"We Need Your Help"
(4 Responses so far...)
COMMENT #1 [Permalink]
said on 12/14/2014 @ 3:52 pm PT...
For penny and diming...Have you tried selling T-shirts on Teespring or something like that for generating capital for your work?
You're right near Hollywood right? At this point, you have so many exclusives in your journalism timeline...what are people around you suggesting?
Just taking your work and putting it together, I think you almost certainly have a potential bestseller that could be segued into a movie deal (but it would probably involve making a deal with the Devil, so to speak).
COMMENT #2 [Permalink]
Sheila Bernard
said on 12/29/2014 @ 3:47 pm PT...
Dear Fellow Readers--
Bradblog has been my home page for almost a decade. I count on Brad to cover both what others don't cover, and to cover what others cover, but better. I have a suggestion for those of us who want to see Brad continue his journalism without having to appeal for funds so often.
What do you do when food is expensive, poor quality, and unsustainable in its treatment of workers and the environment? You join a food co-op and/or a consumer sponsored agriculture association.
What do you do about banks that consider the bottom line and nothing else? You join a credit union, which is owned by and run for the benefit of its customers.
There are cooperatives for insurance, medical care, camping equipment, you name it. Why not for journalism?
I propose that everyone who reads or listens to Brad on a regular basis budget an affordable amount to donate monthly. If Brad has enough monthly contributors, he can relax about the money and do what he does best: helping us keep ourselves informed.
You might ask, “What about those who ride free, reading Brad and contributing nothing?” I don't have an answer for that. I only know that I regard it as part of my job description as an adult that I support the services that I use, and I participate as I can in causes that benefit society as a whole. I suspect most readers of Bradblog feel the same way, and will contribute monthly what they can.
What do you think? Can you chip in monthly, like you do for KCET or PBS?
Brad, more power to you! Keep up the good work!
COMMENT #3 [Permalink]
said on 1/1/2015 @ 7:43 am PT...
Happy to help, Brad.
I just took a peek at this site via the waybackmachine and it's basically the same exact style now, for over a decade. The entire Web has moved on to newer technology, and cleaner fresher looks.
Your work is very much appreciated, I'm sure. Holding onto the past and this wore out style is the biggest mistake this site is making, IMHO.
If you're thinking of making 'big changes' around here, start there, first, please.
Happy New Year, Brad!
COMMENT #4 [Permalink]
said on 1/1/2015 @ 12:18 pm PT...
Infopro,the main technology is the CMS platform. The primary update that should be made is to make the site show up better on mobile devices since they have overtaken desktop computers in usage and Web browsing. What other new technology are you referring to? Brad provides information and original old-school investigative journalism and is doing a superior and honest job at it in sharp contrast to sizzle-without-substance mainstream media sources.