CNN lets Dobbs' racism shine for the cameras
By David Edwards on 9/2/2005, 5:38pm PT  

Guest blogged by David Edwards

Cable news networks are setting ratings records. More people are tuning in than ever to see coverage of Hurricane Katrina's aftermath. All the cable news shows have suspended their normal topics to focus on the crisis.

For example, on a given night it is not unusual to hear thinly veiled racist undertones on one of Lou Dobbs regular reports about immigration issues. Seldom, if ever, has Dobb's bigotry been as obvious and disturbing as it was on tonight's broadcast concerning race, class and the failure of emergency management during the the current crisis.

CHRISTINE ROMANS: Now these tax paying Americans left behind from their jobs... it could be months before they get paid again but how insulting that before they worry about that they must find food, water and a way out.

LOU DOBBS: It is also important because Reverend Jesse Jackson, the Congressional Black Caucus, the NAACP have injected a straightforward and dramatic and PERHAPS EVEN TRUTHFUL charge, that the failure here is because of race. We should put in context, it seems to me, that the City of New Orleans is 70% black. Its' mayor is black. Its' principle power structure is black. If there is a failure to the Black Americans who live in poverty and in the city of New Orleans, those officials have to bear much of the responsibility.

LISA SYLVESTER: Our nation has been quick to help those in other countries in need which is why many are asking the question, "Why has it taken so long to come the the aid of American Citizens on our own soil? Lou."

LOU DOBBS: ...There is in this charge from particularly Reverend Jesse Jackson, from the NAACP, the Congressional Black Caucus among others, there has been no mention of Mayor Ray Nagin, who is black, a predominantly black power structure in the City of New Orleans. Why is that?

LISA SYLVESTER: We heard from Ray Nagin earlier today and he is somewhat irate. The sense is that the Federal Government has somehow dropped the ball. These politicians... [she is interrupted by Dobbs]

LOU DOBBS: I don't think that anybody would argue with that, Lisa, but why would not black leaders concerned about black poor people in this case, who are the predominant victims here who remain in their city stranded, why would they not also focus on a black mayor of that city and it's black power structure?

Is it just me or is Lou totally missing the point? I was going to title this piece "Lou Dobbs is a fucking racist" but "we report, you decide"...

Watch the video of CNN's Lou Dobbs and decide for yourself (Windows Media). The transcript is here.

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