"The Battle For America"
(70 Responses so far...)
COMMENT #1 [Permalink]
said on 1/28/2007 @ 4:53 pm PT...
I am on side of the people. They have proven their case ... it is government that has not proven its case.
COMMENT #2 [Permalink]
big dan
said on 1/28/2007 @ 6:04 pm PT...
The electronic vote machines come under the corporate side, certainly not the "we the people" side.
COMMENT #3 [Permalink]
said on 1/28/2007 @ 6:42 pm PT...
Sounds like Kasich has learned nothing since 1980. "Sunny disposition"? And what again is it we are supposed to be celebrating? He wants Edwards to be another Reagan? It's "morning in America". I think I'll head on down the elm-lined main street, greet all the folks rocking on their front porches with a "good afternoon", stop by the ice cream parlor for a sundae, do a little banking business with the adorable old town banker, go to the library to check out some Horatio Alger books, get home and apply myself. What a country!
COMMENT #4 [Permalink]
big dan
said on 1/28/2007 @ 6:44 pm PT...
Bernie Sanders said the corporate mainstream media is the umbrella under which all the corporate corruption can flourish. So the CMSM is the problem. The #1 problem. If the CMSM shed light on e-vote machines, they would be gone by now. If the CMSM in-depth examined both the 2000 and 2004 exit poll discrepancies and thousands of documented vote fraud problems, maybe Buscho wouldn't be in there. There are many 9/11 questions that the public is demanding answers for, and the CMSM has a lockdown on 9/11 reporting. The CMSM is not reporting on Blackwater and Halliburton, no-bid contracts, how Cheney setup Halliburton in between being in office in the Reagan/Bush I years and Bushco years, and how he gave no-bid contracts to them. The CMSM was complicit in the run-up to the Iraq War, with embedded (in bed) reporters with the Pentagon and Bushco.
Anyone notice that when Anderson Cooper finally did some excellent news coverage on Katrina, they moved him? He used to come on right after Lou Dobbs. I think I'm the only person in America to ever point this out!
The CMSM TELLS us the presidential issues, and National Health Care is not one of them. How dare they be the ones driving the issues that WE think are important? Bernie Sanders said that polls said that National health Care was the public's #1 issue, but the CMSM and the presidential candidates DO NOT TALK ABOUT IT!
Corporate media consolidation, beginning with the corporate stooge Reagan's repealing of the Fairness Doctrine, is now becoming the public's #1 issue, so that's a huge advance. People are realizing that FOX News, Limbaugh and Hannity and ANBCBSNNX are corporate propoganda, not news. Comparing LINK-TV and Free Speech TV to the "corporate crap" will tell anyone with half a brain what's going on. All you have to do, like I do, is go to daily, cut/paste their headlines, and do the same for FOX, CNN, ABC, NBC, & CBS (it takes 5 minutes), and you'll see what the networks DON'T WANT YOU TO KNOW! Like Blackwater for example.
They LIE in the CMSM, and then do a back-page retraction when caught with their pants down, OR DON'T RETRACT AT ALL! The NYTimes issued a half-hearted retraction not on the front page, "Sorry, we're responsible for drumming up the Iraq War" buried somewhere.....years after the did it...WHILE DRUMMING UP AN IRAN WAR!
I posted Bernie Sanders breathtakingly great speech at the 2007 Media Reform Conference, now you must watch the opening of the conference with this speech by Bill Moyers...
This is important to watch! Don't blow it off! It's the #1 issue and problem in our country! It's how corporations and elites tell us and our nation, what the issues are...AND THEY ARE NOT OUR ISSUES!!!!!!!!!
The view they're pitching us is the view of the few...the 1% elites and corporations that have over 90% of all the money.
Bernie said the CMSM is supposed to be the mirror through which we see the nation and the world. If the 1% view is controlling that mirror, what are we seeing?
Let's watch and compare next week, the CMSM coverage, Limbaugh and Hannity, FOX, etc...the CMSM coverage of the protest in Washington...and compare it to Democracy NOW! 's coverage. Start comparing!
Let's get Brad to put up a weekly vote on who Limbaugh and Hannity have orders to smear this week.
Vote for: Jane Fonda, Russ Feingold, etc...
I am not a journalist, reporter, writer, etc...I'm just some guy like you, but I'm not stupid, and NEITHER ARE YOU!
This concludes my rant about the corporate mainstream media for now...signed, 'just some guy'
COMMENT #5 [Permalink]
big dan
said on 1/28/2007 @ 6:50 pm PT...
And why is everyone afraid to comment? I love reading people's comments more than the articles! I don't even go on blogs that don't allow comments! I've learned more from people's comments than anything else!
COMMENT #6 [Permalink]
Agent 99
said on 1/28/2007 @ 7:22 pm PT...
I am so shocked and appalled by John Edwards just now that I can say that not even FOX commentary is as ugly as what he himself is doing. No way to lead us into a brighter future folks.
COMMENT #7 [Permalink]
said on 1/28/2007 @ 7:39 pm PT...
Big Dan LIGHTS IT UP, of course so did Bradblog.
But straight up dude your lit, your on exactly what I been sayin!
I heard the Michael Medved Show sayin how bla bla bla the Fairness Doctrine will just lead to drull dreary drugery.
BS. Mr Medved. It leads to the truth, something that AMERICA ain't been aware of for some time now.
Bring back the fairness doctrine, I'd be happy to present all sides of all issues. We already know where you are on the issue.
PS: In my mind BD, your not, just some guy! Your very frustrated just like I am. Personally I don't want to hear Hannidy or The Purple pill fatso fiasco. But if fairness is where it's at then maybe it should spin their heads.
I don't like to be wrong--personally. I am ocassionally. But if you set in motion FAIRNESS then nobody can say they were not aware. One problem I SEE
is that this UNFAIRNESS DOCTRINE has been going so long it's like it's time for some Divirsity ... the situation where you click click click through the channels and you see nothing that matters in the world, for America. It's like the fairness part needs to decide, hmm, two equal debators better let the one who hasn't had AIRTIME transmit.
