By Brad Friedman on 11/7/2005, 1:25pm PT  

Catching up on a few items from over the weekend that I didn't get to as I took the opportunity to take a few hours off here and there... (what was I thinking?!)...

  • Here's a smartly done text transcript (with photos) of the on-stage interview I recently did with Clint Curtis at the "Summit to Save Our Elections" in Portland, OR. The audio is available there as well. (Thanks to the Oregon Voting Rights Coalition both for organizing the summit, and for making this transcript available online!) If you don't know who Clint Curtis is, here's a quick summary of his amazing story.
  • In re: my recent rants both here and over at HuffPo about the complete mainstream media blackout on any reporting of the recent GAO Report confirming the security problems et al with Electronic Voting Machines and the accompanying bi-partisan press release --- I failed to notice and mention a very good early piece on it all over at HuffPo by Michelle Pilecki. As well, Editor & Publisher's Dave Astor covered my call for coverage --- any coverage --- by the MSM. While I'm pleased that E&P picked up that much, it would still be much more useful if they took it upon themselves to do some actual reporting on the matter to find out what explanation every single wire service and every single mainstream American newspaper has for not devoting even a paragraph to a report so vital to the most basic element of our American democracy. Their email address is still
  • HuffPo is now running my latest rant at the NY Times for Richard W. Stevenson's shitty article Sunday on TreasonGate, in which the "paper of record" continues to help George W. Bush distance himself from any wrong-doing in the affair.
  • Read the incredible tale here of how Republicans are pulling out all stops all over the country to try and disenfranchise Democratic-leaning American voters. It's their latest strategy (I can't imagine who might be behind it) and in this one instance, in Seattle at least, it seems they got caught red-handed. Much more detail on this story from a diarist at DailyKos.
  • Much more to come this week, of course. Especially with elections set for tomorrow in various states around the country, including a "Special Election" that Arnold has called out here to push through a bunch of initiatives to consolidate his power, and by-pass the Democratic state house in California...

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