Follow Your Conscience, not the Mainstream Media!
Call, Write, Fax...Stand Up Against an Unchecked Power Grab by the Executive Branch!
By Brad Friedman on 1/27/2006, 7:55pm PT  

Oddly enough, John Kerry offers inspiration at the moment (whoddathunkit?):

"I hear the arguments: Reserve your gunpowder for the future. What is the future if it changes so dramatically at this moment in time? What happens to those people who count on us to stand up and protect them now, not later, not at some future time?

"This is the choice for the Court now. I reject those notions that there ought to somehow be some political calculus about the future. This impact is going to be now. This choice is now. This ideological direction is defined now."

The Democratic Daily has more, including audio of Kerry's full speech.

The best complete coverage of action resources for the moment comes from Bob Fertik, who's all over it. See his pages here and here for all the numbers and details of who to call and fax, etc. and who to not bother with.

And remember, the burden is on Alito's supporters to get 60 votes to end debate (a Yes vote on Cloture), as opposed to the Dems to come up with 41 to sustain it (filibuster). A Dem who doesn't necessarily support filibuster, but is interested in keeping their job come November, can simply abstain from the vote on Cloture and no harm will be done. Those in favor of an unchecked and unrestrained Executive Rule for George W. Bush must come up with 60 matter how you hear the GOP and the Mainstream Media frame it otherwise.

Also remember, last week at this time, there was "no chance of a filibuster". So who ya gonna believe? Get busy if you give a damn. You get to decide what will happen to your country! Not the AP, not Wolf Blitzer and certainly not the Democrats who would miscalculate that "playing it safe" now will get them anything in either '06 or '08. For once, John Kerry is right.

UPDATE: One more thought...if there was ever a time that this country could use a "consensus nominee" for the Supreme Court it is now. We hope that Dems and Reps will keep that in mind while they play politics pointing to the Reps support of Ginsberg during Clinton's presidency, but fail to mention that Clinton conferred with Republicans prior to the nomination and received Orin Hatch's approval for her. Hopefully the Dems will find the stones to demand such a nominee from Mr. Uniter-notta-Divider --- at least until Bush himself is run out of town for good.

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