Okay, I'll let everyone do the math on that.
Im out, but Big Dan. Don't say that about yourself, your 100% onto the exact thing I am!
COMMENT #8 [Permalink]
Larry Bergan
said on 1/28/2007 @ 10:08 pm PT...
Another great forum from the media conference where Bernie sanders spoke was the one moderated by the great American moderator Phil Donahue.
Donahue comments on the use of language to subtly steer American thought saying:
"Newspapers report that candidates announce they are conservative and others admit they are liberal"
A questioner from the audience added that CNN and FOX reported on the Democrat Democratic victories in November as a "takeover" as if it was some kind of a coop and Phil jumped in to say that in 1994, it was a Republican "revolution."
How subliminal of them.
COMMENT #9 [Permalink]
Larry Bergan
said on 1/28/2007 @ 10:13 pm PT...
If these unconscionable networks could make money off of making apple pie a pejorative, they would.
Hell, for fifty cents they would make apple pie a pejorative.
COMMENT #10 [Permalink]
said on 1/29/2007 @ 12:39 am PT...
John Edwards is a hypocrite just like many of you here, he just sold his other house to people who contributed to his campaign and are being investigated. Stop the spinning here you people watch O'Reilly way to much!!!!
COMMENT #11 [Permalink]
said on 1/29/2007 @ 5:30 am PT...
You know every time you flip on the tv (owned by military-industrial complex) or pick up a newspaper owned by the conglomerates supporting the militaty -industrial complex, even the radio airwaves owned by these same conglomerates: you are LETTING THEM THINK FOR YOU. Anyone remember the studies of people watching tv, back in the 70's I think, measuring brainwave activity? After just a few minutes peoples brainwaves FLATLINED! Line up little zombies, and just leave the THINKING to us.
On another note, did you catch the fact that in higher education funding now, if you go into math or science you can have student loans forgiven. Not so for free thinking wellspoken english, plilosophy, or humanities-based students. Keep lining up those consumer controlled zombies, they need MORE, MORE, MORE......................................................
COMMENT #12 [Permalink]
said on 1/29/2007 @ 5:33 am PT...
Alans #10
I watched part of an O'Reilly show once. And you are right, it was more than I could stomach.
The US spends more money on war than the rest of the world put together.
We eat, drink, talk, and worship war so much that the infection spreads to everyone sooner or later ... unless one has a personal campaign to not let it infect them.
Peace out!!!
COMMENT #13 [Permalink]
said on 1/29/2007 @ 5:42 am PT...
The current morph in the US is a morph into neoCons. The story of Joe Lieberman shows that it infects the democratic party as well.
Lieberman is now saying he may switch to the republican party (link) ... the republican party that suffered the greatest neoCon infection which cost them the trust of the majority of the American people, and the majority in the congress in the '06 election.
If Edwards is moving in that direction too, he too will pass into the black hole of failed political positioning. He will die of the neoCon disease along with Abramoff, Ney, Delay, Allen, etc.
Meanwhile lets impeach Bush/Cheney.
COMMENT #14 [Permalink]
said on 1/29/2007 @ 5:44 am PT...
I find it amusing that a man who preaches about the great class divide in this country just purchased a million dollar home in North Carolina. Oh, woe is me, he's practically slumming.
COMMENT #15 [Permalink]
said on 1/29/2007 @ 5:44 am PT...
Also in many schools now they are implementing BULLY LAWS. How about we apply those same laws to talking headache shows. Just because you scream louder or faster than some one with a different opinion, does not mean the shit you spew is even intelligent. I mean if you put those talking headache people in front of the principal they would be made to engage in civilized conversation, NOT A SCREAMING MATCH!
COMMENT #16 [Permalink]
said on 1/29/2007 @ 6:01 am PT...
Dredd, I think the people of Con-neticut ought to take a very close look at their e-vote systems, including optical scan tabulators. I'm convinced Zionist Joe didn't win!
COMMENT #17 [Permalink]
said on 1/29/2007 @ 6:10 am PT...
What this ying yang is saying is that we should celebrate the "fact" that all of us could become self-made millionaires or get in bed with corporations so that we can satisfy the pre-requisites for running for office! Pardon me for wanting to be able to and have others be able to have a different line to stand in to represent all of us instead of corporate and wealthy America in government! Pardon me while I bend over and wretch something you don't want to see.
COMMENT #18 [Permalink]
said on 1/29/2007 @ 6:24 am PT...
Why can't a rich person fight for the poor? That line of thinking is exactly what's wrong with this country. Do you think maybe, just for a second, that he might be sincere? Those living in poverty don't exactly wear out the voting booth. He has nothing to gain from this. Personally, it sounds to me like you (and every other hater) are 1) jealous of his digs and 2) wishing you had that much heart.
Peace out.
COMMENT #19 [Permalink]
said on 1/29/2007 @ 8:48 am PT...
First - Big Dan is so correct, this weekend I noticed at least 3 Republican/conservatives, different networks, with the same rhetoric " blah blah, we haven't had a terriost attack in 5 years, our economy is better than ever." Absolutely incredible that the wording was almost verbatim !!!
Strange how these robots,aren't concerned about our falling behind in education, our sky high medical costs, our jobs being farmed out to other countries, or the fact that China's inport tarrif is 5 times higher than ours, with a limit of quantity of what we can import. Gee, just minor problems.
I can respect John Edwards, at least he can understand a lower income family better than those who STARTED OUT with college already paid for by dad. Do some reading, the case he made the most on was definitely an honest case.
I am not for all law suits, ie. hot coffee, metal ladders used improperly, but when a company is notified of problems and lack of correction causes crippling of a small child, not a parental irresponsibility, a company needs a costly wake up call. Try finding attorneys willing to take on a large company with endless resources, not too easy. So save your jealousy for someone more deserving.
