's begun to slip
With each new day you'll see more lackeys jumpin' ship
You know it's hard out here for a chimp (it's hard work!)
So just quit askin' me where all the money went
Yeah I destroyed Iraq, the oil money's spent
And, oh, your vote..haha! isn't worth a cent
COMMENT #20 [Permalink]
said on 3/6/2006 @ 10:51 am PT...
COMMENT #21 [Permalink]
said on 3/6/2006 @ 10:52 am PT...
freepers refers to people from, an idiotic right-wing website. If you see someone say "freep this poll" it means to flood an online poll with a favorable answer. Freepers would post links to online polls with the intent to skew it in their favor. Now everyone does it.
COMMENT #22 [Permalink]
said on 3/6/2006 @ 11:15 am PT...
I was compelled by some of what Wally said, though he had no links/docs to support his accusations. Brad and Bev weren't posting links in the rebuttals either, but most of what they have reported (originally) was supported with documentation.
Getting in to long discussions without offering any substantial proof is pointless, and Wally was being pointless. Here.. "The moon landing was all staged. The company that made the lander has admitted that the lander can't support atmosphere on it's own so anyone inside would have been exposed to space. Further, the shuttle that was supposed to have brought the lander out of Earth's atmosphere was outfitted with TL-4553-GLX engines (4 of them), those engines don't supply enough thrust to launch the weight of the lander and crew, and in fact can barely provide the thrust to lift the engines and fuel to orbit".
So.. I guess I just proved that the landing on the moon was fake? Sounds serious enough.. But I have no way to substantiate any of my claims.. Nor did Wally offer any "real" proof as he would have to do if he wanted to "discredit" Brad and Bev (and the rest). True, I've not seen a lot of "links and proof" when it comes to the claims that Diebold is all wet, but those links are there, the documentation is there (on various sites). I've just not bothered to go read it. Don't feel a need to. The "threat" is real enough (I'm a software engineer, I get how computers and all this technobably works, telling me "company X approved the code" doesn't give me much comfort.. make it PUBLIC.. or better, do away with the potential nightmare all together)..
Wally was a troll.. A good troll, a convincing sounding troll, but a troll none the less. He wasn't offering "evidence", he was spinning (or so the story goes). The dialog was fruitless (no evidence), and in this case, there's no reason to "hide behind anonymity".. though, the claim of fear of "death threats" sounds like he's a Ann Coulter supporter.. SHE has a following of psychos that make death threats.. the "left" doesn't tend to have such nut-jobs milling about. Contrast that with Dieb Throat, someone that is an insider but HAS contacted "journalists", and seemingly had to PROVE who he was, despite being "protected" as a source. You don't see Dieb Throat posting here anonymously with no offerings of support for his claims, do you?
COMMENT #23 [Permalink]
said on 3/6/2006 @ 11:19 am PT...
I'm glad you're going after a troll... I dislike some of the knee-jerk liberal stuff that pops up here in the forum. Nothing wrong with being a liberal... it's the "knee-jerk" part of anything that erodes discussion. But for the most part, Brad Blog is incredibly fair, on-topic, and on-target. If people miss Wally O'Diebold, they can probably curl up with a bundle of Diebold press releases and massage their sorrows away. It's the difference between calling a 900 number and renting a dirty video. The personal touch might seem a little warmer when Wally's around, but please don't mistake it for love.
Voting integrity is a non-partisan issue. It only becomes partisan for people who feel that they can benefit from rigging the vote. And the idea that we should give the same respect to pre-packaged, focus-grouped, million-dollar media blitzes that we give to grassroots efforts, by people who gain nothing more than we would gain for their success (the right to vote), is an old, debunked idea. Let the millionaires take care of themselves.... like they always have. But for the rest of us, all we've got is the sweat of our brows and the hope of freedom to secure our dreams. I've already heard the case for elitism.... it's been made time and time again by people trying to roll back the American Revolution. But the truth we are fighting for here does not need to be balanced out by an equal measure of lies in order to be just.
Keep on going, Brad!
COMMENT #24 [Permalink]
said on 3/6/2006 @ 11:47 am PT...
Mitch Comment #7
I don't know Mitch, I guess you'll just have to continue to sit there & scratch your head.....
(Mitch is Wally.
I can smell him.)
COMMENT #25 [Permalink]
Peg C
said on 3/6/2006 @ 12:36 pm PT...
Charlene #24 -
Funny thing about pheromones: they're even detectable online.
