"Former Federal Prosecutor: 'Bush Admin Asking to Be Impeached'; Conyers: 'Let's Take These Two Guys Out'"
(57 Responses so far...)
COMMENT #1 [Permalink]
said on 7/21/2007 @ 4:58 pm PT...
We've got to fight the Buscovik crime family here, so we don't have to fight them from the secret prison camps they have set up all over the country. Well, and all over the world for that matter' Wouldn't that be ironic, 10s of thousands of ordinary American citizens being flown to countries that support torture, kept away from their families, friends and attornies, just to shut up any opposition to the coming dictatorship. Conyers is a hero, but only if he pulls this off. If he backs off, for any reason, we WILL go down the tubes and there will be NO election in 2008 as we will be completely under Marshal Law. Live free or die - but do it NOW!
COMMENT #2 [Permalink]
said on 7/21/2007 @ 5:04 pm PT...
Conyers also said at the San Diego reception, It was his intention to use Inherent contempt. According to Kpete on the same DU post, she said it was said to many witnesses.
What are you waiting for!!!
COMMENT #3 [Permalink]
said on 7/21/2007 @ 5:09 pm PT...
Somebody MUST have videotaped it. Let's see it. Someone please come forward with it.
Certainly if not one of us, then someone from Homeland Security -don't 'ya think!
COMMENT #4 [Permalink]
said on 7/21/2007 @ 5:36 pm PT...
Sounds nice, but I'll believe it when I see it.
If this latest outrage is the first thing these people see as being "in and of itself ... an impeachable offense," we're really dealing with a party of dullards. We were at that point years ago.
COMMENT #5 [Permalink]
Nittany Lion
said on 7/21/2007 @ 7:46 pm PT...
Sally is right, this is a very weak link at best to impeachment. I think the talk of this as an impeachable offense is just wishful thinking. If enough people are willing to act on this, you would have already seen articles of impeachment on much more substantive actions by the administration a long time ago.
And Leftisbest - I don't think that the fate of the country rests on Conyers shoulders - I think you are being a little overdramatic.
COMMENT #6 [Permalink]
Agent 99
said on 7/21/2007 @ 9:11 pm PT...
If now isn't the time for high drama in the citizenry, I don't know when is. I can't think of anyone in America being dramatic enough by half. That is the entirety of the problem, as a matter of fact. No one is being dramatic enough, and most of us are oblivious. Aiming to tamp it down is ludicrous to put it mildly.
COMMENT #7 [Permalink]
said on 7/21/2007 @ 9:44 pm PT...
De la Vega deserves a medal for her work on the impeachment issue. When she says that it's as if they're asking to be impeached, my response is that oh, no, they're doing this because they KNOW they can get away with it. Americans are asleep at the wheel. Until a majority of us decides to place a higher priority on being aware of what our government is really up to, than we now place on our entertainment, these neocon guys are going to get away with what they're doing to our country and to our democracy.
If Conyers really said what is being reported that he said, then he's our man. We need someone in Congress who's going to make this a do or die issue. As responsive as my representative, Woolsey, is to her constituents, I just don't believe she's going to go after impeachment with pit bull voracity. Conyers may have what it takes in him to be the one who will, esp given his past experiences with Nixon.
All I have to say about Pelosi is ... how terribly disappointing.
Here's a chilling interview of former Reagan administration official Paul Craig Roberts by Thom Hartmann. This "father of Reaganomics" wrote an oped on 7/16 called Impeach Now or Face the End of Constitutional Democracy. I never thought I'd live to see the day when former Reaganites like Roberts, Buchanan, and Fein would be of the same political mind as me.
COMMENT #8 [Permalink]
said on 7/21/2007 @ 11:39 pm PT...
God damn it 99 !!!, now I'm really skeptical.
Why the Fuk are these assholes pulling this stunt ?
There must be some really juicy stuff we're going to miss if we go straight to impeachment.
