"'Maxim' Feature on Death of Bush/Rove/GOP IT Guru Mike Connell is Now Posted Online"
(22 Responses so far...)
COMMENT #1 [Permalink]
Big Dan
said on 2/12/2010 @ 9:35 pm PT...
Corporate owned (not liberal) media doing their job, they don't inform Americans that they got a tax cut...but then do a poll showing Americans don't know they got a tax cut, as if someone else is to blame:
Poll Reveals Most Americans Don't Know They Got a Tax Cut
Just like they don't broadcast the Connell story or the Sibel Edmonds story.
COMMENT #2 [Permalink]
said on 2/13/2010 @ 4:31 am PT...
How come everyone reports Connell was "holier than thou", when he was a Catholic (he-he)
The whole spiel about a certain religion is that you can sin all you want as long as you go to confession and have your sins absolved. He must have really felt guilty as he had to go twice a day!!!
"Oh Fuck"
COMMENT #3 [Permalink]
said on 2/13/2010 @ 6:19 am PT...
Stop the Press! Simon Worrall "believes it's highly likely that Connell was, in fact, murdered." Brad, you might want to update your
"Exclusive" of the "mysterious death" of the "Bush/Rove/GOP It Guru" with the "tantalizing facts" found in the NTSB final report. Its been out for weeks. I'm no friend of Bush,Rove or the GOP;but you've tarnished your reputation and that of the Left. "Excellence in Investigative Journalism"?! Hillarious!
COMMENT #4 [Permalink]
Jeannie Dean
said on 2/13/2010 @ 10:50 am PT...
What kind of bilgewater-slog of a disgusting human being do you have to be to write a goading-gotcha comment like the one above re: the potential murder of a man who may have taken the fall for the ratprick-slicks who stole 2 elections, took us off to illegal war and gave this country to the corporations? Hmmmmmm?
Followup Q:
And how much gall does it take for this subterranean, single-celled, filth of a person to write such a thing in the comments section of a real journalist whose critical work is (finally) being validated (though not by measure enough) on the subject, and who takes his Fourth Estate responsibilities seriously enough to tell us the truth?
...just wanna know. Do we need a new sliding scale, now, to gauge this kind of scale 10, first degree, top-tiered, no-holes-barred trolling? (Tea-trolls? Troll-harded-tards?)
...or do we see a rancid comment like Tea-Jay's, and ignore it because we know it means that Brad's (continued) validation is driving someone to ankle grab n' take it for these blacktreasonouspoisonous pricks?
So, yes, I guess that doesn't make you a "friend" of Bush, Rove, or the GOP - just their gang rape victim.
COMMENT #5 [Permalink]
Jeannie Dean
said on 2/13/2010 @ 11:04 am PT...
An excellent piece from Mr. Worrall. Thank you, Maxim. I bought it last week at the airport and poured over it on the plane...
...cried for his widow.
I have seen first-hand how government agencies "clean up" human remains when they're in a damn hurry to shutter the evidence away. Heather Connell's description of the condition of the crash site, to me, is the most compelling evidence of foul play.
On top of being the most disrespectful way to treat our honored dead.
Right, TeeJay?
COMMENT #6 [Permalink]
Big Dan
said on 2/13/2010 @ 11:15 am PT...
COMMENT #7 [Permalink]
Big Dan
said on 2/13/2010 @ 11:25 am PT...
COMMENT #8 [Permalink]
said on 2/13/2010 @ 11:32 am PT...
Hey #3, scared rabbit syndrome is what keeps this country heading straight to the bottom. If you can't look at the obvious, beyond coincidental information surrounding his death but choose instead to take a coverup report as simply proof enough to satisfy you, you don't understand the depth power will go to to protect itself. Good luck with that scared rabbit syndrome in the face of eternity. Keep up the GREAT WORK Brad!
COMMENT #9 [Permalink]
said on 2/13/2010 @ 3:51 pm PT...
can we listen to the tower tapes please?????
COMMENT #10 [Permalink]
said on 2/13/2010 @ 4:32 pm PT...
Are you all wack jobs here or what.
[ed note: Why, yes, ashley, we are. Welcome.... —99]
COMMENT #11 [Permalink]
said on 2/13/2010 @ 5:35 pm PT...
Big Dan @ #1:
US citizens may have gotten a tax cut but American citizens are absent the liability to pay by virtue of the fact that without the "income" generated by working for the federal government or signing a W4 or being an "officer of a domestic corporation" (where domestic means and includes the District of Columbia) we don't owe no stinkin' income tax.
Thank you very much.