Keep it up, Brad!!!
COMMENT #26 [Permalink]
said on 3/6/2006 @ 1:25 pm PT...
After a weekend of furious propagandizing, Wally's wearing splints on both wrists today.
I wish people would sit down and plumb the consciousness that will deliberately manufacture and spread lies to further evil. It is true that most people will start to grasp at misinformation that supports their side of any argument, and quickly become so invested in it that they cannot let go of it even when it has been shown to be false, but this guy is manufacturing disinformation in furtherance of machines that can be made to deliver an election victory to anyone who cares to con or pay their way in.
That's the bottom line. Turning it into a showcase for our tastes for polemicism just keeps the water muddy. It IS NOT as though this were a situation where good people might honestly disagree. This is the republic fighting off a coup d'etat.
Not amusing. Worse than a waste of time.
COMMENT #27 [Permalink]
said on 3/6/2006 @ 1:51 pm PT...
I think ol' "Wally" has clearly lost the ability to distinguish reality from fantasy:
"...I'm alone amongst a number of demonstrably hate-filled and possibly violent posters, some of whom I'm certain (while I'm sure they are otherwise kind and decent people), would not hesitate to stalk me to my home and possibly try to kill me..."
WOW.... so Bradblog denizens are just closet killers waiting for the opportunity to murder you?
How fatuous.
Don't worry, "Wally" --- while those here on this board are discerning enough to extend the benefit of the doubt to you, that you might actually believe the mis/dis-info you espouse, no one here is so hysterical as to think that anyone who holds the sanctity of the American Vote so dear would break the law over your sorry ass. (Can't say the same for those whom you purport to protect, but that is the company you choose to keep.)
In fact, "Wally", I feel rock-solid confidence in personally guaranteeing that not a single red-blooded American citizen on this board has any real interest in anything to do with you, or in anything less than uncovering the truth about our election system and protecting our collective democracy.
So, seriously.... whose side are you on?
To whom are you more loyal: Diebold or your fellow Americans? Your company or your country? (assuming you are even an American)
That probably seems like an unfair comparison --- but ya know, "while I'm sure" you "are otherwise a kind and decent" person, I have no doubt that you "would not hesitate to stalk" those who wish to protect our elections and "possibly try to kill" them in their homes....
COMMENT #28 [Permalink]
said on 3/6/2006 @ 3:22 pm PT...
"Mitch" said
you campaigned to have him run off. What more did you want from him?
I did no such thing. In fact, I granted him the ability to post reams of disinformation and personal attacks on others that I'd never allow anybody else. His comments have not been deleted, nor has he been banned from commenting on this site.
I wanted him to divulge his identity publicly, as I and Bev and Jim and Ari and Bowen and the others who was attacking had done, but he was too cowardly to do so. What can I tell you?
He used a pseudonym. So what? You tolerate anonymity from some people such as "Dieb Throat," but demand full disclosure from "Wally." Full disclosure is preferable, but I can't blame anyone from choosing anonymity on a public forum --- especially a hostile one.
I can. If they are going to make scurillous attacks on others without evidence, but then hide behind anonymity, I can certainly "blame" them.
Had I not personally validated the authenticity of "DIEB-THROAT" I'd never have reported anything from the source.
Further, had that sources claims not been verifiable (such as the Dept. of Homeland Security warning about Diebold's hackable tabulators and other such information), I'd likely not have discussed the source at all.
Since the source is anonymous, however, I backed up the information reported with corroborating evidence, and as well allowed Diebold themselves (spokesperson David Bear) the opportunity to refute the claims.
If you are unable to see the difference between "DIEB-THROAT" and "Wally O'Diebold" then I'm guessing you're similarly unable to tell the diff between the White House releasing classified information to out a covert CIA agent, and a true whistleblower releasing classified information in regard to crimes being committed by the NSA and the White House.
He's gone now and you have no one to direct your questions to. I fail to comprehend how that outcome benefits you at all.
How do you know he's gone, Mitch?
If he is, then oh, well, I guess Diebold will have to find another way to plant their dis/misinformation and scurrilous, unevidenced ad hominem attacks on Election Integrity advocates.
He was given an unprecedented platform, and if he prefers not to continue using it, that's up to him (until I tire of it, and remove him all together).
AGENT 99 - I don't disagree with your point. Hopefully you'll understand that I have reason to see things slightly differently and will tolerate us agreeing to slightly disagree on the very valid points you have made on this matter.