If we go this route now before getting that testimony and documents re the attorney firing scandal et al , we might end up with a big fat nothing and they will walk away still smirking as usual.
Remember, they control the judiciary and the media.
It reminds me of walking onto a used car lot and the salesman saying to himself "now I can get rid of that lemon"
We're being duped again IMO.
Now it's ITMFA ? instead to me for the time being.
COMMENT #9 [Permalink]
Agent 99
said on 7/22/2007 @ 12:13 am PT...
Well, Flo, I'm at the point where I don't care anymore. THEY HAVE TO GO, NO MATTER WHAT, AND RIGHT THE FUCK NOW. Maybe that's part of the problem! Everyone's too interested in what will come next, and what the Democrats won't do next, that we're holding our breaths when we should be screaming bloody murder. I don't trust Conyers now that he's pulled this no-impeachment stuff for eight or nine months. It may be that impeachment is the only way to get to even half the information anyway. Seems to me the only hope is to get people even madder about what they're defying, and the harder you press, from as many different fronts as possible, the better chances there are people will FINALLY get over their aversion to being "over-dramatic" and get it done.
It's an EMERGENCY! We have a couple whopper planetary emergencies looming and they are only worsening by the minute. NOTHING will start to get any better until they're OUT.
COMMENT #10 [Permalink]
Agent 99
said on 7/22/2007 @ 12:23 am PT...
Actually, we have already about fifty times more than would have been necessary to impeach anyone else in the history of the United States, and impeaching them doesn't need to mean we eat it on the other investigations either. We have to make Congress too afraid not to do the whole job.
COMMENT #11 [Permalink]
said on 7/22/2007 @ 12:32 am PT...
I'm allowed to be skeptical though right ?
Here is a good video of the technology that big oil/coal/ nuke doesn't want you to see.
1 Megawatt Fuel Cell Power Plant
COMMENT #12 [Permalink]
Agent 99
said on 7/22/2007 @ 12:54 am PT...
You can only be skeptical if it doesn't keep you from screaming bloody murder! There's the rub. This skepticism stuff can be deadly. We have to be able to do risk management on all this stuff. The cost of time and energy consumed by skepticism vs. the benefits of ACTION.
I think the word "emergency" doesn't ring enough bells anymore:
emergency |iˈmərjənsē| noun ( pl. -cies) a serious, unexpected, and often dangerous situation requiring immediate action
We have millions dead and are teetering on the verge of WWIII. The globe is warming and there is great reason to fear for all living things. These are the big emergencies abounding our national ones. The biggest impediment to action on all of them is the White House. We have little reason to assume there will even be an election in '08 the way these guys are going. Can you swing from Congress's earlobes while skeptical? Is your skepticism an action delaying tactic?
I don't know enough about hydrogen fuel to comment on that video. I would need to know how much CO2 they're talking about. CO2 seems to be the number one problem....
COMMENT #13 [Permalink]
said on 7/22/2007 @ 1:06 am PT...
Look at it this way 99, the size of the pipe feeding natural gas into the system to produce 1 meg of electricity is about 1/10th of the size of a conventional 1 meg power plant, also smaller than a gas pipe for a large commercial building just for heating, the co2 they are talking about is minimal, plus it is producing hydrogen for fueling cars
COMMENT #14 [Permalink]
Agent 99
said on 7/22/2007 @ 1:15 am PT...
Well, right you are... it's obviously way better than what we have on a bunch of different fronts, but it is my understanding that the HUGE disparity between CO2 levels and their connection to average temperatures is the prime reason we are afraid we are reaching a tipping point beyond which we cannot mitigate effectively. In that sense, I'm not so sure cars that give off water and CO2 instead of the noxious fumes they do now is going to help the big problem enough or at all. I mean by this that I have no clue. I don't know. I'm pretty sure Gore would be stumping for this if it promised to help solve the problem, but he never mentions it. Even * stopped mentioning it....
COMMENT #15 [Permalink]
said on 7/22/2007 @ 1:19 am PT...