I like John Edwards and unless I find something out different I would like an Edwards- Obama ticket. The job of righting this country after Bush's debacle will be immense, we need people used to working against odds.
COMMENT #20 [Permalink]
big dan
said on 1/29/2007 @ 9:10 am PT...
What's on Democracy NOW! today???????
Headlines for January 29, 2007
- Antiwar Groups Rally in Washington
- U.S. and Iraqi Forces Kill 300 Gunmen in Najaf
- Gates: Resolution Opposing War Escalation "Emboldens the Enemy"
- Senate Unanimously OKs Petraeus to Head Iraq Forces
- Bush Defends Policy to Kill Iranians in Iraq
- Report: Turkey Considers Invading Northern Iraq
- Canada Pays Maher Arar $9M Settlement
- Suicide Bombing Kills Three in Israel
- Israel Faces Possible Sanctions Over Cluster Bombs
- New Orleans Officials Threaten Tenant Attorney
- Molly Ivins Hospitalized
Rep. Maxine Waters, Rep. John Conyers, Rep. Lynn Woolsey, Navy Seaman Jonathan Hutto, Bob Watada & Others Call for End to Iraq War at Anti-War Rally in Washington
Anti-war protesters filled the streets of Washington on Saturday in one of the largest protests since the invasion of Iraq. Veterans and military families joined lawmakers, peace groups and celebrities to urge Congress and President Bush to bring the troops home now. Protest organizers United For Peace and Justice estimated 500,000 took part in the demonstration. In California, smaller rallies were held in San Francisco, Los Angeles and Sacramento. In Washington, marchers converged on the National Mall for a two-hour rally. The crowd included people who came on 300 buses from 40 states.
"Silence Is No Longer An Option": Jane Fonda, Sean Penn, Susan Sarandon and Tim Robbins Speak Out
On Saturday Jane Fonda took part in her first anti-war protest since the Vietnam War. "I haven't spoken at an anti-war rally for 34 years," Fonda said. "But silence is no longer an option." Meanwhile actor Tim Robbins called for the impeachment of President Bush.
COMMENT #21 [Permalink]
big dan
said on 1/29/2007 @ 9:12 am PT...
What's on FOX? I just cut/paste'd this from their website:
Battle Strikes Blow at Cult200 in sect killed in gunfight with Iraqi, U.S. forces
Troops also wound 60 terrorists, capture 120 near Najaf; officials claim the cult was plotting to kill pilgrims at Shiite festival | VIDEO
• Sen. Clinton to Bush: 'Extricate' U.S. From Iraq
• Iran Reveals Plan to Expand Economic, Military Ties With Iraq
Overrun at the Border?General to explain 'tactical retreat' from gunmen
Arizona lawmakers hope to find out what really happened when 4 Nat'l Guardsmen reportedly retreated from armed men | VIDEO
Fishermen Disappear in Icy SeasHope fades for crew of four missing after New Bedford, Mass., fishing boat sinks in frigid Nantucket Sound
Show of Faith
PHOTOS: Iraqi kids beat themselves with chains during Muharram, a Shiite period of mourning, in Karbala.
Latest News •Most Read •Bomber Kills 3, Self at Israeli Bakery | VIDEO
Body Found in Wheel Well of Jet at LAX
World's Oldest New Mom Seeks Young Love
Shaq Nabs Alleged Hit-and-Run Driver | VIDEO
How Taxing! Many Form 1099s to Be Sent Late
Moscow Mayor: Gay Rights Parade 'Satanic'
Castro Death Party Planned in Orange Bowl
U.N. Chief Seeks Darfur Peacekeeper Support
Las Vegas Cops Hunt Priest in Sex Case
Dad of Boy Found in Septic Tank 'Devastated'
PM Slams 'Birth-Giving Machines' Comment
Homicide Bomber Kills Two in Pakistan
First Catholic Priest in Congress Dies at 86
Barbaro Suffers Another Setback
Masked Men Drive Into Store, Keep Going
Taxman: No Free Space Trip for You
Body of Stowaway Found in Wheel Well of Jet That Landed at LAX
Cheney Nearly Breaks Reagan's 11th Commandment
Aunt of Montana Boy Found Dead in Septic Tank Says Dad 'Devastated'
Shaquille O'Neal Chases Down Alleged Hit-and-Run Driver
Refrigerator-Sized Chunk of Ice Crushes Car in Florida
Iraqi Forces Kill Estimated 200 Terrorists in Najaf
World's Oldest New Mother Looking for a Younger Husband
Cops Search for Missing Former Miss Brazil
Hospice Helps Dying Man Lose His Virginity
Whiteout Conditions Blamed for 20-Car, 4-Truck Pileup in Michigan
Marcheline Bertrand, Mother of Angelina Jolie, Dies in Los Angeles
Kentucky Derby Winner Barbaro Suffers Another Setback
Kuwaiti Paper Ordered to Close Over 'Indecent' Pics of Saddam Granddaughter
Missing Montana Boy, 3, Found Dead in Septic Tank
Missouri Kidnap Suspect Had Good Childhood, Neighbors Say
The Police to Perform Surprise Gig at 2007 Grammys
COMMENT #22 [Permalink]
big dan
said on 1/29/2007 @ 9:14 am PT...
COMMENT #23 [Permalink]
big dan
said on 1/29/2007 @ 9:15 am PT...
Here's CNN's "top stories" off their website:
Hearing on Katrina recovery issues
Suicide bomber kills 3 in Israel bakery
Wife, 65, fought lion with log | Read
Climate experts slam global warming report
Stowaway's body found in 747 wheel well
Clinton's 'evil, bad men' quip gets Iowa laughs
Genetic tests bring hope, fear | How it works
Super pogo stick: Able to leap small vehicles
College can be a crash course in debt | CNNU
Angelina Jolie's mother dies
Shot, refrigerated 2 days but duck kept living
'Sunshine' lights up SAG honors | Gallery
CNN Wire: Latest updates on world's top stories
COMMENT #24 [Permalink]
big dan
said on 1/29/2007 @ 9:16 am PT...
