By Katrina Wilcox on 10/5/2005, 10:50am PT  
Special BRAD BLOG / Velvet Revolution coverage
of the Sep 24-26 Rally in D.C.
Guest blogged by Katrina Wilcox

What struck me the most were the buildings which house our seat of government. Old buildings. Massive buildings. Awe-inspiring columns in front. Quotes carved in stone. All representing huge monuments to our history as a nation. Made my heart swell with pride to know that generations ago the citizens who came before us believed that America was worth the anguish and danger and, yes, disruption to their normal lives to struggle against all odds to shape a nation in the best way they knew possible.

And what pissed me off the most, after my great sadness at the number of Iraqi and American lives lost because of this administration, was the fact that the corrupt criminals in power are dragging our wonderful, beautiful, capable-of-so-much-more-goodness country through the sewer. We can't blame our founding fathers. They did their best to protect us from what the future might hold. They couldn't know that all the checks and balances they carefully placed for our protection wouldn't be enough against the greedy corporations and politicians that were to come. It is us - who are to blame. For not keeping a closer watch on our inheritance, for assuming that it was already the best it could be, for not struggling always to make it better.

Which leaves us where we are now. With a broken, corrupt, unfixable system of governance which has enabled fascists to take power and pillage and pocket the spoils of our hard-earned pride, security, and money. We - just a leaderless revolution made up of patriots who will not give up our country - are all that stand in the way of the bastards dragging our noble nation down into the depths of hell.

Yes, we have been waging a revolution since 2000 when depraved evildoers staged a coup d'etat. A revolution in which each participant decided on their own to dig in their heels, frantically grab onto whatever they could find to do, and scream NO at the top of their lungs while watching in horror as the usurpers continued to drag us kicking and screaming ever closer to the precipice of annihilation.

But we have been fighting to rectify the symptoms of the problem (corruption, torture, lies, war crimes, election fraud, media deafness, environmental problems, campaign finance abuses, etc.) instead of fighting to change the system of governance that is the root of the problem. Once we institute a new system of governance, all the different symptoms will disappear along with the old system. We must declare that the American experiment of a Constitutional Republic has failed, take back our country, and bring forth a New America.

We can march on Washington again and stay until our demand to get our country back is met. Or we can wait around while the villains in power continue until there is nothing left of value to pillage and destroy (whether at that time there will be any of us alive and free enough to pick up the pieces is open to debate).

Those are our choices. Facts we have to face. There is no one to rescue us. We are on our own. We must right this wrong and put in place a new system of governance that protects us and future generations from this EVER happening again.

Just as our founding fathers did their best to protect us - now it is up to us to be the founding fathers for the coming generations of Americans. If we don't get it quite right, future generations may also have their day in history when they have to become the founding fathers to correct against dangers that are unforeseeable to us now.

But history has placed you and me ... here ... now ... and it is up to us to take our great nation to the next level of democracy, equality, and freedom for its citizens.

We are the founding fathers of New America.

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