Instead of emergency. (Reactive)
I like to think of US government like a machine. You tell machines what to do, You Control who has access to machines, and finally you can turn a machine off.
Warning - Standing too close may cause destruction of equipment.
Caution - Standing too close may cause destruction of equipment and or injury to personnel.
Danger - Standing too close could cause destruction of equipment, and or death or injury to personnel.
It's my belief we are in the "Danger Zone." And nobody's reading the tech manuals (Constitution) anymore. Not only that, but it seems the enemy (Oath Of Office Breakers) are using this same equipment against it's own personnel (Citizens.)
All the while there may be actual horrible people (REAL TERRORISTS, NOT THE DOMESTIC OATH BREAKING ONES) out there who want to hurt the united states.
In case of warning, don't let the machine become broken. In case of Caution Follow the manual, in Case of Danger Follow the Manual Very Carefully your Life May and Many Other Lives depend on it.
In case of stolen equipment used against us, you just found the enemy. You know what to do, You know what your OATH is!
Enough of this REACTIVE shit.
Stop being VICTIMS who REACT!
You are Citizens who are active.
COMMENT #16 [Permalink]
said on 7/22/2007 @ 1:34 am PT...
Why they stopped mentioning it ?
Because it would totally stop our need for gasoline for the most part so that blows their wars, control of energy prices, the transporation, distribution, supply of need for nuke plants anymore, so that industry is gone.
every household could have one in their garage, so that kills their stranglehold on electrical distribution and prices, fuel your car at home, produce in home heating and cooling at 1/4 of the cost.
There is so many more good reasons I can't even think of them all right now.
Oh yeah, this can be done with solar too at the same time.
It would ruin them so you see, talk about it and your dead IMO
COMMENT #17 [Permalink]
said on 7/22/2007 @ 1:40 am PT...
That and the Water Powered Car (from the 1970's)
COMMENT #18 [Permalink]
Agent 99
said on 7/22/2007 @ 1:44 am PT...
I would say you are spot on if it were not for that CO2 problem. Even as I wish to think of Gore as 100% immune to that shit by now, he might not be. Bobby Kennedy would also be speaking about it... that guy, Cho or Chu from Lawrence Berkeley would have been speaking about it. I'm pretty sure it has been knocked out of the running because of the CO2 emission problem. That's the whole reason the IPCC report was so heavily weighted on the side of manmade causes for global warming: the CO2 (a greenhouse gas) in the atmosphere started flipping out of phase with the global temperatures. Rises and falls in the global mean temperature have always run pretty much in sync with CO2 levels... until recently. CO2 is radically off the charts... and this departure began with the industrial age. So I'm pretty sure the silence on the subject from the experts is about the CO2 problem.
COMMENT #19 [Permalink]
Agent 99
said on 7/22/2007 @ 1:48 am PT...
Well, and...
I rather think not. We know for sure nothing approximating sensible has an icecube's chance in hell until they are gone.
COMMENT #20 [Permalink]
Agent 99
said on 7/22/2007 @ 1:53 am PT...
COMMENT #21 [Permalink]
Agent 99
said on 7/22/2007 @ 1:57 am PT...
COMMENT #22 [Permalink]
said on 7/22/2007 @ 2:00 am PT...
Switch that thought though 99.
How much pollution do we create just distributing this shit now ?
Diesel fuel powered tankers with billions of barrels of fossil fuel, potential oil spill risk
Semi fuel tankers (bombs) not running on our roads polluting and killing people.
No trains running back and forth from the coal (strip) mines polluting our air.
No refineries except for our plastics addiction
I just think if you look at it this way we would reduce our carbon/co2 footprint by more than 50%+ while we wait for the next technology to emerge.
Big business sees the danger in this and we do not.
COMMENT #23 [Permalink]
said on 7/22/2007 @ 2:10 am PT...
Won't matter who is in talks
COMMENT #24 [Permalink]
Agent 99
said on 7/22/2007 @ 2:16 am PT...
