Guest Blogged by John Gideon of and VoteTrustUSA.Org
According to an article in Hometown Annapolis; “Addressing the Maryland House Ways and Means Committee yesterday, state Elections Administrator Linda Lamone conceded that a paper voting record will be a part of future Maryland elections, although she still believes in the integrity of the state's current system. "After meeting with you and other policy-makers over the past several days, it is clear that there is a consensus to take the next step towards a voter verifiable voting system," Ms. Lamone said. "As we move forward, I want to work with you to ensure that we do not lose the advantages that we have gained - a secure, accurate and reliable system - or make mistakes that will undermine the rights of voters with disabilities or diminish usability."” Lamone will continue to ‘jibber-jabber’ about her paperless Diebold machines until they pry them from her control....
Plus – All the dirt on ES&S VP Gary Greenhalgh LINK
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