"Top U.S. Scientist Arrested in FBI Sting Attempting to Sell Nuclear Secrets to Israel"
(20 Responses so far...)
COMMENT #1 [Permalink]
said on 10/20/2009 @ 2:47 am PT...
A Jew traitor(Ben-Ami Kadish) admitted to giving Yosef Yagur(Jonathan Pollard's very same handler)Nuclear WEAPON, Patriot Missile, and F-15 secrets.
He gets a $50,000 fine for selling out the his own country.
The traitors reply to the Judge after being fined...'No problem.'
COMMENT #2 [Permalink]
Ed Encho
said on 10/20/2009 @ 3:33 am PT...
I will be impressed when they start hauling in some of the traitors in Congress and the neocons like Perle and Feith.
COMMENT #3 [Permalink]
Erich Gibbs
said on 10/20/2009 @ 7:47 am PT...
COMMENT #4 [Permalink]
Erich Gibbs
said on 10/20/2009 @ 7:50 am PT...
[ed note: No, Erich, the link works fine, even if it doesn't show the whole long string. --99]
COMMENT #5 [Permalink]
said on 10/20/2009 @ 8:58 am PT...
Col.Lang has a good suggestion at sic semper tyrannus.
COMMENT #6 [Permalink]
karen from illinois
said on 10/20/2009 @ 9:43 am PT...
so is this a token bust or a step in the right direction?
i would love to see carol lam tapped as special prosecutor
from the article
The media reports this morning that among Lam’s politically powerful targets were former CIA official Kyle “Dusty” Foggo and then-House Appropriations Committee Chairman Jerry Lewis (R-CA). But there is evidence to believe that the White House may also have been on Lam’s target list. Here are the connections:
– Washington D.C. defense contractor Mitchell Wade pled guilty last February to paying then-California Rep. Randy “Duke” Cunningham more than $1 million in bribes.
– Wade’s company MZM Inc. received its first federal contract from the White House. The contract, which ran from July 15 to August 15, 2002, stipulated that Wade be paid $140,000 to “provide office furniture and computers for Vice President Dick Cheney.”
– Two weeks later, on August 30, 2002, Wade purchased a yacht for $140,000 for Duke Cunningham. The boat’s name was later changed to the “Duke-Stir.” Said one party to the sale: “I knew then that somebody was going to go to jail for that…Duke looked at the boat, and Wade bought it — all in one day. Then they got on the boat and floated away.”
– According to Cunningham’s sentencing memorandum, the purchase price of the boat had been negotiated through a third-party earlier that summer, around the same time the White House contract was signed.
T recap, the White House awarded a one-month, $140,000 contract to an individual who never held a federal contract. Two weeks after he got paid, that same contractor used a cashier’s check for exactly that amount to buy a boat for a now-imprisoned congressman at a price that the congressman had pre-negotiated.
COMMENT #7 [Permalink]
Brad Friedman
said on 10/20/2009 @ 1:44 pm PT...
TreeTop007 - "Jew traitor"? Lovely. So in addition to being an unbelievable homophobe (see TT7's obnoxious comment thread beginning here) and teabagger, you're also an anti-Semite? Folks like you never fail to amaze. That's some good hatin' there, chief.
COMMENT #8 [Permalink]
said on 10/20/2009 @ 6:20 pm PT...
Brad, you did especially well conveying the outrageousness of the situation here--succinct listing of a set of facts that just do not add up no matter how one looks at it. Thanks for your efforts to keep writing about Sibel against the deafening silence. Is there any way at all to explain this to a semi-rational mind?!?
COMMENT #9 [Permalink]
said on 10/20/2009 @ 6:52 pm PT...
If someone objects to the racist, apartheid policies of the Jewish State, they are labeled "anti-semitic". If someone notices and mentions discrepancies in the official Holocaust ™ story, such as how the sacred "6 million" number hasn't changed, despite the reduction in Auschwitz official numbers from 4 million to 1-1.5 million, they are labeled "anti-semitic". If someone notices that our supposed friends in the Jewish State are heavily involved in espionage against us and sell our military secrets to China, they are labeled "anti-semitic".
So, tell me, what's so wrong with being labeled "anti-semitic"? Sounds like it is a badge of honor in recognition of one's morality and ability to see the obvious.