COMMENT #25 [Permalink]
big dan
said on 1/29/2007 @ 9:18 am PT...
And Limbaugh's syndicated 1-minute "cut-in's" on radio today, he was railing against UNIONS...A CORPORATE AMERICA SENTIMENT!!!!!!!!
There was NO far as the propoganda CMSM was concerned!
COMMENT #26 [Permalink]
said on 1/29/2007 @ 9:26 am PT...
Tx Lady - you're so much nicer than I am. Guess I've just had enough.
COMMENT #27 [Permalink]
big dan
said on 1/29/2007 @ 9:34 am PT...
Why is Kristol all over TV, and Bernie Sanders - someone we actually ELECTED INTO OFFICE, NOT LIKE KRISTOL - is all over TV every day???????????????
COMMENT #28 [Permalink]
big dan
said on 1/29/2007 @ 9:36 am PT...
New Trouble For Barbaro Watch
Vet Says Horse Did Not Have A Good Night Following Weekend Surgery
Suicide Bomber Kills 3 In Israel Watch
Hamas Spokesman Calls Attack "Natural Response" To Israeli Military Operations
Space Ride Dream Doomed By IRS Reality
Man Wins Free Trip To Space, But Cancels After Learning He'd Owe $25,000 In Taxes
Mountain Lion Attack Victim Worsens Watch
Hiker Airlifted To San Francisco For More Surgery; Downgraded From Fair To Serious Condition
Vermont Prison Paroles Cats
Female Inmates' Love-Hate Relationship With Stray Cats Prompts Superintendent To Give Them Away
Iraq: 200 Militants Killed In Najaf Battle
COMMENT #29 [Permalink]
big dan
said on 1/29/2007 @ 9:38 am PT...
200 Militants Killed in 'Soldiers of Heaven' Battle
Ex-Press Man Fleischer Testifies in CIA Trial
Biden: 80% of Senate Opposes Iraq Troop Surge
Stowaway's Body Found in Jet's Wheel Well at LAX
Hillary & 'Evil Men' | VOTE: Was the Joke on Bill?
Royals Wrap Up U.S. Tour | PHOTOS
Bob Woodruff, One Year Later | VIDEO
'20/20' In Touch: Waiting for the World to Change: Children of Camden
Celebrity Jewels: All That Glitters
Granny Cheerleaders Break It Down!
Oldest New Mom Lied About Her Age | VOTE
Angelina Jolie's Mother Dies of Cancer
Charles, Camilla Tour Ends: Royal Magic Gone?
Barbaro Suffers 'Significant Setback' | PHOTOS
Amanda Congdon: Candidates Embrace the Special Sauce of the Internet | MORE
COMMENT #30 [Permalink]
big dan
said on 1/29/2007 @ 9:40 am PT...
NBC news
• Iraqis: 200 militants killed | • Video
• Bomber kills 3, self at Israeli resort
• Woods wins 7th straight PGA event
• SAG awards love Whitaker, Mirren
• Public breast-feeding exposes divide
• A guy's guide: How not to be a boob
• WP: Iowans pan, praise Clinton | Video: 'Evil men'
• Ari Fleischer takes the stand at Libby trial | Video
• Review: Office 2007 is truly revolutionary | Discuss
• Newsweek: Is Sen. Hagel a president in the making?
• Survivor of mountain lion attack worsens | Video
COMMENT #31 [Permalink]
said on 1/29/2007 @ 9:56 am PT...
Isn't amazing the different take we all have on the same issues? I see a media that has sold out, changed their view from informing to conforming.
Yet on the CBS Sunday Morning Show, Ben Stein ( I think was his name) went on and on about the media doing the voting instead of the public, that the media was doing the hatchet job on Bush's fabulous economy.
What do the conservative's see that I don't, I wonder?
Again and again I am grateful for this blog, and the others that must be facing odds to even allow this discussion.
COMMENT #32 [Permalink]
big dan
said on 1/29/2007 @ 10:03 am PT...
t-lady: They are NOT conservatives. They say they are, but guys like Ben Stein are corporatives - I just made that word up just now.
Corporatives "pretend" and "say" they are conservatives, because conservatives are gullible...real conservatives are gullible.
The CMSM also plays along and calls these guys conservatives. Limbaugh and Hannity are self-proclaimed conservatives. Ask a REAL conservative like Ron Paul, if these guys are conservatives, and he will say, "NO"!
COMMENT #33 [Permalink]
big dan
said on 1/29/2007 @ 10:06 am PT...
We DO NOT all have different "takes"...the CMSM makes it SEEM that way, by putting only "corporatives" on TV. There is NO GLOBAL WARMING DEBATE among scientists, according to Bernie Sanders. THE CMSM MADE IT UP, AND THE CORPORATIVES! You just proved that tactic works. It works on millions of people across the U.S. Or at least the CMSM makes it "appear" as if there is a 50/50 debate on what Ben Stein was talking about.
In the leadup to the Iraq War, the CMSM showed 90+ % pro-war views, even though the country was split on it. Making it "appear" EVERYONE was for the war.
COMMENT #34 [Permalink]
big dan
said on 1/29/2007 @ 10:36 am PT...
