...In no particular order of wussiness...
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By Brad Friedman on 9/25/2004, 4:02pm PT  

Congressional Democrats cave (again) to Republicans to extend the tax cuts which have added to the largest budget deficit in the history of mankind.
Congressional Democrats fail to be strong on defense by joining Republicans in confirming a new Director of the CIA who, among other reasons not to confirm him, has stated on video he's not qualified for the job.
Congressional Republicans for both of the items above, even though we expect that sort of "anything to win" political gamesmanship from them by now. Still, it would be nice if they managed to put their country over their political ambitions once in a while.
Congressional Republicans cave to the White House by voting against demanding they turn over documents of how they lied when they "promised" Congressional Republicans that their Medicare Bill would cost no more than $400 Billion (even though it turns out the White House knew at the time the cost would be at least 20% higher.)

CBS caves to the Pro-Bush terrorists and spikes it's story planned on the misdjudgements that got us into the War on Iraq.
The Washington Times lies by making up quotes attributed to John Kerry, then lies again in their published Correction. Drudge doesn't bother to run the (lying) Correction, even after running a link to the initial lie for an entire day.
The Washington Post and other newspapers around the country find it necessary once again to drop and/or edit The Boondocks comic strip for absurd, "politically correct" reasons.
The White House dumps still more Bush National Guard documents on another late Friday night in hopes that no one will notice.
The Bush Campaign threatens to pull out of this Thursday's Debate in Miami because the moderators from the press will not sign their "loyalty oath"! Developing...
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