"CNN's Lou Dobb's: Monumental Failure of Diebold In Ohio"
(19 Responses so far...)
COMMENT #1 [Permalink]
big dan
said on 7/28/2006 @ 10:13 am PT...
Well, it's clear, that Lou Dobbs is on a relentless rampage to expose the truth about e-vote machines, and there's no stopping him.
Thank you, Lou Dobbs, we need this exposed.
COMMENT #2 [Permalink]
Freedom and Justice for All
said on 7/28/2006 @ 10:36 am PT...
Welcome to the United States of Israel.
COMMENT #3 [Permalink]
David Francis
said on 7/28/2006 @ 11:11 am PT...
I've spoken with my local Supervisor of Elections, in Seminole County Florida, and he told me that not only will sleepovers be happening here in the coming election, they will be all over the country. God help us...
COMMENT #4 [Permalink]
big dan
said on 7/28/2006 @ 11:56 am PT...
DF: I just do not understand how we can know this ahead of time...AND THEY DO IT ANYWAY! And nothing happens to them!!!!! WTF???
COMMENT #5 [Permalink]
big dan
said on 7/28/2006 @ 11:59 am PT...
Where's all the liberals with $$$ (actors, musicians, etc...)? I guess they're comfortable enough not to care that our democracy is gone. Maybe I'd be too, if I was rich (?)...
COMMENT #6 [Permalink]
said on 7/28/2006 @ 1:00 pm PT...
Big Dan, I've been wondering the same thing...esp. when the money was needed for the count in Busby/Bilbray. It would have been chump change for them. Guess Israel controls Hollywood. Don't see many movies that I consider good anymore either. Thought fascism was in bed with corporations. That's one business that does better with democracy.
COMMENT #7 [Permalink]
Grizzly Bear Dancer
said on 7/28/2006 @ 1:09 pm PT...
Open your mouth and say AH to the new amerikan agenda. 100 million dollars wasted.. 100 million dollar$ for a load of hackable riggable crap and a mouthful of lies from a group of greedy criminals with strong ties to the Bush administration who brought these machines to the American people to corrupt our votes and keep these fascist bastards in power. Thank you.
I get a strong warm and fuzzy patriotic feeling knowing that US forces under the direction of the Bushit admininstration are giving this same DEMOCRATIC system of political elections, free of malfunction errrors or even a hint of fraud to the citizens of IRAQ. Maybe one day, evoting will be the way the world votes. Let's prey for JEB. Since our Commander in Chief Bush has been speaking out and blaming IRAN for this mess in the Middle East, it might not be to long now until he orchestrates another 9/11 against us ( This time he can blame terrorists with ties to IRAN. More importantly, that way we can take their land over and give them this same form of GOD OLE USA DEMOCRACRACY we get here in the states.
Lou: you are doing a great job reporting the facts and delivering the truth on this issue. Keep up the good work! Thank you John of Bradblog for this fine thread.
COMMENT #8 [Permalink]
Charlie L
said on 7/28/2006 @ 1:31 pm PT...
MOLLY (#6) catch V IS FOR VENDETTA if you can, or at the very least, the short 7-minute "summary" of it on YouTube. There is occasionally some good film that comes out.
The best line in the film is definitely: "The people should not be afraid of their Government. The government should be afraid of the people."
Dobbs is one of the good guys, but it's not clear how far he reaches and how long he will be allowed to run with this. In the end, it is a corporation with a vested interest in Republican rule that signs his paycheck. He can run long and fast, but at some point that leash will snap taut.
COMMENT #9 [Permalink]
said on 7/28/2006 @ 2:31 pm PT...
At least someone in MSM is talking about this. Thanks, Lou! Keep it up.
COMMENT #10 [Permalink]
said on 7/28/2006 @ 2:38 pm PT...
IMO - Diebold is an anagram for Diablo
(The Devil)
Electronic Devil machines.
The millions spent on these corrupt boxen are costing us trillions of dollars and millions of lives now!
Perhaps these electronic voting machines are truly the gates to hell on planet earth.
I am not christian - just saying, hell is in your own mind... but in my mind this is hell on earth.
The corruption needs to be vanquished at all costs.
COMMENT #11 [Permalink]
said on 7/28/2006 @ 3:38 pm PT...
Sorry - but this is urgent:
"Two bills are moving rapidly through the U.S. House of Representatives that would undermine or eliminate critical public health and environmental protection programs. The legislation creates un-elected and unaccountable commissions with the authority to eliminate federal programs and agencies behind closed doors with no opportunity for public input."