Well, yes, and that energy task force made sure where our priorities would be. Absolutely. I completely grok that concept... the capitalist fucks holding down better technology because it suits their bank accounts and for that reason alone. There is no depth to which they will not sink.
BUT it has sort of turned into a that-was-then-and-this-is-now thing. Most of the scientists concur that the CO2 thing cannot be ignored. Is CO2 emission from hydrogen sources in any range where we could consider the savings? I can't think that they are or, again, we would CERTAINLY be hearing about it. We may have as few as two or up to ten years to turn it around sufficiently enough so that the tipping point is not reached. Unless we know for certain that the CO2 emissions from hydrogen production and use are radically lower than the power we use now, there is no sense in even going there. I heard someone say hydrogen actually produces more CO2 than fossil fuels, but I cannot vouch for the integrity of that person, and I do not know.
Let's impeach them so we can find out.
COMMENT #25 [Permalink]
Agent 99
said on 7/22/2007 @ 2:17 am PT...
COMMENT #26 [Permalink]
Agent 99
said on 7/22/2007 @ 2:21 am PT...
Here, listen to some soothing music. xoxoxox
COMMENT #27 [Permalink]
said on 7/22/2007 @ 2:24 am PT...
Impeach them, then gimme a tax break to install one in my home, with all the conversion kits I need to make it happen, I'll be off the grid and happy.
COMMENT #28 [Permalink]
Agent 99
said on 7/22/2007 @ 2:25 am PT...
Well, and I mean WE would certainly be hearing about it, not that everyone would. We know so much more about what's really going on than most of America. I'm dirt certain that if a significant number of scientists believed hydrogen was the way to go that we'd know about it right now.
COMMENT #29 [Permalink]
said on 7/22/2007 @ 2:33 am PT...
As you see, there is with some environmental scientists two sides, the purist and the practical...I'm on board the latter
COMMENT #30 [Permalink]
Agent 99
said on 7/22/2007 @ 2:37 am PT...
COMMENT #31 [Permalink]
Agent 99
said on 7/22/2007 @ 2:41 am PT...
I'm for practical. Absolutely. I just don't know if it is practical, given the dire situation. It would take lots of time to switch over and we'd be having to switch again before it was complete. The eye has to stay on lowering CO2 from any and all sources. Helps to plant trees like maniacs too.
COMMENT #32 [Permalink]
said on 7/22/2007 @ 2:55 am PT...
They'll come up with a catalytic type of gazornt to fix that co2 problem I'm sure.
Just remember, if you want to get the anti- environmental (oil co) trolls off of your back just talk about fuel cells and getting everyone off of the how quick they'll shut up.
COMMENT #33 [Permalink]
Agent 99
said on 7/22/2007 @ 3:03 am PT...
Are you blissed out on Page and Plant or Mayall yet? I'm working on raising yer spirit so we can kick ass....
COMMENT #34 [Permalink]
Agent 99
said on 7/22/2007 @ 3:06 am PT...
Or you could try King Crimson... I gots ya a cool newer version of Epitaph if the first two didn't work.
Epitaph [Fripp/McDonald/Lake/Giles/Sinfield (1969)]
The wall on which the prophets wrote
Is cracking at the seams
Upon the instruments of death
The sunlight brightly gleams
When every man is torn apart
With nightmares and with dreams
Will no one lay the laurel wreath
When silence drowns the screams
Confusion will be my epitaph
As I crawl a cracked and broken path
If we make it we can all sit back and laugh
But I fear tomorrow I'll be crying
Yes I fear tomorrow I'll be crying
Yes I fear tomorrow I'll be crying
Between the iron gates of fate
The seeds of time were sown
And watered by the deeds of those
Who know and who are known
Knowledge is a deadly friend
If no one sets the rules
The fate of all mankind I see
Is in the hands of fools
The wall on which the prophets wrote
Is cracking at the seams
Upon the instruments of death
The sunlight brightly gleams
When every man is torn apart
With nightmares and with dreams
Will no one lay the laurel wreath
When silence drowns the screams
Confusion will be my epitaph
As I crawl a cracked and broken path
If we make it we can all sit back and laugh
But I fear tomorrow I'll be crying
Yes I fear tomorrow I'll be crying
Yes I fear tomorrow I'll be crying
COMMENT #35 [Permalink]
Agent 99
said on 7/22/2007 @ 3:08 am PT...
