w/ Brad & Desi
  w/ Brad & Desi
BMDs pose a new threat to democracy in all 50 states...
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VIDEO: 'Rise of the Tea Bags'
Brad interviews American patriots...
'Democracy's Gold Standard'
Hand-marked, hand-counted ballots...
GOP Voter Registration Fraud Scandal 2012...
The Secret Koch Brothers Tapes...
These online polls are read on the air! Their emotional effect on the electorate is NOT TO BE DISCOUNTED! Balance the lack of balance in their viewership/listenership by voting NOW!
Hannity's poll (bottom left on page):
Who do you think Bin Laden was endorsing in his recent tape?
BUSH or Kerry?
O'Reilly's poll:
Who do you think will win the election?
Bush or KERRY?
UPDATE: This MSNBC Poll also needs help!
It's now all in the PsyOps folks! As I'm sure Karl Rove would be happy to tell you!
No, not Iraq. Voting in California!
The California Voter's Guide mailed to us is 165 pages! And the supplemental is another 21 pages!
At least 16 State Propositions and about 5 local ones...Yeesh. What the hell do we bother to elect a state legislature for anyway?!
This is getting ridiculous! And as California goes...so goes the country. Beware!
ABC producers tested the T-shirt experiment of wearing Kerry shirts to a Bush event, and Bush shirts to a Kerry event. At the Bush events they were either not allowed in or tossed out. The worst treatment received at the Kerry event was folks who danced around them with big signs in order to obstruct the view of the Bush shirts by TV cameras. (emphasis mine)
He said the rally of some 18,000 people was a "private event," and it made no difference that producers Christine Romo and Jessica Wang had tickets and remained silent and respectful.
"But you wore the shirts; you wore the shirts," Borman said. "And honestly, if you would have come without the shirts and sat quietly, you would have had a fun time and enjoyed it, but I mean it's not that kind of event." He then instructed the sheriff's deputies to escort the ABC News team out to the parking lot.
This was hardly the first time those wearing dissenting T-shirts have been forced to leave a Bush campaign event.
Jeff Rank and his wife, Nicole, were arrested July 4 at a Bush rally in Charleston, W.Va., for wearing shirts that read "Love America, Hate Bush" and refusing to relocate to an area for protesters. Earlier this month, at a Bush event in Cedar Point, Ore., Janet Voorhies and two friends were ejected for wearing T-shirts with "Protect Our Civil Liberties" printed on them.
"I think this represents a low point in public discourse in this country, where the mere sign of disagreement is intolerable to candidates," Post said. "That can't be right. That can't be American."
A Kerry staffer at an Oct. 24 Kerry rally in Boca Raton, Fla., told Bush-Cheney T-shirt wearers that the campaign held a permit to rent the site and could remove anyone who made a disturbance.
"We hold the right to remove you, but other than that, enjoy and hopefully at the end of the event you'll want to wear a Kerry T-shirt," he said.
Hannity & Colmes now announcing that Jeb Bush is added to tonight's show!!!
See this article if you haven't already on the stacked deck they're getting ready to present tonight! (So far, 4 from the Right --- now including Rove, Morris and Jeb Bush --- and 1 from the Left!)
colmes@foxnews.com, Comments@foxnews.com, mm-tips@mediamatters.org, mm-actions@mediamatters.org, Write">TheBradBlog@cville.com\">Write those letters!!! Just a few hours left before airtime! Get the word out!
GOOD NEWS UPDATE: Just heard from my source: Terry McAullife now added to show for balance! Your letters are working! Keep it up! You are making a difference!!!
FINAL UPDATE: Victory (mostly)! Final lineup: 2 guests from the Right, 2 from the Left. But H&C managed incredibly to skew it to the right anyway. Click here to read how.
Josh Marshall reports on a group calling themselves the "Florida Leadership Council" circulating a flyer now down there. Here's the actual flyer. Here's Josh's summary:
Under that is a class of school children wearing gas masks and beneath that is the following faux-AP story ...
Perhaps even more troubling, however, is that when clicking on the link to the "Florida Leadership Council" there are continuing gunshots heard when looking at the front page. Three rifle shots, every 10 seconds or so.
It seems to be tied to an ad against U.S. Senate candidate Betty Castor (who is in a tight race down there), which is right next to pictures of Democrat/Liberal figureheads with the text "It's time to fight back - before it's too late."
Kos documents nearly a dozen late on-going voter suppression schemes now in play. Old tactics back in the game. Apparently, big time.
That looks to be the strategy from here on out. Suppression. Along with their already telegraphed tactic of continually suggesting that Democrats are doing precisely what it is the GOP intends to do.
By any means necessary. Anything to win.
UPDATE: Here's a perfect example of charging Dems with precisely what the GOP is doing!
"NEWS CORP.'S Fox News was incorrectly described in a page-one article Monday as being sympathetic to the Bush cause."
-- A "correction" posted Wednesday by Wall Street Journal. (Hat tip BeliefNet's Jesse Kornbluth.)
Is there no end to the twists and turns in the warped and log-rolled corridors of Bizarro World?
...And now that that's done, here's the news they received today:
It's all in the timing.
Those numbers can make all the difference in the polls you've been seeing up until now.
Related News...AMERICABlog reports this just in:
Bush 48%, Kerry 47%, with Nader at 1%.