"The legislation, H.R. 3282 and H.R. 5766, is moving through Congress with no public hearings, limited debate in Congress, and little opportunity for lawmakers to offer amendments."
Read about it and sign the petition here: Link
COMMENT #12 [Permalink]
Grizzly Bear Dancer
said on 7/28/2006 @ 3:49 pm PT...
#10 At all costs? "We the people" can't even get a recount on an fraud ridden San Diego runoff election at what??? costs because our government has been so infiltrated over the years (locally) by so many Bushit Fascist Mike Hass types ah-sses that you might reconsider changing yer tune to writting a U.N. organization or some sympathetic Chinese Dictator for help instead.
To this day there has been NO HAND RECOUNT TO DETERMINE/VERIFY WHO THE HELL ACTUALLY WON THAT RACE. The mock republican swear in photo op declaring their man winner BEFORE the votes were even counted should be the LIFE magazine cover photo of the year. This is the U.S. picture which says a 1000 words with a close runner up being the rapid disappearance of Alaskan glaciers sponsored by Haliburton, Exxon, and all U.S. auto manufacturers.
COMMENT #13 [Permalink]
Grizzly Bear Dancer
said on 7/28/2006 @ 3:59 pm PT...
#11 Eliminate environmental programs behind closed doors without debate or public input. Another perfectly crafted bill by our enemies i mean our Congressional representatives typical of the Fascist Bushit administration. Kind of like the bill which already passed the House which guts the Environmental Species Protection Act altogether and give money payout$ to developers and specie interest groups for not KILLING ENDANGERED SPECIES WHILE NO LONGER PROTECTING HABITAT FROM SUCH THINGS AS PESTICIDES. THANK YOU BUSHIT ADMINISTRATION thanks for your sound leadership and policy makers.
COMMENT #14 [Permalink]
said on 7/28/2006 @ 5:15 pm PT...
You know, it really sucks when I am moved to tears to see a television anchorman reporting the facts, trying to stand up for our country. Bless Lou Dobbs for this, but how on this rapidly-turning-less-green earth, can it be that all of the others are not doing similarly?
COMMENT #15 [Permalink]
said on 7/28/2006 @ 5:45 pm PT...
What makes me sick, even with Lou trumpeting the horn, NOBODY is even talking about this. I never thought people were so stupid but I'm starting to change my mind. OT..... The 9-11 panel from LosAngeles will be broadcast this Saturday on C-span. Link:
COMMENT #16 [Permalink]
said on 7/28/2006 @ 7:25 pm PT...
Grizzly Bear Dancer #12... If you really want to be sick, check out how "our most intelligent future leaders" are being brainwashed as they rise up the ranks in congress. Check here and note the following paragraph in it:
"Josh recalled two of his favorite moments during his tenure as a page. One was watching the special ceremony to swear in Rep. Brian Bilbray, after he won California's 50th District. His other favorite memory is having his picture taken with House Speaker J. Dennis Hastert."
COMMENT #17 [Permalink]
Grizzly Bear Dancer
said on 7/28/2006 @ 9:12 pm PT...
#16 Just listened to the Peter B. Collins segment Brad posted about what's going on with the San Diego election. As radio personalities go, he comes off as a real cool cat. Very well informed on the whole electronic voting issue and spoke highly of Brad.
As far as your comments go, those people do make me sick. Sick to the point that i want to hit them very hard in the face in a boxing ring. As far as the boy goes, i have a different take. He young, impressionable and probably was like a star struck teen-ager in the presence of her favorite actor. Does he know these people act irresponsibly with our resources promoting a fascist agenda? That these people use rigged electronic voting machines to steal an election? i don't think so. me thinks that little "proud to be amerikan" flag button on the lapel of their $300 suits is what that boy sees.
That's OK. Josh the Page can send them red white and blue postcards when these bastards do time in Federal prison for ALL their Bushit crimes. They ain't getting away with nuthin.
Unfortunately 7/28/2006 there are 132,000 Americans in sitting in an Iraqi war zone.
COMMENT #18 [Permalink]
said on 7/29/2006 @ 6:14 pm PT...
#12 Grizzly Bear
a.) It's my opinion.
b.) I'm exactly as pissed off as you. I've already snapped several times.
c.) We in Sacramento have Bruce for SOS. Just as bad as Haas, if not worse, since were now voting on unvalidatable, and uncertified (Can't certify dogshit.) machines, and I am too burnt out to explain all the rest of the crap this motherfucker is doing.
Here's my last contact with the fuckers.
NOTE: Again they ignore what was said, they change the subject and talk around and delay. So looks were going to be voting on these shit ass unvalidatable/uncertified electronic machines.