I wonder if they make a fuel cell I can zap trolls with....
COMMENT #36 [Permalink]
said on 7/22/2007 @ 3:10 am PT...
OMMM...okay I'm winding down now, thanks :p
COMMENT #37 [Permalink]
said on 7/22/2007 @ 3:15 am PT...
But first I didn't answer your #19
If we shoved a hydrogen hose up their ass and held a match to it we could dethrone them though, just so you see it is possible.
COMMENT #38 [Permalink]
Agent 99
said on 7/22/2007 @ 3:17 am PT...
Wow! That idea SO TOADALLY rocks! Yer a genius! Impeachment and an end to global warming in one fell swoop! OMG!
COMMENT #39 [Permalink]
said on 7/22/2007 @ 3:42 am PT...
COMMENT #40 [Permalink]
Agent 99
said on 7/22/2007 @ 3:55 am PT...
Bring on the gazornts and I'm IN.
COMMENT #41 [Permalink]
said on 7/22/2007 @ 5:00 am PT...
I heard that the results from the colonoscopy are in and those results confirmed that the patient participant was indeed an asshole.
COMMENT #42 [Permalink]
said on 7/22/2007 @ 7:21 am PT...
I am reading the book Fooled Again, personally autographed by Brad and Mark Crispin Miller. There is an interesting quote:
"If a nation expects to be ignorant and free, in a state of civilization, it expects what never was and never will be."
(page 52, quoting Thomas Jefferson). Which brings up a look at the source of the word ignorant and its family ignorance:
ig·no·rant – adjective - lacking in knowledge or training; unlearned ... [Origin: 1325–75; ME ignora(u)nt to ignore; see -ant]
ig·no·rance – noun - the state or fact of being ignorant; lack of knowledge, learning, information, etc. [origin] 1175–1225; ME See ignore, -ance]
(Dictionary, emphasis added). One relevant urban myth is that ignorance has something to do with IQ or intelligence.
The reality, however, is that democratic or free nations are that way because they do not ignore that which is relevant to their freedom. So, to make this relevant to this thread, a quote from the forward of the book:
The sovereignty of a despotic monarch assumes the power of making wrong right, or right wrong, as he pleases or as it suits him. The sovereignty in a republic is exercised to keep right and wrong in their proper and distinct places, and never suffer the one to usurp the place of the other. A republic, properly understood, is a sovereignty of justice, in contradistinction to a sovereignty of will.
(ibid, emphasis added, quoting Thomas Paine, 1786). No doubt revolutionary poets and song writers are aware of this:
And they're breaking down the distance
Between right and wrong.
(BD, 1989). So it is clear that Conyers has done his duty and passed the Cheney Impeachment (HRes 333) out of committee and to the floor realm.
So to Nancy Pelosi, who I really, really respect, and who schedules the floor realm, I say that "off the table" is simply another way of saying "impeachment is being ignored".
COMMENT #43 [Permalink]
said on 7/22/2007 @ 7:23 am PT...
Maybe this will convince you that we are being lied to about pretty much everything as far as our energy problems go. Big energy owns our butts
COMMENT #44 [Permalink]
said on 7/22/2007 @ 8:03 am PT...
Pelosi and her allies must believe that they do not have enough Republican support yet or she would have by now.
If this doesn't have a bi partisan look and feel to it the 'liberal media' will tear her and the Dems up.
Bye Bye '08 is their fear I'm sure
COMMENT #45 [Permalink]
said on 7/22/2007 @ 8:22 am PT...