COMMENT #29 [Permalink]
said on 3/6/2006 @ 3:31 pm PT...
Hoffman, Huffman,, man, man that's a lot of talent from one town, let alone attending one school at the same time! Must have been some good kharma passing thru that neck of the woods during that period.
Sorry for briefly diverting the discussion. Now, back to the matters at hand. I've been following this blog for nearly 1-1/2 years and that wally o'diebold thread was one of the strangest I've read. NOBODY would have put in that amount of time and effort "catapulting the propaganda" like he did if he/she/it were not a PAID OPERATIVE. If that doesn't show you how desperate and diabolical Diebold is, I don't know what will. And then, to follow it up with the comments of an obvious shill like Mitch! These guys are scary.
COMMENT #30 [Permalink]
said on 3/6/2006 @ 3:36 pm PT...
Agent99 --- It's kinda like those columnists who are paid Bushevik propagandists. "Hey, this is America", they say. "We're entrepreneurs." That's what we get for decades of positive reinforcement of criminal greed.
It's up to us to teach those who have strayed a civics lesson.
COMMENT #31 [Permalink]
said on 3/6/2006 @ 3:51 pm PT...
With November round the corner.. expect a lot more of this...
I've got a feeling that this year, we'll see them trying to 'own' the net in terms of misinformation. Not just relating to Diebold either... all sorts.
COMMENT #32 [Permalink]
said on 3/6/2006 @ 4:42 pm PT...
Only one disagreement with Steve Comment #29.
Brad an underpaid operative puts in even more time than did Wally.
COMMENT #33 [Permalink]
NC Voter
said on 3/6/2006 @ 6:16 pm PT...
Wally has Brad (and us) confused with Bill O'Lierly.
O'Reilly threatened radio show caller with "a little visit" from "Fox ... O'REILLY: No, Maybe Mike is going to get into big trouble, because we're not ...
Some of us enjoy little Wally's rants, because it's fun to see a shill at work. It shows how desperate Diebold is, and how devastated they are over being
outed as the dismal insecure POS they are.
Keep talking Wally, it's fun!
COMMENT #34 [Permalink]
said on 3/6/2006 @ 8:54 pm PT...
Yes, it is karmic. Live by the bottom line; die by the bottom line. It is our fault for putting up with it this long. Sure hope we smarten-up soon. World is way too ugly. Self-interest buys this.
COMMENT #35 [Permalink]
said on 3/6/2006 @ 9:08 pm PT...
Wally - Neotrace Pro results:
IP Address:
Location: 40.800N, 81.378W
Network: Unknown
Diebold, Incorporated
5995 Mayfair Road
North Canton, OH 44720-1550
Domain Name: DIEBOLD.COM
Administrative Contact:
Bredon, Jan T bredonj@DIEBOLD.COM
NORTH CANTON, OH 44720-1550
330.490.6768 fax: 123 123 1234
Technical Contact:
Bredon, Jan
Diebold, Incorporated
5995 Mayfair Road
North Canton, OH 44720-1550
330.490.6768 fax: 330.490.5735
Record expires on 27-Jul-2010.
Record created on 28-Jul-1994.
Database last updated on 6-Mar-200
COMMENT #36 [Permalink]
Soul Rebel
said on 3/6/2006 @ 10:35 pm PT...
Bad-A-Bing, Bad-A-Boom. Wally O'Diebold, you are the weakest link.
COMMENT #37 [Permalink]
Prantha Trivedi
said on 3/7/2006 @ 3:57 am PT...
Looks like Walmart is doing the same thing as Diebold did with Wally O'Diebold/Mitch: Walmart is paying bloggers to burnish their image.
I trust that the participants in the blogs into which the Walmart employees feed "mis-disinformation" will be as perceptive as the BradBloggers are here!
COMMENT #38 [Permalink]
Prantha Trivedi
said on 3/7/2006 @ 3:59 am PT...
Looks like Walmart is doing the same thing as Diebold did with Wally O'Diebold/Mitch: Walmart is paying bloggers to burnish their image.
I trust that the participants in the blogs into which the Walmart employees feed "mis-disinformation" will be as perceptive as the BradBloggers are here!
COMMENT #39 [Permalink]
Prantha Trivedi
said on 3/7/2006 @ 4:00 am PT...
Looks like Walmart is doing the same thing as Diebold did with Wally O'Diebold/Mitch: Walmart is paying bloggers to burnish their image.