COMMENT #12 [Permalink]
said on 2/13/2010 @ 11:33 pm PT...
Excellent job, Brad! One question: is Arnebeck still pursuing this case?
COMMENT #13 [Permalink]
said on 2/13/2010 @ 11:42 pm PT...
Re: TeeJay's comment above about the "tantalizing details" in the NTSB report, read Mark Crispin Miller at OpEdNews.
"Pilot errors and weather conditions" killed Mike Connell, says NTSB
This is hardly a surprise, considering the source.
Note the passing reference, in the piece below, to the questions raised about the crash by "left-leaning bloggers and Web sites." From that aside you'd never know that those who've raised such questions now include Connell's widow, Heather, as well as cyber-expert Stephen Spoonamore--neither of whom "leans left" at all: on the contrary.
The NTSB said Thursday the airplane crashed because of Connell's "inappropriate control inputs as a result of spatial disorientation, which led to an aerodynamic stall and loss of control."
Investigators ruled Connell's statement he was "due north and climbing" was a sign of spatial disorientation.
Yes, well that can happen when there is a microprocessor installed in your plane that confuses the Instrument Landing System and gives incorrect information to the pilot so that he cannot really correct.
COMMENT #14 [Permalink]
said on 2/14/2010 @ 8:57 am PT...
The one detail in the Connell crash that has nagged at me for years is the fact that this plane crashed into an UNOCCUPIED home,in a residential neighborhood full of otherwise OCCUPIED homes.
Had the plane crash landed into an occupied dwelling, possibly killing or maiming the residents, surely lawsuits would have ensued to determine more particulars of the reason for the crash-and the actions of Mr. Connell prior to the unfortunate event.
Curiously convenient.
Has anyone ever interviewed any of the firefighters?
COMMENT #15 [Permalink]
David Lasagna
said on 2/14/2010 @ 9:04 am PT...
This is the first I've heard about us all being wack jobs.
I know I'm still kinda new to all this but I wish somebody woulda told me that.
Can I have a wackjob, too?
COMMENT #16 [Permalink]
said on 2/14/2010 @ 9:06 am PT...
It would be interesting to know if any insurance claim was filed by the homeowner whose unoccupied home was damaged in the crash.
Ofcourse, it may have been a bank repo.
I never have come across any info on the particulars of that home's ownership,or if any insurance claims orlegal action was filed relating to the damges it sustained.
COMMENT #17 [Permalink]
David Lasagna
said on 2/14/2010 @ 10:20 am PT...
Can our Cyber Softball Team be called-- Wack Jobs United?
COMMENT #18 [Permalink]
said on 2/14/2010 @ 1:01 pm PT...
On a "slightly" more serious note about trolls who pop into various forums and say "you're all wack (sic) jobs"...
I often wonder if they are:
1) paid disinformers, trying to disrupt a conversation
2) loons, who do this as the equivalent of putting fingers in both their ears and yelling.. LALALALALALALA
3) really smart people who know something that we don't (seems unlikely)
4) ??
have any of you ever had an actual face to face "conversation" with someone who would make a post like that?
COMMENT #19 [Permalink]
said on 2/14/2010 @ 5:44 pm PT...
Floridiot @2
It's like this, see: Christ died for your sins, so now you can sin all you want and go to heaven. That's why Bush loved Christ, and Obama loves him too. Please feel free to use at anytime.
COMMENT #20 [Permalink]
Gus W
said on 2/14/2010 @ 11:27 pm PT...
After all the work Connell did for the Bushes, going back to pre-internet days, you'd think they would have issued a statement regarding the tragic loss of their dedicated IT specialist.
Weird that Mrs. Connell didn't comment on condolences, or lack thereof from Bush, Rove, McCain or staff. How did it seem to her in terms of her husbands hugely high-profile clients not publicly paying their respects?
I think the media silence on all this is stunning, especially Rachel Maddow (her decision?). The fact that the FBI is investigating the "Mark Felt" letters should be newsworthy. Can any of you media insiders get the story-behind-the-non-story?
COMMENT #21 [Permalink]
Brian R
said on 2/23/2010 @ 11:02 pm PT...
I really wonder if you think about it, there might be no difference from Mike O'Connel to Joe Stack.
Obviously there are differences between the two as individuals, but maybe not as to and how they were killed and who killed them and maybe why.
Might there be a violent coup continuing between government, intelligence and international agencies? All of them using tecnology and media to sell their agenda...
Would you say that the possibility exists?
COMMENT #22 [Permalink]
Brian R
said on 2/23/2010 @ 11:05 pm PT...
edit @ 21
Mike Connell, not Mike O'Connel.