Predictably, the GOP has begun it's latest smear campaign on anyone who dares question to the perfection of King Bush.
Today's victim, Ben Barnes, who has come forward to acknowledge that he pulled strings to help get young Dubya into the Air National Guard, and thus, out of the draft for active duty in Vietnam.
Barnes, a Kerry supporter, has admitted being ashamed of having done so, but felt that the story should be told since Bush is now running as a "War President" (Bush's words), sending thousands of servicemen to their deaths, and sliming John Kerry for his war service wherein he actually went to war instead of avoiding it through Guard service (and then, as it turns out, pulling more strings to get out of that same Guard!)
In classic fashion, the GOP website has released a slime bulletin on Ben Barnes. Dick Clarke-ing him, if you will, as they've done to so many before. The screaming headline on their page reads "WHO IS BEN BARNES? A Deep-Pocketed Kerry Partisan Who Can't Keep His Stories Straight" --- after which they fail to show how Barnes has ever changed his story one bit. Instead, they suggest that Barnes claimed he was never asked "by the Bush family" to help George. And even though he's not making such a claim now (Barnes says he was contacted by a Houston Businessman and friend of the Bush's to help get George out of the draft), they're assuming most of their Attack Monkeys won't much bother with the details.
The Talking Points for these guys is all that matters. Read the link above, and watch for all the repetition of same from the Talking Heads today. Truth be damned. Anything to win.