"'Daily Voting News' For February 09, 2006"
(5 Responses so far...)
COMMENT #1 [Permalink]
Doug Eldritch
said on 2/9/2006 @ 5:29 pm PT...
Reinstating the full lawsuit and text of the resolution.....
Could this be copied to other states including Utah etc? This is just the thing, as in Washington, that would prove damages.
Hmmm I wonder...this seems to be the perfect time to do it, with Lynn Landes going to court. Landes needs a Paul Lehto!!
Doug E.
COMMENT #2 [Permalink]
Jeannie King
said on 2/9/2006 @ 6:36 pm PT...
Does anyone know if it would be possible that we the American voters,could start a petition to declare the 2004 election invalid,throw it all out and declare John Kerry as our Legal President?That would be true justice,for we all know he won!
COMMENT #3 [Permalink]
said on 2/10/2006 @ 5:49 am PT...
The NJ case is interesting. However there is some overzealous commentary that is inaccurate when compared to American Constitutional Democracy.
The statement was made, describing the court's reinstatement of the lawsuit: “This shows that our courts take very seriously their role in protecting our most fundamental of all rights – the right to vote."
That is simply not accurate in the American Constitutional Democracy. If it were, we would be in very dire straits as long as this Bush regime is in power.
We would have already voted out the 4th Amendment and the right to petition the govenment for a redress of grievances.
But the truth is we do not vote on these great constitutional treasures thankfully. Instead we vote for people who promise to keep those rights intact as they make laws concerning taxes, social security, and all the other non-constitutional rights issues.
Nevertheless, that is not to say the case is not a good one and one I hope they win lock, stock, and barrel. It is totally true that it is very, very important that voting be done honestly, openly, and be done by any and all citizens.
COMMENT #4 [Permalink]
said on 2/10/2006 @ 5:58 am PT...
Jeannie King #2
No. The current state of our constitution gives power to the congress in matters of impeachment. Which is in essence what you are talking about. Getting rid of a sitting president and declaring Kerry or Gore president instead, is an act that the constitution gives to the congress.
In the first place, the congress has already passed on the election and has put Bush in instead of Gore or Kerry. That leaves only the mechanism of impeachment.
There are two fatal problems with impeachment. One is that this neoCon rubber stamp congress will not do that. The republicans are in power and they have become corrupted. The only recourse we have, which would happen faster anyway, is the election in November. Send a clear message with a clear rejection of republican politicians with replacement by independents, libertarians, greens, or democrats. Anything but republicans would send the message.
Secondly, if we impeach Bush Cheney will take his place and the neighbor hood will go down twice as fast as it has with bu$hit at the helm.
So, we are left with a long process to take place over several years. The best thing we can do is get the republicans out.
COMMENT #5 [Permalink]
said on 2/10/2006 @ 10:35 am PT...
Dredd, I think Scooter will allow us to Agnew Cheney (I can just see it: "Cheney, go Agnew yourself!") before we banish duhbaya (whether Cheney Cheneys him or not). Who's on third? No, who's on first. Etc. Whatever, we're talking wicked lame duckism and a political opportunity the dims would have to try hard to blow. And in the meantime, no more serious damage could be done, as fearful legislators fought for their sinecures. It's really time to take the gloves off!