COMMENT #10 [Permalink]
said on 10/20/2009 @ 8:04 pm PT...
What I find interesting re Edmonds narrative is corroboration with other information about 911 and the NeoCons. There were evidently cells within the U S, British, Israeli and other governments in collusion, having the same effect of overruling their intelligence agencies to get their goals accomplished. It looks as though we had U S, British, Israeli and other agents trying to prevent 911 and the war against Iraq, and agents in these same agencies working to enable them.
COMMENT #11 [Permalink]
said on 10/21/2009 @ 9:44 am PT...
{Ed Note: Racist comment deleted. Racist, homophobic wingnut user known as "TreeTop007" and "Tommy|ymmoT" and "IcebergSlim" now banned for repeated violations of BRAD BLOG commenting rules in using multiple names to post. - BF}
COMMENT #12 [Permalink]
said on 10/21/2009 @ 10:31 am PT...
Unfortunately, Carol Lam was rather QUICKLY hired on as Qualcomm's Senior Vice President and Legal Counsel right after she left her prosecutor position when she indicted Dusty Foggo and Brent Wilkes. Done right about the time when a few Dems were looking at the idea of hiring her back as an independent contractor to follow up on the prosecutions she was working on.
Perhaps coincidentally, or perhaps not so coincidentally, Brent Scowcroft, serves on the board of Qualcomm, as well as the board of the American Turkish Council (ATC).
Probably would be difficult to hire her away from that position.
COMMENT #13 [Permalink]
said on 10/21/2009 @ 4:01 pm PT...
{Ed Note: Racist comment deleted. Racist, homophobic wingnut user known as "TreeTop007" and "Tommy|ymmoT" and "IcebergSlim" now banned for repeated violations of BRAD BLOG commenting rules in using multiple names to post. - BF}
COMMENT #14 [Permalink]
said on 10/21/2009 @ 4:19 pm PT...
When you and treetop say that Ban-Ami Kadish is a 'Jew traitor', you are implying that he's traitor to the "Jew" religion, which if you want to be more accurate and not slurring it, you would refer to him as a 'JewISH traitor', if you wanted to make him out to be a traitor to his JewISH religion.
But no, you are saying that he is a "Jew betraying his country". WHICH country, the U.S., or Israel? THOSE are countries. There is no country named "Jew". Therefore one can only conclude that "Jew" as you and Treetop use it is an ADDITIONAL adjective besides Kadish's country used to denigrate him as a slur on his religion.
Now he might be an AMERICAN traitor, which I don't think Brad would have necessarily taken issue with, if you have an honest reason to feel that he's betrayed America, which many here, perhaps including myself might feel. But there's no reason to use religious slurs when none are necessary. It just gives those who are trying to have honest criticism of these foreign country lobbies and those that are abusing their power in our government with them a bad name.
You don't call other traitors here like Bush a "Christ-lover" traitor do you? He might be a traitor too, which I feel there's a good argument for saying, but I wouldn't use that terminology if I wanted to get others to hear what I am saying for the RIGHT reasons, and not for other reasons that appeals to other emotions instead of logic.
COMMENT #15 [Permalink]
said on 10/21/2009 @ 4:33 pm PT...
{Ed Note: Racist comment deleted. Racist, homophobic wingnut user known as "TreeTop007" and "Tommy|ymmoT" and "IcebergSlim" now banned for repeated violations of BRAD BLOG commenting rules in using multiple names to post. - BF}
COMMENT #16 [Permalink]
said on 10/21/2009 @ 6:15 pm PT...
COMMENT #17 [Permalink]
Brad Friedman
said on 10/21/2009 @ 6:36 pm PT...
Great work, Connecticut1. Saw it earlier today, and included links to it (and quote from it), in my story today on the piece on Edmonds. See end of the article here:
COMMENT #18 [Permalink]
said on 10/21/2009 @ 7:04 pm PT...
Thanks kindly! Glad someone found it useful. lol
COMMENT #19 [Permalink]
Pam Green
said on 10/21/2009 @ 9:08 pm PT...
COMMENT #20 [Permalink]
said on 10/26/2009 @ 10:59 am PT...
It is no secret that the U.S. government is full of spies for Israel but the heavily Zionist influenced press does not cover these things for obvious reasons.