By way of comparison, in 2000, they had the following results in their last poll:
Bush 47%, Gore 44%, Nader 3% and Buchanan 2%
Again folks, Bush is still below 50%, and well within the margin of error. It's all a ground game and Get-Out-The-Vote. KEEP WORKING!
To that end, please make a few calls.
If you haven't seen my item from yesterday on this, please read it!
My very highly placed source indicates that your letters are helping to encourage Fox to offer more balance on H&C's Monday night (Election Eve) show!
If you haven't already sent a polite note expressing your concern about "Fair and Balance" on their show Monday night, please colmes@foxnews.com, Comments@foxnews.com, mm-tips@mediamatters.org, mm-actions@mediamatters.org, click">TheBradBlog@cville.com\">click here to do so now!
We've received many comments from Rightwingers expressing that they are quite pleased with their guest line-up, thank you, as it was announced on Friday.
We've also received many from Liberals suggesting that since Fox is so far to the Right, what's the point in trying to get them to level their playing field at all?
I will remind you that, no matter what you may feel about Fox "News", more Americans watch them now for Election "News" than any other news outlet! Those are not all Republican zombies! But many of those viewers are highly influenced by the hard-right slant that FNC offers in every facet of their broadcast day. With a race (possibly) this close, levelling the playing field in any way on FNC can only be a plus!
CNN and MSNBC, unfortunately leaning to the Right as well these days, do not offer balance to FNC!
You Democrats, Liberals and Progressives who are foolish enough to simply write-off Fox "News" as a lost and/or useless cause are doing an enormous disservice to yourself and your cause and are behaving precisely as Bush supporters would like you to!
UPDATE 11/1/04: H&C now announcing that Jeb Bush now added to tonight's show!!! colmes@foxnews.com, Comments@foxnews.com, mm-tips@mediamatters.org, mm-actions@mediamatters.org, Write">TheBradBlog@cville.com\">Write those letters!!!
GOOD NEWS UPDATE 11/1/04: Just heard from my source: Terry McAullife now added to show for balance! Your letters are working! Keep it up! You are making a difference!!!
FINAL UPDATE: Victory (mostly)! Final lineup: 2 guests from the Right, 2 from the Left! But H&C managed, incredibly, to skew it to the Right anyway. Click here to read how.
Since 1933, the results of the Washington Redskins final home game has determined the winner of the Presidential Election. If the Redskins won, the encumbent won. Every time.
Final Score of just finished Redskins home game:
Packers: 28 Redskins: 14
Then again, the Boston Redsox hadn't been able to win a World Series since 1918. So I guess we shouldn't get too excited just yet. Nonetheless, I'll take the Skins loss today happily over a Skins win
Surely they must be kidding:
By criticizing Dreier's positions on immigration, promoting a "Fire Dreier" campaign and making on-air appeals for voters to elect Matthews, the NRCC said, the hosts gave Matthews an unlawful corporate, in-kind contribution of more than $25,000.
"This behavior is illegal and must be appropriately punished," the NRCC charged, noting violation of the law carries a penalty of fines and jail time.
For the record, the John & Ken Show (local here in CA) is ardently rightwing, and they have been highly critical of Drier (and the Republicans) for giving lip-service to immigration policies.
Nonetheless, we agree with the National Republican Campaign Committee! Radio hosts who use the public air waves to support one candidate over another should immediately be censured, fined, and have their licenses revoked! Where do we sign up?
Having watched the bulk of today's Sunday news shows, I can report that the Republicans aren't quite as nervous as they obviously were on last week's shows. Perhaps it's due to the "little gift", as a senior GOP strategist appallingly described it, that they were given by bin Laden on Friday.
A senior GOP strategist added, "anything that makes people nervous about their personal safety helps Bush."
He called it "a little gift," saying it helps the President but doesn't guarantee his reelection.
Nonetheless, I'll continue to stand by my previous prediction of a Kerry victory on Tuesday. Though now it's all down to "GET OUT THE VOTE", "GET OUT THE VOTE", "GET OUT THE VOTE".
If you are not helping to do that, please go to Voter Call, and join the effort from the comfort of your sofa, now! You. Are. Needed.
That said, here's a round-up of the polls from yesterday, taken after Bush's "little gift":
DCorps: Bush 47 - Kerry 48
Fox: Bush 46 - Kerry 46
ARG: Bush 48 - Kerry 48
Zogby: Bush 48 - Kerry 48
WPost: Bush 48 - Kerry 48
ABC: Bush 49 - Kerry 49
Seemingly, about as close as you could get. But these are not good numbers for either an encumbent or for a Republican. Look at today's numbers, versus 2000's numbers on the same days, according to Zogby:
Election 2004
4 Days Out: Bush 46 - Kerry 47
3 Days Out: Bush 48 - Kerry 48
Election 2000
4 Days Out: Bush 46 - Gore 42
3 Days Out: Bush 46 - Gore 44
FINAL RESULT: Bush 47.87% - Gore 48.38%
Lastly, and perhaps even more reliable than all of the above: Without fail since 1933, if the Washington Redskins won their final home game, the incumbent has been re-elected.
Current score of today's Redskins/Packers game in D.C.
(With 1:44 left in 4th Quarter) FINAL!:
Redskins 14 - Packers 28