Here's what it is, folks: I'm getting sick of being bombarded with corporate media propoganda every where I go. I turn on my radio, and Rush Limbaugh cuts into what I'm listening to, with a syndicated anti-union rant today. I look in the paper, and they say a U.S. helicopter was shot down defending someone...then they retract it, etc...then it's Blackwater, Buscho & the GOP's private "military within the military"...I know there's a big anti-war rally in WashDC, and the radio cut-in's interview a guy who thinks Jane Fonda is a traitor - like that's what the protest of a half a million people was about. Then you turn on your TV and see Ben Stein, Kristol, Newt Gingrich...CORPORATE MOUTHPIECES WE NEVER ELECTED TO ANYTHING...and you won't see Bernie Sanders or Ted Kennedy...PEOPLE WE DID ELECT TO OFFICE!
What's going on????????????
I can't help it, if I'm smart, and I'm getting pissed at all this CMSM propoganda EVERYWHERE I TURN!!!
COMMENT #35 [Permalink]
big dan
said on 1/29/2007 @ 10:38 am PT...
I go into a coffee shop across the street where I work, and the have on FOX News, and I want to throw a brick through the can't escape the propoganda, and it's "off the charts" EVERYWHERE!!! Buses, airplanes, coffee shops, radio....
COMMENT #36 [Permalink]
said on 1/29/2007 @ 11:28 am PT...
Dan - the only way to change this is to turn on the Lou Dobbs, Keith Olbermann, Anderson Cooper any program that allows a conversation covering both sides. Ratings, Ratings, ratings is all the shareholders care about. When the ratings rise like it or not the stations will start covering these issues.
The everywhere station Fox is in all the banks around where I live. Stated my opinion and got just a patronizing smile.
COMMENT #37 [Permalink]
big dan
said on 1/29/2007 @ 11:47 am PT...
T-Lady: Why don't we start something, where we all start requesting that public places turn off FOX News? Or we won't patronize them?
COMMENT #38 [Permalink]
said on 1/29/2007 @ 12:01 pm PT...
You might have a point. Just won a victory over an over charge on a medical bill for my husband and am feeling lucky....I will try it.
Also, try googling wayne madsen..seems that he is always a day or so ahead of news that comes out. The new heat beam that can disperse crowds, the still strange capitulation of Kerry to Bush on the yet another suspicious vote win.
COMMENT #39 [Permalink]
big dan
said on 1/29/2007 @ 1:50 pm PT...
I throw medical bills in the garbage without opening them, or shred them if I'm abmitious.
COMMENT #40 [Permalink]
said on 1/29/2007 @ 1:50 pm PT...
To address the blog article, does anyone wonder that if these same opportunities are available to all Americans, why the same 1% have 90% of the wealth? Are the 90% of us just plain stupid and can't figure out how to do it? Or maybe we just aren't willing to work hard enough? (My back doesn't think so.) Or maybe the rest of us just aren't willing to play their manipulative, backstabbing, cutthroat games to get to the top. Yeah, yeah, that's the ticket.
COMMENT #41 [Permalink]
said on 1/29/2007 @ 1:57 pm PT...
Right back atcha:
Fox News, giant corporations and the super rich that own them, according to this corner and as articulated by me, should just accept their lot in life without complaint yet remain motivated by the unlikely prospect of striking gold.
- Tom
COMMENT #42 [Permalink]
big dan
said on 1/29/2007 @ 2:50 pm PT...
And, on my way home from work, Sean PropogHannity had "the works": a caller who said the signs at the protest were so obscene he's glad he didn't have his kids with him, a war hero vet that said they spit on him, referring to Jane Fonda guessed it..."Hanoi Jane", and on and on and on the corporate moutpiece propogands goes...stating over and over and over they are "fighting for our freedom" in Iraq, ....
Why does Sean PropogHannity want U.S. soldiers to die?
COMMENT #43 [Permalink]
big dan
said on 1/29/2007 @ 3:40 pm PT...
ABC News lead off @ 6:30 pm with a horse being "put down"...I kid you not!!! After watching 35 straight solid minutes of the protest coverage, I flicked to ABC, and they had a story about a f***ing HORSE being put down!!! I'M NOT KIDDING!!!!!!!!!!
COMMENT #44 [Permalink]
big dan
said on 1/29/2007 @ 3:43 pm PT...
Am I "popping up" with my comments? Or am I "beltin' 'em outta the park" like Ryan Howard of the Phillies? (58 hr's)
COMMENT #45 [Permalink]
big dan
said on 1/29/2007 @ 3:57 pm PT...
Tim Robbin's speech at the anti-war rally:
TIM ROBBINS: I don’t know if you heard the most recent news, just came over the wire: Karl Rove has been subpoenaed. Some have said recently that impeachment is off the table.
TIM ROBBINS: What was that?
TIM ROBBINS: On the train coming down here today, I talked to a young woman whose brother has just been deployed. Due to the recent Bush escalation, her brother is being rushed into action. Instead of the proper twelve-week training period, this young 20-year-old serviceman will hit the ground in a hostile land with two weeks’ training. Is impeachment still off the table?
TIM ROBBINS: This past November, the American people sent a resounding message to Washington, D.C. and the world: we want change. We want this war to end. And how did Bush respond? 21,500 more will risk their lives for his misguided war. Is impeachment still off the table?
TIM ROBBINS: Let's get him out of office! Let's get him out of office before ---
AUDIENCE: Impeach Bush! Impeach Bush! Impeach Bush! Impeach Bush! Impeach Bush! Impeach Bush!
TIM ROBBINS: Let's get hem out of office before he starts ruling from a bunker. Let's get him out of office before the only one on his side is his dog Barney. Nixon, Richard Nixon, talked to the walls. Bush is talking to God. But it's not a god I recognize. This god seems to be giving George a pass on some of his major commandments. This god seems to be OK with lying or bearing witness, as he puts it, against the US Congress, against the United States people, against the world, bearing false witness on weapons of mass destruction, bearing false witness on nuclear capability, bearing false witness on the imminent threat of Saddam, bearing false witness on the links between al-Qaeda and Iraq.
