Last week we covered the very lame duck, Mallard Filmore, whose right wingnut and unfunny creator Bruce Tinsley had been arrested, yet again, for drunkeness (in this second instance, while driving).
But there was more news of note last week from the rightwing comic strip world as Prickly City's creator Scott Stantis has been recuperating from rotator cuff surgery and Guest Cartoonists have been taking his place.
Here's how things began last week as the strip was taken over by centrist --- and apparently Democratic --- editorial cartoonist Matt Davies...
While Prickly City is nowhere near as strident, cloying, obnoxious, and irrelevant as Mallard, it also has the added benefit of being interesting and even mildly entertaining on occassion. Last week, however, with Davies at the helm, actual humor managed to find its way into just about each day's strip (even if by Thursday, they had gotten a bit knee-jerk.)
Credit is due Stantis for allowing a less-than-Republican to take things over, even if his strip had already become far less Republican-ish over the last year or so. Monday's toon is above, the rest of Davies' strips from last week follow below. The best one --- for our money --- was Wednesday's...