I trust that the participants in the blogs into which the Walmart employees feed "mis-disinformation" will be as perceptive as the BradBloggers are here!
COMMENT #40 [Permalink]
big dan
said on 3/7/2006 @ 6:46 am PT...
Yes, Wal-Mart's guy's name is "Wally O'Walmart". Or is it "Walmart O'DIEBOLD"???????
COMMENT #41 [Permalink]
big dan
said on 3/7/2006 @ 6:47 am PT...
Prantha: They think we're what it is...If we were stupid, we wouldn't be here!
COMMENT #42 [Permalink]
big dan
said on 3/7/2006 @ 6:51 am PT...
Remember when he cried, that Brad wasn't treating him fairly??? I think it's not fair, that he didn't disclose that he was from DIEBOLD. This whole Wally O'DIEBOLD thing should actually make the MSM news, that's how big it is. But it won't. And the story should include how internet BradBlogians are smarter than MSM corporate-controlled newswatchers.
COMMENT #43 [Permalink]
big dan
said on 3/7/2006 @ 6:52 am PT...
I'll name another guy along the lines of Wally O'Diebold: HCOCDR. Get his IP address!
COMMENT #44 [Permalink]
said on 3/7/2006 @ 7:22 am PT...
Brad said of Wally "... the veil of secrecy ... that's his company's business model after all".
Yep, faith based voting and faith based government.
"Trust us" ... it is a faith thang.
COMMENT #45 [Permalink]
said on 3/7/2006 @ 8:45 am PT...
Speaking of Oscars, Stewart was pretty funny. His best lines were "Tonight you actually get to vote for someone who wins" and "Tonight you get to see Stars without giving to the Democrat Party." (paraphrased)
However, ratings were 8% less than last year. Last year had 2 million less viewers than the year before. The ratings were almost a 20 year low.
I wonder why that is.
COMMENT #46 [Permalink]
said on 3/7/2006 @ 9:24 am PT...
Paul #45
Maybe we're all gettin tired of watching Hollywood give each other awards all year long.
I like movies too but let's face it--pretending to be someone else, with a lot of help, is no where near the same league as curing cancer.
COMMENT #47 [Permalink]
said on 3/7/2006 @ 10:04 am PT...
Wow! I'm entertaining the daylights out of myself, envisioning big televised awards ceremonies for doctors! Heh. THEN things might start working a little better. GREAT idea, Charlene!
Thanks for trying to help cure this cancer, too.
And, hugs to Peg C.
For Best Diagnostician in a Lead Role, the Hippo[crates] goes to...
COMMENT #48 [Permalink]
Catherine a
said on 3/7/2006 @ 11:02 am PT...
OT Re: Oscars
For a very funny take on the Oscars, see Riverbend's 2006 Sayid Awards on Baghdad Burning:
It's black humor, but very funny all the same.
COMMENT #49 [Permalink]
bluebear 2
said on 3/7/2006 @ 5:13 pm PT...
Big Dan #43
If he had the guts to post his email with his name I could.
COMMENT #50 [Permalink]
bluebear 2
said on 3/7/2006 @ 5:29 pm PT...
Regarding the trace at #35 I traced from the web address which shows up when you mouse over his name. It didn't occur to me at the time that he could put what ever he wanted there simply by inserting it on the lines which appear just above the edit box in comments.
An IP address from Brad's incoming traffic would be the correct one.
I have to admit that I have been tricked!
And I appologize for disseminating the awful DISINFORMATION.
Sorry about that!
COMMENT #51 [Permalink]
Catherine a
said on 3/8/2006 @ 9:16 am PT...
Bluebear2, Thanks for the update.
It was a set-up. Just shows how much care is needed in checking things out.
The BC location someone mentioned earlier may be relevant. IP addresses can always be spoofed, however, and there are plenty of people able to do this.
COMMENT #52 [Permalink]
bluebear 2
said on 3/9/2006 @ 12:55 pm PT...
Cathrine A
I traced the address which Brad posted (I had missed his post prior to my search) and also came up with the BC connection Prantha Trivedi posted here. The actual address came up unknown, but was within the address range of the BC provider. The node just prior to the actual address had all of the information for the ISP as Prantha posted.
COMMENT #53 [Permalink]
chelly jones
said on 3/13/2006 @ 12:35 pm PT...
COMMENT #54 [Permalink]
said on 5/2/2006 @ 5:30 am PT...
I am very interested this theme, with attention I will read following informations.