Sorry man... I know you got problems down in San Diego too.
Thank you for your e-mail regarding Diebold's OS and TSX equipment and
its certification with conditions for the 2006 elections.
Secretary McPherson shares your concern that we have only the most
secure, reliable voting systems, and he is committed to ensuring the
accuracy and integrity of every vote cast. That is why he has
established the most stringent requirements for voting systems in the
The recent Diebold certification decision comes after the touch screen
and optical scan systems have met the most rigorous federal and state
standards. In addition, both the independent panel of experts from the
University of California and the federally-approved Independent Testing
Authorities have indicated that the Diebold AccuVote Optical Scan and
the AccuVote TSX systems can safely be used for our elections, with the
additional security and use procedures we have in place in California.
These stringent use procedures and security measures include
requirements that the elections official reset the encryption key prior
to programming any units; that each memory card have a permanent serial
number assigned to it and be programmed in a secured facility under the
supervision of the registrar of voters/registrar of voter's staff; and
that each unit be sealed with a serialized, tamper-evident seal. These
security measures must be in place before the June 2006 election. For a
more complete list of these enhanced security and use requirements,
please visit our website at
Secretary McPherson has established clearly articulated expectations and
standards required of voting systems and their vendors so that all who
wish to be considered for use in California now know, for the first
time, exactly what will be expected of them.
The Secretary remains committed to ensuring the reliability and accuracy
of every vote, and that is precisely why he has set such high
performance criteria to ensure that the integrity of the vote has been
protected. With these qualifications for our voting systems, we believe
voters can have confidence in the electoral process and the equipment
used to capture their votes.
Thank you again for your feedback and for taking the time to share your
Elections Web Mail Representative
-----Original Message-----
From: []
Sent: Sunday, July 23, 2006 11:41 AM
To: Elections Web Mail
Subject: Diebold voting machines must pass the hack test!
Secretary of State Bruce McPherson
Dear Secretary of State McPherson,
I strongly urge you to delay re-certification of Diebold electronic
voting machines for use in California elections until they pass a
thorough battery of security tests.
I recognize that a January 1, 2006 federal deadline is rapidly
approaching --- but how can we continue using Diebold machines when they
have demonstrated such glaring security problems?
As you recall, more than 20% of Diebold electronic voting machines
failed a mock election test last July in San Joaquin County. And, as I'm
sure you're also aware, Finnish computer expert Harri Hursti
successfully hacked into a Diebold machine in Florida last July.
With the very integrity of our elections system at stake, we can't
afford to have 17 counties in California --- including Los Angeles, San
Diego, and Alameda --- using faulty, non-secure Diebold machines.
You must require these Diebold electronic voting machines to pass a
thorough hack test before they can be re-certified for use in California
Millions of Californians will be watching this issue closely. I urge you
to delay re-certification of Diebold electronic voting machines until
they pass these security tests.
e.) He say's our shit is the most secure in the nation.
Which is a fucking lie. I COULD crack the fucking system in one second flat. Just give me legal access to any part of the system.
f.) Federal and State standards are either DOGSHIT or HE IS CORRUPT! Fucking Federal and State standards don't even do a fucking reality check to count a paper ballot against a machine 100% . NOT EVEN ONE TIME.
Oh they'll recount x% for $x
g.) I am really really pissed off.
h.) My next message to the fuckers will have the word FUCK YOU in the message. I hope they are serving a life sentence before that. Or maybe we'll just be a 100% dictatorship by then.
COMMENT #19 [Permalink]
said on 7/29/2006 @ 8:40 pm PT...
I can understand your frustration, but advise heavily against making the bureaucrats even more determined to be blockheads. The instant you say, "Fuck you!" that's their excuse to tune you out, or have you carted out. Breathe! Until it comes to "armed insurrection", cursing them, or in any way belittling them, because they ARE way so THAT self-important, will only make them dig in their heels that much harder.
The sickening part is: If we go in, stroking the living daylights out of their officialdom, that almost always ends up yielding the desired results. You go outside and puke right after you have stooped to that, but it works. If it's a male bureaucrat, you send in a savvy and nubile thing for the job to get the best results. If it's a female bureaucrat, you send in an appealing male, earnestly seeking help, using a lot of eye contact and charm. If it's a gay clerk, heck, just anyone with the proper amount of concerned-but-mystified-about-how-to-get-it-done attitude can still get it done. We should have armies of activists with black belts in bureaucrat manipulation on this.
I'm not kidding. It actually works. I really wonder if the Republicans don't rely on this mentality of all local officials, without any, or not much, priming, to just sit back and watch the train wreck they caused.