FYI - Michael Moore will be joining C&L for a Sunday 4-5 ET afternoon chat about his new movie “Sicko” and whatever else comes up in the comment thread. The movie has opened in about 500 new cities across the country this weekend and is the # 5 grossing documentary of all time so far……
Flo - 11 That was cool, the 700 degree exhaust is also
useful for cogeneration of which they are doing.
COMMENT #46 [Permalink]
said on 7/22/2007 @ 8:28 am PT...
I think pelosi cut a secret deal with Chucklenuts that included giving rumsfeld the boot.
COMMENT #47 [Permalink]
said on 7/22/2007 @ 8:43 am PT...
Could be JOJ
COMMENT #48 [Permalink]
said on 7/22/2007 @ 10:24 am PT...
Yes that was the water powered car I was talking about, I forgot it was Stan Meyer.
I ain't gonna worry about CO2, I Might as well stop breathing. But I would like to see ALL these oil companies disappear overnight.
Stan talks about how it would cost $1500 back then, obviously it's prototyped on a 197x VW with the shell removed and a dune buggy kit bolted on. Wow 45 minutes work for that!
Fuck all these people that say it CAN'T be done.
Oh, bla bla it will cause an economic crisis.
Fuck the OIL economy!
COMMENT #49 [Permalink]
MaryShelley(author) admirer
said on 7/22/2007 @ 2:40 pm PT...
Off topic (but another argument for impeachment):
I have come to the conclusion that Pres. Bush and V.P. Cheney both have developed pathological narcissistic personality disorder. It must be noted and one must keep in mind that anyone with this disorder would not be capable of admitting to any of the symptoms and for this reason they rarely seek psychological therapy. Laura Bush and Lynn Cheney would be co-dependent, co-narcissistic enablers.
The latest presidential order seems to confirm my arguments for the diagnoses.
Here's just a snippit of why I think so, as described by the Mayo Clinic:
Pathological narcissism
The other end of the continuum — narcissistic personality disorder — is a persistent inability to establish a realistic, stable self-image, therefore creating an overdependence on others to regulate their self-esteem. This unrealistic self-image affects how people with this disorder behave and interact with others.
Signs and symptoms of narcissistic personality disorder may include:
Grandiose sense of one's own abilities or achievements
Fantasies about having exceptional power, attractiveness or success
Sense of belonging to an exclusive group of people who truly understand each other
Need for constant praise
Expectations of special treatment
Exploitation of other people
Lack of empathy for other people
Envy of other people or a belief that you are the subject of other people's envy
Haughty or arrogant behaviors
Individuals with narcissistic personality disorder may come across as conceited or snobbish. They often monopolize conversation. They may belittle or look down on people they perceive as inferior. When they don't receive the special treatment to which they feel entitled, they may become very impatient or angry.
People with narcissistic personality disorder tend to seek out individuals whom they perceive as equal to their own self-image or to whom they attribute the same special talents and qualities they see in themselves. They may insist on having "the best" of everything — car, athletic club or social circles.
Their personal relationships and interactions are driven by the need for admiration and praise. Consequently, people with narcissistic personality disorder value others primarily according to how well those individuals affirm their unrealistic self-image. This limited value of others usually means that people with the disorder aren't interested in or aren't capable of perceiving the feelings or needs of others. They may take advantage of other people to make themselves look as good as they imagine.
On the other hand, seeking admiration also makes people with narcissistic personality disorder vulnerable to criticism. If someone criticizes an individual's contribution to a project at work, for example, he or she will perceive this comment as an assault on an image that needs to be protected at all costs and may respond with feelings of shame, humiliation or sadness or may express rage, disdain or defensive behaviors.
For more information on this:
COMMENT #50 [Permalink]
said on 7/22/2007 @ 3:19 pm PT...
COMMENT #51 [Permalink]
said on 7/22/2007 @ 7:08 pm PT...
Comment #5*** She didn't mean this is what we should impeach them for, she just meant that in and of itself this would be an impeachable offense. Meaning that Bush cannot use it as a reason to ignore the subpoenas or the contempt charges and that if he does try to use it then that "also" is another reason to impeach him.