This god seems to be giving George a pass on stealing, stealing the resources of the Iraqi people, on squandering the hard-earned tax dollars of United States citizens for an unnecessary war! Money that could be used to intelligently fight against terrorism is squandered in a way and in a war that creates more terrorists. Money that could be helping the elderly, the poor, the infirm here at home is instead lining the pockets of war profiteers from Halliburton and private mercenary militias like Blackwater. But George's god says, "That's cool, George." His god tells him to honor his father and mother, but when his father tells him not to occupy Iraq, George's god counsels him to ignore his father.
Well, I think we have a different understanding of those commandments here. And let's not forget that most important one: thou shalt not kill. Thou shalt not kill or recklessly risk the lives of our brave men and women overseas. Over 3,000 dead. Over 50,000 wounded. Thou shalt not kill or needlessly risk the lives of Iraqi civilians. How many? 50,000? 200,000? 400,000? 650,000? Only God knows, George. Only God knows.
COMMENT #46 [Permalink]
said on 1/29/2007 @ 7:19 pm PT...
#44 Big Dan --- You're the heavy-hitter. You have their number and are giving them what they deserve. No slack for the corporatives.
#40 - Roger --- Or maybe the rest of us just aren't willing to play their manipulative, backstabbing, cutthroat games to get to the top. True, and you have to be into it to get anywhere --- workshops, "human relations", team-building...and all to smooth the way for the rapacious corporate monster. Count me out.
COMMENT #47 [Permalink]
said on 1/29/2007 @ 7:24 pm PT...
They don't give us any slack, do they?
COMMENT #48 [Permalink]
said on 1/29/2007 @ 7:31 pm PT...
This administration never missed a opportunity to put the screws to the poor & middle class. . .
Big Dan - How many keyboards have you warn out this year already ?
COMMENT #49 [Permalink]
big dan
said on 1/29/2007 @ 8:56 pm PT...
I was thinking that myself, joj. I type fast, I do it for a living. I'm a computer programmer.
One more: You blink your eyes, and look at what these creeps do, you can't keep up with them...
NY Times: Bush signs landmark executive order increasing power over federal agencies
This strengthens the hand of the White House in shaping rules that have, in the past, often been generated by civil servants and scientific experts. It suggests that the administration still has ways to exert its power after the takeover of Congress by the Democrats.
The White House said the executive order was not meant to rein in any one agency. But business executives and consumer advocates said the administration was particularly concerned about rules and guidance issued by the Environmental Protection Agency and the Occupational Safety and Health Administration.
Business groups welcomed the executive order, saying it had the potential to reduce what they saw as the burden of federal regulations.
COMMENT #50 [Permalink]
said on 1/29/2007 @ 9:22 pm PT...
Funny how all the folks that really understand this electronic voting issue, and can see through the Corporate media filter are just about all technicians.
I hear you BD on all the crap, I did the same thing, looking , click click click, for any possibility the CMSM is going to come around. (A few around here keep saying they are finally coming around) No they're still not coming around. They will need to be forced to come around with gorilla tactics.
Stock the CMSM, follow them everywhere, and when they go live at the last second, CHANGE THE TOPIC! Whip our a protest sign. etc.
Cause they ain't gonna change, but we can make their lives a living hell , and make them un-welcome when they ask their fluff story questions.
Sure the local starbucks, or the malls will welcome them (THEY HAVE BUSINESS INTEREST CALLED ADVERTISING) so your not going to get through that way, but you can predict where they will be. Example around new years/xmas, it's a good bet they will have a mobile satellite truck at the airport.
I don't know what else to say, where do they get their press pass (press passes are bullshit if you ask me) from, what comments are in their "public file?"
There are ways to make being CMSM a living hell.
COMMENT #51 [Permalink]
said on 1/29/2007 @ 9:26 pm PT...
"They have turned Governing into Sport . . . . . Which does neither any good" . . . J.O.J.
COMMENT #52 [Permalink]
said on 1/29/2007 @ 9:36 pm PT...
Arry - No, not even a bone . . .
COMMENT #53 [Permalink]
Larry Bergan
said on 1/30/2007 @ 12:59 am PT...
Thanks for typing up Tim Robbin's great speech Big Dan. It's a good time to remind everybody how selfless it is to be a star like Robbins, Fonda, Sarandon, Pearlman, Penn, The Dixie Chicks, ect and to become political. It always damages your bottom line and opens you up to ridicule, even accusations of being a traitor these days.
I guess you have to give Tom Selleck and other Republicans credit too. It takes guts to take a stand no matter what side you're on. They have suffered too.
Oh, go away Hannity, you're not a star any more then Joe McCarthy was.
COMMENT #54 [Permalink]
Larry Bergan
said on 1/30/2007 @ 1:04 am PT...
Did everybody notice John Conyers beaming proudly while the crowd shouted IMPEACH BUSH?
Great moment!
COMMENT #55 [Permalink]
Agent 99
said on 1/30/2007 @ 2:54 am PT...
Well, I noticed somebody shouting them down from the podium to keep on schedule, and I wanted to reach through my screen and strangle her. Fuck the schedule! The crowd was coming to life. It could have been the shout heard 'round the world. Dammit.
COMMENT #56 [Permalink]
big dan
said on 1/30/2007 @ 7:13 pm PT...
The best thing you can do, is post all the propoganda you here.
On Monday, Hannity had (supposedly) a war vet on, who said they spit in his face at the Saturday WDC protest.
1. How did he get on Hannity's show 24 hours after the protest? Did Hannity interrupt his scheduled guests? Did he call Hannity on a Sunday, and say, "I'm a war vet who got spit in the face at the protest...can you have me on your show on Monday?" OR...was this planned BEFORE the protest even happened?
2. This "war vet" called the Code Pink women "Pinko's", Jane Fonda "Hanoi Jane", pre-meditated hatred there, huh?
3. Someone on Hannity's show said the signs were obscene. Democracy NOW! showed 60 minutes of LIVE footage with no comments, of the protest, and I did not see ONE obscene sign. And that's live footage...not someone TELLING me what was there, like Sean Propoghannity.
