"VIDEO: O'Reilly's Ambush Reporter Outfoxed by Bill Moyers at Media Reform Conference..."
(13 Responses so far...)
COMMENT #1 [Permalink]
said on 6/8/2008 @ 12:15 pm PT...
That was SWEET!
There is nothing like seeing that slime ball scurry away with his tail between his legs!
COMMENT #2 [Permalink]
Josh Nelson
said on 6/8/2008 @ 1:20 pm PT...
Thanks for the link, Brad.
COMMENT #3 [Permalink]
said on 6/8/2008 @ 3:52 pm PT...
This is awesome! Moyers is not just a class act, he's one tough ole' codger! (I say that with great affection, being not that far behind him.) Everyone's old codger-hood should be so productive and satisfying. I left him a message for him at his blog at PBS. We are all so lucky to have him come back out of retirement and work once again for our democracy.
COMMENT #4 [Permalink]
said on 6/8/2008 @ 9:29 pm PT...
That gets a BIG GOLD STAR! I told you Moyers is good. Could you just imagine murrdoc lieing his way out of that...then bill (their blood not his)... mopping up. Oh yeah, that's right... they already do.
COMMENT #5 [Permalink]
said on 6/8/2008 @ 10:01 pm PT...
Thanks Brad. What a distinct difference in intellect and integrity between Moyers and Barry. Moyers has a hundred IQ points on the guy. This is such a great learning video for how to handle a bully, too.
COMMENT #6 [Permalink]
Bob Bilse
said on 6/9/2008 @ 1:36 pm PT...
Good Lord. That was embarrassing! That poor kid was way in over his head.
Barry's not learning from his master very well. He should have just told them all to shut up!
COMMENT #7 [Permalink]
Soul Rebel
said on 6/9/2008 @ 3:25 pm PT...
Was that the same guy who set up the hit piece on Pfleger after the Rev. Wright issue?
COMMENT #8 [Permalink]
said on 6/9/2008 @ 9:41 pm PT...
I was there. Fox crews seemed to be recording just about every session Friday and Saturday up until they got punked in their own stunt. The Fox crews seemed to thin out a bit after this embarrassement to them.
This happened after Moyers opened as the morning keynote speaker, while he was signing autographs. Porter was rude to ruin the autograph session.
But before the plenary I spied on these guys with their fancy gear. I walked up and asked them if they were Fox and what they were going to do with all the tape they were shooting. They gave me BS, and as a journalist I just called them out and noted they weren't fooling anyone, that "all the networks," as the enormously fat dude said, weren't there covering it "for the evening news."
That little twit Porter Barry was annoyed with me for asking the question they didn't want to answer, so he stopped my questioning by taunting with all the piss and vinegar and chip-on-the-shoulder of a troubled 8-year-old schoolboy, "Hey, you just go tell your little progressive friends to watch Fox News so your little progresssive friends can see themselves on TV."
I told old Porter I'm a journalist, not a progressive, and tried to remind him that labels aren't useful to real journalists. But, alas, this gaggle of white men was way too busy to listen to me. Perhaps I interrupted their strategy session. Oh darn.
Most notable was that none of the vast Fox team would look me in the eye, nor would any but one freelancer in Fox's other camera crews I tried to strike up a conversation with over the weekend. Any seasoned reporter knows how to take that.
So, it's interesting to see Porter was challenged to define a journalist by the best among us, Bill Moyers, soon after that. Ha! I wasn't there for that but I did catch wind of it.
COMMENT #9 [Permalink]
Bamboo Harvester
said on 6/10/2008 @ 7:05 pm PT...
Wilber ~ Ya just can't beat it when ...
Billo's GOON regrets that he parks so far away . . .
COMMENT #10 [Permalink]
said on 6/11/2008 @ 10:07 am PT...
I heard on Coast to Coast AM with Gorge Noory (The original radio show that Art Bell passed on to George Noory) on date: Tuesday June 10th, 2008, one of the guests brought up Sibel Edmonds!
I got to be honest I was half ass asleep, and all I heard was something about Condolesa Rice and then Sibel Edmonds and then the story changing. e.g. Condoleezzza changin here story or something like that.
It'd be worth trying to find this four show and grabbing this clip. -IMO
Perhaps usenet would be a proper location to find this archive?
I also notice other references to this effect in the past.
George Noory has tried to get the word out.
Yet again to be honest I have to re-listen to see what was exactly said. Mostly this is a heads up.
No comment on O'Reilly, he ain't worth my time, he ain't no Irish God, he needs to shut the fuck up just like Ann Coulter.
By the way the Senators and lawmakers getting their computers hacked, need to learn about computers or get the hell off computers. You telling me that they can't protect these computers? Don't make me laugh. Like someone was saying about Obama's OPEN blog thing. Maybe it's a honeypot?!
Anyway, that's it. Look it up. Find it. Hear it.
Tune in and Tune out.
COMMENT #11 [Permalink]
said on 6/11/2008 @ 10:50 am PT...
As predicted. The propagandists at Fake News did exactly what everyone thought would happen. Heavily edit the piece to vilify and make Bill Moyers out to be something he is not.
COMMENT #12 [Permalink]
said on 6/11/2008 @ 2:14 pm PT...
Funny to see that dude bailed as fast as he could. That's hardly something a reporter would do.
COMMENT #13 [Permalink]
Michael D
said on 6/17/2008 @ 5:48 am PT...
Fantastic video!!! If only that could happen to all the poor schleps that tow the line for the fat cat anchors. Perhaps they could not only learn the definition of journalism but practice the art as well.
Someone like Bill Moyers, I believe, measures his success by how many falsehoods he has committed. It's called being your own worst critic and it makes you strive for excellence.
Someone like porter is a prostitute hoping to get laid by the big guy and get a big tip for doing a great performance.
Bill O'Really is one cup of coffee from flipping over the table on Moyers and he'll probably never go on Moyer's show because his owners can't take the chance of their rabid dog biting someone on air again.
I hope we see more of this type of "turning the tables" on patsies (Porter). The reason is when they realize that the pimps refuse to bail them out they can judge themselves a little more critically when they have to look in the mirror.
Integrity isn't something you learn, it's something you create.
"At this point I'd offer a word to the wise but fear I'd have no audience"