I hate it when Senator Bernie Sanders says "we can't get enough votes in the senate....a wast of time." Love these people who want to be assured they are gonna win before they will even stand up and try to fight. Pelosi is the same way...can't seem to get it through her head that it's more important that we fight than that we win. She must fight for the principles of the constitution she swore to defend. Besides, with all the corruption running rampant in this administration even if they don't get indicted and removed from office...we still win by showing what these people are and for calling them out and putting a stop to their abuse of power. If Pelosi would just look closer she would see there is no downside to impeachment. But we need for Conyers and Pelosi to get a move on before it's too late and something happens to Bush making Cheney president. Bush is still under that "president's curse" where every president elected in a year ending in zero since our nation first began voting, has been assassinated before leaving office (except for 1980 when an attempted assassination on Reagan elected in a year ending in zero failed). Bush was first elected in 2000. Also, impeachment proceedings might be enough to tie the WH's hands enough to keep them from attacking Iran. I know that Senator Sanders claims Bush must get authorization 1st but Bush has proved it's not a question of if he has the authority to do something, but rather does he have the power to do it that matters. One could already make a huge list of impeachable offenses committed by Cheney and Bush and that is just what we already know. With a special prosecutor and subpoena power in 3mos. that list would double. We cannot wait 18 more months to get them out of office or tie their mischievous little hands. We must impeach now. This is the most corrupt, worst, and unpopular administration ever (especially Cheney) and we have a majority of voters who now support impeachment making Pelosi and Conyers look like obstructionists if they do not begin the impeachment process.
What are "they" waiting for.
COMMENT #52 [Permalink]
said on 7/22/2007 @ 9:02 pm PT...
I wonder if Congress' reluctance to pursue impeachment is related in any way to the lobbying efforts of AIPAC. I can't come up with any other single commonality for members of Congress that would explain their aversion to impeachment, despite the American people to a very large extent being for it.
COMMENT #53 [Permalink]
said on 7/23/2007 @ 5:43 am PT...
The presidential order mentioned upthread actually condemns Bush and Cheney so their property should be frozen:
I, GEORGE W. BUSH, President of the United States of America, find that, due to the unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security and foreign policy of the United States posed by acts of violence threatening the peace and stability of Iraq and undermining efforts to promote economic reconstruction and political reform in Iraq and to provide humanitarian assistance to the Iraqi people ...
(July 17 Order, emphasis added). Invading, bombing, shock and awe, destructive occupation, stimulating a civil war, destroying the economy, and killing maiming and destroying the Iraqi people surely qualifies Cheney and Bush as people who do harm to Iraq.
So here is their punishment according to the preznit blush order:
... all property and interests in property ... are blocked and may not be transferred, paid, exported, withdrawn, or otherwise dealt in ...
(ibid). After calling for the freezing of his own property, he went on to issue yet another preznit blush order on Friday:
The new order opens with a misstatement. It says that, in February 2002, the President determined that al Qaeda detainees were not entitled to prisoner of war status under the Geneva Conventions, and that the President is reaffirming that determination with the present order.
This short description rewrites history and leaves out a key intervening event: the Supreme Court's landmark 2006 ruling in the case of Hamdan v. Rumsfeld.
Back in February 2002, the President did not simply determine that al Qaeda suspects captured in Afghanistan had no right to prisoner of war status; what he said was that they were not protected by the Geneva Conventions at all. Those detainees, he asserted, had absolutely no legal claim to humane treatment: If the U.S. decided not to abuse them, it did so as a matter of policy. Unsurprisingly, this initial determination set the stage for much of the abusive treatment that followed.
(Misinterpreter In Chief, Findlaw, emphasis added). Oh no, the preznit blush misinterpreted the law ... now rare can that be.
What would shock and awe the hell out of most folk would be if he ever interpreted a law coherently.