The people who fall for this stuff are...there's only one word for it...STUPID!!!
COMMENT #57 [Permalink]
big dan
said on 1/30/2007 @ 7:16 pm PT...
Tim Robbins best line from his speech? Without a doubt, "Let's get him out of office, before he starts ruling from a bunker." Both great and funny at the same time! A reference to Hitler, no doubt...and his latest executive order, well...
COMMENT #58 [Permalink]
said on 1/30/2007 @ 8:24 pm PT...
The spitting thing is a lot of malarky. I don't believe it for a minute. It's an image the warmongers (and some vets) love compulsively, almost embrace.
Some of you have probably seen this article or similar, but just in case...
COMMENT #59 [Permalink]
Larry Bergan
said on 1/31/2007 @ 1:21 am PT...
Thanks for that article Arry. I've always doubted those stories. There's a local talk radio host here, who admits he's a Neocon. He has a big overblown story about some vets just back from Vietnam who were on a barge going under a bridge and hippies were above them pouring buckets of piss on them. He tells it as if he saw it himself. Bull!
I would say it's very true that veterans feel like people hate them, because they must be hanging on the fantasy that for all their trouble, they will be greeted and treated like kings for the rest of their lives, (which they probably should be to some extent), but the hard reality is that ain't the way things are. People who didn't serve don't like to have their mundane stories blown away by more important ones every time they open their mouths.
The liars who praise the vets and then fight to keep them down are doing much worse then spitting on them, by taking away their dignity and making them beg for assistance in the streets for the rest of their lives if they're unlucky enough to have lost their ability to be productive. Disgusting pigs!
COMMENT #60 [Permalink]
Larry Bergan
said on 1/31/2007 @ 1:32 am PT...
Agent 99:
There was a very animated lady on the stage who was speaking in sign language for the deaf waving her arms wildly to say impeach Bush. Are you sure that's not what you saw?
Something funny too! The rally went way over the time it was scheduled for on C-Span and the it postponed a live Hillary Clinton event entitled "Let's Begin The Discussion". I see great ironic humor in that. I wonder if the people there knew why nothing was happening for so long saying "YEAH, LETS BEGIN THE DAMN DISCUSSION ALREADY". That's what you get for standing by your man George Bush's war, Mrs. Clinton!
COMMENT #61 [Permalink]
Agent 99
said on 1/31/2007 @ 2:06 am PT...
It was the organizer who had been telling everyone to "wrap it up" in order to keep the speakers on a schedule. Conyers had just finished his piece and the crowd started chanting loudly, "Impeach!" And it was growing in volume and energy really quickly. Before they could get it out, say, six times, the organizer was bellowing over the loudspeaker to hush them for the next speaker. THE SPEAKERS WHO ARE THE GODDAM MOST IMPORTANT ARE THE PEOPLE! That organizer had the audacity to ask for money from the crowd when she was putting on a skit, not facilitating a protest. I'm still irked as hell about it. Let me at her! I'll smack her silly!
Conyers might not have been able to leave that rally without promising to impeach the stinking war pigs if she hadn't done that.
COMMENT #62 [Permalink]
big dan
said on 1/31/2007 @ 6:38 am PT...
AMY GOODMAN: In D.C., marchers converged on the National Mall for a two-hour rally. The crowd included people who came on 300 buses from 40 states.
PROTESTER 1: My name is Sean, and I’m from New York. I represent the Ya-Ya Youth Activist Youth Allies Network. I’m here to support everyone trying to stop the war and to bring the soldiers home.
PROTESTER 2: Hi. My name's Olivia, and I’m from Maryland, and I’m here to support the people in Iraq.
PROTESTER 3: My name’s Matt Carson from Toledo, Ohio, here to protest the war. Bring the troops home now.
PROTESTER 4: I’m Teddy Fishwin [phon.]. I am from South Carolina. And when South Carolina is against the war, you know that it's gone too far.
PROTESTER 5: My name is Ali Sadr [phon.]. I’m from Iran. Tehran, Iran. I was born in US. I was raised in Iran, and I left Iran after revolution. And I’m here to protest.
PROTESTER 6: Amanda. I am a Spanish people. And then, I’m not agree with this war, so I want to say just one thing: Bush, he can send his kids. His two girls, he has, right? I want to see how he will feel when they send over there to Iraq, and then I will see how he feel like a parent.
PROTESTER 7: My name is Pam Canine [phon.]. I’m from Yellow Springs, Ohio, home of Antioch College, and I’m here because I am sick of the lives wasted, the money squandered. It is time to bring our troops home and get down to sensible domestic and foreign policy.
PROTESTER 8: Yes, my name is Kwali Abdul Mohammed [phon.]. I’m here from Philly. I’m here to represent my family. Two of my fathers --- my grandfather and my father both died in a war. I have a nephew that's there now. I’m giving support to let Bush know that it’s no more war, no more war, no more war.
COMMENT #63 [Permalink]
big dan
said on 1/31/2007 @ 6:39 am PT...
AMY GOODMAN: Among those protesting were a number of lawmakers who opposed President Bush's escalation of the war, calling on the President to bring the troops home. Democratic Congressmember Maxine Waters of California was among them. She had sent a letter to every other member of the House, urging them to participate in the antiwar march. Congressmember Waters is a co-founder of the Out of Iraq Caucus. She addressed the crowd on the National Mall.
REP. MAXINE WATERS: You have come here today to save your country, to change the direction of this country and to tell George Bush, “Hell, no, we won't go!” I stand firmly with you. My name is Maxine Waters, and I’m not afraid of George W. Bush. My name is Maxine Waters, and I’m not intimidated by Dick Cheney. My name is Maxine Waters, and I I helped to get rid of Rumsfeld. My name is Maxine Waters, and Condi Rice is nothing but another neocon, and she doesn't represent me!