COMMENT #54 [Permalink]
Joseph S. Spiezio
said on 7/23/2007 @ 10:03 am PT...
Impeachment MUST be put back on the table! The Progressive Democrats in this country feel betrayed by the majority leaders in both houses! Democrats came out strong at the voting booth, in order to stop the war in Iraq, and remove a criminal administration from office, before more harm to the country could take place. Nothing has changed! The killing in an illegal war continues! People are still being illegally wiretapped! The assault on the Constitution continues with reckless abandon! The Justice Department is dysfunctional! And, the public continues being ripped off by out of control corporations who are engaging in war profiteering! In addition to the above mentioned items, let's not forget how Vice President Cheney's energy policy has tripled the cost of a tank of gasoline, and heating oil, in the last six years!
The Bush Administration makes the Mafia look like a church tea group. Cheney, Bush, and the rest of the crooks in this administration belong in prison! This entire administration should be impeached NOW! None of this criminal Bush Administration bull**** would be happening if congress was doing their job! Republicans in congress are aiding and abetting the Bush administration criminals! In addition to that, this man Libby, has been tried, convicted, and NOT jailed, for his illegal activities! Then again, I'm not surprised. Consider the fact that "DICK" Cheney is the one responsible for Libby's law breaking, and will do whatever it takes to protect Libby, in order to save his own criminal rear end! Cheney and Bush must be impeached NOW!
And let's not forget that crooked little weasel Gonzales! Congress has been standing by, and allowing the crimes of this administration to take place in plain view and not doing a thing to stop them. Allowing this criminal administration to continue breaking the law with impunity is not only a travesty, but a violation of the oath that congress takes to protect and uphold the constitution! Violating the oath of office is in itself a crime. Congress must begin representing the people of this country and doing the job they were elected to do! If they don't, there will be a price to pay!
For Bush to expand his powers, to the extent where the executive branch answers to no one, is absurd! It's obvious that the White House, knowing they have broken laws for which they could be thrown into jail, will do
anything in their power to keep out of prison! They have stacked the courts in their favor so that they will never
be found guilty of anything. Consider the judge who just dismissed the Plame case! THIS IS WHY IMPEACHMENT
To congress: Remove the crooks from office! Send the crooks to prison! Throw away the key!
COMMENT #55 [Permalink]
said on 7/23/2007 @ 10:12 am PT...
Please impeach Vice President Cheyney first.
COMMENT #56 [Permalink]
said on 7/24/2007 @ 6:30 am PT...
I don't want them impeached, I want them arrested and transported to the Hague and tried under the International Criminal Court--for WAR CRIMES. Under the ICC--and yes, I'm aware that we are not a signatory--war criminals can be arrested and tried if the country of origin refuses to do so. Since Speaker Pelosi and the Democrats in the Senate are refusing to do so--under the Constitution perogative of IMPEACHMENT--then, the ICC will have jurisdiction over their crimes against humanity. The Republican war is illegal; they committed war crimes, including torture, secret detentions and rendition without due process. Impeachment is nothing; they should be tried at the Hague in the International Criminal Court alongside Slobodan Milosevic. Such "due process" is justice; and it is far more than they've given to thousands of others, some of them Americans like Padilla, they've kidnapped and rendered and imprisoned and tortured.
COMMENT #57 [Permalink]
said on 7/25/2007 @ 6:35 am PT...
I do not understand exactly how this impeachment stuff works, I have been around for a while, and as I understood the Founding Fathers perception was to find a way for the people to go to Congress and make it clear that if the President was not doing the People's Business or just flat out doing his own thing, that we had a right to fire him (or her) by telling our elected officials what we want, I had no idea that we were going to elect so many deaf and illiterate politicians, this is the excuse I am giving for the elected officials that are not listening or reading what We the People are saying, but the great part of all of this group - they are all making We the People more determined to take back OUR Government. So for that let's give Bush & his group a big thumbs up. Now let's get on to impeachment and show the world that we know how to change a regime without bombs or soldiers