George W. Bush led us into this immoral war. He tricked the American people, and he told us there were weapons of mass destruction. He did not tell the truth. He came out on the battleship and said, “Mission accomplished.” He misled us again. He said we were working with the coalition of the willing. It was only a figment of his imagination. He said that we were moving forward with training the Iraqi soldiers who would take over the security. Where are they? They are nowhere. As a matter of fact, they're undermining our soldiers in this civil war. He said we were going to get proceeds from the oil that would be pumped back into Iraq so that it could be reconstructed. As a matter of fact, he told us he made these decisions; he said he is the decider. But you know what? He's not the decider. He is the liar!
Thank you for being here today. I want you to come to Capitol Hill and lobby on Monday and put some starch in the backs of the members of Congress and give them the courage that they need to do the right thing. It is alright to have some resolutions that are not binding, but the proof of the pudding is in the eating, and that will come when it's time to decide whether or not we're going to fund this immoral war. I will not vote one dime for this war! And when you come up here to lobby, you ask these members, “Are you going to support an appropriation to continue this war, to expand this war?” And you can tell the difference between those who are ready to bring our soldiers home and those who are only paying lip service. Don't forget, he is not the decider. He is the ---
REP. MAXINE WATERS: He is not the decider, he is the ---
REP. MAXINE WATERS: Bring our troops home!
COMMENT #64 [Permalink]
big dan
said on 1/31/2007 @ 6:40 am PT...
AMY GOODMAN: Congress member Conyers was joined by veterans, active-duty soldiers, military families. This is Iraq war vet Garrett Reppenhagen.
GARRETT REPPENHAGEN: I was a sniper in the First Infantry Division. I served one year in Iraq. Now I’m home. I’m still serving my country. I’m still serving my brothers and sisters and trying to get them home alive.
Iraq Veterans Against The War is the most progressive veteran organization in America right now. We’re growing. We’re quadrupled in size in the last year. Men and women are coming home, and they're pissed off. I listened to the State of the Union address, and in the 50 minutes of rambling, George Bush not once mentioned the word “veteran.” Not once. So that leads me to understand that, you know, where the intentions of this administration is. You know, our elected officials are no longer representing us as a majority of the country.
When I served in war, I thought I was serving honorably. I thought I was going because our country needed its defense and because there was an injustice in the world that needed to be stopped. Instead, I was sent to war without proper planning, without proper training, without proper equipment and for causes that have proved fraudulent.
We need to put pressure on our elected government and force them to represent us as a country and bring the troops home legitimately. Thank you.
COMMENT #65 [Permalink]
said on 1/31/2007 @ 8:30 am PT...
The spitting fantasy (and hippies on the bridge, e.g.) really intrigues me. I guarantee almost none of it happened. It seems to me that mainly what it does is shine a bright light onto a deep fear that maybe the protesters are right. If they truly are loving, committed, rational people their cause must be addressed. If they are so unpatriotic and evil that they would spit or pour urine on veterans who sacrificed so much...well, that you don't have to face the fact that they may be the good Americans, the good people.
BTW, I've only seen Sean Hannity once. (I'm glad BD keeps an eye on him and his ilk, though.) It was in a documentary about Michael Moore speaking at a small Utah college and the big controversy about it. Hannity spoke there, too. He talked about supporting "our commander-in-chief". It drove me nuts that nobody in the audience pointed out that he didn't know much about the Constitution.
COMMENT #66 [Permalink]
big dan
said on 1/31/2007 @ 10:48 am PT...
Saw it on Free Speech TV, Arry, that Utah/Hannity thing.
COMMENT #67 [Permalink]
said on 1/31/2007 @ 7:28 pm PT...
And (correct me if I'm wrong) Mormons believe the Constitution was divinely-inspired. Why aren't they out in front in the fight to save the Constitution?
The guy who wanted to prevent Michael Moore from speaking was the creepiest character I've ever seen on a screen. Beat out Ron Ziegler, Michael Chertoff, Dick Cheney, Freddie Kruger, and Hannibal Lechter.
Anyway...We're off corporations, but I appreciate Alan's tell-it-like-it-is title "The Battle for America". Long live "we the people".
COMMENT #68 [Permalink]
said on 1/31/2007 @ 7:55 pm PT...
Big Dan --- That's where I saw it, too. I love Free Speech Network and Link. Hate almost everything else on TV. To me, the corporate crap is virtually unwatchable. If I were a few years younger, I might be a guerrilla in the media wars like yourself, but I guess I fill some kind of niche.
COMMENT #69 [Permalink]
Larry Bergan
said on 1/31/2007 @ 11:52 pm PT...
That movie you guys saw about Utah was called "This Divided State". I have a copy and think it's great. That town Michael Moore spoke in is notoriously right wing, even for Utah. Can you believe those bastards tried to penalize the school for letting Mike speak?
The great ending to that story is that Hannity had been coming to that town to be the guest of honor every year on the 4th of July for a show called the "Stadium of Fire". When Michael Moore came, it caused so much controversy that Hannity was never invited back. THANK YOU MIKE! HA HA HA!
Utah is no different from most of the rest of the United States. They have taken over both our newspapers and all of the TV stations. Mormons believe in the constitution, but they also believe in being subject to their leaders. Orrin Hatch will go down in history as being instrumental in bringing the constitution to the brink.
Keith Olbermann said on his program that Utah's biggest city, Salt Lake, voted for Kerry in 2004. It has never been reported here and I'm not sure if he misspoke or not, but it is possible. Salt Lake has two Democratic Mayors. One believes Bush should be impeached and the other is related to Howard Dean. Go figure.
COMMENT #70 [Permalink]
said on 2/1/2007 @ 9:30 am PT...
I admire Rocky Anderson. The man tells it like it is. No "packaging" there.